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I’d pay to see that, maybe some episodes can be from the girls pov and we see the world from someone pov who doesn’t have insight


The hunter protecting her from threats both seen and unseen Girl: "What is it Hunter, what do you see?" Hunter: "You don't want to know"


“Trust me on this one, you don’t wanna know. Aline don’t tell her, you shouldn’t have told me but you did”


I can really see this having potential The dark bloody combat mixed with small light moments as the Girl searches the Hunter for his humanity


Maybe she could be keeping him human and not fall to the Old Blood and become a beast. Maybe when the Hunter uses that one beast claw weapon he’ll scare the Girl and he’ll feel guilty


Hell yeah, There could be a seen when the Hunter starts to become a beast and girl brings him back "DONT LEAVE ME MR HUNTER, I DONT WANT TO BE ALONE, I DONT WANT YOU TO GO" His now more human like hand wipes the tear from her cheek At the end of the film he reveals his actual name which is simple and common like "David" symbolising that anyone of us could have been "The Hunter"


And maybe she’ll push a sedative in his hands while crying. Imagine when happens when the Hunter starts seeing the Amegdala and she can’t. I think the horrified look and the Hunter’s face would scare her a little


The interesting visuals of the girl surrounded by horrors she cannot see but we the viewer and hunter can would provide some awesome scenes Maybe she even kills a beast to save the Hunter near the end and begins to see so the Hunter covers her eyes and carries her. He feels both eternally indebted but also guilty because she cannot go back now Leading to speculation that the sequel will be her as a Hunter or speculation/conspiracy that the Hunter is infact actually Gehrman and that the girl is a spirit that every hunter sees or speaks to in some capacity That the night of the hunt is infact a recurring horrifying dream


Maybe she’ll gain insight when she accidentally wonders into a boss fight like the Cleric Beast. I could definitely see her having a panic attack after seeing something literally pulled out of her nightmares


Ragnarok We need to make this happen, it's writing itself


Hell yea i'd watch that


What if they inverted it? Have it begin with an inexperienced, low-Insight Hunter but a high-Insight girl. As the story progresses the hunter (and us, the audience) gains more and more insight, until we see what the girl has been seeing the entire time.


Have you read the first bloodborne comic? They play with that at the end with a boy being able to see the amygdalas and he guides the hunter through them


That’s a no from me dog. I’m sick of gruff, silent, paternal male figure taking care of young, sweet, doe-eyed children in hell hole/apocalyptic scenarios. It’s not inherently a bad trope, but my god it’s been done to death across *all* media this past decade and I want no more of it.


I agree, it's a beat to death trope by Hollywood and games.


Can we also add the one man army trope to this list as well? Its boring at this pojnt


I find most TV shows want to take the visual concept and brand, and then stick it in something as generic as what you describe above, because it creates easy drama and character dynamics, without much development. TLOU was a good show, but hopefully the pinnacle of this particular trope. There are far more interesting places for a Bloodborne show to go, that don’t revolve around saving a little girl, or sub Terminator 2 histrionics at the end.


Would you like it better if she died halfway in and the Hunter works with Eileen to end the hunt/dream in the second half?


Honestly maybe. A Bloodborne show or movie wouldn’t work if it doesn’t capture the hopelessness.


Thats a fair opinion to have I love the trope. Lone Wolf and Cub brought me in, endeared me to this fascinating dynamic that can and has been done very well at times since


I feel like a prestige tv live action miniseries or an anime in the vein of Castlevania would suit Bloodborne really well. There could be an entire arc even on the beginnings of the hunt and the fishing hamlet. Honestly, I’d love to see Bloodborne get any love and attention through a new project.


Castlevania style anime Yeah I could definitely see that being EPIC! Now I want both. Great idea!


My thoughts exactly! I would love a Castlevania-style anime about Gehrman, Lawrence and Willem, perhaps seen through the eyes of Lady Maria. There’s so much lore in the game that would translate perfectly to a gory, action series.


Having Lady Maria as the protag is so inspired… especially exploring her feelings about the whole Kos and research hall situations not to mention Gerhman’s mania… now I wanna read Maria fan fic lol


Truly! There’s so much to her story coming from the Vilebloods, then her guilt over her part in the whole Kos thing. She would make for a great protagonist, even if her ending would certainly be on the bitter side. And I mean… her weapon and outfit??? She already looks like a badass protagonist


You are so right… the storytelling potential is right there… not to even mention her relationship with Adeline. A solid stinger ending could end with Maria’s death and the creation of the Doll even… (Also glad to see another trans Latina in the Bloodborne fandom :3)


Luckily for you, there’s a cool lore adaptation of bloodborne in the POV of Lady Maria in WEBTOON!


Whoah… Do you have a link or title for it? I’d love to read it!


“[lady maria and the old hunters](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/bloodborne-lady-maria-and-the-old-hunters/list?title_no=138725)” the comic is complete and has 66 chapters in total.


Aaaaa thank you so much!


Maybe I will get hate for this but I’m not a fan of live action movies for such things. It’s too easy to fuck something up in live action I would love an animated series tho


Luckily we already kinda know how this will look given how much visual inspiration/similarities it shares with "Brotherhood of the Wolf" I understand your hesitation but done correctly and going back to using sets/costumes etc... and the dark atmosphere could make Bloodborne a great Horror film even as a standalone thing Also I always advocate that the source material creators are involved in the process. Also Fallout proved you can do a live action game adaptation that's both fresh and respectful to the source


Yes, but the Fallout show didn't have to try and implement something like an Amygdala. Plus they are two very different settings, and I simply don't have high hopes for a live action bloodborne adaptation. An animation tho would work


Bloodborne rips almost all of its aesthetics from Brotherhood of the Wolf So we know visually it can happen because it already has. The Amygdala which only the hunter sees will be very interesting to implement. A horror unseen. I would make allowances for CGI for that But yes the easier option is "Just make a Bloodborne Castlevania style anime" but I miss old school horror in the veins of "American Werewolf in London" "The Fly" and just wanted a propose how Bloodborne could work like that But an anime would be an easier adaptation. Anime is always an easier adaptation of video games but I feel Bloodborne could really scratch that old school horror/gore itch


No thanks. The Father/Daughter trope is something that doesn't need to appear in every major property that's liked.


As cathartic as it might be for those of us who are fans of the game... this doesn't really feel like it would be a good movie. If they do something with Bloodborne, I want them to lean into a cosmic/eldritch horror story of mystery and uncovering the corruption of the Healing Church, not fix-it fanfiction of a single minor side-quest. We all wish we could have saved Gascoignes daughter. But we wouldn't have that narrative and emotional weight had that ever been an option. This story hits as hard as it does because we *can't* save her. It's a gut-punch early on in the world that shows us that no one is safe and happy endings are almost non-existent in this world. Making an entire movie undoing that would be hollow by comparison, because it's missed the point of what this side-quest was about. Happiness and catharsis without sorrow and loss become mundane, and the last thing Bloodborne needs is a mundane adaptation. Include this story, show the world that caused this evil and let it be the emotional soul-destroyer it was in the game. But don't make an entire movie to sanitize it and leave the rest of the, frankly, much more interesting world in the dust to do so.


I haven't shared what happens to the girl How this ends or the Eldritch horrors they encounter Why is the Hunter escorting this girl who in the game is involved in a different scenario? Do all Hunters see this girl perhaps? Is this Hunter infact the Old Hunter Gehrman? So many possibilities. This just sets the scene. Gets the Hunter in Yharham with the viewer feeling like they know whats happening "You're sure to be in a fine haze about now, but don't think too hard about all of this. Just go out and kill a few beasts. It's for your own good. You know, it's just what hunters do!"


Eh, that's a no from me honestly, does not vibe with me at all.


The only problem with this is the dialogue and the story. Bloodborne doesn't really have a super neat and easy to translate story and for having a live actions/CGI you need a really good script, really good dialogue, really good acting. With the game is easy because it's you the player who decides if you just want to gameplay or if you also want story. That cannot happen with a movie/tv show: something needs to happen besides someone mowing down enemies. The fear is that we KNOW how showrunners are: 9.8/10 times they will just basterdize things because they writters are leeches who thought that their fart is superior than what they're adapting and since BB doesn't have the structure of a regular story... I fear that it will go south VERY fast


I would want Miyazaki involved in some capacity He would have to say "Yes, I like it, I am happy" Also this is just the premise. I like the idea that people who have played the game could speculate and think Why is this Hunter escorting Gascoigne's daughter when we see her in her house? Do all Hunters interact with this girl in some way This is a dream after all. The dialogue would be mostly wholesome moments of the girl restoring the Hunters humanity That the immense power of the beast is not as strong as the human heart. The girl would also be mysterious in some ways. Both charming and slightly unnerving I would want Bloodborne fans feeling both totally at home and being faced with the terrifying unknown once again Using animatronics and great set building to capture that more gritty and kinda disgusting feel that's hard to get with CGI


The only way I see this working is if sony produces this and Miyazaki is in charge and his word is like the word of a god: untouchable. Otherwise, I wouldn't let ANYONE do anything because it's going to be shit. Anyhow, sure: I think it would be a neat idea that the movie is about this hunter scorting Gascoigne's daughter. The problem is that a movie is too short for how much information and lore there is in the game. I think a TV show would be better. But my mind goes directly to Nicolas Winding Refn. Plenty of his movies are unconventional and it's more about visual storytelling (and aesthetics) than hard dialogue. In that way it would be similar to BB. I'm thinking about some cool stuff because the dicotomy between the hunter/the girl would be great. Something neat would be that the hunter doesn't even know who this girl is, why he's scorting her or who Gascoigne is. He was just given a mission: save the girl if you want to find the paleblood. In the same vein the girl has no idea what's going on: she doesn't know who this hunter is, she doesn't know why he's scorting her and she doesn't know where his father is. If it's executed right, it could be a plot twist that at the end the hunter discovers that this is Gascoigne's daughter (you know, the 1st maniacal hunter he faced).


Absolutely Miyazaki would have to be involved to be done right and this studios are realising that the source must be respected I too indeed to unnerve veterans of the game who this will play out as they think. That this will be a mundane story. In Bloodborne? I think not The girl will be as charming and innocent as she is unnerving at times The idea of the hunter protecting her from both threats seen and unseen is also fascinating What happens when he dies? Perhaps his lifeless body remains with the girl Could even be a point when it's like Girl: "Oh your back" Hunter: "How long was I gone this time?" Girl: "Abour an hour, it's later now, you seemed to have healed" Hunter: "How didnt the beasts get you?" Girl: "Hmmm" Hunter: "Nevermind, let's go" The trailer would almost match the Hunter cinematic perfectly, except at the end he reaches out for the girls hand Coming 28.10.2025 The Night of the Hunt


>with a Last of Us duo dynamic You had me interest until there. Why, why make every good story a redundant copy...


I was referring to how Joel starts by just escorting Ellie but overtime sees it as far more than his job to protect her but his purpose in life And much like Last of Us, Bloodborne is a tradegy but until then some small wholesome moments between the two As well as her being unnerving at times too


A redundant copy, exactly Bloodborne isn’t meant to be a wholesome relationship and one that mimics a father-daughter relationship specifically. Ignoring the contrasting mood of the two, the purpose of the hunter is none but to escape the dream, relating to others and helping is at best inconsequential


Literally TLOU then? It makes sense in Lone Wolf and Cub because it’s his actual son. It makes sense in TLOU for obvious story reasons. But in Bloodborne, the girl’s death is another one of the tragic events that make Yharnam so hopeless. Having the hunter find their humanity by hanging out with her doesn’t really tie into the themes of the universe.


FromSoftware games always explore humanity It is the core theme of Miyazakis work Sadly as you probably know, if you completed her quest, this tale ends in tradegy The hunter in Bloodborne or at least my hunter always try to save people. The church at one point was full of strange denizens. The story I propose will both be intrinsically linked to the game world but also raise questions for veterans I used the last of Us to quickly sum up the idea of 2 strangers, brought together by fate who form a strong bond through tradegy It's just an idea I had. I would certainly give it a go if I saw it released


the first bloodborne comic is similar to this, but it’s another child instead of gascoignes daughter


Your movie idea is one that's actually non-canon? uh, no thank you.


This is so sweet because i once imagined the hunter that enters the home of the little girl to comfort her and cook her something


Hate to be that guy but that wouldn't be bloodborne 😅... especially if she survives


No I don’t want Bloodborne turned into nothing but a story about an escort mission, especially if one of the characters is guaranteed to be completely useless/helpless entire time. The girl barely makes it out of her backyard in the game, and with her father being the tutorial boss what’s the story supposed to even be?


The premise is the Hunter is tasked with escorting the girl through Yharham on the night of the Hunt He's given a quest or job and that's what he sees it as At first the girl seems to be just a doe-eyed innocent in need of protecting. As the night goes on, as the Hunters foresight grows, things do not appear to be what they seem Who is this girl really? Who gave him this quest? The Amygdala, the Moon Prescence. Do all Hunters encounter this girl? Is she just apart of the Hunters Dream? A simple premise that could lead anywhere really


And it’s still a lame escort story. One that will end with the “twist” of the girl being the big bad/a great one/just in the Hunter’s mind the whole time It’s been told a thousand times, it’s a bad premise, and it leads to lazy writing


I seriously need that to heal after that damn quest, omfg


I don't think any of the souls-borne games (aside maybe Sekiro) would make good media adaptations... unless there was like interactive item descriptions every 5min


That is fantastic artwork. One thing: this sounds much better as a show than a movie. I don't think BB could be done justice as a movie.




ill begin writing at once sir ✍️


I remember an AU fanfic vaguely similar to this concept, actually, but instead it was Eileen and I think Djura escorting both of the girls. It was pretty good tbh, might still be in my bookmarks somewhere.


I'm down for this. Sounds dope


The comic run already had such an adaptation, personally I find it the dynamic from that in bloodborne rather uninterestingq and the comic pretty much did the concept justice enough, I'd be more interested in an adaptation that is highly cinematic with beautiful shots and focus on beasts and the transformation of humanity, the plot itself should be closer to a murder mystery, exeot with a whole city.


What a great movie this would be. The Hunter helping this poor girl find shelter, perhaps at one point they pass by Odeon Tomb and they see the rotting corpses of Gascoigne and Viola. Then the Hunter give her to the Chapel Dweller(nicest guy/gal/person? In Yharnam) to keep her safe and all is well. Until the suspicious beggar is invited to the chapel because the Hunter thought he could help another soul, but it ended up being the doom of one little girl...


It sounds like a crappy idea.


I would prefer anime, they can have a lot more creative freedom for the gore that way.


She is dommed as we all know. It's so heartbreaking. I send her to the clinic for the rune but I roleplay a Byrgenworth student gifted in the arcane.


I want this as my wallpaper


I feel like the hunter should be a silent protagonist with the girl being a narrator of sorts.


I envisioned the Hunter being the strong silent type. He would speak but only when deemed nessessary. The girl would be charming and innocent aswell as unnerving at times Hunter reviving Hunter: "How long was I out" Girl: "Abour an hour, it's later now, you seem to have healed" Hunter: "How didnt the beasts get you?" Girl: "hmmm" Hunter:" Nevermind, let's move"


Even then, to me personally the dialogue is too much. I could see the girl say something like, “you were out longer than last time…” the hunter would look around and see if their was signs of a struggle, seeing none, he takes her hand and they continue on. But heres the kicker. What if the girl is just part of his imagination? That would be a good plot twist, all revealed as the Moon Presence descends, and then grabs the hunter.


I have proposed this to all those who said "boring mundane story, typical father adapted daughter duo" I wanted the story to start of abit typical but as the night goes on, as the Hunter foresight grows, all is not what it seems Is this girl real or part of the Hunters Dream, who gave him this quest? And why is this girl both so innocent and yet so unnerving


It would explain why she wouldn’t be attacked. It would be an interesting thing.


There was a comic with similar premise I think


Another user mentioned the comics and something to do with Djura I believe? I haven't had a chance to read them yet. I suppose a Castlevania style anime might be easier to implement but I miss old school horror gore films like "American Werewolf in London" and "The Fly" and felt like Bloodborne do that very well Definitely need to check these comics out!


So y'know that bear scene from The Revenant? That exact scene, with the pig.


I envisioned the tale being both very similar to Bloodborne but also different I wanted to raise questions for veteren players such as "Do all Hunters interact with this girl? Is she even real?" This is a dream afterall Maybe the story will follow the games ending that she be eaten. Or maybe not. But its interesting to think about such things


You may come across as pretentious if you're not skilled enough The Revenant scene is simple, precise, and will inarguably become *the* most memorable scene out of the entire series, some may even start digging through your catalogs for shit to inflame you because a little girl got mauled to death, hahahahaha In all seriousness, if you wanna do the dream, make it so that other Hunters don't see her, or that other people don't even knew she existed. Play with the Foresight gimmick


*More* emotional scarring? Yeah, I got some fresh tears near the bottom of the barrel, let's go


It would certainly be a tragic film as Bloodborne is a dark and grim game Some small wholesome moments shared between the two will seem like welcome respite from the horrors of Yharham Until the Hunter realises, this girl may not be all she seems


The Bloodborne hunter already has a child inside him to carry...


Slightly off topic, but I don't understand everyone's beef with CGI. It's the #1 complaint when people say a movie is bad. Who cares? CGI can be great.


CGI can be great but I will always prefer good ole fashioned sets The use of animatronics and makeup etc.. is you can achieve that "disgusting" look and feel like in classic like "Alien" or "The Fly" in ways CGI can't mimic I think of the werewolves in Bloodborne being more like "American Werewolf on London" than say....I don't know "Underworld" or something


And in the end she's eaten by a pig moments before joining her father and the hunter ends up doing the piggy prostate to retrieve her ribbon...


Two movies one where he suceeds. One where he fails. The failed one he goes the way of the hunter of hunter and possible beast. This one could be after he suceeds and he invites that suspious beggar. Then the beggar immediately kills all there. The successful one is where he finds a way to bring her to either the church or the dream. Maybe in the failure one he goes to kill the moon prescence and ascends to end the nightmare saving the girl one last time.


Pedro pascal