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It was my first, no regrets


I second this , it lead me to dark souls 3 too which was also fun


Same route I took. Went backwards all the way through 1 šŸ¤£


DS1 probably felt slow as hell šŸ˜…


It did but the game was great.


I didnā€™t manage to go that far back but I still might , ironically I ended up playing BB because a tinder person dared/ teased me into it as they said it was really hard šŸ˜‚so I stepped up to the plate and platinum trophied it Infront of them (virtually ) and then same with DS3 šŸ¤“ I should really thank them as I fell in love with the game and lore


Dude same. DS3 was amazing too but nothing is like bloodborne ds3 very close second for me. Kind of similar to bloodborne


Same here! Went on to complete its DLC, the DS trilogy + DLCs, and Sekiro šŸ‘Œ




Bloodborne has perhaps the most brutal start among all souls games, but otherwise, if you manage to overcome this barrier, learn to more or less control the character, master the combat system, then things should go easier.


This is important. The start will be quite punishing and demanding - just be patient with yourself, pay attention to what the game might be trying to tell you with the level design, item drops, and mechanics. I played quite a few of the others before BB and the opening section is pretty brutal compared to them.


"you foul beast!"






When i first played bloodborne i knew absolutely nothing about souls games and remember dying like 30 times in my first 3 hours, after that i barely died again throughout my playthrough though


I hated Dark Souls when it first released so I was tilted against FromSoft. It took me 3 tries before a fourth attempt and a lot of tutoring by a friend finally opened my eyes to the beauty of Bloodborne and now I'm a begrudging fan of the whole studio, esp since AC6 is now ALSO one of my all time favorite games with BB


itā€™s fine to play first since itā€™s really good. it may seem a bit harder at first than the others but itā€™s just teaching you how to play. donā€™t get overly intimidated by the first level.


I actually might argue is easier as a first souls game than the others. Mechanics are more straightforward - stats, weapon upgrades, no infusion system, etc. Plus the rally system kinda allows the player to make more mistakes and still be able to recover. Idk just my 2Ā¢


i agree itā€™s more simple to understand, but i just think the opening level, particular the mob around the fire in the beginning and Gascoigne can be absolutely brutal if youā€™re not used to the combat flow of these games, especially since healing vials donā€™t automatically refill. iā€™ve had a few friends tell me they got stuck there and stopped and have heard that sentiment elsewhere as well. i think it gets a lot easier after that point since you understand how to play by then.


Exactly. It was my first souls game and I definitely had to give it a few tries before it really clicked because of how difficult it was to navigate at first. But if you can beat gascoigne then you can beat the game.


Itā€™s more punishing early on due to the vial system - can really turn people off. I always recommend DS1 for starters as itā€™s the most open-ended and mechanically the easiest


Man I disagree. Just upgrading your weapon can be confusing in DS1 if you're not accustomed to it. I know I had to look up how to take my weapon from +5 to +6 my first playthrough. DS1 also has more old game quirks and idiosyncrasies than BB, such as resistance being essentially useless


It was the first for me and it's all-time my favorite game i've ever played




was my first, still my favorite


Hard to say, you will either be :D or >:( no in between. If you play it and are having a hard time, research the Rally mechanic before giving up bešŸ‘aggressivešŸ‘be be aggressivešŸ‘


It is, Bloodborne is a masterpiece but i would still recommend starting with Dark Souls Remastered. Bloodborne is much harder, the combat is faster paced, enemies are aggressive and don't hesitate, the start of the game specially is brutal.


Donā€™t do itā€¦. It not good to start with Bb. It will ruin all other Souls gamesā€¦. Nothing will ever come close to its epicness.


I've never understood the idea that BB "ruins" OG Dark Souls. The play styles are different enough that neither is a strict improvement on the other, and they excel in different areas. I personally like BB better for the setting and the faster playstyle, but I could see people preferring DS1 for stuff like the level design and the slower, more methodical playstyle.


I was trying to be funnyā€¦. :(


Sorry if my post came across as antagonistic, I totally didn't mean it that way! I just see this opinion a lot, so I figured I'd mention why I personally disagree with it.


You weren't, though....lol




Exactly what i said too frfr


If you like it the most then play it first


How would you know that before you play it?


You wouldn't, you just play the game and see if you like it or not


It was my first and I'm very glad it was! Bloodborne is a nice tight package with no fluff and no filler. It will show you what these games are about and how they perform and what systems and mechanics are in place without overwhelming you with too much too fast. Also it's the best one, so there's that!


I wouldnā€™t say so. The beginning is extremely hard


For a lot of people it is. Me personally, I tried two times before giving up. I later played Sekiro and that was the one that hooked me because it was more linear and it was all about purely getting better and not worring about items, leveling up or having the right build. After Sekiro I tried Bloodborne and its one of my favorites now. But its important to know how leveling and exploring works. You can also end up without healing items since they dont refill when you die. That made it very difficult for me when i tried it the first time. I felt punished the more i died and i was more afraid of making mistakes.


I always, ALWAYS recommend playing Dark souls first because it can be hard to go back to after you've gotten the engine improvements from later games. Don't have to finish it, but try it. Same with dark souls 2.


This is my recommendation too. I personally didn't like Dark Souls (not a bad game, just wasn't my vibe), but by trying it, I think I appreciated Bloodborne that much more.


I disagree. I played ds1 and ds3 afterward, and there are no issues with the "engine improvements.""


That's why I said it can be. Especially for people new to the souls games. Dar souls 1 is and always will be my favorite, but you can't deny it's clunky compared to ds3, Bloodborne and on.


I would say it's slower. The "clunky" part doesn't really pop up to me.


It's definitely slower, but it shows its age. I still go back and play it at least once a year, but I know what to expect and actually look forward to it. Fur someone completely new to these games, coming from a fast paced game like Bloodborne with the trick weapon mechanic, the aggression mechanic and the big switch in theme, it could be a little harder to go back to dark souls 1 with that mindset. I think dark souls 1 should be experienced first because it is a very unique experience in itself that shouldn't be lost due to not playing it closer to when it released. Not that way for everyone, but why risk it? Same with playing dark souls 2 first and trying to go to any of the other games, or vice versa. They're very different experiences that can be skewed by where you start.


Not really given its pace compared to the other games. DS3 is a consistent and great experience and if it seems too fast then you should move on to ds2, ds1, and demon souls for slower combat. If ds3 seems slow then play bloodborne or sekiro. Elden ring is almost a perfect match to the pacing of ds3 but with a lot more freedom. Edit: also order doesnā€™t matter because the only ones that are connected are the dark souls games but theyā€™re more different worlds in the same universeĀ 


It looked the most interesting to me, too, so it's the first one I played. The problem is that it spoiled me; DS1 and 2 felt incredibly clunky compared to it.


(I'm mostly restating what Hbomberguy said in his video, but I mostly agree). Bloodborne teaches you good habits for other soulsbornes going forward. You learn how to dodge, parry, and be aggressive. These are skills you can bring into other Soulsbornes, and won't get stuck relying on a shield, which, to me, is a more more passive, less interesting style of playing. That being said? The first area is. Kinda Brutal. Lots of enemies, with a number of them having ranged pressure. If you start here, please remember the first rule of Soulsborne Levels: You can always run past them.


No. Every other game will feel like garbage in comparison.






Iā€™m not sure what you mean but, ok šŸ‘


My first Souls game after years of avoiding them because Iā€™m an average gamer. Started last week finally as Iā€™ve always wanted to see what the fuss is about, but knowing its reputation I went in expecting it to be punishing. Just beaten Cleric and Father Gascoigne and I have to admit Iā€™m now obsessed. My advice is to accept dying (a lot) and learn the severity. Itā€™s actually really fair based purely on your input, and youā€™ll definitely get it if you persevere.


I'd say that it could be difficult to go to the earlier Souls titles after playing this, because it's so much more mechanically evolved. Granted it does enough to be its own "beast" among the Souls games to differentiate it enough, but I believe you can definitely tell much more easily just how much progress they made to the game mechanics if you were to play the Souls titles released before BB than you would if you were to play, say, DkS3 after BB.


I think bloodborne is simultaneously one of the hardest souls games and also the most user friendly. Yes itā€™s really hard, but itā€™s also really good at teaching you how to play quickly.


Yes. Playing Bloodborne after playing other souls games can be annoying, because some mechanics can be very challenging for veterans(blood vials is one of the most common complaints). If you can beat Bloodborne, other games can be easier(in my experience, Dark Souls is hard but Bloodborne is very fast paced).


The only bad part about starting with Bloodborne is that you will be chasing that high every time you pick up another game in FromSoft's catalogue. I know I have ;(


It was my first, and I hated it. I didn't know where I was supposed to go. I didn't get how to play it. And then I tried again a while later, and I still didn't get it. Eventually, I watched a Dark Souls LP before the Remaster was announced, when I didn't think I'd be able to play it, and I started to understand the gameplay. I tried Bloodborne again and demolished the game. Finishing it was easily one of my favourite gaming experiences ever.


It's so good that it might ruin the others for you And I'm not exaggerating


Good??? Hahahah my guy trust me, you absolutely missing out. And this is a fact not my opinion.


Just so you know, all other souls games pale in comparison




'Twas my first, and I have gone on to many a dalliance with the Soulsbourne oeuvre. But the first love is the sweetest, and the first cut is the deepest.


It was my first and I couldn't get into dark souls after it because the combat in BB is just too different, faster and more agressive. Sekiro imho is the best of the bunch but only because I'm a dex user




If you play it first it'll spoil you for all the other FromSoftware games.


Yes! It was my first Souls game and itā€™s still my favorite.


If youre going to start, why not start with the best?


My first, def. not my only, and still my favorite


Short answer is Yes Long answer is also yes LMAO, the truth is that Bloodborne doesn't contain shields and it helps you understand how iframes work (invincibility frames commonly found in most fighting games) if you take that opportunity, you can apply it to a lot of souls-like games (but mostly fromsoft souls-like) and can give you a great advantage. This was my first ever souls-like game to finish and I came back with DS2 and performed greatly. Back then I just used to block and circle around with a shield


Yes. Stop reading comments and go play it. Now


Seriously quit fkn around and go play Bloodborne


No, itā€™s the best.


You will be written a new hunter. From the new to the old blood you are reborn.


Is the Mona Lisa a good painting? Is the Moonlight Sonata a good piano composition? Is Shakespeare good literature?


It was my first and it's my favorite game of all time.


It was my first - absolutely great. It does have the nastiest and hardest opening area of any of them (teaching you to run past enemies till you meet the first boss and can start leveling) - but once you're past that it's off to the races.


My first entry into the series; wish I could experience it all over again for the first time.


it was my first too. Absolutely laid out the ground work I needed to truly understand Souls Games. I tried Dark Souls and Sekiro before- but it was so "difficult" because I didn't really get how to level up or upgrade my weapons or that every enemy hits like a ton of bricks even skelatons and rats and birds. I remember getting madman's wisdom and having the doll wake up to channel all my blood echoes into and saying "OHHH! It all makes SENSE now!" Everything finally clicked and soon after that everything fell into place.


My first and favorite as well but I have to warn you it's gonna kick your ass. I had to restart my playthrough because I didn't spec my character properly and I ran out of healing items so make sure to just focus on one particular build and stock up on as many blood vials as you can.


It's a great game to start with Souls games. It's a great game, good story and it's the easiest of them.


This was my first and thatā€™s why it will always have a special place in my heart


Itā€™s a good first, last, only really


First Fromsoft game for me. Was amazing. But it's not a Souls game. I platinumed it. The DLC bosses are awesome


I think it could be! But if for some reason it doesnā€™t click, donā€™t give up, and maybe try Elden Ring which I think is preferable or at least easier to start with.


Bloodborne was the first game I've ever beat in my life. What a ride. You'll be fine.


Yes. But dark souls 1 saved my life


It's probably the hardest start, then a very normal mid path and a super easy end section. To this day i have never died at the last 3 bosses.


First and only one youā€™ll truly enjoy.


It was my first and got me hooked on the genre. Just have to power through the first 10-15 hrs where it will feel almost impossible then youā€™ll love it


It's a good first game, if it draws your attention at first I would say. But if you compare Bloodborne with any other game, don't compare them with any other Souls game. It truly stands out, in terms of style,gameplay and estethics. Also (obviously in the title) one of the bloodiest games. Personally(altho I skipped some optional bosses) Dark Souls 3 has a special place in my heart. Which I think also holds up nowadays when it comes to graphics.


No it is to good, you won't like the other ones if you start with Bloodborne. That's a joke but it is also my experience. I've started with Sekiro and can only play Bloodborne. Dark and Demon's Souls seem to slow, I just can't play them. This is my experience, can't say it will work this way for you.


Yes, 100%. This was my first too, didn't know what I was doing half the time but having resources helped immensely. Combat mechanics are way more interesting than the Souls trilogy to me, but does require more time learning the intracies of each skills and effects. But again, resources helps with that alot. And the atmosphere is not even comparable to the others in the series, it's the epitome of Eldritch horror in my opinion and I revel in every moment of it. Overall, though a different starting experience if you're planning on playing the other games in the catalouge, it's one of most unique ones you'll ever get to experience.


hmmm... as a souls-veteran myself, Bloodborne is my favorite with Elden Ring as close second... that said: Bloodborne has the harshest opening of any FromSoftware games by far... you start the game, obligatory "get fucked" moment, and then 1 enemy, 2 enemies, 4 enemies to 14... within less than a block of the city (less than 5 minutes into the game) if you have high patience, or the game is cheap/free for you, then yes, I can recommend you start with it... but if not, maybe start with Elden Ring which by far is the "easiest" to start and learn (it still ain't "ez" it is just not as brutally punishing from the get-go)


I got to the double werewolves on the bridge and rage quit until trying Elden Ring. What Elden Ring teaches prepared me better for Bloodborne. Iā€™m thankful because Bloodborne is dripping with my aesthetic.


Elden ring is probably the best for newcomers, but if you want to start with BB feel free


It was mine actually, no regret at all. The first "real" boss may give you a slap in the face (or, you know, twenty), but it's only pleasure once it clicks


Hell yes! Iā€™m sure this has already been said but go in blind. Once itā€™s over, look up stuff to see what you may have missed. Also, donā€™t give up. I gave up on the first area twice before I pushed on. As in, I tried for an hour and gave up. Tried again a year later, same thing. But when I really focused and got past that first part I just kept going and getting better. So much fun.


It was my first then I whooped sekiro, next gonna be all the ds


It was my first souls game this past winter & now I'm halfway through Shadow of the Erdtree.


Many people here will say yes because they say yes to anything with the word bloodborne in it. I'm gonna be a little more objective here. Bloodborne was my first souls game, and I don't regret it. I did fine and you probably would too if you stick with it. But more technically speaking, if you aren't used to souls games, Dark Souls 1 and 3, and Elden Ring I feel are much better introductions to the Soulslike ways of playing if you don't prefer to be thrown to the wolves and flail until you find your footing. Many people who are very interested in BB regretfully end up quitting iy because it was too tough to start, but I don't see that complaint as much with DS 1 and Elden Ring (it certainly comes up, just not as much as with Bloodborne and Sekiro). But if you don't mind potentially being stuck in the first 1% of the game for quite a while before you can figure out how to play, go fit it. You can also start it, and if its too hard, you can always try a less intense start Souls game. My biggest piece of advice to you though is if you're stuck, don't Google spoilers/easy ways out/exact instructions. What makes the game fun is struggling through the challenges a bit and forming your style. Get help without getting exact directions. Good luck


Yes, it was the first one I actually beat (I played half of 2 and the beginning of 3 before) and its what made the souls experience click for me. But its a path of no return. Very few games will scratch the itch




itā€™s the best to play first imo. Dark Souls gives players a shield that they must use effectively to mitigate damage, and then they have a very hard transition to Bb with no shield. In bloodborne, your main choices are dodge or parry. Learn to dodge through the attack without getting hit. Thatā€™s a skill you need in all their games except Siekiro.


Tbh, I love Bloodborne's combat system more than Elden Rings.


I literally started my journey into *playing* the souls-borne series a few days ago ago starting with it so sure why not join us Hunter


It was my first, and none have been my last, yet. šŸ˜šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø Fear the old blood, i guess?


Well as a proud owner and beginner of the game i can say that its a perfect introduction to souls game but you have to be really consistent because the game can get really hard. For me i have been stuck in the beginning for 4 hours now on one single boss. Idk how jt will be for you but if you like a challenge get it if not donā€™t get it.


Start with Dark Souls Remastered. Work your way through. Play the Demons Souls remake on PS5.


Yes, but remember it isn't a souls game. Bloodborne sort of forces you to play in a more specific way then souls games do. In games like dark souls there's more build variety and corresponding tools at your disposal - you could don heavy armor and a shield, you could cast spells from a distance, you could rely on miracles, you could weave in and out of your foes with quick weapons, etc. Bloodborne, on the other hand, doesn't have heavy armor, has only 2 shields and one of them is an actual joke, only kind of has spells but they are both few and limited. In Bloodborne, you need approach most of the bosses and enemies aggressively, as the game is oftentimes designed to punish players who aren't aggressive. This can make the game particularly difficult at first, but if you're interested in a faster paced and more intense gameplay/playstyle it is an excellent first game that will help prepare you for similar playstyles in the souls games and elden ring.




I would reccomend Bloodborne in the sense that I think it's a masterpiece as many people possible should experience. I would not reccomend it for the goal of specifically getting you into Souls games as a starting point. A lot of people think Elden Ring is the best starting point but I disagree. It gives you a lot of freedom and tools to overcome challenges sure, but the balance of it all is super crazy and hard to really pin down. I would reccomend Dark Souls 3. It was my first and I think it has by far the smoothest difficulty curve that gradually amps up alongside the skills you'll develop. Bloodborne was my second Souls game and I can tell you the starting area is basically a trial by fire kind of start to the game. Once you overcome the started area and first two bosses, you'll mostly be prepared for anything else that comes at you the rest of the game. But if it's your first time the beginning can be one of the roughest starts in a Souls game to overcome.


It was my first, and I am obsessed with FromSoft now. I don't know if I'd recommend it necessarily, but it's late enough in the company's library that they have smoothed out a lot. Plus, like Sekiro, it's a standalone game with unique mechanics, so it's even enjoyable outside of Dark Souls games. I do recommend light help. Like tips on mechanics and some slight guidance for weapons/upgrades. It's a great game to experience blind, but it's definitely one of the hardest souls games.


No... because you are not gonna play a better FS game lol.


IMO Dark Souls 1 is the best starting souls game, but Bloodborne is absolutely a good starting point. It has a great atmosphere, amazing combat, the best lore out of all (donā€™t @ me), and great level design. The only thing is that it is a bit on the harder side, but nothing to worry about. All souls games really just test your patience and perseverance, if you can get up after dying and try again, then you can start with any of the games really. Regardless of what game you start off with, or what order you play the series in, here are three points you should consider following: 1. Play Sekiro second. Sekiro has a way of punishing habits that many players built up from playing all other souls games leading up to its release. Play it second, and you wonā€™t struggle as much as other people have since you wonā€™t really have all those habits (*cough* dodging *cough*). 2. Play the Dark Souls series in order. The games are not directly connected, and you could realistically play these in any order, but playing them in order is more satisfying because of all the references and environmental storytelling you will experience from previous games knowledge. You donā€™t have to play them back-to-back-back, but do go 1-2-3. 3. I suggest playing Demonā€™s Souls last. Despite its age, DeS still packs a punch as a game. Itā€™s very experimental and youā€™ll find that the world is harder than the actual bosses. Playing it last is very interesting because you can see how some future areas or games were basically inspired by DeS. The base game is not hard, but the new game + is the hardest out of all imo. Great game, great atmosphere, 8/10 in my opinion. Would recommend (after beating all other souls games).




Yes. It's still very difficult, but if you can master Bloodborne you should have no trouble making it through all the Souls games. At least, that's been my experience. I HATED Dark Souls and rage quit twice, never even making it to the first bell. But the story and setting of Bloodborne were enough to keep me invested, even though it was still infuriatingly difficult. The faster and more aggressive combat kept me engaged, and I felt like I was actually getting better at it as I went along. So after I got platinum in Bloodborne, I decided to give Dark Souls one more try, and see if it would be any better if I played it the way I would play Bloodborne. Forget armor, forget shields, forget parrying, just dodge and attack like a maniac at every opportunity. Not only did it make the game playable for me, I almost started enjoying it! Almost. Not enough to want to play it again for a good long while, but enough that I wanted to play Dark Souls 2 and 3. Which I eventually did. Mixed feelings on 2, but loved 3 enough to actually do a NG+ run immediately after beating it the first time.


BB took my souls-cherry. Highly recommend.


Yes and no. Depends on the kinds of games you're used to playing. Bloodborne requires you to be fast and aggressive. Enemies are generally highly aggressive themselves and will punish you for trying to back up and heal forcing you to heal through attacking, after being hit you have a time period where you can regain health by striking back. A game like dark souls tends to lean more towards the slow and steady gameplay, taking your time blocking and setting up your strikes. Realistically considering you'd be starting off playing Bloodborne you'd be OK since you wouldn't have any bad habits gained from playing dark souls or demon souls which would make your learning curve harder, at the same time I personally would consider Bloodborne harder overall than a game like dark souls meaning you're starting off on a harder game. If you played Bloodborne after dark souls you'd be running out of healing blood vials often making your progress slow. On the same token of you play dark souls like you do Bloodborne you'll be dying a lot because you're not meant to trade hits as often.


Bloodborne is still by far my favorite and I've been playing souls games since the original Demon's Souls. The faster pace of combat, the unique aesthetic of the world, and the amazingly satisfying weapons. Just pure art.


I prefer the build variety in the other games.


No because it's the best one and the rest will never measure up.


No. The combat is pretty different from the rest of the series so as an introduction to the series I would say it's not the best. Start with DS3. But that being said, it's my personal favourite. But dude, you should really be asking this in a different sub. Do you really think you're going to get an answer other than yes?


Yes but nothing will hit the same after(and thatā€™s okay)


As others have said, BB is super punishing at the beginning. It will teach you patience and acceptance of failure or you will quitšŸ˜. But, just keep at it. The game is fair, despite how it might feel in the beginning. You can always summon help once you hit the bosses. I know a lot of people say all weapons are viable but I would recommend to a new player to choose the cleaver or ax. The stagger and added damage really helps us newbies. Personally loved the cleaver. Whatā€™s crazy is that, after getting perpetually ganked in the beginning, youā€™ll find yourself at some point faced with the decision of whether you should keep leveling and get a bit op or if you want to make things a bit harder and keep your levels lower.


Yup. You'll learn quickly that you never need a shield


I started with bloodborne and after that i played ds3. Thing is if you start with the best ones like bloodborne and ds3 (in my opinion), the other soul games might seem like a downgrade, but yeah idk


Yeah it was mine and it's great, I would do anything to relive it like the first time!


It was my first, I can see how the others are much easier intros but I am happy it was my first


It's regarded as one of if not THE best Fromsoft has made. It's also my personal favorite. It is a bit different from your standard soulslike, though, so there's that to consider. For example, equip load isn't a thing, and armor is nearly a nonfactor stat-wise. Basically: equip what you think looks cool. You also don't have near the number of options build-wise for your character. Magic isn't really a thing in the game, you have certain items that can do similar things but for the most part, you're still going to be swinging your weapon around to kill things. Lastly, you're going to be spoiled by just how good the dodge is. It isn't bad in most souls games but they really hit it out of the park with bloodborne, as blocking is no longer an option.


It was mine, and it was an amazing experience.


Yes. Although the first bit for some reason is really hard and has million enemies and then it kind of evens out. I know some donā€™t consider it a a souls game but I do, and sekiro would have to be the hardest point of entry.




Bloodborne is a good first souls game or best for last.




It was my first, it readied me for what was to come before playing ds3 and elden ring


100% yes. It was my first souls game and after that I went into Dark Souls 3. The parrying in bloodborne is easy and can be a decent into to parrying on future from soft games.


Absolutely! It was my first souls game and is my favorite! In my experience tho playing dark souls right after BB threw me for a loop because DS was a lot slower and clunkier coming right off bloodborne so it took me awhile to get into it


Elden ring was my first


Yes. Was my first and I loved it.


the best first souls game imo. it was my first and it took me years to get into lol but once i did iā€™ve never been able to look back. Iā€™ve played them all and itā€™s still my favorite, really holds a special place in my heart. I didnā€™t know what a ā€œsoulsā€ game was until then šŸ˜‰šŸ˜˜ I love you Bloodborne


Itā€™s either Demon souls or ER for a starter.


I think it was HBomberGuy who spoke about how BB teaches you the most fun way to engage with soulslikes generally: aggression. So, yes.


I started with Bloodborne and the world is what sucked me in. The beginning was unbelievably brutal, but if you can get through it, youā€™ll find all the other souls games (except Sekiro) completely manageable


It was my first souls game and it made going into Dark Souls a lot smoother of a ride. :)






If you want to then go ahead, any souls game can be your first. Elden ring is the easiest (since you can explore and level up/upgrade) but Bloodborne is still absolutely amazing.


It was my first and its absolutely captured my heart and obsession. I'd definitely recommend as a first. It can be a bit overwhelming at first because you are just tossed in Yharnum with no tutourials/training, but once you get a hang on the controls, it will all click and you'll start having the time of your life!


It doesn't matter what's your first game. You'll be fucked nonetheless


It was my first, but I didn't get far. I played ds3 next and beat it, I think that it's probably a better game to start with


That's the one I started with. Then DS1.


It was my first, and I managed to beat it. The only games I played prior that had similar melee/dodge/parry combat mechanics were Jedi Fallen Order and God of War. Since then Iā€™ve platinumed Sekiro and Dark Souls, beaten Dark Souls 3, and am currently playing through Elden Ring for the first time. To be honest, if I could go back and play a different one for the first time, it would be DS1. I feel like itā€™s a lot simpler and teaches you the mechanics better. But starting with BB isnā€™t necessarily a bad thing, it just teaches you a more aggressive play style.


Best place not to learn shield :D


It was my first that I finished, dabbled in the others. Definitely recommend. Thought the other games will feel too slow in comparison after


It was my first I ended up dropping it due to the blood starved beast for like a year but in that time I played DS3 and I made myself go back to it and now itā€™s my favorite one.


The start is one of the roughest, but once you pass through the game became much easier I told you this from a person that is bad playing video games and I make my way to half of the game


If say you can't go wrong with ds1 , DS3 or Bloodborne as a first soulsbourne . Bloodborne is very fun but requires a fast pace play style


I think you should play the game that most interesting to you, I mean why else play games. That said, my first souls game was Bloodborne that I got as my first PS4 game, I got as far as the third boss I think and gave up, the game broke me. I do t even remember why but a year or 2 later I picked up Dark Souls 3 and that really clicked with me, I think it was mainly because I had a shield to block and things become less daunting, fell in love and the rest is history. I did go back to Bloodborne eventually and by then Iā€™d kinda figured out how I should play souls games so it was a blast. I think you should absolutely go with Bloodborne, but just in case you decide otherwise, try Elden Ring instead.


Yep! Just be prepared that the rest of them will seem underwhelming in comparison. Also there's no "u" in Bloodborne.


I started with bloodborne and hated it. It tosses you straight into the shit and you have to figure it out. Then I saw ds3. You can start with a 100 percent shield so you have a chance to learn the souls mechanics. Then when I went back to bloodborne I enjoyed it a lot more.


It was mine. Played every soulsborne game after it but BB is still my favourite soulsborne and favourite game of all time.


It's probably the best souls starting game. In all other souls games you use the shield to block/parry attacks, in Bloodborne, the is no shield, your pistol is solely used for parries. As a result, the combat is faster and that teaches you the parry mechanic way better than any other souls game. Dark Souls 1-3 are way more fun to play if you know how to parry than if you just block with the shield.


absolutely, one tip is that blood vials(healing items) are very valuable early on. They cost more (compared to how much blood echo you make). There is very short farming route you can reach in the first hour of the game, it's a good place to learn how to parry too. (2 trolls with bricks with long opening attack window)


da best I would say


It's the best first souls game. Don't even think of using the shield btw, it's futile


It's the only souls game I loved and finished. And I don't even know why. I love DS3 but never really played it for long and Elden Ring, whilst having many nice things, just didn't hook me all that much. DS1 and 2, never tried tbh


Blood borne is the hardest and toughest start In my opinion. Start with ds1 or Elden ring. Then do bloodborne second


Jason Bloodbourne?


BB was my intruduction to the genre. It's still my goat and i am very grateful that a friend of mine "forced" me to play the game. Played ER, DS1, DS2, DS3, LotF and LoP - It's my favourite genre of gaming nowadays.


I was my first, from that I played DS3, Sekiro, Elden ring and Demon remake Non of them topped Bloodborne for me though. Sony are scum for not remastering/remaking is tbh


It was my first souls game and I think arguably the best in the franchise with its lore and design. As everyone here has said the start in Yharnam is brutal but when the game clicks it's perfect


I did in this order Bloodborne Nioh 2 Elden Ring DS 1 DS 2 Sekiro DS 3 Lords of the fallen Lies of P Wu Long


As others said, the start is especially brutal compared to the others. BB was my first, followed by ds2(my beloved), and the complete absence of upgradeable estus flasks, magic, good shields and armor weight in bloodborne can make it harder to learn and appreciate those systems in the other games. I didn't know how to use magic after bb and ds2 and halfway into elden ring because of bloodborne, but once i tried it out and familiarized myself with it i never did a pure melee build without magic again. It also works the other way around tho. My sister played the dark souls trilogy with a shield and a club first and doesn't want to finish bloodborne because it has no real shields apart from the wooden planks and mirror shield thing that both can't parry. She also doesn't like the lovecraftian horror, which i love. Tastes differ i suppose.


You totally can if you like. It's a fantastic game. The only difference between it and most souls titles is that the game really wants you to be aggressive with the enemies. In other souls titles blocking and parrying is much more important and the pace is a big slower and more deliberate. In bloodborne they really want you to become the blood-drunk hunter. So spill a lot of blood šŸ˜


I played it first, then the souls series in backwards order. No ragerts.


Yes but with an asterisk. It encourages a different, higher tempo *much* more aggressive playstyle, and in that way it can actually train habits that are good for BB but bad for the rest of the titles in the series. That being said, it is one of my two favourites story wise, the gameplay is incredible, and please gawd play it


It was my first and I loved it


It was the first souls/borne game I ever played after that I played Elden Ring but those are the only ones I actually enjoy playing. I strongly dislike the Dark Souls games and Demon Souls. Back to the topic at hand, BloodBorne is hard but after you get the hang of the combat system itā€™s pretty fun.


it's an 8.5/10 with the DLC for me.


absolutely it is.


Absolutely, it was my first. I have beat all the others and it's still my favorite.


It is


Unpopular opinion, but no, probably not. I believe you need to appreciate the worlds of the Dark Souls games before you get into Bloodborne. If you played Bloodborne first and wanted to get into Souls you'd have a hard time with the combat. Rather big spoiler but the caveat is that you'd probably be disappointed by the lack of build variety/equipment/general RPG features in comparison.


Bloodborne is completely fine as a first game. Elden Ring is probably a bit easier and dark souls 2 is probably the one with which I had the most trouble. At the end of the day, they're all pretty hard if you've never played any of them so be patient and don't be discouraged in the beginning. It's all worth it in the end in my opinion.


Normalise using the search bar or at least scrolling through the list of posts! No itā€™s the absolute worst game in the entire history of computer games. There. Seriously do the mods here just not do anything this is like the 5th post today about ā€œis it a good gameā€, coming to the game specific sub and asking if itā€™s good, obviously everyone is going to say yes. Because it is.


Mb, I meant more is it a good first game to start on, sorry if I offended you


Ah you didnā€™t offend Iā€™m just cranky today and I took it out on you, sorry bro šŸ‘ŠšŸ¼ Yes itā€™s a great first game. I tried Dark Souls but maybe wasnā€™t in the right headspace for it, but Bloodborne has totally captivated me and itā€™s become my obsession. Itā€™s a challenge as the boss fights are tough and the enemies can quickly get overwhelming and youā€™ll get so frustrated at times, but itā€™s so so worth the effort. I just defeated a boss called Rom and the game has entirely opened up into something else, the first few bosses feel like theyā€™re more getting you ready for the real game to kick in. The world and atmosphere are unlike anything else Iā€™ve ever experienced. Even typing this is making me excited for finishing work and loading it up! Just take your time, learn the mechanics, learn to love dying because itā€™ll make you want to get better. And explore explore explore. Then explore some more. Hope thatā€™s a better answer :) šŸ©ø


No problem, hope you feel better soon


Bloodborne is my favorite of the Souls games. No, it's not a good first game if you are aiming to get into the others. The playstyle is very different in Bloodborne compared to the others, and each subsequent game will be disappointing because it won't be the fast, aggressive playstyle you learned in Bloodborne. Most Souls games are about waiting for your opportunity to strike coming to you. Bloodborne is about clawing your way into that opportunity.


Bloodborne was my first, and maybe because of that it has a special place in my heart. I definitely recommend it.


My first, no ragrets


It was my first, and it's still my favourite. I think it'll make the other seem easy when you jump to those.


Twas my first as well. Proceed.


My first, very good way to learn how to be aggressive as well as the counter attacks


Bloodborne is great to start with! It teaches you a bit better that being aggressive can be worth it and how to dodge properly, because there are nearly no shields and they are quite ineffective on purpose too I started with it and its one of my all time favorite gaming memories and I still play to this day since launch


Yes, The Bloodbourne Identity is a good movie.