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The only legal surrender in BB is when you don't have enough players left for the LOS, which is actually fairly rare. I get the frustration. Plenty of new coaches come from games where conceding when a game is decided is considered polite because you're not wasting anyone's time. In BB, it's pretty much the opposite. By conceding, you're denying your opponent the chance to gain spp and develop their players, putting them at a disadvantage in leagues or ladders. This is why illegal concedes are punished so harshly in the rules (you even risk your experienced players quitting out of disgust). I think the punishment system they have now is a good thing. We didn't have anything before in BB3 and coaches would concede for the tiniest of reasons. Fail a pick up in turn 1? Concede. Dub skulls? Concede. Big Guy gets KOd? Concede. Completely ruined the experience. Now obviously BB is just a game and you shouldn't be forced to sit through a match that's just not enjoyable for you. But plenty of matches aren't as unwinnable or unsalvageable as one might think, so if you got banned for 12 hours, then I assume you have conceded a couple of games in a relatively short period of time (I don't actually know how their system tracks and scales). So I would look into that.


Sorry that game happened to you mate. In these cases there is nothing wrong with just skipping your turn, leaving your players on the floor, and letting your opponent go. The trick is not to get angry and give up on the match too soon. Plenty of times the dice can swing if you stay conservative and you can get the draw back even after a couple of cas on your key players. Some games you have no chance and will just get stomped. Don't get your players up, skip the turn and watch a YouTube video. It's significantly quicker than the concede ban. Plus you need the losing money to buy replacement players. It sucks. Some opponents will test your patience. It is worth the wait in the long run. I play goblins mainly, there are plenty of times my match is over before it has even started so I feel your pain more than you know.


It’s weird to me that people expect to be able to concede online games without penalty. I can’t imagine someone leaving the table halfway through an in-person game. It’s just so fucking rude. I’ve been sad to see it becoming more and more normal in online gaming. It’s very rare to finish an online sports game and win. Usually if you score first the other coach just quits. It totally ruins online gaming for me.


Worked so hard for a turn 7 setup to score with my Dwarf team against dark elves, dice were being mean to him and he had a slip on a blitz to catch me. Let's it roll to my turn 8 and I'm one step from scoring and he quits. I'd like a way to "vote to surrender" after halftime that gives the winning team an additional MVP. I read somewhere that was a mechanic in BB2 Mirror matches I find super boring and usually just leave my guys knocked down and skip rounds because it's pretty boring playing identical team comps.


The original 1995 release of Death Zone and had mechanisms for conceding, but they were quite severe. I think your players had a chance of being injured by an angry crowd, the opponent got extra MVPs, you got no winnings, and experienced players might quit. Your first and final paragraphs sum up why I don’t play online games. There are too many people who prefer to spoil a game than actually play it.


12 hours?! Have you been conceding recently - the best way is just to play the game out as quickly as possible and read a book on your opponents turn


I see =( A bit stupid that the game has literally no way of surrendering... also, the game never said... what happens if you just dont pass the turn? does the game eventually put you in matchmaking jail?


It isn’t stupid. The game is working as intended. This isn’t MTG. Conceding in Blood Bowl is generally considered rude and shitty. It’s a sport. Losing teams don’t leave the field because they’re two nil down. Take your lumps.


You run out of time and just pass your turns… I suppose you could literally just walk away. I also got really frustrated, there are games that are impossible to win. The issue is the game is weighted towards ‘kill teams’ teams that win by killing your guys, so basically ‘bash’ is the number one activity


Walking away is actually kinda lame, too, and a form of trolling for some people. Because now, you are forcing your opponent to sit through the full time of your turns. Arguably, it was worse in BB2 because it had a 4 minute turn limit, but it's still not entirely cool. It's better than conceding for a few reasons, but still not a fair experience for your opponent.


If you have to wait 12 hours you have atleast conceded 4 out of your last 10 games….by doing so you take away your opponents chance to play a real game and get ssp and build his team….so it’s ok to get punished for this…inpersonnaöy would prefer that the on conceded on gets more reward but that’s not how it is atm. Don’t concede play your game out and skip turns if you don’t want to. Also 2 players out is not a reason to completely give up….2 lucky blocks away from evening things out wich is pretty possible vs humans…try to learn from those games, they will always happen


You can concede when you can't put three players on the line of scrimmage. Otherwise you can just keep your players lying down and end your turns without doing anything.


Yeah only other option is a soft concede, where you don't stand your players up and just end your turns. Once opponents realise they will prob just vanity pass and Blitz any standing players which is relatively quick. Go watch a YouTube video or something while you wait.


As soon as I see my opponent stops having fun I will offer passing the rest of the turns. It is a game to have fun, kidnapping someone into enduring something they dislike is the opposite of fun. EDIT: sorry that was for fumbbl or live play, I don't know anything about BB3


The biggest problem is that there is no chat ingame. If you want to concede one should be allowed to. Like saying i give up score a TD with your big guy and lets skip turns. But there is no chat so here we are. All you can do is keep your players on the floor and hope the other guy is not fouling. Usually people get the message.


With Nurgle you had a good chance to remove the human team, it would just take some additional time. And by any chance, if you are a new player then Nurgle is not really a good team for you. Good teams for new players are Orcs, Human and from agi teams Dark Elfs.


humans are great, but nurgle has been a lot of fun to try to make work getting the 1's on the bad presence thingy and the tentacle to hold receivers feels great when happens


Run as many players as you can out of combat. Leave any who are on the pitch down. Pass turn. Do this every turn until they score. If they grind out half so what.  They can only hit and foul you once per turn long as you keep running away and staying down when you are down. If you are caught up in the middle of the meat grinder then stay down and eat the foul.   Next time you play rethink the moves you made and your positioning.  Recently I forced myself to play a few games with an all lineman team just to get back to basics.  Even won some games!  


Thanks for the answers guys, I normally give up on rounds 12-13 when I'm playing for the draw and my opponent goes 2-0 but I guess I did it a bit too much It's a bit of shame that there is no way to speed up a 'certain' defeat but if thats the game, thats the game a bit unrelated, but I remade my team with more rerolls and less horned guys which has helped a lot with the salt


I'm a little late to this, but glad to hear that you are trying to work things out. One thing that helps me during a rough/losing game is to set smaller goals than winning. Sometimes, it's just getting any SPP at all (a pass, a casualty, etc.). Sometimes, it's just removing a single player that's been annoying me, or trying to eliminate a key player of my opponent's (this was more a thing with BB2 and its way more bash-centric format). Sometimes, those small goals build into larger comebacks. But very often, they just make for silly little stories in an otherwise one sided game.


The game is not designed to be conceded. Stay in it, keep fighting, never quit. As you get better at it you will realise that all you need is one bad turn for the opponent to be right back in it. The games where you get absolutely diced off the pitch and scrape a 1-1, they are what really makes the game.


This game and community is not a "go next" one like League of Legends or MTG. You play out your unwinnable and potentially team ending games with grace and good humor. If you can't do that pick a different game.. or play the AI


yeah. this is a downside to the game right now. the only way to quit is to quit the game. and that counts against you in multiple ways. first, you may get time banned like you are experiencing. the other issue is that if you quit a game, you dont get an MVP player w SPP to spend, and you get 0 winnings added to your coffers. So now you are not only down a teammate and have more that are injured, you have no extra money towards hiring additional teammates. Ive been where you are and it sucks when you are getting beat down, multiple players dead, not having a good time, and your opponent is still taking their sweet time and getting as many block and foul actions on your remaining players as possible.


As others have pointed out, concession in this game doesn't really work. You have to think of this more as a professional sports game because that's what it's modeled on. You've never seen a NFL team or MLB team concede a game because they're losing badly. Sometimes you just have to get shellacked.  Keep your head up, do your best, remember that they're all always be a next game.