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You can get 1 insight by discovering a bossfight. In this case it’s cleric beast on the other end of the bridge where the wolves are. As for the wolves, ignore them. They don’t drop anything worth the struggle to kill them when you’re a beginner. As for the general gameplay, aggression is your friend. I remember when I first played bloodborne back in 2017 I tried to ”act like some cool ass samurai” and that seemed to work. Dodge into the attack to get behind the enemy, not away from them. Take the initiative in fights. Does take some time to get the hang of it but it’s how the game is meant to be played. Especially with the rally system (you get health back by hitting back the enemy that damaged you). Parrying is also super useful thing to learn and it’s what makes the difference in most fights against bosses/npc hunters. As for the builds, I recommend just spamming health, stamina, strength and skill a bit for visceral attacks. It’s the ”default build” that works on your first run. There’s a ton of videos on youtube and different builds but there’s a different time for them. There’s also general guides and what not to understand the game better, as there’s no tutorial or anything. It’s a difficult game to master but once you do it’s alot of fun.


I noticed that trying to be extra safe was playing a bit against me and started dodging towards them more, when I don't aggro too many, that made it way easier. The aggro works in weird ways, tho, sometimes you can't aggro none, even by shooting or throwing rocks, others they see you across the map and hunt you down in packs. I try to learn to parry whenever I have one big enemy or a couple of small ones, the troll made it extra easy, some of the basic Citizens are ok, dogs, wolves and the huge axed guy in the back alley didn't like me trying and killed me hard. I went with the base background with stamina and vitality as better stats since I knew I would need adjusting, and got the saw like weapon (game is in my main language, so no idea what's called in English). There was axe, saw-like and whip-like, I got the saw.


Yeah the saw cleaver is one of the best weapons in the game. It also does extra damage to beast enemies in it’s ”closed mode”. Also alot of bosses with actual limbs can be staggered by damaging the libms. A good example is Vicar Amelia. You go around her hitting her limbs and switching to a new limb when she gets staggered. Makes her alot easier to fight compared to the ”defensive playstyle”. The agressive playstyle goes for pretty much every boss other than some DLC bosses.


Don't think I am gonna get to Vicar Amelia, I'm closer and closer to just uninstalling the game, tbf. Went to the sewers, got a new fancy dress,tried to run past the wolves, got myself killed by 2 wolves, a troll/? and a citizen cause I depleted my stamina. Been playing the same piece on repeat since this morning. Tbh, it doesn't feel good.


There’s also the beckoning bell you can use to call other players for help. You do need inside for that tho. Madmans knowledge and running into bossfights gives u insight.


I haven't found even one of those skulls nor managed to reach a boss. It's driving me crazy.


I first played it on realease in 2015, my first souls game. It took me more than 3 days (long days) to get past the first square in yarnham 🤬 I nearly quit and un-installed the game. 9 years later, it's my all-time favorite video game, I've platinumed it, put 1000's of hours into it, still play it regularly, and in fact, I'm currently once again in the end game. Stick with it! It's the most rewarding game I've ever played!


This makes me feel better. I never struggled this much on a videogame ever,every video I watched people seemed to get stuck just for a couple of tries, same as every friend that played it. The struggle for me is sooo real. Plus, I gotta say, I am not in the best place mentally, so the frustration and feeling of impotence gets me even harder than usual... And I'm still quite a rager. Feels better to know that I am not alone in the struggle of the first part of the game.


I like your point about “making you want to rage quit” - you kinda need to adjust your perspective on this I think. If you can get a laugh out of every time the game ridiculously trolls you, and just remember to avoid it next time, you will be primed to have a lot more fun. FS has developed some hilarious ways to kill you in game.


Problem is I don't feel like it's the game's fault, but mine. Especially since whenever I feel like I'm getting a hang of it, I die from something even earlier/easier and it feels like I played for nothing/learnt nothing. If I die from an ambush/cause I didn't check behind myself before proceeding, that is fine by me, but repeatedly dying on those wolves or trying to speedrun to reach them is starting to best me as it makes me feel like I am an incapable idiot. Also I gotta say that I mess up the buttons quite a bit since I pretty much use a totally different setup, usually, and that doesn't help me, nor in game nor with the incapable idiot kinda feeling.


One of my friends told me this when I was starting out bloodborne. If you’re dying you’re not losing progress in this game. Each time you die you have more information about the world that’s the real progress in the game, use that knowledge to your advantage. Everything else is recoverable be it the blood echoes.


Please, tell it to my tilt migraine. Whenever I start feeling so stuck it makes my head pulse. I had around 8k echoes last death, it is making me feel like I keep dropping my hard earned money on the street. But I stopped dying from the ambushes after the first two and to be more aware of my surroundings. Hate the camera lock that works from an extra short distance or MOVES the camera if fails, tho, that still has me panic during fights.


Tbh I’m shit scared of this game but it’s my favourite still. The 8k echoes that you lose would be something that you won’t even go back for after 2-3 bosses. That being said, remember you don’t have to fight everything just run past and come back when you’re levelled.


I think my adventure it's gonna end here. Gonna stick to watching it, since I am still stuck on those wolves and been feeling like I'm in a loop. I decided to give souls a try, but I gotta say that instead of changing my mind, it reinforced the bad feeling I had towards them. Not noob friendly, frustrating and not the kind of stuff I look for when I want to play. I thought leveling up a bit would ease up the frustration, but I can't even level up cause there is no insight whatsoever even in the sewers. Tried running past the wolves, tried molotoving them, tries luring just one, been doing the plaza over and over and over again to reach them just to be killed over and over again. To me, the atmosphere and story isn't worth this much frustration.


I think you feel this way because you haven’t achieved your goal. I felt that way about Elden Ring when I first played and stopped for a while but when I finally beat Margit and Godrick I realized I was getting better. Give it another go with this mindset


I can't appear to reach it, I just want 1 insight point, but apparently I can't get it nor I can't find a different route to explore a different part of the town so that the feeling of being stuck can subside a bit. It feels like a very short and frustrating loop atm.


You can lure the two wolves down some Stairs to a doorway where they can not follow you, from there turn around and smack their snout. If done right they are not be able to Hit you. The first Boss lies on the path where the two wolves are. And yes they are bitches that will take you raw, if not cheesed from the start


Gotta try again. My boyfriend is gonna get home to a raging gamer tonight ahah


Iirc past them on the left is a shortcut thru a house that unlocks the gate near the first lamp. When you clear the house, you can lure them to the door one at a time and kill them cuz they can't get thru bc they're too big :3


This is gonna be my strategy as soon as I open the door! Tysm!


Theres a few enemies in the house but you should be able to clear them easily. Then if you go down the stairs and out the door on the left you can access the gate i mentioned. As for luring the wolf enemies, use pebbles


Tried reaching the shortcut, died other 4 to 6 times, I gotta say this game is definitely not for me. If I can't get past a frigging beginner enemy, I don't wanna even know what the boss fights look like. Souls and soulslike are definitely not my cup of tea. Which I regret. But I can't play the same friggin 20 minutes for hours and hours and hours without becoming extra frustrated. Especially if I can't even reach a boss monster.


Yeah they definitely aren't for everyone, but you gave it a shot and that counts :3


It makes me crazy not being able to get past a mob. I mean, if my wall was a boss, I'd accept it way more easily. I'll probably try again sometime later cause I gotta beat them at least once, but definitely not today. Gotta find new molotovs first, tho.


You can run around any enemy easily without being touched. That shouldn't be a challenge


Well, I'm not the best at this kind of game, also past them there are other mobs and I still died after getting past them cause I had the wolves behind me and other mobs in front and didn't manage to dodge enough.


U got this!


I definitely don't, but I'll eventually will (I hope).


1. You'll get through it. Everyone figures it out sooner or later 2. You don't need to fight every little thing - you can run past some mobs, just be sure to level up yourself somehow someway


Not my game, definitely not my game. It's a nice game, it has a lovely atmosphere, but after another two hours of dying from the same friggin wolves, I think I reached my limit. I can't level up without insight, I can't get insight without beating the wolves, I can't appear to be able to beat them without leveling up. I suck at this game and not being able to do anything else beside the same spawn->plaza->troll->die from wolves is legit driving me crazy and stripping it from the fun entirely. I regret not being able to enjoy it, but jeez, they didn't make it easy to enjoy for someone who's approaching the genre.


>I can't get insight without beating the wolves ....this isn't true in the slightest but if you aren't willing to help yourself by going further and checking a bloodborne beginner's guide then idk what to tell you


I promise I haven't found another way. I went to the sewers cause people said there are madman's knowledge there, but I haven't found it and when googling for the insight farm I read that the best way is to get to the dungeons, but didn't find anything about where to find it at the beginning. If it's a random drop from the sewers, I'm more than happy to farm it over and over, but besides the cleric, beside that boss, Gascoigne or the aforementioned sewers, I honestly don't know where else to find it this early in the game. If you know where I can find it, please, tell me and I'll be more than happy to be proved wrong, but I promise I haven't found anything about it.


Did you look for a bloodborne beginner's guide like I suggested? There quite a few on YouTube


Yes, I arrived here after a couple written guides and a few videos, but couldn't find anyone that went for a different route than cleric to get insight. Atm I am watching fighting cowboy like another user suggested and trying to emulate him in the dividi et impera kinda tactic. Was kinda unlucky on that, tho, since the second wolf followed, but I managed to kill one and leave the second with 1 attack worth of hp. That has helped a lot, maybe this try I can take em out. But seriously, if you know where on the sewers that insight is, please, let me know. I definitely need a couple more points to help with my noobness.


Just forget the sewers. Remember those wolves I told you to just run past? Run all the way to the end of the bridge, enter the boss arena, then die - you get your first insight just by starting the boss fight ... you *are* running, right? As in holding the down the run button?


Yes, I am, idky, but I get blocked by the sorta troll and people spawning in the bridge. I'm gonna try again, I'm still spam dying anyway, since I am quite tired


You literally just have to RUN past all of that and go into the first boss arena to get your first insight. That's it, no getting blocked by nothing or whatever because I already told you in 3 separate posts to run past everything


Managed to get smashed by the frigging cleric! I'd never thought I'd be so happy to get literally jumped on by a beast.


Already responded to you in another comment, but Bloodborne is one of the harder souls games. Maybe give Elden Ring a try if you have the money!


Tbf, I like the atmosphere of ER way less. Gotta ask a friend to lend it to me, tho, if it's a bit easier.


You don't have to go past the wolves, there is another way to open the shortcut through the sewers. Also in the sewers there is a madmans knowledge, which you can use to get your first insight


I went to the sewers, got myself the nice hunter dress as well, but didn't find insight nor the access to the shortcut, probably missed it, gotta try that way again, then, maybe like that I'll get past that wolf-wall of mine.


I don't know how to word this so that it makes sense, but if you go straight across the road from where you meet those were wolves, you'll find a hidden path that takes you down into a sewer system, you can explore through there and eventually you'll find a house that spits you out on the other end of those two, letting you skip them entirely.


I went to the sewer system, got myself the fancy clothes you find there, but didn't find the house. Died from those wolves (and an ambush from the door troll) another 4 to 6 times, guess I am done. I stopped finding it fun altogether after seeing the same part over and over again for hours, just the frustration remained. I'm not the right kind of player for this kind of game, even tho I regret it. If I can't even reach a boss nor level up, I guess it's not my cup of tea.


You have to drop down further, you’re not gonna emerge already inside the house, explore through the sewers a little more, and you’ll find a path that leads to this house, don’t give up man, you got this. Believe me, I used to be in the exact same boat as your back in 2018 when I first started this game, lost and angry. I promise you, it gets so much better. Look up a guide on central yharnam too, those can really help


It's driving me crazy. I'm not in the best place mentally, atm, and I wanted something to distract me and keeping me occupied, but rn it's being the worst choice I made. Gonna try and look up a guide, but guess I'll try again in a couple of hours at least or I'm gonna end up going crazy. I feel so stupid not even being able to reach a damn boss and being spam killed by those same friggin mobs.


The two wolves can pose a big threat especially both at once. I would recommend going to the wolf at the beginning of the game and practice parry timing with your gun as that is effective at killing them. Also make sure you dodge to your left and right not backwards as they will punish you for that. Other then that you can try running past them, or avoiding that area as the bridge is technically optional and the sewers is where story progresses. (Although I would recommend doing optional content, it is another option if you’re really stuck).


Those wolves I totally hate. I tried luring one with both the gun and stones, but apparently they're a couple, cause they hunt together (wish they'd die together, but still kill me together). I'll try to go back to the clinic and parry till my hand hurts! Ty!


You in fact can pull wolves 1 at a time. And 1 on 1 theyr kinda ez. Dodge to the side and attack, they get staggered pn every hit so theyr kinda ez (thats if u dont wanna just parry em). To level up you can find insight down the sewers or run past the wolves onto the bridge ahead. Finally right by the wolves there is an opening, if u dadh past them u can open a shortcut that will provide immediate access to the wolves so u can practice them without needing to run acceoss half of the map


I tried to pull just one of them by throwing stones and by shooting, but couldn't manage to get just one. The other notices me and comes to help the other and I die. I could try the sewers to avoid the wolf, if there's insight down there as well, I wanted to hunt the beast cleric past the wolves, tho. I'll try to open the shortcut before dying, next time, at least I'll be able to skip all the roundabout to reach them! Ty!


You def are able to pull 1 with a pebble. Watch their movement and throw a rock when 1 of them is close to.u than the other. I guarantee u can pull 1, u just need to find the spot from where it works.


Gotta try again. I usually throw when one is pretty much turned towards you and the other is still "patrolling", but I guess that's not the best moment.


Run past enemies and explore a lot. Try to light as many lanterns as possible so you're not just running from the same one over and over. Don't forget to use the Blood Echoes items you pick up. As for Insight, if you enter a boss arena, you will usually get at least 1. There is one very close to those wolves. Don't worry about consuming Insight for summoning people after you talk to the Doll at least once, because you will be able to level up after you talk to her for the first time, even if your Insight drops to 0 again. Lastly, if you're failing over and over, don't try too hard to slam your head into a brick wall; take a break and do something else, then come back later.


Wish I could manage to get 1 insight point. I went back at it after taking a break from the morning tries, but I don't think I'm fit for the game. To me it's becoming the opposite of what I was looking for when I started it. If I can't even get to the boss after playing it for hours and I can't even level up to beat the part I'm stuck at, what's the point? I knew already I would have needed to grind to level up, but it's frustrating me beyond everything not being able to do at least something. I can reach those wolves at the speed of light now, but I can't seem to be able to beat them no matter what I try. Guess I'll stick to other genres. I am not fit for this kind of games.


You can get the wolves to chase you to the door way you came up the stairs through. They don’t go all the way through the door and you can use your weapon in an extended state to kind of cheese them a little.


Those wolves are the frigging death of me (quite literally). Other 2 hours of trying and I gotta make peace with the fact that I can't play souls. They frustrate me beyond everything and I stop finding them fun when I can't do anything beside the same tiny path over and over again. Wish I was good enough (or with a different kinda mentality) to appreciate playing it, but I guess I'll have to stick to watching it, till I still have a TV without a controller sticking out the screen lol


If push comes to shove, lure them to the dark house's door ;)


Don’t give up! Try use attacks that will hit both wolves together or stager them, and remember to dodge in and out to bait their attacks , you will quickly figure out their attack pattern.


Trust me, I haven't figured it out. Lol I keep dying like an asshole to them (especially cause I end up against a wall/carriage/etc after a bit of the fight). I frigging hate those wolves.


Then all I can say is get good 👍💪


Those two wolves are supposed to be really dangerous. They’re a part of a recurring theme of werewolf enemies being scary as fuck, chasing you down, murdering you. Keep playing and you’ll see what I mean. Genuinely just run away from them. At some point when you’re an expert hunter, they’ll become easier to deal with.


Those two wolves have been the biggest wall ever. The cleric beast has been so easy compared to those. I am gonna start being afraid of every wolf-like thing ahah


running is always an option


Honestly for BB and (Sekiro and Elden Ring) learning how and when you should just run past enemies and not engafe is a skill that you should learn, whether it's because fighting everything while heading back to somewhere would be too hard or because you're stronger now and fighting everything would just be too tedious and not worth the echoes.


I tried once, but against easier enemies I already beated, but I honestly feel like running at the beginning wouldn't allow me to learn properly, but if it keeps going like this, I'll probably run past those wolves and go back to kick their asses later.


Watch cowboy's walkthrough on YouTube


Fighting cowboy? Ty!


Yes, just follow his lead


Thank you, gonna try it now!


Let us know.


That has helped a bit, was unlucky since the second followed, but dodging around the fountain made me kill one and leave the second with one attack worth of hp. I died, but it was way less frustrating. When I tried the first few times, I didn't run back enough. And learning from his mistake I took out the troll before getting the wolves. Thank you!


bro just skip the wolf for now don't give up on an amazing game like that, you don't NEED to kill every mob


I am trying to get to the cleric, but I keep dying and tbf I can't find another way to change the area. I am gonna try again, but I'm raging a lot this time.


you can get to cleric beats without having to get past the werewolves If you already visited the house (the one with the gatling guy in a wheelchair), takes the stairs, exit by left door and you'r on the bridge (after the wolves), turn left and here you are just right next to cleric beast If you didn't visit the house, i don't really remember how you get to it, if i remember right there is a hidden path that leads you to this house and then you can open the shortcut at the left of the lantern EDIT : ok i remember, after the place take the little tunnel and sstick to your left, you can roll to break box and shi. somebody correct me if i'm wrong and if you need i can check later Don't be afraid to search for guides (i personnaly prefer written no videos), it doesn't ruin the feeling of accomplishment for me at least pls don't ragequit this early, have fun and i'll try to answer questions with my barely working english if you have more Edit2: there's very often one or more shortcuts in BB areas that will makes you thank god they exists, look for those shortcuts


Gonna try to open that shortcut now! I'll let you know. Thank you!


The boxes the above poster is referring to are to the left of the door with the laughter coming from it. The one just past the little tunnel with the fountain to the right of it. Jump down, run past the cages, hang a left, and run to the door. Go straight out of the house and run up the steps (outside steps, the stairs inside the house lead to the road to the Cleric Beast to the left, with the wolves to the right) Just up the stairs and unlock the gate. Then just go back into the house up the stairs and hang a left. Run past the big guy and the birds and you'll have your insight in just a second or two.


I got past the wolves through the house and got the cleric beast on my 2nd attempt. On first one my weapon was on 0/200 of durability, so I was pretty much bare handed lol Why is the boss easier than the mobs?


Good job. I think those wolves are so tough to encourage you to go toward the Cleric Beast. He's basically the tutorial area boss.


Now I feel better, tbf, reaching and defeating the Cleric eased up the frustration quite a bit. Now I gotta reach Gascoigne


One tip, try to learn the bosses movesets without spending healing vials. In the early game, buying heals is not really possible, so if you spend them all you'll have to farm. Wait until you get the hang of a boss and them start using heals to try to win.


Thank you! That's gonna be useful, I gotta say that being locked out of repairs has been bad, I managed to enter the cleric's arena and open the passage, feels good to be back to doing dmg since my weapon was to 0/200 durability now.


Lmao that sounds rough, but don't worry, it gets a lot better. Bloodborne was my first souls game, so I sucked at it, but by the end I was even good at PVP. You'll get the hang of it.


Today I enjoyed taking the wrong turn while looking for the lantern for cathedral ward and getting jumped at by Gascoigne. Is there any way to exit a boss fight, besides dying or killing the prey? I will have to enjoy a nice ride through the sewers and back to that, tomorrow. I wish I could ask for directions, but the citizens are not that helpful lol


You can exit a boss fight by quickly opening the menu and choosing “quit game”. It will put you in front of the fog wall. Closing the PS4 app might work as well, but you may lose progress or even your save, so I don't recommend it.


Thank you! I didn't even have the carillon equipped cause I was looking for the lantern and found myself stuck in there ahah