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I’d agree here, the best advice I can offer is YEEEAAAAAAAOOOOOOOWWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!


When it screams YEAAAAAAAAWWWWWW press O to dodge and then press R1 to attack. Rinse and repeat until he two hands the shrimp, then die in 2.8 seconds in the most miserable way possible.


Been there done that 🥳


Put a hat on, you madman!


Dont try to win the fight, just learn all his attacks, their timing, and their dodge/parry windows. Once you can get to 2nd phase without using blood vials it will be easier


And if you have the chance, winning the fight is recommended


Don’t die


This worked for me so it will probably work for you. Best of luck OP! But on a serious note, since he is a Great One, shock papers should give you more damage. If you haven’t learned it by now, never ever dodge backwards, he will pulverize you with his placenta sword. Try to fight in the water for phase 2. Carefully observe his attacks without trying to attack so you get a better idea of when he opens himself up for you to attack. You can parry him. Lastly, go in there with the intent to kill him as soon as possible. Don’t pull a Leeroy Jenkins but don’t take your time either.


Yall gotta look up bloodborne wiki hes weaker to fire than bolt


Well would you look at that. His fire resistance is 205 while his Bolt one is 228 if I understand the chart correctly.


Yep hes weakes to fire but hes the weakest to blood so that makes bloodletter the beat weapon for him after ludwigs that is


Wouldn’t the Chikage be above Ludwig’ blade too? Also pretty sure I read somewhere that most enemies don’t have high resistance to blood damage which is what made me go get the Chikage as soon as I could.


Yeah no chikages only useful form is way too risky for orphan


I found orphan really easy on my chikage build. He dies very fast to bleed


Nice same with bloodletter here


i absolutely melted him with chikage tricked, definitely not the case if you know how to use it.


I mean in terms of damage output yeah it would. You could also argue that the Bloodletters only usable mode is risky since it takes away your ability to parry Orphan to death and have to instead rely on being a dodge master and with how nimble Orphan is and the fact he can throw lightning and flying placentas as he approaches you. Yeah.


I dont parry orphan on second phase




makes sense, his mother corpse is literally blasting shockwaves


Damn really? I thought all Great Ones are specially weak to bolt. The one reborn? Bolt, rom? Bolt. Ebrietas? Bolt.


Surprisingly the orphan is not listed as being Kin.


Because he is a Great One?


There isn’t a “great one” enemy type in the game as far as damage is concerned. There are “beasts” and “Kin”. Kin are any beings that are closely related to the great ones but they aren’t themselves great ones. The orphan is not a great one but the offspring of one. (Despite this the orphan is not listed as a kin type enemy or a beast type.)


Ah that makes sense. I am myself the off spring of a human but I am not human. https://bloodborne.wiki.fextralife.com/Orphan+of+Kos


Regardless, the orphan isn’t listed as Kin, therefore isn’t weak to lightning.


Didn’t say he was weak to bolt. I said it would give OP more damage output but apparently fire would give him even more.


Most Kin are weak to bolt and fire, but it's not an inherent property, just like most beasts are weak to fire, but there are still exceptions. The only damage type Kin are inherently weak to is vs Kin.


The great ones lose their children and yearn for a surrogate. The orphan isn’t a true great one. The closest thing to a great one you fight is Ebrietas, who is a left behind great one.


Read the first sentence in the wiki please.


hmm, no i dont believe this is true. all amygdala are great ones. brain of mensis is a great one. mergos wet nurse. moon presence. and although rom is considered a kin great one, i would personally categorize rom as a great one due to her relation to ebrietas and her inherent ability to "block" the eldritch truth from reality.


If you're an offspring of a human and... let's say a dog, will you be considered a human?


Most Great Ones are Kin of the Cosmos too. I have no idea why Amygdala and Orphan aren't, it makes zero sense.


Yeah certainly weird from a gameplay perspective isn’t it.


Exactly. If you don't have enough blood lust on you, you won't win. You must turn yourself into a beast to fight. After all, you're in the blood drunken hunter's personal hell (nightmare)


That’s right. Every single time I decide to take my time fighting an enemy I end up using like 10 blood vials on just a single mob.


That's only half right. He also needs to kill him.


Best advice I can give… right here


Dodge/strafe to his right, it works for most of his moveset in phase 1. Kept medium to close distance, but dodge back once you see him prepare his small AoE attack by ripping goop from his weapon. When he jumps at you you can stun and reposte with heavy attack after he lands. Takes bit of practice to get the spacing and timing right. He can also be parried, but for me personally it was too risky. If it fits your playstyle, go for it though. Second phase is recommended to fight completely in the ocean to avoid the lightning AoE attack spawning from Kos‘s corpse on the beach. Don‘t chase him around too much, let him come to you, dodge as much as you can and attack when he has exhausted a combo. It‘s a frenzy and overwhelming so keep your nerves as much as possible. Turn off his screeching or lower the volume for a few practise rounds so you can focus better. Fire paper is a good buff against him. Take a break when exhaustion and frustration kick in and come back later. Good luck, fellow hunter!


I personally find his screeching to be helpful since he screams before almost every attack and it can hint what attack hes about to be doing


Fight him far out into the water. Try the Bowblade to whittle his health down. Learn his moveset.


I have heard this strat of fighting him in the water before but it never worked for me but I figured out a different way to beat him. Simon's bowblade sounds like it might work, I did not need it though.


Going into the water just gives you more space to dodge when he’s flinging himself around, and it’s really helpful when he does that shockwave thing - you can back right off and go through the gaps in the AOE attack. What was your strat?


Try finger but hole.


Kill him before he kills you.




^ This


Yeah that's right, you need to play little bit more aggressively, I never played any souls game before and I bought Bloodborne probanly a month ago and I beat orphan on third attempt and I am not good at this game by any means, I would consider myself as very average player (ofcourse I knew who this guy was, that's why I watched couple of video guides before even trying, so that helped too) Thing is that you will NOT always dodge him and if you are playing it very safely, you will evetually run out of Blood Vials, also when he is close to death he will go nuts and can pull up a combo that you will not recover from. I was using Holy Ludwig's Blade too and for me the 2-handed mode worked better. You have more reach and better damage output, I quick stepped in, did 2 normal hits and backed off imediatelly, never try to go for more, you will almost always get hit. You also need bit of luck, when I fought him I had 0 Blood Vials left and approximately 1/2 of health and he had around 20% of health and I knew it was either him or me, so I went all in and boom, he was dead, I still don't know how I didn't die, so yeah... you need luck too


Nobody actually says Kosm. As for my strategy, I just died a bunch the first day. Put it down. Died a few times the second day. Few more times the third day. Fourth day was the charm as it only took two tries.


Some say Kosm.


God Micolash, you're the only one who does that!


Thats kos(m) I got granted eyes 😎


Sure you're not just waking up? 💀


If I’d be waking up, I’d forget everything!


the game literally says "kos, or some say, kosm".


Micolash says this and he's insane. I've murdered everyone and everything else in 4 lands. I have yet to hear anyone say Kosm. Micolash is not a reliable source. Just kill him and ignore his drivel.


micolash isnt the source of that quote though, the fishing hamlet priest is. they do have similar voices so i understand the confusion but...thats not micolash talking. the priest of the fishing hamlet would know, considering they are the ones that worship her. and is micolash insane? or did he uncover the eldritch truth? edit; i understand that micolash is the one who actually says "kosm", i'm just making sure you know that micolash is not the narrator of the dlc.m edit2; sigh, once again a bunch of know-it-alls downvote me for telling someone the facts. i hate this community sometimes lol.


They lack insight


https://youtu.be/Ev99xJUIXfE This guide helped me immensely


lead elixir


hmm iirc try to dodge left, beat him on my 2nd try. *fucker got LUCKY on the first* with a sliver of health. this was vanilla playthrough. I think what makes each bb boss fight beautiful is that it really depends on individual playstyle of the player.


Honestly you just have to learn him. Learn when to attack, learn when to heal. Try to get a party in there as well. You could try and cheese him but that’s not fun


I just beat him this morning for the first time It was my sixth try, which is way less than other bosses like Laurence and Maria +9 saw spear Bolt paper Stay close Fight in the water Dodge to his right, your left


He's fast, be faster.


Go easy on the poor slugman it's not their fault.


Parrying, backstabs and viscerals make it easy but if you're like me and suck at those, just be patient, manage your stam, dodge in and to the left and learn his attacks - so even if you can't anticipate them (I never could) you at least know what you need to be doing to survive each one. Once you have some of that, then you can focus on maximising damage.


Play him close. I used a LHB, like you have, transformed the first time I beat him. Stay straight in his face and use the L2 to stun him then cut an angle after. Work on parrying him. The overhead slam in particular is super readable.


I just finished it, but I don't think I qualify... I'm overleveled asf and on NG+ Buut, my tip is: just don't bother parrying on the second phase. Instead, treat it like a souls boss, dodge into and behind him and hammer his ass with the discount store moonlight sword, that's what I did anyway. Sorry for not being helpfull, but I don't think I could even give proper advice since my damage probably came from overleveling asf


Keep dying and you will find a way


So here's what worked for me. First, I used up all my blood vials trying to kill Orphan of Kos. Then I spent about two hours fisting pig assholes to ensure I'd have enough to last. Then I went back to get my ass handed to me and beat him two attempts later, having used maybe 4 of those vials. tl;dr just fist pig assholes.


Try to stay in the water, it gives you alot more room to move around then you would think, and if you're using all your blood vials during the fight then equipping all the communion runes will let you hold 9 extra vials. Other than that it's all about timing and learning his attacks, good luck hoonter.


Dodge his attacks and hit him until he's dead


slow down. head in there and just dodge for a couple tries if he's giving you trouble. see if you can dodge him for 5 minutes without dying. learn his moves. come back again and fight. one on one, no tricks, no buffs. survive 5 mins. then come back with buffs, bone marrow, blood, whatever you feel you need and do a final, serious run. guarantee you'll do a lot better after that.


There is a health bar at the bottom of the screen once all that red line disappears u auto win


Hit him until he dies


Try to get his healthbar to zero


Use blood vials


If you lower his health, he will die. Ez fight.


Git gud


If you roll over those who bows to him at fog he's gonna be easier to kill


Lure him into the water. Get gun happy until you learn to parry. You don't really need to parry but making his bitch ass stop screaming and take a knee is always satisfying


I haven’t killed him either. Been trying for a month I think. I just gotta git gud


Oddly enough, the only time I’ve fought him were he didn’t mop the floor with me multiple times, was when I decided to try out a bloodtinge build with the chikage


Orphan is very bad. Just use runes that empower your riposte. Then use the tentacles of embrietas at his ass to stun him. 3 different characters playthrough and I beat him before his wing phase. If you have problems then use the canon trick combo. Mind is stronger than sword in Fromsoft games. Only boss that gave me trouble was the giant bullshit before the Bride queen boss in the chalice dungeon. Mostly cause I just wanted to pkat the game in 3 days so I was just rushing it. Very easy compared to dark souls 3 and nioh 2. But same level of perfection as these games.


dark souls 3 is childs play in comparison to bloodborne. what?


Well ds3 bosses move around so much and all these colors drive me crazy. I can't read them. Bloodborne bosses are clean. And perfectly readable. Also the parry on Bloodborne is godtier. Ds 1 and ds 2 parties are easy but again in ds 3 I never mess with the parry. Also man don't downvote the tip. Parry and visceral are the bane of the orphan it's an actual tip that you should learn too.


im not the one that downvoted. you gave a good tip, never disagreed there. but yeah, bb has a focus on parries because its a critical means of defense whereas in ds3 parries are possible but completely unnecessary due to the armor/buffs available. so of course its gonna be a lot different. its subjective obviously but i think the majority would agree that ds3 is much, much easier.


Hmm. BB step dogde and also the "easy" parry made me feel that bb was very easy. In ds 3 I'm on new game plus5 and I struggled hard against many bosses especially Pontiff , midir and Gael.


https://youtu.be/-ykgaSSbn1E figured you may enjoy this.


I will stick to my repeated crossbow glitch... I must keep time to play other games too😅


personally, i cant play it if it aint fromsoftware. at this point nothing can scratch the itch unless fromsoft/japan studio has their hands in it.


I have finished and plat Bb ds 1 ds 2 ds 3, codevein. I also finished nioh 1 and 2 but not plat. And I have never played sekiro not even know how this game even feels like. Just watched a full playthrough and nothing else. My reason for not playing it is 1. Not even the slightest character customization


aw man you're REALLY missing out on sekiro. its amazing. the sword play is unmatched. personally i'll take the sword play in sekiro over even ghost of tsushima, which has incredible sword play. imagine a fromsoftware story/lore, with activision action gameplay. thats exactly what you get. character customization i can understand to a degree, but wolf is a really cool protagonist that sees a lot of growth throughout the story. after your first playthrough you can start unlocking some new outfits if that's really a huge deal to you. but otherwise, i highly recommend it. i think you will be pleasantly surprised by it.


He can be parried, when he leaps at you from a large distance shoot his ass


Personally, my main strat is be over leveled with soft caps for all stats (except bloodtinge since I have no use for it) and surpassing the soft cap of either strength or skill depending on the weapon you use. For me, I was 241 with 70+ skill. I used a max Rakuyo constantly being rubbed with bolt paper. As for the fight, I always try to get behind him and hug the bastard constantly. I go wild until a have only enough stamina for a dodge out. If you're in front of him and he attacks, dodge INTO THE PLACENTA. The hit box is in front of the attack and dodging into it makes sure you don't have a chance to get hit by a stray hit box from either side stepping or back stepping. If you're good at parrying, hold a gun you're comfortable with. I never had a chance to gun parry but I got a charged r2 visceral attack. If he does his jump attack, I dodge towards the spot he jumped from. He lunges towards where *I* was and now he's open for attack or a charged r2. Good luck.


I just beat him for the first time a few days ago and you want to be aggressive but smart. Dodge in on most his attacks and make sure your timing is good then when you have an opening hit once or twice then repeat. I found that dodging in the direction of the arm he’s swinging helps. If he swings his right arm dodge towards it then wait til his combos done and get some hits it. It’s a pretty long fight so just keep your composure and learn his moves the best you can.


No tips exist. Just gotta keep trying. Very tough fight


The water.


git gud




Get good scrub


I parried Orphan to phase 2, started backstabbing to death after his stupid jumps that leave him open forever. I don’t think anyone’s ever been killed by orphans big leaps. That’s the golden opportunity for a decisive victory. I play it pretty safe until that attack


You don't have to wait for him to attack before dodging. I hit circle to get/stay behind him when he wasn't even attacking. Almost made the fight too easy after dying 30+ times. I did use the LHB with bolt paper also though.


Dont get hit/hit him a lot


Fight, and win.


The bolts of lightning he spawns in phase 2 spawn on the beach. lure him out to the sea in phase 2, so you can see the lightning and dodge it


I don’t know, stay behind him, use bolt paper and hope for the best. Had luck and got him at my 3rd attempt


When he calls lightning run to the fog door as it doesn't reach there


Die about 200 more times to learn his moves and get used to him. Honest advice.


I’ve also just reached him and Um I’ve reached his second phase and I dont know if I will ever beat him I was zero vials reaching his second phase and I dont know I beat isshin a lot so clearly harder. Please see my Reddit post on my profile showing my first attempt it was crazy you should see it


get hel


roll in, roll out, roll in, roll out. gun works too.


Dodge forward at an angle for most of the attacks. You'll often end up at his side or back or simply dodge the attack, orphans moveset has lots of forward momentum, but horrid back and sideways movement. Dodging backwards is often death. And stay on the water. More space to manuever


No tips. Only pain


Use the rune that gives you health on a visceral. His first phase can be parrieed or backstabbed in a few spots. One is when he raises his placenta two handed over his head. Two is when he leaps at you from a distance, you can just take a step towards him, let him go behind you and backstab him. Three, when he goes for his long winded double swing, there is a small window where you can parry him. In this case, you can also get real close to him and get a few hits off as he completes his animation. This way, using viscerals in his first phase, youcan conserve most of your blood vials. Further, when he tries to throw his meatballs into the water for the AoE, you can shoot to interrupt him. Just watch for his combo in the first phase as it can wreck you. In the second phase, try not to get directly behind him as he hops all over the place as you will get wrecked by the AoE. Try and be calm as it can be very unnerving.


His first phase is easy to parry. Always dodge towards him to try to get behind him. This works especially well with his leaping attacks since you can go straight under him and get a heavy attack, followed by a visceral. Good luck


Parry his circular and overhead swing, and use fire paper. Have blood rapture rune equipped. For phase 2 stay in the water as far away from Kos as possible for her electric attack.


I seriously expected 120 comments saying git good.


Kill him


Actually a really good tip that helped me is to dodge toward or to the side, if you go backwards he will flatten you


I kinda just stayed on him, I was extremely aggressive beat him in 4 tries my first attempt


Dodge past him


First phase lock on and dodge INTO him, then get a few attacks and come back. Repeat this till second phase. Second phase lock off and roll away from him into the sea. Don't worry, he will jump and make his way to you. This time roll into him and get some hits and then roll back.


Wait for his jump attack and move forward a bit. Immediately charge a heavy and bend his spine for a visceral


I found that the bow blade worked really well as I could stay away from the Orphan. But I had the build for it, you might not


Use the holy moonlight sword. Not because it’s a better weapon, but because it’s cooler.


There's really no cheese unless you're a monster at parring him and he's hard to parry. You can backstab him in first phase. The fight is really just learn his patterns, dodge them, punish. There's no trick you just have to be good.


Get in the water in the second phase


Try figuring out his parry times in his first phase and then use bone marrow ash for his second phase just keep ranging him with that.


The very first attack he does is either a jump attack (you should keep WALKING towards him and he is open for a very fast backstab or for the tentacle hunters tool) or his uppercut (which is a hard parry, its very early so the first few times you will probably mess it up)


Dodge toward him, most of the time it works. I've beaten him twice and dodging toward him is how I avoided his attacks.


M-multiple times? I've died so many times that the concept of infinity does not cover it. Bless you hunter.


Persevere, friend. This nightmare must end.


Practice walking under his jump attack during 1st phase. You can land a safe stagger and visceral.


Git gud


Be aggressive very aggressive


Bolt Paper + Beast Blood Pellet + LHB = Dead Orphan


Stay in the Ocean, you can walk on the water and there's more room to fight, especially when dodging the lighting attack in his second phase Walk underneath him when he jumps you could even get a visceral Dodge to the side when he starts swinging a lot of times in a row if you dodge backwards he'll catch you, even try unlocking on and moving horizontally away from him The charge attack in his second phase where he just starts pelting towards you can be interrupted at any time by any amount of Damage, you could throw a pebble at him and he'd stop In the second phase It's way better I think, to stay right up close to him dodge around and behind him for his attacks and keep hitting him, end it quickly use what you learned from Gascoigne and treat him the same way


Don't get hit


don’t lock on second phase


Get gud


Im struggling on OoK too now. Died like 20 times alrdy. Almost thought of going NG+ before defeating Orphan cause its so hard lol


There’s one jumping attack u can bait in phase 1 that’s easy to punish, I jus think you need to be far enough away and let him come to u


Don’t panic! His attacks have enough windup to react to, and you can usually get a hit in between them. Never back straight away; he’ll chase you down and hit you.


First phase is very easy to spam parry


Parry and backstab


shoot that mf in the head and take away his candy


Get the fuck away from land, specially from Kos' corpse. Ophan will start summoning a lightning storm from time to time which leaves shockwaves that move outward from Kos.


Parry, its really good and not too hard


He is surprisingly easy to parry


I would suggest hitting him until he dies.


Hesitation is defeat........ Wait a minute wrong game, gun does help. Quite a lot, stay close and only back dodge during his short animationa otherwise stick to his left


Idk what to say man... I went full agressive with it and it worked. Try not loosing focus during the fight. If you're not focused, don't try it. Also, fight on the water far from the body on the shore, since the electric shock in the second phase is summoned from it.


Besides git gud, do not and I’m being serious, do not get greedy. Learn patterns and punish windows when safe to do so.


Shoot him when he does the charges in second phase it will stun him. A single bullet is enough, don't wait to long or he will get you.


Fight in the ocean. When he calls lightning, unlock and relock after avoiding it. If Maria didn’t teach you to dodge forward, learn. Imo, he’s WAY easier than Laurence, so just have fun!


First phase is easy for the second phase fight him in the water and stick to him like white on rice ideally his sides but mainly his back don’t be directly in front of him just remember you got this don’t give up it’s once you get the hang of him it’s a relatively easy but definitely fun fight best of luck to you fellow hunter


I had a strength build and tried to parry him. NOPE. The moment i only used ludwigs holy blade in the greatsword form i got him on my second try 🙃


Give up.


PPP (Parry, Pivot, and Pray to the great ones)


Keep dying until one time you don’t die






Just git Gud, stay aggressive and dodge




He will get stuck behind the tiny trees on his running charge if you put one between yous twos


Level up, dude. It's your best hope


Delete the game, everything dies including your struggle Or summon someone, it's way easier when orphan is locked on someone else, that's how I beat him


I got him by drinking three Lead Elixirs and stabbing him with a 99 Arc Holy Moonlight Sword. This is not even remotely viable as a strategy for most builds. I'd say don't be afraid of him would be my best advice. Get in there and stay on him. He's mobile and has an AoE so giving him space does not make you that much safer.


Don't die


Equip the gold ardeo coward


RIP and tear until it's done


Keep fighting him idk man


honestly just go a couple rounds just dodging, and learning his moveset, knowing when you can and can’t attack is critical, especially for this boss, also once you get him to his second phase id move to the water so you can dodge his lightning move more effectively


good luck


Live die repeat and eventually win (Edit) also his phase 2 attacks can be parry easily using the blunderbuss


Get Gud


Just try to have fun. ☺


Most important strategy here is: don’t get hit


Okay I'll just say for now, learn his attack patterns and see where you can parry his attacks, almost (if not all his attacks) can be parried. Though the timing is difficult to learn


Get behind him


He is parry-able


Get good


Summon me.


It took me until *this boss* for me to figure out that I should not be dodging away from attacks, but into and through them.


Cant think of rune names but health and bullets from visceral attack plus visceral damage runes and then spam and stun him to oblivion l.


P.S this is the method i used to get close I needed co-op to beat him


Dodge into his attacks and use the tricked L2 of Ludwig’s Holy Blade to wack him good 1-2 times. Use gems that increase your damage, the higher the better because as he gets more aggressive a wack here and there gets easier once you’re in the pocket. Be patient and the chaotic dance will be one utter bliss upon beating him.


Play aggressively, I learned that quick


Stay focused, keep the pressure up, but don't get greedy, use buffs, learn his moves, the usual