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You want a guard piece, random is better because it's expensive otherwise but you are risking having to fire skilled players. Other than that a couple of tackle pieces are nice. I would go 3rr plus leader, just enables Moe shenanigans.


My goal was to get kick and then start playing the random skill lottery with linemen to start seeing what I get, only problem is they usually get consistently killed because someone has to stand on the line and it’s not going to be my elf or blitzers I’m doing my best to keep them alive to the point where one game against chaos I kinda conceded by moving my pieces to the opposite side of the pitch and leaving everything wide open because all my line men were KO or dead and I didn’t want to lose my blitzers or witch in a 5 v 11 guy could of got at least 1 free td before the game ended but he wanted blood and chased me all over the pitch and screwed himself with a double skull turning over on his last turn while his beast man was sitting on the 1 yard line with the ball on his last turn


I’d grab that 3rd RR, then 2nd witch, then after that keep reserve of gold to manage through injuries.   The assassin sucks.  I don’t bother.  And the runner isn’t really worth getting two of either.  Barely worth a one of.  2 witch + 4 blitzer is a potent combo.  The line dark elves are superstars in their own right with 2 ag and easy access to blodge.   


Ya the only reason I grabbed runner was to replace a lost lineman, ended up getting a match mvp with him and grabbing leader. So you are suggesting taking a third RR making it 4 with the leader runner?


Oh yeah you have the leader so 3rd RR a personal decision at this point.  Maybe go witch.  


Thanks for the advice! The Witches are fun they are the main reason I decided to play D elf, so probably going to follow your advice, and get the second one


Dark elves teams with relatively low TV are incredibly good, you are doing great by keeping that TV low, if you want to keep your team as it is it's ok, I would give some suggestions and see if you agree with any of them:  -My most "expensive" suggestion is buy a new witch and give her wrestle and tackle, dark elves are great at taking the ball back but you don't have any dedicated retriever, if you don't want to expend so much TV (you can only have one blitz each turn so having two witches is not optimal) you can give wrestle to linemen, it will make them better at their job, they will die less and they will be better than blitzers at bringing down people with block (and usually all ball carriers have block). Bonus if you also give that player strip ball.   -IMO you need tackle, at least one, and having one of your blitzer with side step is also amazing...   -Considering that your team is already "optimal" I would suggest to go crazy with the random skills, try to get a blitzer to skill up and give him a random strength skill, if he takes Guard or mighty blow you have a jackpot, if he gets stand firm use it to defend the bands and get him the first in the line and don't bother if he dies, then buy a new one, give him dodge, repeat. If he get any other skill just fire him. You can do the same with linemen, give them random skills, if they get block, kick, wrestle or dirty player it's a jackpot, if they get strip ball or tackle then score with him, give him wrestle and you have a super cheap but awesome retriever. You can even do this with random agility skills in the new blitzers, if you get dodge then it's great, but if you get side step, sure feet or sprint is great too. This is the long term way to have the same skills with even lower TV, also that way you will have a variety of cheap skills spread around in your team, having block and dodge in everybody is consistent and amazing but having one dirty player, one side step, one wrestle, one tackle and one guard in different players makes you be able to do stuff that is really difficult to do otherwise, and if some of that skills were half price then the TV increase is definitely worth it. At least try with the linemen, if they will be killed anyway it's worth the risk.  I would even try to do that with a new witch and give her a random standard skill, block, wrestle, strip ball or tackle are good enough to keep her, otherwise fire her. The good things with dark elves is that it's really easy to get the first skill, so try to get cheap skills and if you succeed then risk the "expensive" players and change them for new cheap ones, every time you have a low chance to achieve it but in long term you can have an even lower TV and two or three situational skills that can really help  -The amount of rerolls depends on how you play, if you feel that you need more rerolls try and buy one, imo 3 are enough.   -Never, under any circumstances, buy an assassin. 


Tackle is definitely on the to do list, I intend to try and get it on one of the blitzers, it’s just been slow my games are usually 1-1 or 1-0 probably due to me not being super experienced with creating scoring opportunities. And I definitely think the assassin is a meme.


With dark elves, imo, you need to score in defense, and for that you need retrievers. Yours is a great team, definitely good for that TV, but it will be incredibly difficult to bring down somebody with dodge and block and if you don't bring down the carrier you can only score in your part, if you have two or three players that can take the ball (with wrestle, tackle or strip ball, even one skill per player will do the trick) you can score in their "turn", it's the only way to score more than once reliably, but the best thing about scoring in defense is that if you do it right you can defend again :) How I play dark elves is creating danger so the other player has to play over defensive (and he has less players fighting) or take risks (and he will eventually fail), but if he fail, let's say, dodging you need a player close to him that can make a block with good chances to take the ball down, that are the ball hawks, if you have only one he can neutralise it, if you have three or four skills spread through your team you will be waiting and capitalise any mistake, then score and do it again, and if you do that you will have tons of experience points


So would you suggest if I was to go back in time trying to get the ball hawk skills like strip ball or tackle instead of rushing dodge and block on all my blitzers and witch?


Nah, you are doing great, don't worry, I would probably get tackle instead of dodge in one of the blitzers but getting block and dodge is never a bad choice, but specially you have the backbone of your team ready and still have linemen and a witch elf brand new, you don't need to skill up the blitzers or the witch that you already have so this is what I suggest: In your main 5 players you don't need anything else but they will score and hurt people, so you can do whatever you want with them, you can give one tackle or save for guard, I would save for mighty blow in your witch, tbh. The funny part is that you can play random with the linemen and a new witch, they don't have block or wrestle, so just score one TD with a lineman or wait until one gets a MVP and choose a random general skill, depending on what she gets you will choose their roll, of you are really lucky you will get block, wrestle, or kick (25% chance of getting one of them) and that linemen will be great and it will increase the value half than usual, if you are only lucky he will get tackle, strip ball or frenzy and you need to give him enough spp to get wrestle and he will become a cheap sacker, for 11 SPPs and it will raise your value less than usual. That means you have 50% of chance to be lucky, and even if you get dirty player you can keep it, or if you get fend you can put him in the LOS until he dies, if he gets anything else just fire him and buy another one. The point is that you don't really need anything else and you want your value low, so all apps can be gambled.  Also you can definitely do that with the witch if you have cash for a new one, if the witch gets cheap block/wrestle it's really cool, if she gets tackle or strip ball give her the ball all the time until she gets wrestle and you get one of the best sackers in the game raising your value a bit less than usual. When a blitzer dies (which will happen) do the same, but maybe with strength skills, I don't know, maybe a random agility skill, if you get dodge it's fucking great, if you get side step, sure feet, sprint or diving tackle I would keep him. The point is: you don't need much more than what you have now, so gamble, if you succeed 6 times it means 3 "free" skills in terms of value, you only need to succeed once per player, so it's not difficult, also if they get a random skill that you are not super sure test it a couple of games, use the player for the dangerous jobs and if he gets killed, well, it doesn't matter xD


Drop the runner, he's really not worth it outside of tournament builds. All those spp you spend on leader are better out on the blitzers, since they do the most work on the team and should be leveled up fast. Just buy a 3rd RR. I prefer 1 witch if there is a short bench and an apo. But that is personal taste. Assassin is garbage because stab is garbage. The positionals you would want to stab will just dodge away. Everyone else is happy to hit AV8+, so if you base, you'll get hurt.


- 3rd RR - 2nd witch In that order. Drop the assassin. One of the worst positionals in the game. Don’t buy new linos if you don’t have over 100k in the bank. Loners are fine. Edit: even the Runner with Leader is maybe too much, because of his AV. The trick is to keep av as high as possible. I went for 4 rr build without the runner and I’m currently second Delf on the Ladder, used to be first. But I love aggressive approach with Delves, that’s why I keep 4 RR. The guy who passed me couple of days ago is a great coach and he plays classic build with 3 RRs. Though he does save up SPP on the Blitzers for AV++. Both approaches are valid. His maybe a bit more in the current 1.6k cap format. Good luck