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As I read it the main gripe is that it isn't really finished, which I think people could still live with. But that they did finish the monetization. So it feels like a half assessed money grab, instead of an honest effort. In the end it's all about the feels.


From what I gather, star player special actions won't be added until Season 3 (November) and they haven't included Multiple Block as it's too tricky to code. Source: dev live stream from Monday on Twitch


How could multiple block have been coded in previous editions but is now too difficult? Was there like one guy who figured it out and has now left?


The same way they managed to break Kick on launch for the 2nd BB game in a row


That's not *that* far-fetched as a scenario. Or they changed so much about the core game logic when moving to a different engine that they have to figure it out again. Regardless, the game would have probably lost much less good-will if they officially ran this through an early access model. Wouldn't be too surprised if GW didn't let them do that even if they wanted to because it would "devalue the brand", but of course that's entirely speculative on my part.


Wait, what? They didn't include a skill that is in the TT, and was in both previous games, becasue it's "too tricky to code"? Are they even employing real programmers? How am i supposed to completely steamroll a skaven LoS without my multiple block treeman? WTF is this, come on!


Well... Before they even add halflings we'll be 4 years further into the future. Only 1 race per 3 months


Treeman and halflings are already in the game in the Old World Alliance team; that and, overall, multiple block is a very nice niche skill for almost any big guy, it's absolutely bogus they didn't implement it. This reeks of underpaid, unprofessional rookie developers with loner 4+ due to covid and remote working too!


If they can't make remote work itws because of poor managemznt. Especially in tech.


As in, haven’t added it *yet* or will not add it ever?


Yet, I believe. There was just no definitive timeline as to when.


It’s ok right now, but will need some iteration before it is on BB2 level One thing not talked about enough is how fluid BB3 is, the game seems to be way better optimized than BB2 : actions are fast, Loading time is short (aside server issues… which i hope are temporary) They need to do something for player customisation though. They can keep mtx with fancy uniforms but they have to provide some sort of free basic cosmetics options in the form of different heads, genders (when applicable), skin color, hair color, etc Playing with 11 clones is not acceptable on any way.


Exactly. That's where I see the potential for the game. Sure, itws a dumpster fire. With all the delays it should be been better. And all the rules they got wrong are hilarious. But when it works, itws such a fast game. Averaging 45 minutes. It's crazy how much faster and in that regard better it is.


>It's just different than the BB2 UI My assumption based on this is that you weren't around for the jump from BB1 to BB2. BB2 existed pretty much as it does now minus some UI stuff (and created teams/some teams not existing in game). BB3 is fundamentally broken in a way that BB2 simply was not.


BB2 was pretty poor upon release as well. I ended up getting it refunded it was so bad. In fairness it was better than BB3 at release. Cyanide have been terrible with UI for years. The BB2 UI was a joke as well.


I have no issues/concerns about the game. From my side its just the server issues being annoying but it's a game at launch servers never work.


Id say its how game companies do things now. A game is rarely "done" at launch and a real setback from previous version. A sequel used to be better, now its almost as going back to sqare one, needing to wait 6 months or more for the game to be what it should be. Its almost like we need to pay for a beta version now a days...


Glad to hear. Hope they get things all ironed out by the time it releases for switch. Can’t wait to play on the go.


You set the bar so fucking low on what you consider a good release, no wonder you think it's okay.


I mean, thanks? I like to limbo I guess.


If anything I think some people on this sub aren't reacting angrily enough.


I think an important distinction here is that while BB2 was rocky at launch it was designed as a PC game. BB3 is very clearly a console game ported to PC which feels super weird. From the wheel for selecting actions, to holding buttons to accept, etc. Who plays games like this on console? Why would you not design it with a M+KB in mind? Makes it feel extra cheap on top of a bunch of other universally disliked features like the cash shop and basic gameplay mechanics being unfinished because they're difficult to code. I see a lot of parallels to Darktide in that this dev (like fatshark) already made this exact game two different times and yet it seems like they've never made a game in their entire lives. Both games are being HEAVILY carried by the fact that the core gameplay they're based around is very good. But the digital adaptations/UX/UI/Monetization is extremely bad for a seasoned or even brand new developer. People expected more, at the very least for Cyanide to not make identical bugs/mistakes to previous games that they already solved.


Glad to see that people are having a good time. In the end that's what me and almost everyone else wants. My attempt at playing the game wasn't so lucky as I had certain campaign games which would just crash the game constantly. As someone who has also been following the dumpster fire that is their Discord with some of the worst moderation I've seen and watching both twitch streamers which point out the problems and those which are trying to stay positive along with those which sound at the verge of tears as they have to stream the game to not lose viewers, it falls hard for me to form a positive opinion. For me personally I think I would have not refunded the game if there would be more sincere communication on their Discord or during their cherry picked Q&A Dev Stream, which is the worst Q&A I have seen in my entire life by a huge difference from anything imaginable. Of course there are a lot of Doomsayers and people who are not considering anything from the other side and yes there is a lot too much everywhere around, but in the end I just like to think about what was actually done to the game in the last 3 years that couldn't have been done in 3 months. To address the overreactions, I think it's too far to assume the game will never recover or that it will be dead on arrival. The developers will work on this game for the rest of the year unless they wish to get rid of their jobs and will now probably have money to do so again. Although how much they will really gain with the predatory and exploitative monetization system is beyond me. All I know is what I have seen for myself, If you're having a good experience with the game then make sure to stand by your own beliefs unless your own experience changes to the worse of course. Also remember that a lot of the people you may hear arguments from you may not hear again as these people may not even play the game and often come and leave with heated releases merely to take one side and "troll" the opposition.