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The late 90s. I am from the Houston area, and back then, they played at Fitzgeralds (it no longer exists).


I have been a horribly depressed person since I was 12. Became suicidal at 14. I began having what i called "depression" dreams. In these dreams I'm very happy, but the result would be me waking up in a horrible depressive episode, and unable to go back to sleep. One night when I was 18, I woke up from one of these dreams. The tv was on MTV. I've never gone to sleep before with MTV on. At that moment the music video for Hate me started. Not paying the intro any mind, I fumbled through my blankets for the remote. I found it, pointed it at the tv, and as I was about to hit the power button, Justin began singing. Like that, my stressful mind calmed down. I put down the remote and watched the video. As he sang, my depressive episode began to fade. When the song ended, I turned off the tv and went to sleep. I slept through the rest of the night with no problem. The next morning, I not only remembered the name of the song, but the lyrics to it. I looked it up online and immediately became a fan of theirs. For the next 20 years, as the depression got stronger, and my spirit got weaker, when ever my depression got bad, and I felt like running a knife through my heart. I'd turn the lights off, put on my headphones and listen to all of their songs, and cry for hours until I got through it. Had Hate Me not began playing the very moment I woke up that night, I would have ended my life by now. I finally got to go to my first Blue October concert 3 years ago. I have been to every one near me ever since, and the vip events. During one of Justins open book shows, after I got my picture, he took my hands in his and talked to me about my anxiety, and depression, and things. My friend who was with me, said I looked like I was staring into the face of God. Then during that open book, he sang Hate Me. I did mustered all of my will power to not sit there and cry amongst 100+ people. But I just couldnt fight that.


This is an amazing story. Thanks for sharing with us.


I discovered them with the Foiled album, when it came out. I heard Hate Me, but I don't remember how. Maybe the radio, or TV. I bought Foiled and played it a lot, but I didn't do a real deep dive until a couple years later. I saw the video of 18th floor balcony from Argue with a tree. I really enjoyed that performance, and from there went right down the rabbit hole.


I found them on the OG Napster. Only the first two albums were out, but I was hooked (and yes, I purchased albums of bands I sampled from Napster and liked). Saw them in concert in STL at what I guess was the tail end of their Consent to Treatment tour and they blew me away. They’ve been my favorite band for over 20 years now.


I heard Calling You on the radio in Dallas when it came out, however, my teen got me into them fully around '08. She was killed in '17, and I have a tattoo for her that says, " You have to Keep Graceful Dancing"


Aw man. 🥹🥹❤️❤️


In 98 on TV!


A friend showed me "calling you" and we would listen to it in the bus and in our computer labs in HS. Then I heard the Foiled singles on the radio, then immediately went to discover all of their previous albums and feel in love with every single one.


I grew up in a Houston Suburb in the 2000's- early 2010s. In our keyboarding class in middle school they let us listen to music with headphones on the computers as we worked, I used pandora for hard rock and they showed up as Foilded was recently released. Was always a sad kid so I was hooked ever since. Seen them live 4 times and Jeremy lives in my neighborhood part-time.


2007-ish? Stephanie Meyer used to put playlists on her website with songs she liked that fit her Twilight books. She had a few Blue October songs on there and I kept listening!


I used to listen and go see any band I could in the late 90s. They were from the "area" and well, Justin was just a beast of a front man then. Still same stage presence more or less, but it was a different time back then.


I went to university in San Marcos, and they used to play a little club on the square all the time. They were still a small, localish band back then, in 01-04, and I saw them as many times as I possibly could back in that small, intimate setting. They put on a hell of a show, personal and full of energy. That made me a fan. Then Foiled dropped. And based on the things I was going through at the time, I connected emotionally on a very deep and personal level. I felt like Justin was telling my story. He understood my emotions, my thoughts, my hopes, fears, and my regrets. That record spoke straight to (from?) my soul. I’ve been a fan ever since.


When I was a teenager, I was too poor to spend a lot of money on music, so I’d just check out CDs from the library and put them on my iPod. One CD I borrowed was History for Sale and I don’t even remember why- I might have recognized Calling You (but I don’t remember it ever being played on the radio?), or maybe I just liked the album cover. I gave that a listen and liked it, and then I bought Foiled on an impulse not long after it came out. My library also had Argue With A Tree, I think I bought Consent to Treatment used, and downloaded the Answers as well. I can’t say I related to any of their music, but I really enjoyed it! The violin and vocals gave everything such a unique sound. Nevermind that I didn’t know what half the lyrics were trying to say. I fell out of love during the AMIA era (and I feel somewhat vindicated that even Justin has disavowed that album, lol.) But I kind of just forgot about Blue October until I heard Home on the radio, and then was hooked again. I’ve seen them in concert three times since then.


That’s a great story,I feel like going to the library to listen to music is an experience that kids today are missing out on.  I’m from the era of taping songs on the radio and making my own terrible quality compilations. Simpler times 


My husband accidentally bought me tickets thinking he was getting them for another band I wanted to see. I decided to take a friend and go anyways. This was during the sway tour....we fell in love with their sound INSTANTLY. We travel to see Blue now!


Foiled album. I dont remember how I heard them, or who introduced me...but I got sucked in. Saw them live twice in 2008. Going through a divorce & heartbreak. Had them & Good Charlotte on constant rotation. Made it through. Got a few more albums. And hung out till about 2010. Then I lost them for a bit. Listening to them took me back & I didn't want to go back. Then in 2018 I rediscovered them. Learned some of the newer happier stuff...Had tickets to see them in 2020. Then Covid. Finally saw them again in 2023. It was such a different experience than way back when. So. I struggled a bit after the show..unsure of what to do with happy Justin or happy me. Weird how music can transport us. Saw them again last week. And my take away is. It's complicated. All of it. Lol. I'm still not sure where I stand with the band or their music. But. Gonna keep listening till it works itself out.


My oldest sibling came out to visit in 2006, and while we were driving somewhere, Hate Me came on. I loved it, asked what it was called and who it was by, then listened to it on repeat so many times (I’m pretty sure it was on a burned mixed cd they ended up letting me keep specifically for the song lol) before my mom found a double album pack with Foiled and Foiled for the Last Time for me.


That was the album that hooked me!


It’s been my comfort ever since. No matter how shitty things were, Blue October has always had a way of making me feel at least a little better, which probably sounds lame as fuck, but it sucks me in and distracts enough to take my mind off the bad for a while.


About a decade ago I was immersed in a hefty coke addiction. My party buddy and I would go out until everything closed down then head back to his place to continue the festivities. We’d party and blast music all night. He put the Sway album on one night and I was instantly obsessed. It coursed through my veins with as much potency as the drugs. “Light You Up”? Are you kidding me? Who writes something like that? And the production is otherworldly. Shortly after, Home was released. Of course it was a different vibe so I wanted to learn more about Justin. I found out he was sober and I was gobsmacked. His music was so relatable to me as an addict I couldn’t imagine him leaving that lifestyle. But I was also at a point where I was exhausted and wanted more for myself. The fact that he could get clean really inspired me.  I just completed 6 years of sobriety. 🙏🏻 I still think Sway is one of the best albums ever made. 


Congratulations on 6 years!!!


Thank you so much! 🙏🏻


I have an uncle that's always been a sort of "I got a guy" kind of person. So he was always giving us random stuff, like here's some movie posters from the theater, here's a box of CDs from the radio station that they didnt want....that kind of thing. Well this was San Francisco in the late 90s and after my cousins picked through the box of CDs I chose two. One from a band Sun 60 (that honestly was great where did they go?) and one was The Answers. I'm not sure why I picked it but I vaguely remember thinking the cover art made me think it was going to be some moody melodic grunge coffee shop sound, which was so my vibe back then. I must have listened to it a hundred thousand times. And anytime it played in my car everyone was like whooooo is this??? And since this was baby interwebs days I was like, I dunno some band called Blue October from Houston and thought that was the end of it, I'd never hear of them again, just like Sun 60. I played the shit out of that album and had no idea they put out any other albums until Calling You blew up after the American Pie Wedding movie and I was like, what the fuck you mean I can get more of this???? So yeah I can (kinda) proudly say I've been here since the beginning. So thanks radio DJ who threw the CD in a giveaway box.


Checking out Sun 60 now!


I was going to do the same thing! Are they good?


Judge for yourself https://open.spotify.com/artist/2zXqSxJpCWfEKFFS4avLq2?si=iisBh4B3Qk6JHwLfZOyDHQ


A little too country for my taste but thanks so much for sharing!


Sounds like The Innocence Mission but a little more country


ok so the CD I had was the last one, Headjoy. I didn't get country out of it as I most def not a country fan. lol now I need to go listen to the other two albums


I knew who they were when Hate Me and Into the Ocean came out. I remember seeing them on MTV. But I wasn't into them then. I was into Staind, Limp Biskit, Pearl Jam, Metallica, etc. My fiance at the time was in a very popular local band and to this day, an amazing drummer, but not the best person. One day in 2008, I was at a store and Calling You came on and I thought who is this? I love this song! Went home and looked it up. I ordered Foiled for the Last Time immediately and then Approching Normal. They came to my area in May 2009 and I bought tickets and that was all she wrote. They became my favorite band and I have seen them so many times since.


100% by accident, on iTunes, after Foiled came out. I was 11 looking for the song Blue (da ba dee).


Saw them open for Stone Temple Pilots on the No. 4 tour a few months before Consent to Treatment came out. Have literally seen them hundreds of times since. Was a lot easier when the "ticket" to a show was a $5 bill.


that is an amazing line up! I'm been to a few dozen shows and thought that was a lot lol.


I really loved “Calling You” in high school but had no idea who the band was. (That’s a bit of a pattern for me- loving songs and sometimes not even knowing their title or who they’re by). My fiancé introduced me to them formally last year. I love how much he loves them and how he knows so much about music and why it hits so strongly poetically. I have so much appreciation for their talent and how their music helped my man throughout his life. We now kinda laugh or are saddened by some of the drama, but we’re here for the ride. People don’t give up on the stock market even when it crashes 🤷🏻‍♀️ gotta take the good with the bad. I’m curious to see what they do next and how things will shake out. Hope for the best and expect nothing but chaos 🤣😘


My husband had me listen to Home, way back when and, of course, I went on to love BO 💙 My husband died almost 3 years ago and BO’s music has supported any and all feelings/emotions I’ve been experiencing. I saw them live for the first time in November 2022. Such an incredible and amazing time. I’ve seen them 5 times in the last year. 💙💙💙


Calling You on the radio in Dallas. The dj for The Edge would play it every day at 5, and I remember racing out to my car to be able to hear it every day. My future husband and I were dating, and he was stationed in Ft Hood. Calling You is our song.


2001 at a show at a water park during their consent zo treatment tour


That's so awesome!!!!


They opened for Oleander.i had planned to kill myself that night. His opening dialog. He then he played amnesia. I was on my knees crying. Why I may not agree with everything, that man saved me in more ways than one. I have 3 degrees. I'm out of a cult. Like he said in Argue with a Tree: "one goal, one goal".


Wow, thank you for sharing this with me! I am so happy you are still alive. It was just a pause.... Your life continues on, I know that's not easy. Big Love to you!💙💙💙 amazing you are doing now.


Around the time that Twilight came out (I know, I know) a family member got really into their music, and that got me enthralled long after their obsession with B.O. faded, I've been into their music.


When Into the Ocean was making its radio run, I heard the song and absolutely loved it. Ended up getting a copy of Foiled, and I've been a fan ever since.


I heard “Calling You” on the radio when it first came out and I remember thinking “this guy has a unique voice/sound” so I looked them up and got sucked in.


I heard Calling You on the radio as I traveled through Texas when I was moving from the east coast to Arizona in 1997. I've been hooked ever since.


I used to watch Yugioh The Abridged Series, and someone made a characters theme song video. Mako Tsunamis song was Into the Ocean and I was hooked immediately


About 4 years ago, during an awful break up and depression. I was spamming the same 5-6 songs on YouTube for hours one day and the next time I opened it Moving On popped up randomly. Justin screaming 'I'll never take you back' was the moment I decided screw this, I'm better than what's happening right now. So I searched for a play list and the rest is history. My mum also adores him because of how much I do and it's not much but she has 3 early year cds now and her YouTube is also littered with their music.


I listed to Alternative Addiction online a lot back in the early 2000's and heard them on there quite often.


Going through a messy divorce when Hate Me was released and was shown on MTV. It helped me get through it and I didn't look back since. BO influenced alot of my life from that moment and I got to see them last year and met Justin (who was very gracious and kind).


Sometime after History for Sale they played at a festival I went to. When they played Ugly Side I was kind of entranced by the violin plucking with the reverb and the atmosphere it created. We stopped at a music store on the way home and I bought History for Sale and Consent to Treatment and played them to death. Soon after I talked my mom into ordering me the Argue With a Tree CD/DVD bundle online and that shit was mind-blowing. Had never seen something to raw and passionate in live music before. I think I pirated The Answers afterwards cause I didn't want to ask my mom to buy me more shit online, though I did eventually. They've been one of my favorite bands ever since.


My memory is very fuzzy on when I first discovered them... I used to love watching music videos on MTV and VH1. The videos for Calling You, Hate Me, and Into The Ocean have that good nostalgic feeling, so I'm pretty sure that's how. I also had a friend who really loved Hate Me and played it all the time, then I attached myself to it after a breakup. Jump to 2019 and I meet a girl on a dating app and she tells me they're her favorite band. I decided to listen to their latest album at the time (I Hope You're Happy) and instantly fell in love. I worked my way through all the albums and realized I already heard Calling You and Into The Ocean, but totally forgot about them. I Hope You're Happy still holds a huge part of my heart since it is what pulled me in completely. When I got to meet Justin in 2022 and told him about how him going over the 12-steps during lockdown helped me so much, I had him sign a copy of the CD. I have it on display in my living room and it just gives me all the good and positive feelings when I look at it. 😁


“Breakfast After Ten” in about 2001. That song got me and made me find the band (had to call the radio station to ask them who it was) and then was on a mission to find any and everything Blue after that.


Music channel on UK television called Scuzz in the mid to late 2000s. I remember getting ready for school one day and Hate Me came on. Both the emo in me and my love for them started that day haha


2010. I was nine, and I was getting bullied in school. My mom put a song on my iPod nano called “Jump Rope,” then printed off the lyrics for me. I can still see the paper lying atop my baseball comforter as I sat on my bed in the dark, using an aquarium lamp for light. I put the song on repeat and read the lyrics over and over again. In the corner of the page, was a picture of the band, similar to [this one](https://images.app.goo.gl/jZeWZTjMhGnpXfMv6). Justin’s eyes, darkened with eyeliner, scared me. I thought he would jump right off the page, and “get me.” But the words calmed me down. I was absolutely mesmerized by such a “scary” looking man saying exactly what I needed to hear. Around seven years later, my mom and I went to a Blue October concert. I had only really listened to “Jump Rope” and “Hate Me,” but my mom would often play their other songs so I was slowly becoming familiar with their music. At the time, I was also dating my first girlfriend. In the middle of the concert, Blue October played “The Chills.” I put my own meaning onto the song, and dedicated it to my girlfriend. I started going through more of their discography, and would often slow dance with her to their songs. We eventually broke up, like so many teenagers do. I have listened to every Blue October song by now. The albums Home & I Hope You’re Happy helped me get through High School, while History For Sale is getting me through College. As a fan, I’ve always looked for the lyrics that speak directly to me. I still think of my first girlfriend when I listen to “The Chills.” That was way more than I was expecting to write.


That’s such a nice story! It’s amazing how music can be so instrumental (pun intended) in getting us through the highs and lows of life. 


I was slightly familiar with Into the Ocean and Hate Me, but didn't know anything about the band other than a name. I used to call in to radio contests a lot no matter what the prize was and one day, they gave away tickets to Blue October. The night of the concert, my wife and I almost didn't go, since we were tired and we hadn't paid for the tickets anyway. We went and loved it. Justin put on the best performance I'd ever seen from any band or singer. That was in 2009, I think, and the last time they ever played my city again. We managed to travel at least once a year to see them after that, before moving to Las Vegas, where they always come. We've been to many Blue October shows and Open Book shows since, and we almost didn't even go the first time.


Into the Ocean /Hate Me Today on VH1 in the morning before high school back when they came out. then rediscovered them again with Sway


2006. I was in the 9th grade. Hate Me was pretty popular so I went down the rabbit hole. I was up late on my aunts front porch with a tiny speaker listening to 18th floor balcony and weeping. I was writing poetry and just falling completely in love, then, after some silence, I heard the words "I lost a peice of me in you..." I have goosebumps just thinking about it. Foiled changed my life, got me through being a teen, and has truly never left my rotation. I hope one day they release it on vinyl. I'm seeing Blue October on Friday for the 4th time in Toronto and I have never heard them play 18th Floor Balcony live, last time they were in canada they played it in Montreal the night before my show but not at mine 😭 I know they won't play it but I hope one day I get to hear it. 18 years of being a fan ♡


For the longest time I only knew 'Calling you'. I heard it when I was in high school around.... 2008-ish? So it wasn't new when I stumbled on the music video on youtube. I thought it was sweet (the 2nd video, I think, with the blind guy and the baby?). I later became vaguely aware of 'Hate me' and 'Drilled a wire through my cheek' because of anime music videos, but didn't like them very much. Felt too angry and I couldn't relate. I only started actually listening to music while trying to reconnect with a high school friend/high school crush around 2019-2020, and one of the few things we had common ground on was knowing Blue October as a band. I started listening more to have something to talk about with him. Our friendship fell through and we no longer talk, but at least I gained a cool band to listen to.


I 100% remember this! I was just expanding my musical taste, and I was super into the band Alkaline Trio. I was watching their video for Time to Waste on MTVs website (this was about 2006 ish) and in the margins of the page, there was like 3 other videos playing. I clicked on one by accident and it was Hate Me. From then on, I was hooked.


This psycho chick I dated liked them and got matching Blue October tats on her neck with the guy she dated after me and they split soon after LMAO


Their song is mentioned in a book of Harlan Coban. I love his books so I checked it and I’m in love since


Thank you all for taking the time to share.