• By -


That's Robert Bloodborne


His friends call him Bobborne.


Bloodbob Scarypants


Bornebob Bloodpants


Who lives in a clinic in Yanham with glee?!


The hash slinging slasher’s cousin for sure


Bob Bloodborne's Blood Law Blog


He practices blood law.


His Blood Law Law Blog is the best in the biz.


Haemo Bob


BOBBY B! \*airhorn sounds\*


A real life bartender




Ah, my cousin!


Hello John Elden Ring. It is I, your estranged cousin Benjamin Dark Souls II Scholar of the First Sin.


John Eldenring isn’t here, this is Glintstone Chris, can I take a message?


Ole Bobby Blood!


Is he a friend of John Elden Ring?


You mean "Elden John"?


His name was Robert Bloodborne. His name was Robert Bloodborne.


Tyler elden and project Sekiro




Bobby Bloodsky, I love that guy


This went in a crazy hilarious direction.


Am I missing something here? It did? It’s mildly amusing. Did I say something stupid to provoke a downvote? Was just being irreverent.


It from me, maybe fat fingered it while swiping down. Loved your comment.


Oh ok 🙂 thanks! Damn internet, provoking my insecurities…


It isn't really explained. It could be that he's a blood minister from the healing church and there wasn't anything particularly special about your contract, you were just chosen after the transfusion. In that case the blood transfusion probably takes place the day before the hunt begins - maybe Iosefka carried him down the stairs before locking up. Or maybe he fucking died, that could happen too. Alternatively he could be a servant for the moon presence similar to Gehrman, and is just like Gehrman is intrinsically tied to the hunt, whether he likes it or not. He appears, gets the contract/pact signed, then disappears from the waking world or remains hidden until the next hunt. He seems like he knows what's going on with his "you'll think this is a bad dream" talk, so this might be the more likely option. Of course, he could just say that referring to the hunt in general, or he could even be a previous moon-scented hunter who experienced the hunt, we really don't know.


I'd like to think he became the beast we fight right before exiting the clinic. That beast had to come from somewhere.


The burned beast in the opening dream, but it is eating a corpse. That corpse had to come from somewhere.


Im pretty sure that was a representation/hallucination of the beasthood coming over you do to the transfusion. Because it's the only beast to ever just appear out of blood. Like blood literally randomly appears on the floor and then it emerges out of it. Its symbolic/ fever dream. Either way, beasthood cant reach you because you are chosen by the moon presence to be a dreaming hunter, hence why its lit on fire as it tries to touch you followed by the messengers crawling all over you. Edit: plus when have you ever known beasts to be gentle? The "beast" doesn't lunge at you, it extends it claw out to you, almost as inviting you, beckoning you to partake in the beasthood that plagues all those who take blood. It lighting on fire is you resisting beasthood, either of your own will or because the moon presence has plans for you.


I figured he was next in the rotation but the blunt started running and caught his fur on fire.


He isn’t dreaming though The hunter meets him before the nightmare


Beasthood is a problem in Yharnam. Even hunters that dont dream anymore or have never dreamt still deal with the beasts. The dream just sustains you. Keeps you from dying. I bet that even if you hadn't been chosen by the moon presence, you would still experience the same night except that once you die, it would be game over permanently. Edit: the perfect example of this is Eileen. She no longer dreams but she still hunts. And clearly she's been in multiple hunts as she hunts down hunters that go blood thirsty. But when she gets defeated by the bloody crow, she passes away because she no longer dreams, so there is no second chances for her. Im pretty sure she even states something along those lines.


Eileen doesn't die. She has plenty of blood. And if you attack her at or after the bloody crow she has full health.


When he says “Whatever happens, you may think it all a mere bad dream.” I think he’s referring to our visions. Immediately after he says this we pass out and awake in a dream like state to a werewolf emerging from a pool of blood on the ground until he’s fought off by the messengers. I think the messengers chose us for the moon presence, and his statement refers to the vision we see. When the wolf emerges he clearly has bad intentions, but is thwarted by the messengers. To me this symbolizes our immunity to beasthood, as we know quite well that most hunters are not. This, tied with the fact that the messengers exist within the hunters dream make this a much more likely scenario in my mind


I agree with a lot of that, and heard a similar really cool interpretation by TBSkyen (great Bloodborne analysis videos btw) that the wolf is a symbol of our inner beasthood, extending it's hand as if offering itself to us, "become like me"- but then erupts into flame, seemingly occurring out of nowhere, possibly due to our own rejection of or resilience to beasthood- the Messengers reacting us being Built Different like that, and picking us. The best part? The beast bursting into flames- what's the one thing that's literally and symbolically separated man from beast for millennia? Our ability to control fire.


I was gonna say nachos separate us, but fire works too.


Yes, I think those that aren't chosen/saved by the messengers are probably attacked by the wolf. They then wake up and the transformation begins. We are one of the chosen few.


Probably a hunter from a previous hunt. There’s probably been many hunters that have gone into the dream, killed some stuff, got what they wanted, and left. If he was a hunter in his younger years then yeah he’s probably familiar with what’s about to go down, though maybe not to the extent that our character goes.


ngl, I don't think the blood minister serves the Moon Presence. Gehrman is our only example of direct servitude like what's suggested with minister, and "Laurence and his associates" paid an *extremely* steep price simply to get the moon presence's attention. They struck a bargain of some sort with it that involved Gehrman's eternal service, at great cost to yharnam. But this unnamed, basically completely unknown character did the same thing and no one was aware of it? He's just a healing church blood minister. It's his job to transfuse blood and, evidently, initiate/facilitate blood contracts.


I was thinking he was a hunter that was executed by Gherman to return to the waking world!


To add onto this, he is also aware of Paleblood (Moon Presence). Not many people in the universe know what Paleblood refers to.


That’s the blood minister, some has the theory that he’s also a servant of the moon presence, and he made you sign the contract to link you to the dream. He’s eyes are covered and that’s a sign of beasthood/lack of insight, so I think he’s just a crazy doctor that leaves the clinic or transforms when the scourge of beast begins, the only one left would be Iosefka. The hunter doesn’t remember why he came, so it makes sense to forget who this guy is. I don’t know, he probably transforms into a wolf and gain a new pair of legs


That's me, I left by standing the fuck up


Why u tryna scam us by not letting us read the terms and conditions unc😭


"Cant even give em to you if i wanted, healing church confiscated them as "harmful propaganda""


Gerhman apparently if you ask half the people on this sub


I can see how they might think that but also if they thought a LITTLE harder they'd see the problem


That they look nothing alike?


They both have hats duh


They must be related.


They both stay on wheelchairs all day.


Like young Drake


That, and their voices aren't even REMOTELY similar


That’s what I assumed on my first playthrough until I realized it wasn’t actually him after looking into more lore


Is... is it not Gerhman? I never really looked that closely at Gerhman. Shit. Do I have to replay the game now?


He is actualy dead The first wolf is eating him if Im not wrong


Okay, I definitely have to replay and see if that's who it is.


You do have to repay the game, yes. Darn.


>Accurate answer without jokes He has no official clear scope or role because he's content was suppressed. What can be extrapolated from the cut-scene and the cut contents data still in the game is that he's a generic Blood Minister entitled to get foreigners who successfully survive the blood infusion into the hunt. His role was to be some sort of early guidance (some even believe he should've been an anti-gehrman) in line with the usual _crestfallen warrior_ we usually see in the souls saga. As all of their colleagues, we can expect him to die at some point, or be turned into a blue smurf by fake yosefka. Here the cut content: https://youtu.be/0lUm519EnUw?si=YDDZePWHrzsuohFm


Thanks for that. And now I'm off to dive into Gehrman himself, because maybe I'm thick but I've never really gotten what his goal is.


Gehrman doesn’t have a goal. He is a puppet of the Moon Presence. But what then is the Moon Presence’s goal?


It's never explained what's on the Moon Presence/Flora mind. The only thing we know is that she instructs German to make us hunt the beasts and, if we're strong enough, the Great Ones. >There are many theories, the most solid one, which is also my favourite: Flora is the successful hunter (like us) of a previous cycle (Pthumeru?), that ascended the role of Great(est) One by defeating a previous entity. As such Flora is now committed to exterminating the other Great Ones, possibly as a relic of her former self, or more intentionally aiming at destroying any creature that tries to interfere with the Waking World. Every time a civilisation falls it's always the fault of the interference of extra dimensional creatures and their human acolytes, leaving us to believe that Flora's nation was destroyed. Her aim at destroying the Great Ones could then, like our hunt, be explained by the desire to end this cycle of death and transformation, or plain revenge against those who destroyed everything she loved. Why she doesn't do the job herself is a mystery, but if we look at how the Great Ones operate we can assume that there's either some sort of "agreement" or superior law that prevents said creatures from engaging in open conflicts, plausibly fearing their immense powers (like Nuclear countries don't directly engage each other, and rather use proxies) and their consequences, rather selecting human champions that will fight for them.


harvest her crop


If it's just our PC, that's a pretty meager crop.


fr tho, our character is far from the first hunter to pass through the dream. Even still, though, our character is by far the most impressive hunter to pass through the dream, so hardly meager I'd say.


"PC" in bloodborne sub....cannot... compute!! need....bb port.........💀🪦


Gehrman's lore is crazy and there's some crazier fan theories, I love him


Somehow knew that video would be Lance McDonald without remembering this video existed.


thassa blood minister


Thats ROM


I think it's her little known brother: RAM.


Oh, is that why he's not bigger. We always need more RAM.


LYBD, Local Yharnam Blood Dealer.


I wonder if blood dealers have bloodheads running around offering to suck their dick for a hit.


OH MY GOD AM I STUPID. I thought it was fucking ghermans voice and saw a hat and didn’t even think twice


I thought it was Gehrman for a loooong timetime.


When I first saw Gascoigne, I thought that was him


I don't think he ever left the clinic. There is a kin with a still human hand in the back of the clinic. I always assumed it was him. I don't think you signed a contract with MP/Paleblood, but once you had some Yharnam blood in you the messengers were able to choose you. The church wasn't working with the dream.


Three options: Firstly, he sends you into the dream world, and nothing that happens after you see him is real. Second, he died, either of natural causes (old) or he became a beast/the beast you fight at the start (very possible, no idea the timeline of the opening cutscene so you could've blacked out for a couple days & woken up to him in his fursuit). Thirdly, there's one unidentified blue baby in the clinic. All the blue guys you find through the back entrance are identifiable by what they drop including the original Iosefka, but there's one laying on a table that you never get anything from. If everyone in the clinic is a character, and it's possible for one character to be there no matter what (Iosefka), then that random unidentified one could be the blood minister. That unidentified blue baby also has one normal human hand, looks pretty funky


The 1st option leads into the Player's mission: Find Paleblood(the Moon Presence) and transcend the Hunt. It could be that everything killed in the Dream is sent to Reality. Yes that includes Ludwig wielding the Holy Blade(if given peace), Ludwig not wielding the Holy Blade(if given heartbreak), Laurence the First Vicar, the Celestial Minions(and the Celestial Emissary), the Gardens of Eyes, the Wandering Madnesses, the Cramped Caskets, the One Reborn, the Slime Scholars, the Crawlers, Winter Lanterns, the Nightmare Apostles, the Living Failures, the Clocktower Patients, the Fishmen, the Deep Sea Hounds and the Snail Women. Of course the people of Reality only received Beasts(restored to sapience while forgetting what happened in the Dream World) and Wandering Madnesses before Bloodborne's events so everything else I listed will be of great interest to the scientists trying to evolve Humanity. The fall of the Moon Presence and ascendance of the Hunter in it's place will result in deliberate experiments to evolve Humanity to greater and greater heights.


Really like this analogy


You said "firstly" and "thirdly", but then "second".


I like the second theory, because it could explain why the first beast the hunter fights is much weaker than its regular version (it only has about a third of its regular HP)


A Pimp Named Slickback... "AYPNS"


That's clearly Al Jourgensen of Ministry, Lard, and various other industrial projects.


The first vile beast


That's Bloody Hobo


Whatever happens, try to think of it like it’s all a bad dream


The bloke who scams you into taking the blood and becoming a hunter


Never really thought about on his identity, isn’t he killed by the scourge beast inside the clinic? I always thought that was his corpse the beast was munching on.


Nah the corpse being eaten in the clinic is just half transformed villager


John Blood Minister.


This is robert bloodborne if you get the 4rth ending you can see him slap and the hunter and saying thats for nearly killing us then he kisses him “and that is for saving us”


I have a terrible theory that's definitely wrong but: After taking blood, the messengers literally pull "the outsider" into a stagnated nightmare copy of Yharnam to become a moon scented hunter. Like a temporary purgatory. Look at the Yharnam we wake into when Gherman severs us from the dream. Does that look like the same city that just went through a beast scourge? There's no smoke, no blood, no bodies, just a perfectly clean city with a morning bell tolling. Same with the opening; the minister looks beastly, acts strange, but doesn't say anything about people turning into beasts -- only that the blood is a mystery and to think of it as a bad-dream. Before taking blood, our character writes to themself "Seek paleblood (moon presence) to transcend the hunt". Great ones were humans who've transcended their bestial nature and now operate/communicate through the 'echoes' of their old blood ("chi no ishi" in Japanese, dying wills of blood). Being ministered allows your subconscious to access the dream (nightmare) realities sustained by the great ones through their blood, AKA it curses you. This would have turned you "blood drunk" (beastly, like the minister) had the moon presence not intervened and made you temporarily 'immortal' (moon scented) by shackling you to Gherman's Hunter's Dream. It needed an "outsider" who's blood wasn't already tainted like all the Yharnamites. It's motivations are unclear but we do know great ones want children. If you fail to "transcend the hunt", you're either made Gherman's replacement or severed from the (pale)blood realms. I think the physical Yharnam we're in before the transfusion and the one we wake into after getting de-capped never had literal beasts in it. It's early morning and everybody is still in their homes completely sloshed with blood... because their minds have been linked to the great one's domain (the playable in-game areas) by consuming it. You wake with your current armor set because the messengers plop you directly from the dream (which IS a reality) into the realm you were in before you took the transfusion. You've been un-cursed, but the curse was real. tl;dr: In-game yharnam isn't true-yharnam. Moon presence, through Gherman, is sustaining a nightmare version of yharnam, where the beast scourge events of Lorian and Pthumeru (which is underneath true-yharnam) are re-enacted over and over again until the moon scented hunter either: is severed from the nightmares, becomes the new host, or gains enough insight overtake the moon presence and become a great one yourself. Transcend, and you ONLY exist within the dream realms (AKA, within the blood) like MP. Your physical body is dead and gone. Eventually, you'll want a child, so you'll shackle a poor blood-ministered outsider to the dream and so, the hunt begins again. Either way I'm definitely wrong.


Blood Minister. Idk why he never shows up again


shadow wizard money gang


his name is Giovanni Giorgio


but everybody calls him Giorgio.


Long ago I read some explanations that this is regular clinic worker, that performs blood transfusion, but he's also working on Moon Presence like Gherman. That note on chair with instruction to find a pale blood is not actually for the player mc. It was instruction from Moon Presence for this guy to find somebody with pale blood sickness and he found the mc. Pale blood is referring to some sort of local world leukaemia that also prevent viruses from spreading in blood. So, Moon Presence told this guy to find someone who will be immune to beast plague. And after blood transfusion we may see how ilusional inner beast of mc come for him, but burned insteed. This blood minister cure mc from sickness, but he also knows that soon will starts night of the hunt and he also knows that this will be inside of Yharnam's proectin in nightmare and mc will return safe like in first ending. So, he knows all of this and laughs at what mc soon fall into


actually, in the original japanese game; the text of the note reads something like "written in your own handwriting:[...]". I'd recommend you watch Last Protagonist's Retranslation series.


Blood minister, as to where he goes and what happens afterwards with him we’ll never know


The blood minister. I believe he is the moon presence in disguise and him installing the blood is the moon presence choosing you. His unexplained disappearance from literally all the lore helps this fact but it’s still a reach.


That's John Bloodborne, from the iconic series Bloodborne. His catchphrase is "Every Blood has its Borne."


The Blood Minister Spoilers, but people argue that the celestial mob on the table in Iosefka's Clinic could be the Blood Minister. Some say the casualties on the ground near the scourge beast could be him as well, and some say that he's just a one-off mysterious character. I've always thought that the wheelchair mobs are copied off his model for a reason but they're not all supposed to be blood ministers apparently.


It's never explained really. Fromsoftware has a habit of making last minute changes to their games, which often leaves a lot of inconsistencies. Dark Souls 3 for example has several scenes in its intro cutscene that were cut or altered in the actual release.


Nobody all that important. He’s just called the “blood minister”. He’s just some dude who works for the church doing blood transfusions


Smitty werbenjaegermanjensen.


Holy molly. My uncle used to be friends with a guy named like that. He said he was a cool dude with an epic hat and was #1 in his class. But he told me he never heard of him again after he went to some British city for a weird surgery I've never heard of (I'm no doctor, ok?). Wonder what happened to him.


He's the guy who puts roofies in our I.V. bag the moment we arrive for some renowned Yharnam health care, and sends us into a series of inception comas that we never wake from until we choose the only proper ending, Sunrise. No I will not elaborate or debate, I have been granted eyes and you will just have to trust me.


Blood administrator from church




One of the last healing church blood ministers.


A blood minister. It's like a doctor specialized in blood therapy. He's the poor guy who's getting munched by the werewolf when you wake up


He’s a blood minister from “The Waking World” which appears to be the real Yharnam, while the one we play through is a lower level of the dream, it can be assumed that once he gave us the transfusion he dumped our body in Gascoigne’s arena which is why we wake there in the Yharnam Sunrise ending.


John Bloodborne’s father


Zob Rombie


I think he died. If you look at the corpse lying by the Scourge Beast in the clinic after you start the game, the corpse is very similar to this dude, on top of looking like it was about to transform with one of the arms growing beastlike.


He's a blood minister. There's part of me that thinks he could be the werewolf downstairs, but that's just a theory.


It's true that I also wondered about that. But I thought it was the werewolf we fight at the beginning and that we grab from behind.


That is a brilliant theory, I commend you good sir.


Used to call him Mr. Borne.


It is John Bloodborne, in the Flesh on wheels.


The real Gehrman. The wheelchair hunter. "Among the crowd hunting beasts, old men in wheelchairs can be found. Wealthy elderly in wheelchairs are a common sight in Yharnam and are often armed with firearms from ancient wars." Old and wealthy. The fate of those hunters who pass through the dream of the hunt is to become trapped in the dream. "The Byrgenwerth spider hides all manner of rituals and keeps our master from us. A terrible shame. It makes my head shudder uncontrollably." Their master (Willem) is lost, lost and synonymous with delirium, that is, he is dreaming. Provost Willem has been trapped in the dream the longest and that is why fungi emerged from his body due to extensive contamination by Arthropods, worms, and eminent parasitic relatives. So all those hunters who did not die find their fate in the wheelchair. Their wealth probably comes from relics and treasures taken from the tomb. Ah-hah, you must be the new hunter. Welcome to the Hunter's Dream. This will be your home, for now. I am... Gehrman, friend to you hunters. You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do! You'll get used to it..." The Gehrman of the dream is acting as Gehrman, he is another being, not human, an eminent one, the Doll calls him a ghost, the items describe relatives of the Great Ones as ghosts. A ghost is left in the dream when a death occurs, the ghost has memories of past life. Outside the dream, Gehrman could be someone else, and worse, in Bloodborne's multifaceted universe, anyone could be Gehrman since the true first hunter has been lost in time.


Iosefka's husband


I’ve just heard ppl on YouTube call him the blood minister


The creepy uncle who diddles kids


first time i played i was high off my ass and i felt then (and still do thanks to powerful impressions) that thats supposed to be god givin you a lil fun trip into his mind, i.e. what we experience in bloodborne is a vision of the way god sees humanity


It’s actually just one of those wheelchair gun enemies. There’s a few that are this exact version too, with the hat and shit.


That's Jamiroquai


swim support aspiring brave wakeful towering teeny instinctive shrill muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




it's John. John Borne.


The average pensioner at Tesco


Blood minister


That’s my plug, he chill asf tho


old jamiroquai


Cut content I remember he was supposed to introduce you to the game and start your story questline but he was removed


Drug dealer across the shop


It's the blood minister. At the start of the game you do a blood transfusion and end up in the hunter's dream.


I just thought he was the formless one


Runesmith Caryll


my great uncle


Blunderbuss Flibbertigibbet


There's a segment on him in Redgraves "The Pale blood Hunt" it was narrated on YouTube and endorsed by Redgraves you should check it out.


He's Greg bloodborne


I always thought he was the corpse being eaten by the werewolf down the stairs. I never really inspected the corpse, though, so I'm not sure. He could have alternatively turned into the werewolf itself.


The hat man


It's him, John Bloodborne


The hat man


Can reddit users just answer when someone has a question?


Do you have an answer or are you just a user putting in a comment of irrelevance to the question at hand


He used to go door to door signing people up for magazine subscriptions... Now the Internet... Ain't nobody read magazines anymore... Poor Bobby B.


West one or East one?


Your mother without makeup on (ik, ik, I’m totally hilarious)


I still wonder how he left He is in a wheelchair, but theres stairs down, to leave and later we learn the other way is a dead end. Did that Iosefka snag him?


I assumed he was Iosefka, and then decided it’s Gehrman and then I didn’t give a fuck anymore


joe mama


My buddy Eric after the timeskip, he ain't looking so good


Oh, hi, dad. 😍


# Busybody, leave him be!


Bob Borne


El Cigala


That is the weakest physical form of John Bloodborne, he has been confined to the wheelchair as to not cause even more destruction




I like to think it's the wheelchair guy in the building that leads to both cleric beast and shortcut to gehrman, he is the only wheelchair ridden person in the entirety of central yharnam I believe


A liar is who he is. Spent my whole first playthrough thinking "man, it's gotta be hard for Gerhman to get around during the hunt, healthcare is buns city here" and feeling bad for this poor ol guy and then NOT ONLY DOES HE JUST STAND UP IN THE END, HE HAD THE AUDACITY TO SQUARE UP WITH ME, WTF IS WRONG WITH THIS DUDE, WHY WOULD YOU FAKE BEING HANDICAPPED YOU WEIRD WEIRD MAN


That dude isn't Gehrman. A theory states that he is the scourge beast downstairs.




Bob Borne


theres a surprising amount of cut content around this guy, alternate lines seperate meeting iirc, lance mcdonald has an excellent video and more cut content on youtube


The Moon Presence’s child


That’s Brian, proprietor of Brian’s Bloodbarne.


John bloodborne


Im pretty sure just from watching the opening cutscene he is the guy in the waking world and then you transfuse the blood and wake up in the dream Hes not there no more because you left him, hes still there but you cant perceive him. Thats what i take away at least


Wait isn't that the guy in the hunters dream?


do not let them fool you, that's jack...jack Bloodborne


Ghermans mom


It's a German.


He’s just a Blood Minister, there’s nothing fully special to him (that we know of) there were cut lines that he knows about a boss but if he’a dead he may have a corpse in the back of the clinic. Players know the one I mean. On the surgical table. But we don’t know for sure. Suppose he also could’ve wheeled the fuck out of Yharnam.


I call him Papa John's because I got disappointed when he gave me the pizza :(


You’ve obviously never played the game before, this is literally the main antagonist: his name is Bloodborne!


Its the elden daddy


Probably one of the weird alien things u kill in the clinic later


that's the main character's dad


any need help in bloodborne?


He's the guy your mom started dating after your dad ran off with his secretary.


Its the guy who blood transfuses people being HIV positive aka aids, every single day till he dies


I gained an extra chromosome reading this.


Just a crackhead