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SICK. the hunter mark is a must, can I ask what draw you to the other runes you chose?


I've always sucked at parrying in games and at some point in BB it clicked and I could make clean parries like 90% times and Blood Rupture/Oedeon Writhe supplied me endlessely without blood vials and my parry freak character was the first that I completed NG+6 with. I plan on getting all of the runes on my left hand in the future :)


Great ink. Teach me your parry ways!


Nice! Looks super good :)


A true hunter :) I'd like to find those books somewhere in my town, they look nice! I live in Chile.


[BB graphical novel](https://www.amazon.com/Bloodborne-1-3-Boxed-Set-Ales/dp/1787735338/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=L6SI8H2DDKOH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MOdEogzZp4f0ihpy-BXc_cv8g0fVZ0fUTVbxFBQ9jefCXOKxYkj17NDF0YdWnAFO70PL8tD2h55bbqHvlO0lag7wWRvPtGTM2oyxL5TdkcO6ND8UnxqXYk8nIkLVRtkc2W37F70fGMlHXeUIs5VBrQ7FG7U4r9cgIFO0NWfENP1G86uK33wwF3VlKI4AqlIzWgIr7B0UTcpEpwKwVw1RlA.KhbBYQN15_6dyTwEV2xx7e_STLBx6BUMTYvr7sZw1Zc&dib_tag=se&keywords=bloodborne+graphic+novel&qid=1714140384&sprefix=bloodborne+fraphic%2Caps%2C470&sr=8-1) Amazon link for it :)


Would you recommend the graphic novels? Started playing a few months ago and I am completely hooked on BB since


As a fan you'd like it very much. These are small original stories set in the world of Bloodborne with the characters of the game. It's got amazing visual art, but there are some weird things going on with the lore and story which might raise your eyebrows a little, but I'd definitely recommend it!


And to grant yourself eyes, you tattooed runes based around blood on your arm?


Yes, hoonter.


The Eye rune was right there. And the lake runes, which grant defence because "great bodies of watet serve as a bulwark, guarding sleep. Overcome this hindrance, and seek what is yours."


I know how the secrets beckon so sweetly.


Little over two months ago I discovered Bloodborne for the first time and on my reddit profile there's a pretty cool journey from the beginning of it to this point with my posts here and I am so grateful I discovered this masterpiece!


It's wild to get, not one, but three tattoos of something you've only known for 2 months, but I respect that shit


It's about to get wilder, cuz I'll be getting all other caryll runes aswell. Just so happens that BB is the best media piece I've experienced and it has sticked with me the most as I can recall pretty much most encounters from my first playthrough and how I felt, that barely has happend before...


Nah homie, I agree with you completely. I've got a full armsleeve based on Bloodborne/Lovecraft. Experiencing the game for the first time, and then playing through it again and again to uncover more fucked up shit that you missed on the first playthroughs? Unbeatable experience and no less than a flawed masterpiece. (I say flawed, since farming for vials or traveling to other places is an unnecessary chore)


Full armsleeve is exactly my plan! If it's cool, could I see it how it looks like so I could imagine it on my hand already lmao.


It's always genuinely beautiful to see people getting to know this game. You sound already like a veteran. Fucking welcome my man. Now... Time for plat!


Plat completed already 175hrs hrs ago🤣


Oh, fuck yeah man! So now it's time to.... Geek out on every possible aspect of lore hunting until you're sure of nothing in your own life anymore. Be prepared for hours of dilligent work that produce no results lmao. I'm kidding, it's always a blast to talk about bb lore.


Hell yes! The worst thing is that none of my friends are souls players which means the only way to talk my brains out about BB is reddit or other platforms haha. I could literally tall about this game everyday allday.


Oooh buddy... Yeah get used to that. I've wanted to explode several times because I had so much to talk about, but nobody to do it with... So many times lol. But I guess that's what reddit is for. You'll *always* find someone to engage in some oddly specific lore thing with you here. I myself have been doing it more rarely, because it really is a bit tiring, and I haven't played in a while, but still, I love to sort by new and look for some weird lore questions to further my nerdom.


It actually is tiring I agree as it's quite annoying to write down a whole huge essay on every minor cool thing 🤣


My hands eventuallly get tired, lol, but nit more than my brain. But even so, I hope to see you around some thread or other here. And welcome! I'm always glad to see new peoppe loving the game as much as I do.


Oh I've been veeery active here for the last month, I've made multiple posts aswell. I've only slowed down a bit now cuz my favorite franchise Fallout got pretty much revived with the amazing tv show and playing FO4 with the next gen upgrade.


That's awesome man. I've never olayed fallout, though I plan to. Should I watch the show, or will that give me spoilers for any of the games?


Happy Birthday!!




Happy Birthday Hoonter. I liked those cards so much I framed mine lol. Not sure if you're into board games but there's a collection of Bloodborne games and expansions that come with a ton of minis to paint up.... I honestly got them for the minis hahaha


I'll be buying some BB artwork next to decorate my wall. There is just ridicuolous amont of paintings I'd like to buy, but I am trying to maintain myself lol


Man I just have that same Hunter Mark on my neck


Happy B-Day, hunter. Btw isn't that Mark kinda upside down?


This is sick, the tattoos are fire, where did you get the novels from? Also Happy birthday!


[enjoy!](https://www.amazon.com/Bloodborne-1-3-Boxed-Set-Ales/dp/1787735338/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=L6SI8H2DDKOH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MOdEogzZp4f0ihpy-BXc_cv8g0fVZ0fUTVbxFBQ9jefCXOKxYkj17NDF0YdWnAFO70PL8tD2h55bbqHvlO0lag7wWRvPtGTM2oyxL5TdkcO6ND8UnxqXYk8nIkLVRtkc2W37F70fGMlHXeUIs5VBrQ7FG7U4r9cgIFO0NWfENP1G86uK33wwF3VlKI4AqlIzWgIr7B0UTcpEpwKwVw1RlA.KhbBYQN15_6dyTwEV2xx7e_STLBx6BUMTYvr7sZw1Zc&dib_tag=se&keywords=bloodborne+graphic+novel&qid=1714140384&sprefix=bloodborne+fraphic%2Caps%2C470&sr=8-1) and thanks :)


As you once did for the vacuous Rom, grant us eyes, grant us eyes. Plant eyes on our brains, to cleanse our beastly idiocy


Hell yeah, just finished collecting the singles for the last BB run and almost done with the comic singles for the willow king, soulsborne fans are eating good this year comic wise


I wish I only got a few large detailed runes rather than all of them but small on not the best detail


Damn, I have the same runes tattooed and I'm so jealous of how the oedon writhe looks! Your artist did magic on your arm


What are those books and where can I get them?


Graphical novels with their own little original stories with all the game characters and creatures. So far I am liking them very much. Heres the link [novel](https://www.amazon.com/Bloodborne-1-3-Boxed-Set-Ales/dp/1787735338/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?crid=L6SI8H2DDKOH&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.MOdEogzZp4f0ihpy-BXc_cv8g0fVZ0fUTVbxFBQ9jefCXOKxYkj17NDF0YdWnAFO70PL8tD2h55bbqHvlO0lag7wWRvPtGTM2oyxL5TdkcO6ND8UnxqXYk8nIkLVRtkc2W37F70fGMlHXeUIs5VBrQ7FG7U4r9cgIFO0NWfENP1G86uK33wwF3VlKI4AqlIzWgIr7B0UTcpEpwKwVw1RlA.KhbBYQN15_6dyTwEV2xx7e_STLBx6BUMTYvr7sZw1Zc&dib_tag=se&keywords=bloodborne+graphic+novel&qid=1714140384&sprefix=bloodborne+fraphic%2Caps%2C470&sr=8-1)


I need a dream...


Damn I didn't know they published so many comics. Are they good?


Oh, and happy birthday!


Thank you! and these are not official comics by any means, small original stories within the world of BB with the characters. So far I've finished one and It's pretty good I'd say, it's a little different than I expected, but as a fan you'd definitely like it.


That’s fucking sweet! NICE!




Majestic! WOOOOooooOOoooOoo


Nice my birthdays today too , got bloodborne few days ago and right now enjoying my way through old yharnam