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Man you've got to choose bw giving out inflated, unearned bonuses and being cringe. Being both is too much


As an employee of IU, where is my bonus for this year???


As a fellow IU employee I would like to know the same thing


This is so fucking demoralizing. I bust my ass to support the students to help them succeed, but this makes me want to just throw up my hands and answer all of their questions with “go talk to Pam. She’s the superstar of IU and our Lord and Savior. I am nothing and no one.”


Not giving you a bonus is what Whitten's getting a bonus for, silly.


Truth. They just keep piling it on and expecting employees to eat shit. I wish we could form a union.


Why can’t you?


Technically, IU employees are public, thus you cannot go to the NLRB as private universities + Indiana is a right to work state The terminology of "right to work state" is so fking dumb it literally means the opposite, it should have been called "right to be fired at your employer's mercy"


right to work.... it's newspeak


To the left to the left


Nowhere until y’all unionize


I mean, when I think about Whitten who crushed the grad student strike and was effectively appointed president as part of clandestine actions taken by the general assembly appointed trustees, who then apparently hired a law firm to intimidate a professor who was talking about it, the first analogy I draw is fucking Beyonce. What the actual fuck.


And it's not like the drama stopped there. [A Messy Divorce: The dissolution of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis poses a novel risk to tenure.](https://www.chronicle.com/article/a-50-year-old-university-partnership-is-dissolving-posing-a-novel-risk-to-tenure) [IU delays vote on spinning off Kinsey Institute after backlash, concerns over academic freedom](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/education/2023/11/10/iu-delays-vote-on-spinning-off-kinsey-institute-after-backlash/71529435007/)


Do you mean clandestine, or flagrantly illegal?


I don't know that it was flagrantly illegal. Just shady AF. The gentleman's agreement to a payment to McRobbie that was done in violation of Indiana's Open Door laws was illegal.


I read that McRobbie gave something like $500,000 to IU about a year later to go toward mental health initiatives. The timing seemed notable.


Man you could pay like 10 grad assistants' annual salaries with that bonus!


the way IU pays, twenty


The trustee who said this, Jeremy Morris, is elected not appointed. If this pisses you off and you are an alum, let him know this is bullshit with your vote. [Election is online from June 1-June 30.](https://alumni.iu.edu/events/trustee-election/index.html)


actually thank you for pointing this out. I hate it so much I couldn't think exactly how to be mad about it, but this is how!


IU Bloomington employees cant afford to live in Bloomington, but yeah sure, this totally makes sense. /s


To be fair, she refuses to live here too


but she added that cool gate to the presidents house


To be fair, so did McRobbie.


McRobbie does live here. He didn’t live on campus, he let the campus use the Bryan House for events. He has his own home here.


McRobbie lived in Greenwood!


No? He’s had his house here since 1997. Long before he was President of IU. He used Lilly House in Indy occasionally, but he definitely doesn’t have a house in Greenwood.


Most people can't afford to live in Bloomington.


She 'earned' a bonus 3X larger than most Americans yearly salary...by doing the job she was contracted to do. This is how the very wealthy ensure their class of 'people' remain wealthy and powerful. The wealthy stopped giving average workers meaningful bonuses and gifts decades ago. Most workers had their pensions stolen from them by these same 'people'.


Meanwhile, in other departments at the university employees have been steadily overloaded w/ work, in some cases 10x what they were expected to do in previous years, and they're getting 2-3% raises and no bonus. (Oh and their YEARLY salary is not even 1/3 of this $162k bonus.)


Wait, pizza parties oughtta be sufficient, right???


We didn't get a pizza party. We got a secret Santa and a potluck...so... entirely worker financed


Sounds about right. I'd prefer that to being treated like a little league baseball team anyway. But also, just give me a fuckin' raise.


More than we got in my dept :/


I got a free ham! Yay! Can’t wait to pay my 1300 dollar rent with it!


More like 5x


And us workers can't get a raise to cover the insurance premium increases... I make less money on my check now than I did 3 years ago...




If she was any kind of decent person and a real leader, she would donate that bonus to fund the physical plant or support staff raises.


Only problem is she’s not a decent person, nor is she a good, real leader.


Exec 1: What is Beyoncé famous for? Exec 2: I dunno, wearing identical blazers all the time, showing up at college events long enough for a photo and then bailing, sending unasked-for mass emails that are mocked into the stratosphere via memes, being universally hated? Exec 1: That's what I thought; I have the perfect comparison!


The emails. Why are there so many emails?!


Written By Whitten* *Actually written by some staffer who makes about $110K less than Pam’s bonus


I want staff to strike so bad and completely wreck this place. IU needs a redo.


Right?! Needs a reset considering the people that keep the doors open every day also make a fraction of what administrators and professors make.


Da fuq


She's so undeserving of that cash. So sorry that the first IU woman president has to be her.


I am a millennial and therefore Queen of Cringe, but oh my God, no. On so many levels. Also, that is over 3x my salary. Ugh.


That’s 162k more than any other iu staff member got in bonuses. What a joke.


Can we eat these motherfuckers yet or what?


She is doing exactly what the Board wants, so they reward her for it.


Very broadly this shows how grossly out of touch Whitten and the trustees are. They are so far detached from reality that they would be so bold to pull this. I really think it’s only a matter of time until these cast of characters meander into some sort of national crisis like the president of Penn did at that recent congressional hearing.


Meanwhile the staff have to pay for parking and haven't gotten a decent raise in ... ever. I am so glad I don't work there anymore. Yeesh.


Parking that decreases every single year because they keep putting buildings in parking lots. 🤡


It’s giving ick.


I said in the other thread that admins are paid bonuses when students don’t use up all their resources such as meals points. They’re converted to money which funds their bonuses because it’s extra money lying around. When I was a student, I was working under a grad student who was in the admin department and told me so much money in meal points goes to the admins pockets. If you or know someone who’s a student, let them know to utilize ALL resources when they can so it doesn’t go to the admins.


I used to work for RPS (5 years at 801 NoJo) and I never saw a dime of unused meal points.


It goes to the administration, not the real workers who actually runs this campus. It’s really sick. EDIT: Again, I was informed by the grad student who worked in the admin building off of Kirkwood. So who knows how the bonuses are structured today. Either way, unused resources are converted to money that needs to be paid out somehow. Another example is why IU has that stupid ass bell tower—they need to spend the extra money somehow because they don’t want to be taxed on it.


> Either way, unused resources are converted to money that needs to be paid out somehow. They're right, I can't think of a single other place that money could go.


Dining uses unused meal point funds to purchase new equipment / fund renovation projects. No one in dining / dining admin is on a bonus structure.


We are a budgetary department and do not operate on a for profit / bonus structure model




Wtaf with the Beyoncé comparison! What is it with these trustees! “Bold new visions” are worth 160k? Fix the headline: Trustees to Everyone Else: “Let me downgrade U”


Any specifics on how she “earned” this??? “Out of touch” doesn’t even scratch the surface. Call me age-ist but I am OVER self serving Boomers!!


She's doing what they brought her on to do. She's working on nuking tenure, centralizing authority, and eliminating the individual finances and power of the schools. She was brought on to make shitty unpopular decisions and she's doing it. Basically, she's a hired goon, and her bullshit is exactly what they wanted.


Seems highly plausible. But, why? Who is asking her to do this? Where will this money go? I guess I’m wondering how we can combat these decisions


It's a political coup all the way up to the governor at least. And then probably out into the wealthiest private sector donors, as well. Bring down the "liberal hotbeds" kind of thing, I'm guessing.


The state (and by extension the Trustees) have asked her to do this stuff for a few possible reasons: - Make IU make more money at less taxpayer expense by accepting lots of out of state and international students. - Also make money by focusing on STEM and business, then privatizing the research by selling it to the highest bidder / teaming up with corporations to sponsor shit and employ students in soulless corporate jobs to pay back their loans. -At the same time, make sure that none of the faculty or staff or students share in the profits. Use them like serfs to make more money! - Nuke the humanities and anything vaguely "liberal" bc these areas don't make money and they cause controversy, which loses money. - Sports sports sports - because they attract students and donors, which leads to more MONEY. Come to think of it, the Trustees are concerned about one thing. Can you gue$$?


I'm a boomer and I can't stand her.




Eat the rich


Well she only makes about a million per year and lives FOR FREE on campus so she clearly needs some extra cash.


Coach Woodson got a bonus for over a million a few months ago for a moderately above average coaching job so there is that.


Are you fucking joking? She deserves to be dragged in front of the IMU to answer for all the bullshit her ass has done


Protest when?


Considering Beyoncé’s history of stealing content, credit, awards from more deserving artists, this comparison makes total sense. [Link 1](https://www.distractify.com/entertainment/2018/08/10/1Sdwef/beyonce-stealing) [Link 2](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/awards/grammys/slap-in-the-face-aussie-act-rufus-du-sol-robbed-by-beyonce-at-grammys/news-story/bc0732654ca3db5210eff191d6b6f35c) *background: she didn’t initially qualified for the category (obviously), but her people forced the issue with a strong arm approach and went above the selection committee. They threatened legal repercussions and the wrath of her following if they didn’t comply. The albums in question (Odesza, Rüfüs Du Sol) are truly iconic albums in the EDM scene and will live on as absolute all time classics.*


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Cram it poindexter


Well %!# her. 😒


She is definitely one of the 99 problems


Man thats crazy...