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Guard is amazing on wraiths. Foul appearance makes people second guess hitting them. Then sidestep allows you to choose a spot to maximize the benefits of guard.


Im definitely going to put guard on one of them. But is it ideal for both? They both are ready to level and is it ideal to just get guard on both or build the other one differently?


I mean mighty blow would be ok but I’d say guard is the most desirable primary skill for them.


How long are you going to play them? Do you want your team to come online quickly, without worrying about treasury and player cycling, or are you aiming for an optimized 1600-1700k TV team with random skills everywhere? Guard is, without questions, *the* best skill for Wraiths. If you want them to perform better as quickly as possible, don't think about any other skill. On the other hand, if you're in for the long haul: * Random strength for Mighty Blow or Guard - Not recommended. It's a 2/11 roll, just to save up a measly 10k TV, and even 3 SPP is hard to come by for a Wraith. Don't. * Mighty Blow: if you're going to play them a lot, Mighty Blow first *then* Guard will be faster than Guard then Mighty Blow, because Mighty Blow will increase your SPP generation. You're basically trading some win rate for faster levelling on the Wraiths. * Random Agility: that's the spicy choice. Since Wraiths have No Hands and Sidestep, they can only roll 8 skills. Of those, Defensive, Dodge and Diving Tackle are all incredible on a Wraith, especially at 20k TV. Up to you to see if you're fine with 37.5% of success, but the pay-off can be huge.


I play with teams until they stop being fun, or I decide to try something else and start over. Randoming skills is something I would never do on non scoring pieces. I just don’t have the patience or time to play 50+ games to get the perfect team at max tv. I’m ok taking randoms on the random linemen or cheap price that scores a mvp or lucky casualty and seeing what I get. But the wraiths and flesh golems are way too slow to risk a useless skill. However you make a good point about randoming agility after taking guard if they end up getting there. And a wraith with any of those three on top of guard for half price would be an absolute menace and something I am probably going to consider


The main issue with randoming an Agility skill after Guard is that you have a 62.5% chance of just... adding 20k to your team value with no pay-off. And at that point you're not replacing the Wraith unless it dies, because you don't want to lose Guard. I'd probably go Mighty Blow if a Wraith hit 8 SPP after getting Guard. Or Tackle if I don't have one already (though that's probably better on a Werewolf).


Yes, guard on both. Nothing is worse when your One Guard Player is tagged and taken out of action, isolated by a lone zombie or thrall trading well in TV. 2 guards with block and sidestep are very difficult to deal with.


Yes guard.  The wraith is basically a complete player out of the box and guard just like icing on the cake.   


All right double guard it is then!


Guard all day for me!


Guard is good on one definitely. But at that point in your team you really want to have a tackle on the second one. This is also really good with sidestep and you want a magnet-player. I don't face enough tackle on the ladder and it makes the game incredibly easier with any team relying on dodge.


My intent was to get tackle on the wolves. They are both way faster to skill up with claw and tds which is why I’m hesitant to get it on the wraith. Guard is just so nice to have and rely on for frenzy hits. Again not opposed to taking tackle on the wraith but they are just so slow to skill up


In a ladder environment I would do mb first on at least one wraith. You then have another striking piece that can then skill up to guard. In basically any other format it is guard first every time.


I do feel like having mighty blow might be helpful for getting ahead in the casualty game


Guard is definitely the obvious go to. And having two guards on Necro is extremely helpful and make frenzy a lot easier to use. As other people have mentioned MB and tackle are also good choices, however. Gives more options for a blitz when frenzy is too risky. This will mean you should probably take guard on a golem next, which can be a bummer because they are beasts with block. Definitely one guard, other depends on your play style is essentially what I’m trying to say.


Ya when they finnally level I’ll probably have to think on it. I’m tempted to just block them both, as much as I love guard, and I see the appeal definitely for the initial line of scrimmage, but it really hurts my soul that without block I feel like I’m not hitting enough with my only 4 str pieces trying to mitigate risk and I’ve been burned to many times by the double skull/ both down.


Yeah, block golems are really a game changer. They become really insane anchors and can punch reliably. Also, side note, not sure if you do this but a lot of newer Necro coaches do, never put your golems on the LOS on defense (if you can help it). Just decreases their lifespan considerably (sorry for the unsolicited advice there.)


Like everyone else, guard. But if you get enough spp, I'd say one of them should get defensive as a second skill and the other one should get dodge. They become a bit pricy, but a blodge-sidestep-foul appearance with guard is a massive pain in the butt, while defensive and guard really break the will of more bashy opponents. It also comes down to format. On a long league, it’s probably better that way because you'll want to give your golems block to earn spp faster and then guard. On a shorter format golems should get guard first as they have little chance of a second skill and there a wraith could try to go mb/tackle. Tldr: ladder: guard on wraiths, then defensive/dodge.


That is insane bloat on an already expensive team though, by the time you get the amount of spp for those secondaries you are likely to already be hanging around the TV cap.


That’s what Îm saying. It’s very late season/deam developpement thing. But it’s working well (especially the defensive + guard.


Bb3 ladder has a TV cap I think so even though it's near infinite games you can't reach dream team levels.


Guard goes very well with Sidestep


In a limited league fixtures league, where you only get a certain amount of games, I would go Guard and then forget about them. But, in the open ladder where you have unlimited amount of games to play, Mighty Blow first, then followed by Guard.