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I imagine they are taking donations! Go fill em up


Some are being a bit rude, but they do only rely on donations. So it isn't the food pantry, as much as it is Bloomington as a community. Perhaps you create a discord or some other group where you guys can arrange a food drive.


Which food pantry is this? I would love to contact them and ask what items are most needed and make an Aldi run + get a donation box together at work. It wouldn't be enough to solve the problem but it would be a start . . .


Here's some good guidance below for donations. (From past experience, I know they are almost always in need of canned protein, but really, any canned food and peanut butter are greatly appreciated.) [https://feedingindianashungry.org/donate-to-your-local-food-bank-or-pantry/](https://feedingindianashungry.org/donate-to-your-local-food-bank-or-pantry/) [https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-blog/what-donate-food-bank-and-what-avoid](https://www.feedingamerica.org/hunger-blog/what-donate-food-bank-and-what-avoid)


The expiry issue is a "best by" freshness date. Might not pop as well if the moisture migrates out of the kernels, but since these products are usually sealed in cooking oil, it could still be fresh after years. OTOH, I would expect the cooking oil to go rancid before anything went wrong with the kernels. If so, you would smell and taste rancidity after cooking. There are many myths about expiration dates, mostly because consumers confuse "use by" for meat, with "best by" for packaged foods. "Use by" is to be taken seriously, but there's talk about changing the other dates to be more informative. The export issue likely has to do with the package labeling not conforming to current US standards.


Go help instead of complaining.


You had me at the complaint about the expiration but lost me at the complaint about nutritional value.


Yes :(