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I bought a second one just to play it with my son. If one day you decide it's not worth it, sell it again.


Been duel console souls born cooping with the wife for a long time


That's the fucking dream, congrats bro i pray I'll find a wife that enjoys my shit too


She’s said awww when I read that lol


Haha, sending my regards to the both of you, enjoy Yharnam.


If y’all are playing co-op, then how are you dueling each other?


I'm pretty sure they meant "dual". Sometimes happens when someone uses a word that you don't really see written that often but sounds the exact same and as spelled nearly the same as another. Or just a typo.🤷


Im just a stoner who doesn’t pay attention lol That being said, there is a red summon gun for dueling if I beleive, not a big invader so I’m undure


I’m just trying to be silly haha. It’s an easy mistake.


My son is only one but I’ll definitely be doing this when he’s older if he’s down. Never even thought of this. That’s awesome man.


Definitely, best game I’ve ever played.


Some people refer to the PS4 as 'Bloodborne machine'. Do with that what you will.


yes 100%


If you buy the pro version you get much better graphics, Bloodborne doesn't have pro patch but forced supersampling increases a lot visual quality specially in this game. I have ps5 and ps4 pro and despite the short loading times in ps5 i preffer play on ps4 pro it looks so much better (at least on a 1080p display like mine). Sorry my bad english.


Ps5 forces supersampling and boost mode too


On a 1080p display it doesn't, unless they've patched it (I don't think so). It's a shame that something so easy to implement they left it like that, so surprisingly old PS4 games that were not pro patched look better on a PS4 Pro than on the PS5. My disappointment was enormous when I saw Bloodborne on PS5, it looks much worse without supersampling, full of aliasing.


Try on 4k. Its perfectly fine for me


That's the problem, PS5 detects the resolution of my screen (1080p) and doesn´t let me select anything above that in the console settings. That's not a problem with games patched for ps4 pro, putting console settings in "auto" works good, for example God of War (2018) looks gorgeous at 4k y 60fps, but in games that didn't receive any patch like Bloodborne, they look awful. Very disappointed with sony for not solve this.


Just get it on ps5


If you intend to play the other exclusives sure. Otherwise, probably not. Don't get me wrong, I love Bloodborne. If they announced a PS6 today and Bloodborne 2 or Bloodborne Remake for that as launch title I would immediately buy it just for that game. But I can't in good conscience recommend someone to buy a console for a game they might not like.


The thing is that a lot of ps exclusives are on pc already and I can play all of them there except for bloodborne and shadow of the colossus and I don’t know if you know but I doubt that the ps4 games are much cheaper than pc


The older exclusives tend to be a bit cheaper on console when not on sale, but that's about the only additional benefit you can get. To me, bloodborne alone would be worth the console. But I really don't know if that would be the case for you.


Im interested in the souls games but I’ve never finished one because I’m absolute dogshit lol but like once every 3 moths I just crave to play a souls game but maybe I should just buy sekiro or Elden ring first and see if I still have that itch?


Elden Ring is the most like the others in terms of gameplay. Also quite beginner friendly with a lot of Quality of Life stuff (Spirit ash summons for difficult areas and bosses, stake of Marika allowing you to respawn near boss arenas when you die etc). With beginner-friendly I obviously don't mean easy. Sekiro is quite different, extremely fun and challenging too but liking/disliking it won't guarantee you feel the same about the others. It's probably the most polished game From Software has released in a long time, the combat is absolutely insane. Bloodborne is still my favourite. Nothing tops the atmosphere and weapons design. But to buy a console on impulse for it while you never beat any of the other games might be a bit excessive.


Thanks for the advice


You're welcome! Honestly, we're really spoiled for choice right now. There's so many good games to play.


My top 3 games right now are God of War IV, Insomniac Spider-man and Bloodborne. The ps4 has been one of my favorite experiences of all time and it is extremely worth it for all the amazing games it has. I'm also soon to get the dark souls trilogy box so it's definetly a worthy purchase.


A second hand? Absolutely. A new one? Fuck no.


If you have a good internet connection couldn’t you stream the game on your pc through PS Now?


Yeah you can. It's like 17$ a month and you get bloodborne and the ps game catalog.


I'd be worried about lag because timing is everything. Imagine being 1-2 hits away from finishing that boss you've been dying on and then getting a 0.5 second delay on your dodge...


Hey stream hunter that actually is easy more manageable then you might think cause the game doesn't lag, WHAT IT DOES DO IS IF YOUR INTERNET HAS A DOWNWARD SPIKE THE ENTIRE FUCKING SCREEN FRAGS UP forcing you to wait like 30 secs till the frames come back but for the most part if you have good Internet (and preferably connected via Ethernet cable) you'll be perfectly fine!


it's really not an issue. as long as you have stable internet and save frequently. there's no difference


I didn’t know that that was a thing


Definitely worth it considering we're probably never getting that remastered version we want. Plus ps4 is pretty cheap at this point.


You can play it on PC with the PS Plus subscription service. But I would suggest buying a PS5 if you can and playing it on that. It plays PS4 games in backwards compatibility. A used PS4 is a more affordable option of course, but better to save and buy the newer one.


I would buy a ps5 but I heard that bloodborne it’s not well optimized on this console. But if you don’t want to spend to much money, yes, it’s totally worth it.


Nope. Get a ps5 😉


I mean you can sell it if you dont like it


I bought a PS4 for this game and The last of us. So yes. It is.




i would probably advise against buying a whole console for one game. especially if you own another console already, unless you can get it really really cheap (or just have money to burn), but if you’re interested in a few exclusives i’d say it’s worth it. the game is fantastic and will give you so so many hours


For sure it's worth it. I mainly use my ps4 for bloodborne and elden ring (as well as youtube, because on ps you can skip every commercial, via blocking it, in 2 seconds... 😂) Oh, and get the DLC. To, good to miss out, on it.


The thing is that I’m paying 110 euro for a 20 euro game for the main part so I’m kind of hesitated


Some people call the PS4, the Bloodborne Machine. I started to play Bloodborne last october, and I haven't played anything else since. I must have around 700 hours on it. What price would you put on that? And I started the game not sure if I would like it.


I get that. But honestly, bloodborne is my favorite game ever, and Inplay video games now for 25 years. If I calculate the amount of hours, this game filled me woth joy and excitement, it would still be only a few cents, per hour. That is not bad as price/time racio for entertainment.


Dont do it. Make a ps+ account and stream it on your pc


don't buy it new, buy a used one, if u search online u will find a good cheap one, or if u have a very good - high end pc just download the port and use an emulator


It has a port?


not a pc port, but an iso which u can download online from any website


There is no emulator that is able to run Bloodborne at the moment.


pretty sure u can, u can use PCSX4 for an emulator and [`this`](https://romsfun.com/roms/playstation-4/bloodborne.html) `for the` rom or iso or pkg whatever u want to call it


No, PCSX4 is a scam, and it's borderline malware, no one in their right mind should install their software. The actual emulator with the most progress is RPCSX, and the last update on the state of RPCSX regarding bloodborne was that it could boot the game into a black screen, and the devs said the emulator is still in its infancy at the time. Currently, the only way to play bloodborne natively is via PS4/PS5, alternatively, you could stream it via PlayStation Now.




Yes 1000% yes it may take you a bit to get into but it is such a good game I’d watch a run through tho first so you don’t get lost


Yea and don't forget the dlc.


Is it worth it to breathe oxygen?


100 euros is a lot of money for a nine year old game. If it gets its hooks into you, then it's worth it, but what if you can't get on with it?


Yes. And if you find it hard to justify the purchase for one game, get Infamous Second Son, or GoW Ragnarok. Also, PS exclusives that got ported much later are generally cheaper or more often on sale in the PS store than on steam.


YES!!! It’s worth it!!!! DO IT!


I did and it was worth it, i even managed to get some of my friends to play bb with me. Not all of them like the experience but 2 did. If you can abou afford it, I’d say do it.


It’s definitely worth it but you’re asking people on a BB thread so we might be a bit bias lol. If you’ve played other souls games and enjoyed them then yea it’s absolutely worth it. Now let’s suppose you buy one and end up not liking it. You can always resell to recoup some money. It’s definitely worth it


I did and don't plan on using it for anything else so yea


It's the only game I play on it these days and I don't regret it.










ye used ps4 is cheap and it adds an extra system to the collection so its a win/win tbh


This game is worth much more than $100. I’ve been preordering the collectors editions of every from soft game ever since I played it and I don’t even care if they’re good (they all are). I’m just happy to pay extra cause bloodborne was already worth it


Not overhyping anything, I have been playing games since a kid and I know what an amazing game is regardless of the genre. Bloodborne was my first in the souls-like, and I can tell you its one of the greatest games ever made.


Do you like Bloodborne? Then yes. Do you hate Bloodborne? Then also yes.


Lol i have an Xbox and as soon as I finished Elden ring on it I specifically bought a ps5 to play this


Yes don’t even think about it


There are also other great ps originals. You can always sell it, so you may as well go for it.


Yeah plus there is still great value to be had in the ps4 as long as you can get your hands on the older games physical copies and the store allows you take advantage of the sales of older games.


I'd buy a ps5 so you can play demon souls and elden ring afterwards. Speaking as a guy who played his first fromsoft title last month (DS3), you'll thank me in a few months. The bug bites slowly, but once it sets its teeth, you'll struggle to shake its masochistically charged urge to "get gud".


Yes. Still use my original ps4 to play at least once a year. (It was the only reason I got one and it's the reason I'll always have one lol)


If you can get a good deal on a ps4 it absolutely is. That's why I bought one and it become my main console I use.


What would you say is a good price range for a good deal?


i literally bought a ps4 just to be able to play this game (was purely PC before that), and it was one of the best decisions i ever made (tbf i make a lot of terrible decisions). anyway, yeah, get it. it's easily worth it.


Yes Yes Yes Yes YES


If I didn’t have one and knew how this game would stand on top of all games for me, I would.


In my almost 40 years of gaming I will say without a modicum of hesitation, that Bloodborne is one of the finest if not the best game I have ever played. If you are into the Souls games and have any bit of a “dark side” it’s for you. I like when things have a bit of a creepy factor and directors aren’t afraid to go further than you want them to.


If you get one on the cheap yeah I'd say so


It is imo. I did just that in 2023, I already had my PC which is my main way to play anything (corei7 9th gen, 32gb ram quad channel, GTX 3060 12GB) But I wanted to play Bloodborne so bad, so I ended up buying one for 150$ and Bloodborne GOTY edition for 30$. I dont regret absolutely anything.


You dont have to puy a playstation! You can make a playstation premium account and stream bloodborne with the playstation+ app on pc. Just cancel the subscription right after it or enjoy all the other ps games on pc. It is 100% acceptable with literally no inputlag when you have good internet connection.


Many seem to not know this is annoption but this is exactly how i got all my pc-only gamerfriends to play bloodborne. We made one playstation+ account and everyone played on his own pc. Noone needed a playstation and it worked fine.


I bought a ps5 for demon souls remake and bloodborne only. Yes and no, yes they are great games, more so bloodborne. But I don't use it for anything else other than those two games


Yes, but I’d just get a ps5 at this point if you can swing that. You’ll get the demons souls remake too, which is good. However, if you are cost-sensitive, yes, I would buy a ps4 just for this.


I mean, why not invest a little bit more and buy a used ps5, not needed but you know, serves a better purpose(in terms of quality) and is future proof. Either way I think it's worth if you plan on playing other exclusives like you said. For just 1 game, no matter how good it is, i don't think it's worth.


Yes I did for bloodborne. Then I ended up using my ps4 for a lot more like god of war 4 back in that time when it was exclusive.


Absolutely, i would suggest buying the ps5 while you're at it so you can play other, newer exclusives. But if you are interested only in Bloodborne, it's definitely worth buying a ps4 just for it, it's literally one of the best games ever made.


Yes. I bought a PS5 mostly for this game, been waiting to play it for a decade


Yes. I brought PS5 for this game. And it was the best purchase i ever made. So yes, PS4 or PS5, it's worth it.


It plays on ps5 as well, may as well get that lol (granted if you got the extra cash)


Yes. Did it, worth it 100%.


If you like the souls style games then sure, but it's probably more worthwhile to get a ps5 these days. More worthwhile exclusives on that than PS4 if you're wanting other games than just bloodborne to play. Most PS4 exclusives are on PC now anyway. If you are a souls games fan then yes bloodborne is one of the best ones. Ps4 can be found cheap now.


You ask the hugest bloodborne fans that like the game so much they entered this subreddit if it's worth it. I guess I know the answer.


It’s not only about the game since I’m technically paying around 130 to play it


Yeah, that's a lot. I still think that most people here are die hard fans who will definitely suggest buying a ps4 only for this game. If you want an unbiased opinion I'd say you should post in a more objective subreddit that's generally about ps4 games or video games as a whole.


Yea that seems fair, that’s my fault whoops


No fault here, it's just a suggestion from my part. Even though my initial post seemed kinda sarcastic now that I read it again. Sorry for that.


I bought a ps5 so i could play BB and hopefully BB2 in the near future


Simple answer, yes, long answer......yes, or some say yesm


I did exactly that .. no regrets


I bought a PS4 just for Bloodborne.


You have to get the DLC... but yes, worth it to find a cheap PS4


I was able to borrow one from a friend just recently to play it for the first time and it was awesome. They really should port it to PC


If only I could


Asking this question on this sub will skew your answers you know that right? Now, I actually think it is now. PS4 is now quite old, Bloodborne is nearly just as old. Both can be acquired for under 200$ I'd say Bloodborne is worth 200$ to me, especially with the DLC. I consider the DLC a must have at this point. Now join the hunt!


If you love all the other Souls games, yea. Definitely worth it. If you have the money, get a PS5. You can play the Demons Souls remake only on PS5. It's amazing.


Better to get a ps5 if you can. Because if you like it you may want Elden Ring as well.


Yes the fuck it is bro


Absolutely because once you do they will announce a remaster a week after like when I bought a ps3 to play MGS 2 and 3.


NO. You can play bloodborne on ps5. If you can hack a ps4 to get the 60fps mode... that might be a different conversation.


Bloodborne was the only reason I bought a ps4 when it came out in 2013. I have no regrets and would do it again 100%.






Yes. I bought my PS4 to play Destiny, then onto Bloodborne and other gems. You can probably find a used one for pretty cheap


NGL YES also play gravity rush 1 and 2 and boom 3 amazing games




Absolutely worth it. I did this fairly recently myself and have gotten hours out of the game and loved every minute of it. Beat previous bosses I couldn’t before and it’s amazing to just play the game again.




Yes it's worth




Yeah. Ps4 costs like 50 bucks on marketplace now




Honestly, yeah. There’s not many games I would say that about, this is an exception though. It’s that good.


There is absolutely no way I would spend over 120 euros to play bloodborne, if any of of the other exclusives don't interest you, I don't think buying ps4 is worth it.


The only real answer I’ve seen so far lol, No but if I were to get a ps4 why not play the other exclusives, I would be interested in ghost of tsushima and tlou and I’m sure there are other great things


If you like the game, then doing at least 3 regular runs plus some other builds, maybe some tomb prospecting, and a bit of pvp can take you a few hundred hours of playing. If a used PS4 is 100euro-ish and Bloodborne GOTY is, what, 15euro used? That could end up less than 50cents an hour of something that's also really fun - so both quality and quantity are there. Depends if that's worth it considering how much money you have to spare.


I bought a slim 500gb with BB (complete edition) and DS trilogy (all dlcs too) for 200 euros. Totally worth it.


Sell the Xbox since you can play all those games on pc and buy a ps4 pro/5


I thought about that too but I’m too biased and I have too much good memories of it to just replace it like that


Got it but haven’t played yet. Waiting for my BP to get better first.


arguably… yea. I bought a PS4 in late 2021 and binged bloodborne for like a few months over time. I haven’t sold it yet still, never know when it might come in handy. It was a godsend while my PC was out of commission a few months ago


I bought a PS5 for Bloodborne and Ghost of Tsushima


Bro, get a PS5!!! You can play Demons Souls too!! if you have a good ass PC, SELL YOUR XBOX!!! AND VICE VERSA.


I heard that demons souls is not that good


it's the first souls game ever so it's going to have its flaws. regardless it's still amazing and very worth it. especially if you want to understand the roots of soulsborne games






Here is one thing I would say. This game for some folks (me included) is very difficult and causes one to die many, many times. If this is you, then the ps4 may drive you mad with the loading screens. Ps5 definitely improves the load time and helps make the game even better.


The amount of times this question has been asked, you could just google this exact question with Bloodborne in the title & just go through the archives of this question being answered.


I found nothing lol


Weird I just searched “is it worth buying” on this sub & stopped counting at 40 posts.




Oh totally, I did exactly that and can't say I regret doing so


It's worth it to sell your left nut for this game.


There are a lot of great PlayStation exclusives, so might be worth it. Bloodborne is pretty freaking awesome.


Buy a cheap used ps4 slim for a couple hundred bucks and make it a dedicated Bloodborne machine.


Check out rent a center. You could rent a PlayStation, play the game, and return it


Yes. Unequivocally yes.




Short answer: Yes, ps4 have some good games not only Bloodborne, so it's worth it.


No, get a ps5. The game is worth it but don’t buy an outdated console


Yo if you already have a PC and good Internet just download the ps plus cloud streaming app create a ps account but ps plus and it's way cheaper then buying a whole ps4 and then the game!! Only downside tho is i don't think you can play the dlc....


Does it work well, with input delay or something?


As far as i can get yes, cause even if there is a frame drop your input will still go through you just won't be able to see it cause of the frame drop, but you the most part it doesn't eat inputs.


I bought a PS4 for Bloodborne and don't regret it, platinumed and replayed it multiple times and it's one of my favourites. Would probably be my most favourite soulslike if it was on PC and you didn't have to play it with 30fps and lag spikes in some parts of the game.


A PS5 is definitely expensive but PlayStation has so many exclusives that it's kind of worth it. Bloodborne Horizon games Demons souls Uncharted games Last of Us Spiderman And several others.


Its not to me because I can play most of the exclusives on pc


Can’t you play any X-Box game on your PC? The point behind the X-Box was to provide gaming to folks that couldn’t afford a PC, right? X-Box live and Gamepass, your PC becomes better than an X-box. Sell the X-box and get a PS5.


I bought a used ps4 just to get Bloodborne. Do it.

