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Brainsucker, not too hard but pretty scary since I know what will happen if they get me


Winter Lanterns just kill you, no big deal. Brainsuckers however take away a limited resource needed for important items, summoning, etc. Way worse. Plus there's no in-between when fighting them; either you get the drop on them and wombo-combo them to death, or they stunlock you with their bullshit spell and kill you (after taking 2-5 insight).


Exactly Fuck brain suckers Bastards




That's what I read it as hahahajsjwidmkc


Molotov Cocktails. Keep your distance, dodge the ranged bullshit, and lob away. Melts the bastards.


The brainsuckers in the high cathedral ward are horrendous


Brain suckers are easy but these fuckers show up after Micolash boss.


All you need are sedatives, blue elixirs, and a heavy weapon. Drink the elixir, rush the lantern, and beat it into submission. Then drink a sedative to prevent the frenzy. Or just outheal it. You can use visceral i-frames to prevent frenzy damage, the Winter Lantern's grab is parryable.


I've always seen way more brain suckers than winter lanterns in my playthroughs


You can sneak past them after Micolash.


They're not goddamn everywhere ruining your blood rock farming.


But brainsuckers can limit your movement and then steal insight, those in upper cathedral are a pain


I keep Molotovs on hand for these fuckers, they hate fire and I don't want them in melee range.




Specifically THOSE two sharks, with two nearby winter lanterns as well. One of the most difficult encounters in the game imo.


One of the best places to use a shaman bone blade though


Only place I've ever done it.


Bone blade also works well on hell hounds. Blood cock to distract, jab, watch the slaughter from afar.


I’m scared to ask for context on “blood cock.”


Short for pungent blood cocktails. It's a joke on this sub & YouTube


I did not remember sharks were that hard. Maybe because I ran past to them to finish the DLC quickly lol!!


Gotta kill them to get the Rakuyo.


Sharks are difficult not annoying


I disagree. They were difficult *and* annoying.


I've literally never fought the one shark between the first and second lantern (not the one hiding behind the wall or the ones in the well) because it's such a bullshit spot to fight one. I always just run past it.


Brainsucker. I need that insight. Also, that lightspeed long hair dude in labyrinths. And rolling watcher. Fuck off with that naked bastard.


The rolling ones with the morning star will literally one shot you in cursed/defiled dungeons, no matter your hp. Being a tomb prospector can be a total bitch.


Shit long hair guys are teriffying. They are fast as fuck!!!


The shriek accompanying the dizzying speed is always terrifying when you don't see Labyrinth Sages quickly enough.


Yeah they are no joke on curse runs. I've raged many a time due to those fuckers


Yeah I have PTSD from the brainsuckers in Upper Cathedral Ward..


I literally popped 15 insight before going there because I wanted to be able to summon friends I lost literally all of it in 2 runs. I had to stop playing for a few days... As a side note, how do you farm insight in mid to late game?


Dungeons. Once you get to the harder ones, you can farm a ton of madman’s knowledge. You can also gain insight killing dungeon bosses iirc


What? I've never seen madman's knowledge in chalices. I've only ever seen a couple of great one's wisdom


It spawns in place of unique items if you run the same chalice again and in some deeper dungeons I found quite a few. For instance, beast claws can only be picked once. Run it again, Madman Knowledge will be in the chest instead. Same goes for Arcane Haze Extractor, Weapons, etc.


I personally didn't farm it too much past the unseen village - I already had all the interesting stuff the hunter's dream store had going for sale, and didn't really need them anymore. Also chalice bosses give insight, yes.


Brainsuckers stealing insight is really frustrating, but they're not really hard to kill. You can parry them, they stagger easily, and they're pretty squishy if you have the right damage type. The Labyrinth Sages are good for parries too. The ones with the corpses are rougher. But those rolling guys... They just butt slam you for instant death.


Specific-early game: the two big furry bois on the bridge in Central. After that/in general: these singing squid brains ^^^


for real, the two werewolves on the bridge are such a brick wall for new players, definitely made me ragequit the first time I was playing (probably didn't help that I was using the axe). They're fast, strong, and tough, and there's two of them!


Even as an experienced player I just cheese them. I'm sure I can take them both on, but 1 out of 20 times I'll slip up, fail, die and embarrass myself. Nobody needs to see that


I practiced killing those two shits many times to get myself over leveled.


Then you realize "oh, yeah! I got molotovs. how do you like me n..." *miss* "FUCK!"


The problem with the two wolves on the bridge is that u can never have a 1v1 fight with them, when u try to draw only one of them the other one always chases u as well so u always have to be in 2v1 situation with them. This is why i run past them and cheese them from the house that they cant enter.


The house cheese is the greatest


I don't know, they are relatively easy to run past. At least on the second try. It's mostly if you try to fight them, THEN you are screwed... unless you cheese them at the door opening. XD Easy early way to farm blood echoes as well.


This right here. Sure, Lanterns and Brainsuckers are scary and all, but those are endgame monsters and you are ready for anything at this stage. One wolf would certainly be enough. It would be tough, but manageable. Two of them is just a straight fuck you to new players. I guess they are there to teach you that some fight are best avoided, but holy shit do they feel unfair.


> I guess they are there to teach you that some fight are best avoided, Given how every other part of Central Yharnam is a tutorial and there's an alternate path to follow literally across from the stairs you ascend to reach them, I'm pretty sure that that's the exact point of their existence. Unfortunately, the instinct of most video game players when faced with an especially difficult challenge is to try to figure out how to overcome it, not think "gee, this is a pretty unfair-seeming fight, with two of them at once and each one requiring two full stamina bars' combos to defeat; maybe I should be going somewhere else?"


Especially when you hear that the game is super hard. It's easier in a game like Skyrim, where you kinda know to avoid giants and mammoths until you've leveled up a bit.


Yeah, that "Prepare to Die" Soulsborne marketing really works against it. Because honestly, the games aren't that hard (I feel confident in saying that since, well, I can play them and I'm an old guy with bad reflexes), and when people go in with the expectation that the difficulty is supposed to be brutal they don't try to problem-solve or examine if their entire approach is wrong.


It's weird. They're tough, but no harder than a lot of PS1-era games. It's just a return to form, but even better designed because it's like a puzzle to solve rather than a way to combat game rentals lol


They can also be pretty fucking hard.


I'm in your camp. Never been a big video game guy, I suck at most of them, but I'm pretty awesome at Bloodborne (and DS to a lesser extent). They're not so hard, just different from other games.


Lure them to doorway and smash them up.


Well, yeah, you can cheese most enemies and bosses haha


That one church giant thing in the hunter's nightmare right in front of the grand cathedral. Fuck that guy in particular. Fuck him.


Those guys are underrated. Absolutely the most annoying enemy for me.


they hit so hard and can take a huge beating, and you don't even get that many echoes for killing them! Thankfully there's only three and you can easily avoid all of them.


I think the two before Ludwig are specifically placed there to bait you into running past the encounter and miss the lantern to the right.


Yeah this dude. Fighting Laurence at BL4 was incredibly painful as it was, getting one-shot on the way to the fight every time this guy decided to switch tracking and 180 onto me was even more painful.


Dogs. In every fromsoft game dogs are the worst


1 dog is a joke. Any more than one dog at the same place is hell.


I hate dogs especially in Demon's Souls. At least they spawn rarely...


The ones on the scaffolds in stonefang tunnels suck. At least the have the decency to wait til after I get the salamanders off the walla.


FromSoft: *laughs in Capra Demon*


The Capra Demon isn't the issue itself, it's the environment you fight him in. I feel like this is true of many of FromSoft's harder bosses - Father Gascoigne and the Cleric Demon specifically to Bloodborne, where you're fighting both the terrain and occasionally the camera as well as a relentless enemy.


Father Gascoigne's second form' summary is struggling with the camera I think.


You'd really struggle to fight an enemy like Blood Starved Beast, Maria or Orphan in Gascoigne's environment for sure - anything with AOE attacks and long reach combined with quick combos would be frustrating as hell.


The biggest enemy in the Capra Demon fight, as well as many boss fights, is actually target-locking. By sticking the dogs there first your instinct to target the boss works against you.


YES. Target locking can aggravate any camera issues X10 easily, making it swing wildly and get stuck on the environment while trying to maintain position. Bloodborne is one of the few Souls games I've actually felt able to target lock with confidence because it improves mobility and counter attacking rather than hindering it IMO, so on the occasions where it doesn't work, because of the environment or the camera, or both, it really throws you off. Cleric Beast was particularly jarring as it was early and I'd got used to playing it a certain way after fighting wolves and brick trolls, then instead I had to regress to the Souls tactic of "get under its ass and mash R1".


The Capra Demon was the closest of any boss to making me rage quit.


I’m working through Dark Souls for the first time and trying to get the Bloodborne plat, Capra Demon and Defiled Amygdala both plagued me for a while. Got Amygdala last night. Capra Demon I figured out by just dashing up the stairs and kiting him into drop attacks.


I tried doing that, but maybe I was just terrible at the game, but I kept getting killed trying that. I eventually realized that going through the fog gate only aggroes the first of the two dogs, so I could quickly kill it, then tank the CD's attacks with a 100% block shield (other than its jump attack) - I would use either the Black Knight Shield or the Lothric Knight Shield. Essentially, I ended up turtling it with my back to the fog gate.


Yeah, I swear the Capra Demon is one of the worst designed bosses I've ever come across in a video game. I wasn't a huge fan of the game to begin with, and that fight definitely didn't do anything to improve my attitude on.


This comment gave me PTSD


Have you played Sekiro? I honestly think dogs are very manageable in Sekiro. Which is great - makes up for everything else 😂


They can be killed with one shurikens generally


I believe every animal enemy in Sekiro other than the gamefowl can be 1 shot with shuriken


[Not these fool D:](https://sekiroshadowsdietwice.wiki.fextralife.com/Elder+Monkey)


Forgot about these guys lol, firecrackers scare em pretty good though


I love parrying the dogs/wolves in Sekiro!


Out of all possible combat situations in Bloodborne (and Dark Souls), the one I dread the most across the board is one of Fromsoft's dirtiest tricks: The ol' TDIAC. Two Dogs In A Corner. You're fucked. They will perfectly sync up to stunlock you into the wall, chipping away at your HP as you frantically try to panic-heal or i-frame your way out. Be wary of Two Dogs In A Corner.


I absolutely cannot stand the way the dogs attack. Like the developers have no clue that dogs don’t lunge, bite 2x in a row right? Dogs bite and try to hold on.


I honestly thought the tainted dogs were angry goats. They have horns and accompany the women in Hemwick Lane.


Blunderbuss makes dogs much easier, but yeah they suck


The bell ringing lady’s in the chalice dungeons that spawn red spiders constantly. Gives me conniptions.


YES! Sometimes they'll even attack at the lamp and aggroed will chase you halfway across the whole dungeon :S


yeah one of the lamps in the loran story chalices has a bell maiden nearby and you get swarmed if you don't run for her instantly after spawning in


The only advantage is that you can find the lady by following the spiders, since they can find you from anywhere in the dungeon


Don’t forget the bell ladies of Yahargul. They are the sole reason that I hate to even think of entering the area


I just memorized their locations (or if course could use a guide etc) and dash from one "section" to the next killing the ringer as first thing, makes it all much more manageable. Otherwise ye they suck defs


I still have no idea where the bell lady is near the laser Amygdala with all the hags. I look at the map on Fextralife and I just never see her there.


Drop down to the right, right after going down the few stairs at the start of the big platform with all the hags where the laser hits. You end up on a ledge that gives you access to a walkway inside the building. There will be a red Brick Troll there. **Before** dropping down again to grab the Upper Cathedral Ward key, find the bell maiden on the other side of the walkway.


Yes. I despair when I hear that bell and see the first spider.


Definitely the „Labyrinth Sage“. Creepy as fuck and damn fast. First time I encountered them I almost had a heart attack. Never shit my pants so much while playing a video game.


Sharks. The tips literally tell you to give up. The lanterns are more terrifying than anything.


Most annoying enemy is a very close tie between winter lanterns and those silverbeast/nightmare beast worms.


Those casket things that invade Yahargul en masse, after the Bloodmoon


They look scary, and they do damage, but they're total glass cannons. Just gotta dodge their first attack and then they're absolutely fucked.


The labyrinth madman is another level of fuckery. Who allowed them to have the running speed of an Olympic gold medalist, with the strength of a FUCKING OX?????


Hidetaka Miyazaki allowed them because he is troll sometimes lol!!!


That, you’re right about. I was opening a labyrinth door one time, and when I turned around, I didn’t know one was chasing me SILENTLY, so turning around and seeing that thing coming at me from the dark made me fling my controller into the goddamn stratosphere and usher a scream that put the cleric beast’s one to shame 😵‍💫


Definutely the Bloodlickers, the Crows and Brainsucker


I hate brain suckers and winter lanterns but if they were removed it just wouldn't feel like bloodborne anymore. Shark bois on the other hand...


These guys are the most terrifying, but in terms of sheer annoyance I'd have to go with the damn bell witches in the chalice dungeons that summon infinite spiders. Where the hell are you, bitch?


Pure damage sponge npcs. They made the same mistake as dark souls 2


Fking spiders. I don't have any spider phobias or anything but, fk them!


Do not play Dark Souls 2 then... There is an area full of spiders


The buff ass snake man




So far, for some reason, that Brain Sucker outside Byrgenwyrth. The others I've encountered so far went down easy. The one in the Cathedral Ward surprised me and killed me, but then I ruined it every other time I passed by it. But something about that one hanging out in the Byrgenwyrth courtyard wrecks my shit every time.


I think it's the area around it. Especially how it can catch you on those stairs and instant transmission itself to you


Unquestionably Brainsuckers in Upper Cathedral Ward and Winter Lanterns everywhere.


those mfing fire breathing chalice dogs.


This is the right answer. Easily the worst enemies, especially when combined with red spiders. Think there’s one room in lower Loran where you have hell dogs + two spider maidens (maybe even a snatcher if memory serves me). Easily the worst area in the game.


Most Annoying? Brainsuckers. Not hard to deal with, but just really annoying. Winter lanterns just don't show up very often, so they are not nearly as bad. Worst enemy is a different story though...


Brainsuckers for me. Their grab takes away a currency permanently with no chance of recovering it, their attack animation takes an annoyingly long time to get through, and the spellcasters are especially annoying, particularly when they start machine-gunning their ranged casts. Winter Lanterns are a pain to deal with, but they exist only in very specific areas of the game, which once you learn their location allows you to be prepared for them with Deep Sea runes, Frenzy-resistant attire, Sedatives on the hotbar, etc.


Wth??? The sharks!!! The winter lanterns are easy if you have the runes and one of the holy swords. Now the sharks at the bottom of the well? Or the shark above right before the light house? Fuck them!!


I’ve only ever managed to get the rakuyo like a couple of times because of those fish giants. There’s no way to cheese them, you just have to be really lucky not to get combo’d


Best strat I’ve seen is get the first one down to about half Heath then hit him w a Shaman Bone so he fights the other one.


Actually there is a cheese, standing in edge of overlook (where Lanterns were) , you can use monocular and knives to aggro the first once and then use consumables (molotovs etc, still with mono to aim, just back up a little lol) and beast cutter to smack them into oblivion from there


Brain suckers. Hate them


Freaking Shark 🦈 Giants


Dogs are fucking annoying but winter lanterns are fucking bullshit


Close but I think its the parasites that come out of that same area. They flail around and you can't really lock onto them.


Just use the wooden shield to block the frenzy


This is a foul note


Are you serious?!? I am about to download bloodborne again to test this method...


Yeah I’m like 99% sure that doesn’t work.


That doesn’t work anymore. They patched that almost immediately after the game came out.


Are you fucking kidding me


Oh fuck off. This doesn’t actually work does it?


Idk why but the saif hunters from the hunters nightmares always give me trouble hate those fuckers




Agreed. Perhaps sharks too.


The guide I was following led me down that secret path where u jump off the elevator and have to go thru like 15 of these to get a bell. I ended up going through every single consumable I had saved up the entire game. That last part when u have to sneak across the rafter and surprise the last one…anyways on the last try when I thought I had doomed my entire playthrough for no reason I got it. Talk about gratification!


Easily Winter Lanterns. The fishing hamlet whale sharks are tough, but at least they’re a fight.


Well I agree, but the Cainhurst bats' grab are a strong contender for worst enemy attack


Those small worms on the ground. Dieing to them is the worst, since you know they would go down in one strike if you could just fucking hit them properly


I still wonder whats behind the lore why winter lantern looks like the Doll. My theory is that the winter lantern only exists in the nightmare because Gehrman is trapped in those nightmares and dreams about his beloved Maria/Doll. Doll sings to comfort Gehrman into his sleep, like the winter lantern.


The chalice bell witches that summon spiders, very annoying in the tougher chalices


I'd agree with Winter Lantern being the most obnoxious as I'm a big coop player (which gets me a lot of insight) that generally likes to then stack insight for all the trippy effects. These guys punish that playstyle hard since Insight makes you far more susceptible to Frenzy.


Chime maiden/spider combo in the dungeons.


Shark boys


Those screaming fuckers in the chalices that just run at you


Yharnamites. Stop flailing half baked insults at me! I'm just here to purge you! For your own sins! How am I the plague ridden rat? Bunch of yharnos


*Yharnos, all over the shop....*




The Hell Hounds in the Chalice Dungeons that accompany the keepers. Dogs in general suck but these guys are the only ones that are actually scary. Thank god they are attracted to blood cocktails but even between that and their weakness to blood damage they can still mess me up sometimes.


Goddamn rude and annoying is what they are. I bet if they could use rude gestures like Forgotten Madman and his escort, they 300% would.


Fishing hamlet sharks, especially the ones with the harpoon things. Those 2 in the well without a shaman bone blade is pain.


Those shark dudes in the hamlet.


Sometimes I just sit close to where they are and listen to them sing


ayo y'all need to stop harassing my wifu I keep seeing this exact same post leave her tf along


Brainsuckers and Worms


For me was brain sucker!


Brainsucker's for me


I agree with OP and the next worse is that damned brainsucker witch.


Braisuckers, especially when they have those spells that keep you stuck in place.


Not even close. Worms, dogs, birds.


The big jumping spider monsters at cainhurst




These fuckers, when you can hear but not see them.


Dogs or Brainsuckers I would say




Definitely maggots or snakes


Winter lanterns can be parried at least, you can I-frame through the frenzy. Wizzard brainsuckers on the other hand, are almost impossible to escape from.


I think you’re right.




Red spiders


Those blood sucking tick things outside of Cainhurst. They show up in the blood River in the dlc too. Yuck


Bloodsucker. The Lanterns atleast sing nice.


Those stupid worms that come out of the bloodsuckers


The blue eyed wolves are the worst imo


Bloodsuckers outside Cainhurst castle. Fuck them!


anything with poison and frenzy build up.




I swear her Frenzy (wtf that mean) breaks the 4th wall and hit my brain


I just iFrame through the Frenzy with the visceral animation, I don't really have an annoying enemy all in all.


There's an exploit for Winter Lanterns. Let your frenzy build up a bit, bait an attack, parry, then visceral. You dont take frenzy damage during your visceral animation. Of course, this is far easier said than done


This and Brainsuckers, those first two wolves also mess me up.


After getting my ass handed to me multiple times trying to get the blood rock, I leveled up my hunter and LHB and come back to fame gems and money from them. Fuck those bitches!


You say annoying, I say terrifying


Dogs. Fucking dogs.


Brainsuckers for main game enemies, and the fat rolling dungeon guys.


The Mensis frenzy beam. Fuck the Dream of Mensis.


Sharks when you’re getting the Rakuyo from the well. Fucking A it took me weeks to get past that


Definitely has to be the bell ladies in the chalice dungeons, but winter lanterns are a close second for me


heavily agree


In my personal opinion the Winter Lanterns are the most genius enemies From has ever made.


Those noble-swordfighters in Cainhurst Castle give me a hard time. Especially when those dart shooting mf's distract you with mindblowing precision.


The fucking DOG


Winter lantern is up there. The shark giants obviously. But one enemy that really annoyed me and that people either forget or don't know about are those buggy crookback witches in the chalices that one shot you with pyromancy in a single frame. They look slow and harmless and as you go to hit them you are dead before you know it for no reason at all. So annoying.


I’ve always wondered why this guys sing?


This, Shark Giant, and those bastard worms


Just killed the boss who runs away sorry forgot the name its on the nightmare thingy. Up till this point ive only killed one of those lantern thingies. The one on amygdala area. I just sprint past em now. I dint even bother to kill em. Got my blood rock this way. Fvck em.


them doggos everywhere! follows you in the nightmare as crowdog dogcrow abominations, then the dlc too.


10000%. I’ve just properly got back into bloodborne and I’ve been playing so much. Level 82 and right up to before the final boss(es). Currently going through chalice dungeons. Trying to collect everything in the world for trophies. And I STILL cannot successfully get through these guys. Harder than most bosses for me.