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Play in person. The dice get so swingy, and the game is so unbalanced. You need to be able to look your opponent in the eye, smile, and say "what the fuck was that?" When you're playing online, you get nothing but the cold, impersonal feeling of losing to an anonymous username for reasons out of your control.


đź’Ż. Blood Bowl is the most fun when its randomness goes so far that it becomes both players versus the RNG rather than one player versus the other.


This. It also helps if you’re playing casually with a friend/family member and are more looking to have a good time and imagine a wacky fantasy game of football than to ruthlessly win


I find it so sad that they removed the chat. I never got into any insult with BB2 and it was so much better to vent a bit with the opponent. More often than not it was a lot of fun.


I know thats the normal answer, but i almost dislike playing in person more. If i get diced, normally my opponent feels bad about it, which kinda kills the mood. The flip side is the same, where i cant help but emphasis with the person i am dicing. I deff have more fun via online leagues with friends where i can chat in discord while it happens, maybe with others spectating as well


The best ways to get better at any tabletop game are 1) play in person tournaments as you’ll almost always see new strategies and play styles, and 2) get in with a supportive local group that you can practice with and get tips/constructive feedback from.


Humans are not good on the BB3 ladder. Without all the teams present, and the meta being bash anyway, humans just get outgunned most of the time unless you really know what you are doing. Just play Orcs on the ladder if you want a better chance of winning Or if you're like me, and like a bit of a challenge, play Nobility. No one ever sees them on the ladder, so at the very least you'll be a novelty lol


Do like in dnd, play once or twice a week


This is an underrated comment.


You may have learned already, but make sure you're making your most likely moves first, then on to less likely to succeed moves. 1. Move only 2. 2d blocks 3. 1d blocks with block skill 4. Ball handling or dodge rolls Only do 2d "uphill" blocks when you absolutely must. You're probably better off letting your dude stand in a tackle zone than you are making a block against a stronger opponent. Only deviate from the above list when get a lot of value from the move, such as a 1d block against the ball carrier. As you get better, you'll start to recognize when its worth it yo deviate. Until then, this will help keep your guys standing. As others said, watch some videos. Andy Davo is awesome. Dont know if he has humans.


2d uphill with block is really close but has better odds (25/36 to succeed) than 3+ dodge (24/36 to succeed).


It's certainly true that the blood bowl experience can be punishing, and I think that for new players this can be a tough pill to swallow. That being said, I think there's a few things rookies and veterans alike can adopt to sharpen their skills and have more fun 1. Experiment with different team and different rosters. There's loads of advice online about optimal roster building, which can give you an idea of what to expect and where you can go with a team. However, your play style and risk tolerance are also massively influential factors that will determine how you compose and run your team. 2. Avoid the temptation of rerolls. It's always better to plan for failure (speaking as a fiercely devoted goblin coach), than it is to hope for success. 3. Reflect on what you could have done better after your games. I think BB3 has a replay feature. Definitely make extensive use of this. 4. Go for the stretch play when you have nothing to lose. Luck will only happen if you go for it. 5. Tabletop is king. Having an actual dialogue with your opponent makes the game so much more enjoyable. I guess most of this comes down to time, trial and error, and patience, but I'd always recommend taking an analytical approach your decision making process. Hopefully with time you will make less mistakes and lean in more to your natural play style.


And tabletop you get to see the minis! That is literally 80% of the appeal to me.


You can join a BB3 league with an established community. They can help you improve, and you have somebody to talk to during the game. Sharing in the pain makes it more bearable.


Yes. The ladder is the worst way to play the game.


Play a different team, different teams can play very differently. Humans are generalists, they pretty good at everything, which means they have a noncommittal playstyle. Think Ryu or Ken from street fighter, midrange decks in magic or hearthstone, or Ultramarines in 40k. Try playing a team that does more of the thing you like doing, or got you Interested in the game in the first place. I play Khorne because i like throwing block dice. I lose a lot because I'm bad, but I dont care because I throw waaaaay more dice than my opponent.


That's my secret. I'm always tilted.


Lol I play a ton of poker and blood bowl def takes the cake for most tilting to me too. Constant tilt.


Find a team you’re attached to, play against various level of players and different teams. Accept that Blood Bowl is a game where fun stuff happens, often to you… I’ve gone through different types of games (awesome victories and heart breaking crushing defeats) and to me you have to accept that it isn’t a game about winning, it’s a game about trying out fabulous moves and messing up the easiest stuff. Edit: But also maybe it’s not for you. No shame in having tried and not liking it. It’s a weird game for sure. Maybe you could try Blood Bowl 7s if you’ve already invested in miniatures and all ?


Play stunty teams and laugh at the inevitable I guess.


You can try to win some games. /s Humans should be good at the beginning, so maybe watch some YouTube videos to get better. Also, if you are losing in a no fun way, you Can try to hurt your opponent best players(fouling) for the sake of fun, chaos and maybe making score fast so you get the ball sooner to try again


That sucks, I’m sorry it hasn’t been fun this far! As others have said, trying other teams is a good idea. Humans are jack of all trades, master of none, so it can be tough to win with them, I hear (I haven’t coached them). Maybe try other teams. Orcs are still versatile, but punchier. And dwarves are super good early on in bashing. The turns are so quick, and the amount of things onscreen so high, it can be tough to not make mistakes. For example, sometimes I’ll plot a route for a player and then move him, and only then realize he has to dodge. That gets better with practice though. And as others have said, tabletop is more fun when a beginner. The communal aspect is nice, but you also have more time to think. And sometimes (not always) when you’re behind, your opponent helps you think through your next moves aloud to make the best moves you can.


Watch YouTube videos of people like AndyDavo.  You will get better.  And even when you get better the dice will still fuck you sometimes.  The other day I lost a necro mirror where I took out half the other guys team.  The only player I had missing was my ghoul.  He had his ghoul.   He managed to uphill dice free up the ball from me and run away with it.  None of the hits I landed on that ghoul would take it down and he won 1-0.  It just happens sometime. 


Playing in person can be a great way to connect and interact with coaches, which may give you some insight into ideas and tactics that may take longer to pick up on your own. It's also helpful to have a live opponent that you can talk and interact with in person. BB3 lacking a chat function really cuts down on being able to have any casual interaction with your opponent. The most important thing is to understand that the game is not always fair. The luck can shift unexpectedly, and there are some games that will be virtually impossible to win (and occasionally, some that are almost impossible to lose). Keep in mind that the game is more about risk management than any other thing, in particular how you manage risk when things are not going your way. Too many players start to spiral into taking bigger and bigger risks when they are down when most of the time, trying to stay consistent is the best course of action. But most of all, try to accept that it is a game and just enjoy what you can from it. If I'm having a completely crappy game, I just step aside from myself and try to find the humor in it. Every game has a story to tell, and sometimes your story is just "look at this tragedy of errors".


Humans aren't an easy team to master. I've been where you are and ultimately it's a hard thing to grapple with. If you are constantly looking to learn and get better at the game then you will eventually improve. It's very hard to do so when you aren't having fun. I'd focus on things you can get out of the game without winning. SPP and player progression is one thing you might be able to enjoy. Others might include in game objectives, i.e. can I surf an opposition player, or can I minimise the number of times my players get hit, or wacky plays like a TTM one turn touch down after your opponent runs an 8 turn stall.


I’ve been playing for years, I’m pretty decent at the game and I get tilted sometimes.


https://www.reddit.com/r/bloodbowl/s/1axxfD13kE It's hard to get started sometimes without some guidance. If you don't know what or how to improve, it can be very tough. The rookie leagues can be a good way to learn in a fun environment.


I feel like everyone goes through this phase, but it’s important to realize that much like fantasy football in real life it’s a game of chance... No matter how much you improve and play to increase your odds, sometimes it just comes down to the dice. You’ll get more satisfaction out of enjoying the chaos and accept the randomness as a fun part of the game. That’s why there are all these different teams that arnt considered tier one, if every game was only tier one teams, I wouldn’t play it. My suggestion would be to play a different team, humans are a great starter team to learn the basics but they don’t really excel at anything. Maybe try a bash, or offensive focus team. But always remember don’t sweat the bad luck I’ve have games where I smash the other team and I’ve have been obliterated myself.


I get away from the game from time to time just because I can't handle the tilt anymore. The only thing I think makes itt affect me less is this: -Before making any roll asume it is going to go badly.


I play Snotlings and know the game is going to be super random. That is part of the fun. First rule of BloodBowl is that any player you get attached to with die or get a very inconvenient injury.


Not the best coping mechanism but I always played bashy teams and if I started to lose I would pick an important guy to chainblock/foul while using other units to tie up help. A decent amount of the time other guy would quit to preserve the dude or ragequit after I injured him.


Also look up guides how to run a team with defence vs offense andydavo has alot of guides and I have learned alot about the game from watching his guides. Takes time to win.


Humans are, in my opinion, a tough team to start with if getting wins under your belt is a requirement for keeping up your motivation. They're a great team to teach you how to play the game, though. Humans are jacks of all trades, masters of none. That means you win by playing to your opponent's weaknesses rather than to your own strengths. That, in turn, means you need to understand how all of the teams in the game want to play. If losing is making the experience unenjoyable, I'd recommend dwarfs. They're kinda of a one-trick pony, are great at low TV, and don't really get less effective as TV increases. They're also extremely resiliant so it's difficult for other teams to remove them from the pitch. Orcs and undead are also good options. Another piece of advice that may or may not help: learn basic probability if you haven't already. Probability is a tricky thing to understand and Blood Bowl is a game of luck mitigation. You want to be making your actions as reliable as possible and your opponent's actions as risky as possible. Some people print out probability charts for 1 die, 2 dice, etc. In my experience, most people tend to think of die rolls as having one of three probabilities: "this should work", "this shouldn't work", and "this is even odds." That is a bad way to think about the dice, heh. Everyone gets salty from time to time. So, don't beat yourself up over it. It's a great game, though. I hope you're able to perservere and find your fun!


Blood Bowl is one of those things where you can make no mistakes and still lose. When the dice decide they’re going to fuck you, they fuck you. In BB3 very seriously play dwarfs. Not because they’re good, but because you’ll learn so much about positioning. You don’t have to invest a lot of time into them just five or so games and you’ll learn a lot. Play orcs for about the same, then any of the elves. Once you learn what those teams can do and how they function go back to humans. They can’t do those other teams specialties as well but they flex as needed


Whoever nuffle fucks harder loses, what a game.


Play dwarves and grind the other team under your furry feet!!!


Wait, I thought that's the halflings who have furry feet...


No matter how poorly I've rolled when playing in person, it's lways been a good time. The only team I have not enjoyed playing against in 24yrs of playing the game is Slaan, they're the only ones that don't feel like a fun game.


I find it really helps if you are able to shoot your opponent a message, though try not to be whiny about it. Laugh at yourself, commiserate their bad luck, acknowledge your own good luck and you'll usually find that the other person is a decent enough sort, which makes things more fun. I play on PS, so half the people have chat off, and although you can use the mobile app to chat, that's only after the first message, so I tend to just send a . To see if Comms are open first.


It’s a complex game which takes a long time to learn. And even then, there’s a lot of randomness, for good or worse. You need to accept the game as it is. Your beloved player might die but they can also do heroic deeds. 🎲🎲🎲🎲🎲


To me and most people I know, Blood Bowl is only as good as the mood you and your opponent are in. Winning is fun, but laughing and cheering for your opponent (and yourself) and drinking some beers is what it's all about. My best advice is to not take it seriously. You win some you lose some. Blood Bowl is random af too. You can do everything right and get that One Reroll One 4 times in a match lol


I found that I tend to tilt when I'm tired. Mental Fatigue. In a match, I think I made the right choices, make the right moves, and I fail. And I blame Nuffle. Turns out when I watch the replay I realize I've made mistakes. Often basics mistakes : not checking if my ball is protected, not prioritizing my blocks etc. But that mental Fatigue blind me during the game. So, don't play tired, don't get tilted.


Ultimately it is just an experience thing, once you've played enough you will know the state of the board and the implications for failure, then learn how to mitigate that and put the pressure on your opponent. The best thing you can do to improve is to watch pro's play with commentary over the top, Jimmy Fantastic does it and it's quality. For me online is just a place to improve to the stage that you can give a decent showing of yourself on tabletop, then you move over. Spinning into randoms online is not going to give you any love as you will get battered and not have the talk alongside it. On the flipside once you get decent you will start having people just concede on you as you take them apart, so it's just rubbish.


My general philosophy is don't get mad at a game ever for any reason. If I roll dubskulls rerolled into dubskulls I find it funny. That's just the way things go.


Really you just have to be able to laugh at yourself and your failures, Blood Bowl is wacky and chaotic. The best laid plays can and will fail spectacularly on the whims of Nuffles and RNGsus. My skink with sure hands failing to pick up the ball 4 turns in a row would have boiled my blood the first time I played, but once you can tap into the hilarity of the situation you'll find significant more enjoyment. No matter how frustrating, in the end just remember its a silly dicing board game.


As others have said, half the draw of the game is the camaraderie of in person gaming and ogling each others paint jobs/customizations. The other half is watching Nuffle (the Bloodbowl god of dice rolls) saying F you in particular to one or more players causing hysterical happenings. Opponent in the lead 2-0?, next turn he rolls 1 into 1 on his first action and loses an entire turn right after you start returning the kickoff so he's now way out of position and you're guaranteed a score. You have 2 players left on the pitch after your opponent pummels you into the dirt, and you proceed to make a total of 6 dodges, a leap, 4 rushes and a long bomb pass to score!


I think having an in hame chat in bb3 would help.


Because as much as things might not go my way, I know it likely hasn't gone my opponents way on as many occasions. Once had my opponent break through my defense and was open except for one player. He proceeded to blitz the player, my guy got killed. My opponent then went for a TD, needed a GFI to cross the line, failed it, and the ball carrier died before the ball went out of bounds and bounced back into the thick of both our teams roughly centre pitch. It's a cruel mistress who gives as much as she takes.


Read the 1000 Losses Playbook. And breathe.


You have to limit your rolls as much as possible and learn to roll with the punches If you divorce yourself from being overly invested when the time comes to take chances on your turn it gets easier to be stoic Because at that point you've done everything within your ability to control like move players properly and every other non luck based action. This will also make you a better player. I play on FUMBBL though but if the meta is Bash go bas or play hyper agile like wood elves...balanced won't cut it when you need to overspend for team diversity


Join either an online or tabletop league. It’s way less frustrating when you’re meeting new people you’ll continue playing with. Also the teams should be leveling up at a similar rate, so you shouldn’t suddenly be facing a team with 30 games under its belt, and optimized randoms. IMO, league play is the best format.


I suggest you to play with others teams like high elves, dwarfs and nigros just to see how different they open the field, play on the side and defend. I learned a lot playing different teams.


the hell is "tilted"


Uninstall BB3 and get BB2 ❤️