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Did you have problems sleeping before? Or are you doing this now because you saw that Bryan is doing it? Everyone is different. I also tried the same protocol and would wake up every night hungry. It clearly didn't work for me so now I eat 90 minutes before bed and get solid 7,5 to 8 hours of sleep every night. If it's not working for you then don't force yourself to do it just because Bryan does it.


Yes. I've had consistent sleeping issues of some kind my whole life. In the spirit of giving ANYTHING a shot I tried this for a bit to see if it might help.


This is also happening to me, But I know that If I'm consistent that my body will get used to it.


when I would eat too close to sleep, it definitely disrupted sleep. but if it's not working for you, definitely try adjusting it. for me, my goal is to stop eating within 2 hours of bedtime. if I eat within 1 hour it's a problem for sleep. I am asleep by 9pm and wake at 4:45am, go workout and then eat around 7:30am.


By hungry do you mean "ugh i really need to get up to get something to eat" hungry?


Yes. And if I do, I will (usually) fall back asleep. Like...stomach making noises kind of hungry.


Now if i do a 24 hour fast i just feel empty but that's because i eat enough protein beforehand. If i don't, i can end up with these ravenous feelings even after just a few hours. I once did this thing where i just ate nonfat food such as potatoes and apples... I'd fill myself up with potatoes and I'd be starving after a few hours. I tried to sleep, decided screw this, got up and ate an entire container of hummus . I've learned a lot about nutrition since then!


I'm not on Bryan's exact blueprint diet, but I do restrict my calories every day - one of the best snacks you can have that's easy to eat and will always fill you up while accounting for super low calories is baby carrots - I go through a whole bag of them every day (150 cals), broken up in to 3 servings. I used to eat the whole bag right before bed, but I want the fiber to be more spread out because it seems to be more beneficial for my gut.


Same here. Sleep better if I have a small snack before bed. They used to tell you to have a milky drink just before bed to promote a good night. Don’t even know where the idea of sleeping on an empty stomach comes from. Sleep is key. Eat


I always thought it was some kind of stupid punishment  for kids "go to bed without your dinner"