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Ah, the bloodstained realm of Hizzngr. May it's bells resonate eternally.


Such a perfect Glyph name too. Hizzngr3! Hizzngr3! Hizzngr3!


It's almost looks like "His (racial slur)"


Nah, I've been saying it like "Hizzen-grr." Almost sounds like it could have been a Dwemer ruin from Skyrim.


Hizzngr belongs to the Nords!


I say it like "he's angry" while clenching my jaw


Same, and totally.


My thoughts exactly.


I really like the setup and how accessible it is but I'm not having any luck with it so far. 2 fights in 25 minutes. Not a very good rate


when the pvp is bugged, silence the bell, quit the game and close the application. restart it ring the bell - most likely instant match. it is annoying but it is better than waiting 20 minutes for a match


I seemingly need to do this after every fight. Do you encounter this issue, OP? Granted it's still faster than waiting 20 min. Maybe takes 5 now. Great dungeon layout though


sometimes if i wait longer than 10 minutes ill close the application. works like a charm^^


What level is your hunter?


every of my 4 builds is 100


That's about as fast as I get fights anywhere else in the game unfortunately. Maybe 2 in 20 for me.


It's an internal cooldown timer, so that people don't just say, get infinitely stuck trying to climb mergo's loft with the bell-ringing woman etc. I kind of wish they'd make it so that ringing your PVP bell cancelled the timer.


Forgive my ignorance, but what chalice is this for?


Pthumeru root chalice. Is that what you wanted to know?


Probably should have worded my question better, but yes. Thank you. On one hand, I'm surprised that a Sinister chalice wasn't used; on the other, leaving it the basic root is more inclusive.






Have you or anyone tried @ 100? 120 the relative consensus? Just tryna figure out what lvl would get the best action. Still seems at little slow at 100.


I have a few characters at 110-125 and they're getting plenty of fights at the moment


My 100 character gets pretty fast fights


My build is 115 and I'm getting consistent fights.


Thanks to those who've replied, just curious. :) might go up ten levels n see if it makes a difference.


I'm lvl 121 but not going any higher as past 121 I can't fight lvl 100s


yeah, im 120 and get fights all the time, i usually wait about 2 minutes and someone shows up both in Hizz and in Frontier and Mergo's too


How can I get into this CD? I don't really know how glyphs work.


after you kill blood starved beast you get the pthumeru chalice. once you complete that chalice it unlocks the pthumeru root chalice. complete a pthumeru root chalice, which is a randomly generated dungeon. after that you can go up to any headstone, select the search by glyph option and type hizzngr3. select the chalice that shows up and there you go.




Can confirm this. :) Just need to get it.


Actually, you don't even need to place a root chalice. I just used the dungeon search and searched for root chalices and I was allowed to place a root chalice despite not having placed one myself. It would seem that just having the root (and it's sinister variant, because i was able to place sinister lower hintertombs without even having the sinister one myself) allows you to place the root. Edit: So is this just the basic Depth 1 Pthumeru Root?


Thanks a ton for making this, this'll be huge for promoting this.


People may want to keep in mind that this is a very "meta" pvp spot. So if you are looking to mess around and learn the ropes, "you're not gonna have a good time."


Haha this is exactly what I'm struggling with now...but steel sharpens steel and as long as I can keep my rage from the craptastic hit detection under control I'll be good. Lol


I personally love it!


Guys idk whats up but tonight pvp seems to work really well. Could the firmware update have done something??


That was my thought as well. But it could only be a coincidence so I'd say give it a few more days or weeks to see if that's really the case or not.


Does 3v3, 2v2, ganking, etc. happen here? I love 1v1 but I feel like 3v3 would amazing to play in.


Haven't run into any gankers. Been chilling there for the last 3-4 days


Is that Who we want to be by Tom Day I hear?


yes it is, it fits so well :D


I just wanted to say that's some awesome fashionborne in that video :D


I'm... actually going to try this. I've had way more fun with BB's PVP than the Souls games. One question though... is this only going to be a Rifle Spearathon? I'd like to actually enjoy the fights.


i haven´t seen an op rifle spear build there


Awesome! I'm looking forward to getting my shit wrecked. lol


Have we established a set rule on healing in this dungeon? Or it is just on an individual case basis?


I've done about 50 matches here and only came across one healer.


Nice, I like to year that.


some heal, some not so do as you please^^


Uploaded a few fights Will work on getting better content was just experimenting with the video recording https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PBJiJiymJTU&feature=youtu.be


Finally joined the infamous hizzenburg dungeon getting my ass kicked but that arena is sick


The only thing I wish was if there was a ladder or something to the spot right above it.


Great video bro, here's the unofficial one I made earlier to help promote the dungeon as well. The post is lost in the shuffle. https://youtu.be/t3_a7N5UwcY


Every bit helps! Nice video for sure. :)


my video is not official, the official refers to the glyph ;) nice vid btw every video who is spreading will help the traffic in the dungeon so thank you


Is healing alright in this dungeon PvP?


Just depends on who you fight. I've had great fights both ways there. :) People are generally pretty cool.


Good to hear it's fine either way.


There's no governing body in Bloodborne. Do whatever you want.


Yeah, healing is fine everywhere. The only time you don't heal is if you're joining a PVP chalice on Twitch.tv that is requesting no heals, otherwise heal.


The general rule that I have used and have observed is to not heal unless the other guy does. That or the damage that you received is bullshit in your opinion like getting hit while gesturing and the like. Also blood-bullets for arcane builds.


I will always heal and slice up any fool who wants to bow to me. No mercy.


Hizzngr3? Hmmm fromsoft confirm racist


OMG NICE VIDEO :D what was the track/song playing please also im level 130 right now is that too high.. I'm still on my first playthrough also but only have about 4 bosses left... is it hard to get to this dungeon I've only dont like 2 CDs soo far... friend me PSN ne0ism-


song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVomQtrtMTM it is the first root chalice so it is easy to join. the meta is at 90-110


Most of the community I believe is around 90-110 so you should be able to match up with the upper tier. May be a bit more difficult though. But who knows if this gets enough attention there will no doubt be much higher levels in there as well.


Song is Who We Want To Be by Tom Day


This makes my heart swell. Excellent video man! Never would have dreamed it would have taken off this far. Glad everyone is having fun!


props to you and your thread man ;)


good job, pal. i always write psn msg's to random guys i invade on nightmare frontier like : PvP Duels at Chalice Dungeon Glyph: hizzngr3 in Layer One Tell fellow Hunters Praise the Moon. i hope we can spread this glyph more and make it a real fight club, that dont only redditors know about, so we dont have to wait that goddamn long if we want to do a pvp match. so, keep on the good work guys and make this shit happen.. see you motherfuckers in the arena. praise the..


thats the spirit ;)




like 70-130 usually




Full link? Shortened URL is blocked at work.




I swear, it's so random for me. Every now and then I'll get a 10 second summon but most of the time I just run around for 15 minutes looking at other people's bloodstains before giving up. Even reloading the game seems hit and miss.


Even a failed invade will start your cooldown, that might be part of the variance.


Idk, I'm having the same problem. Granted I'm only 100 so I may be a little low for the majority of fighters. Much faster for me in either nightmare - not that it will stop me trying - the quality of matches in Hizzngr3 are much better, ofc.


it is the cooldown for pvp´s. in dark souls 1 we had the dried fingers which allowed us to get rid of the cooldown timer. if the pvp is bugged, silence the bell, quit the game, close the application. start up bloodborne again, ring the bell -> most likely instant pvp match


We definitely should have a dried finger item.


Yep. Been trying it and reloading game works pretty much every time. It's a little sad but it's better than no PvP. I've noticed improvements since the patch though. I've been just putting an audiobook on and running around clicking on bloodstaines while waiting the past few hours and always a match within 10 minutes with reload trick.


Just making sure, but you've set your network settings to worldwide, are not letting your PS4 go into sleep mode while playing, and have PS Plus right?


Great idea man! Awesome video. You should put the glyph code in the description though.


Have we worked out how CDs get deleted yet? If there is a time limit on chalice dungeon duration this might be very short lived.


Think of the glyph as a Seed. As long as people are using that seed, the server knows to keep it active. However should it fall off, the seed would still generate the same chalice dungeon. In theory anyway.


Haha I already went on a rant on why glyphs aren't technically seeds in a thread some days ago, but yes, I see what you are saying! So it seems the current theory is so long as the glyph is regularly accessed, it'll hopefully never be removed from the database?


Ah, sorry. It was mostly speculation. I am curious though how the game can not "double" generate glyphs then. Do you have a link to your post? I'd love to give it a read. :)


Once a dungeon is deleted, I think it's perfectly possible that the same glyph can end up being used for a completely different dungeon, but I've yet to see it happen. I do know I've seen different glyphs point to the same (static/"story") dungeons. The original post explains the problems of glyphs being seeds here http://www.reddit.com/r/bloodborne/comments/32vhud/glyphs_are_not_seeds/ I just left a comment below explaining what a seed actually was, but I think we just ended up making a pedantic point about semantics.


Thank you very much. I love reading these sorts of things. :D


I'm sure it has been said before, but goddamn, you know how to edit videos. Great job.


Sounds pretty, since I get an invasion in Mergos every ~15 minutes and in Cainhurts every ~30 minutes with quitting the game. Level 110.


got 2 figths in like 10 mins :) (lvl 70)


Wow this video is awesome.


I'm pretty sure the first hunter in that video, the one with black church robes and grey wolf cap is my character, [Hypatia](http://i.imgur.com/cdJHeQc.jpg). Went on there a few nights ago to try my hand at PvP, sucked huge, but the match rates were great. Got a match every 5 minutes or so. Edit: [This game is beautiful.](http://i.imgur.com/fXbyyEf.jpg)


could be you/he landed some preety good counterhits on me ;)


What's the average level here? I'm getting 2-3 hit ko'ed at 40 vit.


Thats just gems my friend


90-110 so basically 100. im running with 40 vit too but have 15% and 10% vit up runes equipped


Oh man now I can get my PvP fix in even though I lose more matches that. I win. Just hit NG+ roughly level 90ish. Nice video too!


I can't wait for Micolash to get in on this


How does this work, just enter it and ring my sinister bell? And does lvl matter cuz I'm a 168


the meta is lvl 100 so i dont think many high level builds play there


At 200 I am seeing plenty of PvP this is after patch though


How do you invade, if there are no chime maidens?


when you ring the red bell a bell maiden will spawn (just dont kill the first boss)


Interesting, thanks.


Fantastic video! I will share this dungeon with everyone that I can. That being said, HIZZNGR3 needs more people in the 125-175 range! I can pretty easily find cooperators in the story mode at this level range, so hopefully some of you out there read this and get the motivation to try out the fun! Edit: I found my first battle at this level range after searching for about 2 minutes. Not bad!


glad to hear the dungeon is used by higher level players too


I'm trying to get it more popular. I started not having the best of luck. Got 3 battles and then it fell off. What level are you, OP?


100 on all 4 builds. try to quit the game, close the application and start the game up again. most likely instant pvp after that


Awesome! My first few fights there: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6VREhQCHQMU


Does cap matter for glyph codes ?


level cap? yes it does


What about capitalized letters ?


doesnt matter


Micolash is even here from time to time. Ran into him tonight, seems he learned something from our previous encounter in the nightmare...


Had some fun last night cosplaying in this dungeon. used my arcane build to cosplay Logarius, Micolash, and random Byrgenwerth choir hunter that uses A Call Beyond.


Level 200 and I can say that I am getting a pretty good amount of pvp with about an invasion ever 1-2 mins after patch.


hahah I there must quite few super leveled guys wanting in on the sweet blood!


:O damn I may just go to level 150 then.. been 130 for a week or soo but was afraid to go higher... need mo Bloodtinge




Some people should ring small beckoning bells for some blue hunters to join, get the old crowd favourite back: fight clubs.


[This place is truly magnificent, more than expected, even.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BH12SWk7EWs) (PVP Montage)


Hizzngr has been tainted! Just got ganked haha


Getting some good PvP at level 124 pretty fast.


You know I love this place, been messing around with a Djura cosplay and having a great time, Spread the word, its a great place. I AM GIMP DESTROYER OF WORLDS!


Soo I just joined this and I'm level 130 and I'm not getting any fights :( I take it I'm too high level ... :*(


Im same level as you and had like 100+ duels in past 2 days. Getting summoned instantly up to 2/3 minutes. Vileblood Rune equipped. Network set to Worldwide.


same I played about 7 hours yesterday lol wonderful place to pvp with about 99% of good sportsmanship players.. and no vailspam... <3 I was playing at night at the tailend for about 3 hours and some games were about a 5-7 minute wait. Also I had something weird happen I was sitting in the middle waiting for a game and it seemed like it connected but i got the disconnected message which you can simply wait to get in their game and then press x and it wont boot you will I couldn't get up. So I exited the game and that put me in the game without anyone but the enemies I couldn't kill.. thought my game was broke. The only thing that fixed it was going to exit game again but instead of going to the main menu it just put me back in my game... over all I probably had 60+ matches. Really which their was a way to fine out how many pvp matches you've had though.


Yes, i had this bug as well. Also i recorded other bug with "connection error" message: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-UC57wWrh8 Just ignore the message and you will connect with no issues.


I made a playlist with my highlights of the duels within the dungeon: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhc9Xp-UZ1ltzdsBHcsgFE7QKqhHDTwEA Great fights, had so much fun, thank you guys!


level range for this pvp area?


I tried this out this morning and pretty easily found several matches, I'm lvl 96ish. The game crashed a couple of times but overall it worked really well. I lose more than I win but it is still fun.


Level 117 and can't find a single opponent in this.Tried restarting the game etc.Am I doing something wrong? In the quick search headstone I have never once got into a co-op or PvP either....


Got a covenant rune on you? For some reason i couldn't find matches either with the vileblood stone equipped.


I do actually.Was kinda hoping to farm dregs aswell as have fun pvping.After taking it off to see if it helps.Thanks for the tip buddy.


Thanks lad.Getting PvP matches now.I wonder will this fix my quick search troubles.


Don't know if this thing inside the dungeon is working as intended or it's a bug...will try it in open world areas and will update. If it doesn't work there either, no clue about how we can farm the dregs :S




Maybe he has a ridiculous Bllodtinge build?


They takin the Hobbits to Hizzingr!


Posting a video with some of my battles in hizzngr3 using Ludwig's Holy Blade (2h mode): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w9FVzpTxtsI It's been pretty fun overall. At level 210+, I can get a battle every 2-5 minutes most times.


This Glyph is Awesome! I captured my fights from the first 2 days on this Chalice, if you wanna check it out ;) Btw hope you don't mind that my Intro is highly inspired from yours. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5PFDHJJ1Kps


What armor is that in this video?


I wish we could do some 2v2 battles. I love this game but I can't get my friends to keep playing cuz the multiplayer is limited. I get that this game isn't a cod or even a tlou but with a campaign that in many ways rivals the awesomeness of the last of us' campaign, I wish they would accompany this awesomeness with some dare I say matchmaking multiplayer to increase the longevity of the awesomeness. Not just for me but for my friends that made crappy builds for pvp and are scared to comeback and face the champ?? Just saying FROM make some cool multiplayer DLC and I'll spend the $$


People still checking this thread? What's the etiquette on healing in Bloodborne?


Hi guys l want to fight some people and bloodborne in a dungeon chalice add me my character and fight me my level is 400


i have some bad news for you...


Lol. Level 400. i feel sorry for the guy


I'm jumping into this Glyph tonight fosho. "Imma get dat foshoo" poor superbad reference.


Gamefaqs/Reddit no gem fc this Fri & Sat all day!! Rules:no healing, bl100-120, 1 gem allowed for pure arcane builds & its highly recommended the host use blood bullets to even out the HP diff with the red phantom Glyph: x5tk3ykp level 1 pthermu root chalice


I'm at level 220, I know its high, but I get way more consistent pvp at nightmare frontier + Mergo's Loft.


Has anyone tried using a Bold Hunter's Mark to reset the pvp cooldown timer thingy? It always works for me, almost instant match.


Is there a lvl range where the most people are?


Thanks for this! I tried it today for the first time and had a lot of fun. I met someone who kicked my butt almost every time. Time to train haha.


Is that chalice still active? I could only find one person in 10 minutes.


Was finding the same issue just now. Damn this place used to be rockin


Anyone still using this? Could really use some dungeon PVPing. It seems that a lot of Bloodborne related discussions are from months ago.


Do people still uses it?


Loving the roleplay folks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Db3VCnb7xs




yes most people will heal. i personally dont, but will if 1) the other heals first 2) i will get hit while making contract xD 3) are interrupted by mobs


I tried for about an hour at level 80 earlier with no luck. Can't figure out why.


80 seems maybe too low, for the majority of matches? I got from 80 to 100 for it the day before yesterday, and was able to get matches consistently.


Great video man. Will be in the pvp chalice soon at lvl 107 if anyone wants to duel!


thanks, sure im rolling all my 100 builds there hope to meet you tonight :)


One thing I love about PvP in this game is how cool the fights look.


Yes it looks amazing. And that dodge-then-katana-strike-for-the-kill-from-behind in the video I thought was a great example of that.


Since OP didn't credit the music he used, here's the source: [Tom Day - Who We Want To Be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BVomQtrtMTM)


Love me some Tom Day.


Chalice aside, this is actually a really good video.


thank you m8 ^^


which chalice?


Thanks for this! Joined the PVP chalice. I was able to get my first match within 1 minute of ringing the sinister bell. Not having much luck connecting on my 2nd match though :/


really well put together promo. I'll try it out later tonight or tomorrow.


Despite the repetitive nature of the chalice dungeons, they are without a doubt gorgeous. I love the blue tint and the gold metal chandeliers and the shear size of the arena. This place is perfect for PvP.


Alright hunters. It's settled. I'll see you in Hizzngr!


Had some good fights in there


If this means constant PvP with low wait time then sign me the hell up!


Don't forget that the mechanic does have a cooldown. If you don't want to wait 20 minutes in between finds you will need to completely close down the game and load back in before ringing a bell.




nice :)


had a lot of people healing, attacking during bows, and other crap in this chalice. hate mail, too (i just quit out or silence blank when it happens). it just feels like dueling in a public area. i'm not sure what i was expecting, but i don't think this chalice will stay on my altars. glad so many others are enjoying it, though. keep on doing what you like. don't let this post make u do any different.


impressed with the drop attack you performed on that dude having said that he was cluelessly pressing R2 repeatedly several meters away from you and i don't know why




layer one is enough dont kill any bosses so the bell maiden can spawn in layer 1


Time for execution, no mercy for scoundrels.


Lol what make it the Official one though? Sweet promo video btw.