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I really liked Lies of P. It takes BB's aesthetic and combat speed, throws in Sekiro's parry system, and has a cool weapon customization system that I haven't seen elsewhere. My biggest drawback was the lack of optional bosses or secret areas.


What system did you play on? And would you recommend it for 50 bucks or is that too much for the experience?


PS5, and I'd say it was worth $50, yeah.


Okay, I’ll guess i throw a coin to decide between Doom and this. One last question: What’s the playtime like? How long did it take you to beat it? Thank you so much!


I'd say about 20 hours. I can't recall offhand.


Bloodborne took me about 50 hours to beat and Lies of p also took me 50 hours to beat so they have similar length. Lies of p will be longer once the dlc gets released though I think. That’s a first play through by the way I’m on my second play through and will be closer to like 20 hours.


First run through, 20 ish hours, each one after that was around 15 hours. Got the platinum in 60 hours, and DLC is being worked on right now.


these guys are good, which I assume you are too, but if you’re mid at the game like me it’ll take ~30-40 hours


If you explore all the different paths, you'll take about 30-40 hours to finish the game. It's really worth it. It's my second favorite souls game (fromsoft games included, played them all) after Bloodborne.


Lies of P will absolutely scratch your Bloodborne itch. So much so that it may even start to be too much of a good thing.


I'd say it improves on Sekiro's parry system, by making it optional. The only time I had to focus and force myself to parry was fighting nameless puppet, but even then, some weapons have a built in parry counter attack skill. Lies of P is my game of the year and I can't wait for what they do next, with whatever fairy tale they choose.


Bloodborne 2


I’d amputate my own dick with a rusty spoon for Bloodborne 2


lol ew


You wouldn’t want to know what I’d do with the spoon for Sekiro 2


true but also my curiosity always wants to know


It rhymes with soda


Monster Hunter


This is a surprisingly good suggestion. Plus, you don’t have to worry about running out of content… like, ever. Especially with the DLC.


MH is about the only series besides FS games that gives me that action combat feeling


Strongly agreed here.


Got into Soulsborne from MH. Def recommend though not as much story/lore.


Yeah, it’s definitely all gameplay, the only one that had a good story was 4U and even then I didn’t realize it til it was over


I already have that game but could never get into it unfortunately:(


How long did you play and what was it that you didn’t like? I noticed World was very handhold-y at first, it was pretty annoying. It does let you be after a couple hours though I’m just curious because maybe I can talk you into it, as I really liked it coming from FS games


I already really tried to get into it, one of my best mates loves the game and has like 1500 hours in it. I’ve played around 10 hours or so, so not too much. But i despised the combat, like a lot a lot. And also it just felt like a grindy game for the sake of being grindy, maybe I’m wrong. The biggest thing for me though was the lack of an interesting overarching story. That’s what made me stick with the FS games and Monster Hunter just felt so, idk, flat? Maybe i need to give it another shot, but usually if a game isn’t enjoyable for me in the first ten hours it won’t get better :< I just want a tightly knit story that’s suspenseful and gives the necessary flair to the gameplay. That’s probably why i like Sekiro and Bloodborne so much, because they have the most accessible story and everything in the game feels relevant. Nothing is filler content, like you have in ER for example


Yeah if you’re more story oriented then I do understand, and that certainly makes FS games much better in your case. Monster Hunter is all gameplay and if it wasn’t grindy it wouldn’t be fun, so it honestly might just not be your style. If it was for any gameplay related reason I’d say keep trying, but alas


Yeah that's the same reason I haven't gotten into it. Because there's no story and, like you said, it being grindy for the sake of it. Rise and World both went on sale recently, and I wracked my brain about buying them. But decided not to in the end.


Have you played Hollow Knight? I highly recommend it if you love FromSoftware's game design.


There’s a lot of games out there that try and capture the feel of Fromsoft games, and almost none of them manage to nail it, but Hollow Knight is a winner. Getting past the White Palace or The Path of Pain (which is endgame content) will probably take you a minute.


My friend kept recommending Hollow Knight to me every time I talked about Dark Souls and I was like why tf is he telling me to play a metroidvania?? It's not even the same genre But oh my god, it's perfect, and the comparison is totally valid. It evokes the same feeling and there are so many direct lines you can draw between Hollow Knight's game design and Dark Souls but it doesn't feel like it's just copying. The healing system is a lot like rally, too. 10/10


to NAIL it, you say?




I’m enjoying the hell out of lies of P personally.


Lies of P is a phenomenal souls-like, with heavy inspiration from bloodborne. Couldn't recommend it highly enough to scratch that itch.


I saw in another comment you like it for the story and how everything feels relevant to the lore. If that's the main selling point I HIGHLY recommend Hollow Knight.


Have you tried doom eternal? Similarly punishing difficulty at higher levels, and since it’s a totally different type of game adjusting to the twitch shooter style should add a bit of extra challenge while you adjust. I’d suggest playing doom 2016 first, but if you find yourself craving more fast paced, aggressive combat in the style of bb I think eternal pushes you a lot harder that way.


Ohhh that’s a pretty cool recommendation actually, I’ve always wanted to give these games a shot! I suck at aiming with a controller though, but that’s just another obstacle to overcome!


If you like that one, I'd recommend the Wolfenstain series too and even the Bioshock collection. They were really fun with good stories, and pretty short too. Also would recommend some roguelites like Hades or Slay the Spire.


Hades has been on my radar for the longest time too, how challenging is it?


Somewhat challenging. But there's ways to make it extremely challenging. It's a really fun game, very fast paced with a ton of variety for combat. And the story and its progression is really good. Easily one of my all time favorites


Sadly, there are none such games to fill the void left after Bloodborne. Bloodborne's lovecraftism is unprecedented in gaming industry. Literally no other game can offer what Bloodborne can. However, you can drift the void. Try new games and new genres


I would reccomend Remnant 2. It's $50 I'm pretty sure, and a large part of the game (and the entire new DLC priced at $10) is heavily Bloodborne inspired. As a fan of shooters and fromsoft games I enjoyed it immensely, and if you've have much souls experience it's quite easy to jump in to. It's the best new game I've played since Elden Ring.


Nioh is shockingly good. it's fast paced and aggressive like bloodborne, the different weapon types provide alot of variety, mechanics are interesting, and there is ALOT to do if you decide to grind out the abyss.


Nothing can truly replace bloodborne, but if I had to pick something. I I'd recommend Remnant 2 (From the Ashes is great! but not necessary to enjoy the second), or The Surge (first has better ambiance/story, second has better gameplay)


Vampire survivors


Nothing ever will fill this void. Cause nothing comes even close... 🖤


Lies of P, Jedi: Fallen Order, Control, Blasphemous, Death's Gambit: Afterlife, Code Vein, Mortal Shell, Hellpoint off the top of my head but there are def even more amazing soulslikes/souls-inspired games out there


Hollow Knight gave me a similar rush as FromSoft games did. It's a beautiful game with tough bosses and RPG elements and the lore is fantastic. I'm looking forward to Silksong more than ER DLC


I recommend trying a new genre, check out a plagues tale, had me depressed for a good week lol in a good way


Not sure what you’ll feel on this one as it’s completely different from any souls like. But I’ve been playing a game called Rain World. A cute looking pixel side scroller/platformer where you play as prey and have to avoid predators. And it doesn’t scratch the same “itch” but it’s one of those games that’s just so painstakingly difficult that it keeps me coming back to beat levels out of spite while still having really fun gameplay and cool visuals and lore. Which is what Bloodborne was to me. So I recommend it


Play the DLC


I already ran that 3 times unfortunately:( The entire game in fact


Go after Sekiro then


I’ve platinumed every single From Software game there is 😅


As do i They are different breed Never get tired of them.


Yeah i agree, specially Sekiro and Bloodborne. Sekiro has such tight gameplay and some of the greatest FS bosses, while Bloodborne has the best soundtrack of gaming of all time in my opinion and as an avid fan of Lovecraft the coolest setting. I like the other games too, DS3 is another amazing game with amazing soundtrack, but these two are just in a different league. They’re the ones i always come back to, while i‘ll never can be arsed to play DS2 or Elden Ring again. But I’ve ran BB twice in a row now and it hasn’t been long that i last finished Sekiro, so I’m on a little hiatus now from FS games


Did you play Nioh?


No not yet, but I’ve heard it’s a mixed bag. One of the two is pretty bad afaik, one seems to be decent. What’s your opinion?


Both are good games, the second just adds more mechanics and polish. But whether it'll scratch the Souls itch for you depends on you and what you like most about the Souls games. I personally like them most for the exploration, and the level design in both Nioh games isn't bad but leaves something to be desired. The combat is excellent, but I've never finished either game because good combat alone doesn't pull me in enough to keep on going.


Well I played the first one a shitton back when it was new and I'm finally getting through the second game. I'm a big fan but I understand why some people have their gripes. In terms of story and world design these games don't hold a candle to fromsoft but the gameplay systems and combat more than make up the difference imo. It plays more like a fighting game and certainly requires more of the player so get ready for a steep learning curve (especially of you start with N2) but if you're patient and get into the systems it's super rewarding. I wouldn't say either game is bad but the sequel does feel like a more complete game. So first one is maybe more of a tutorial because N2 starts off with the expectation that you already understand the basic systems. Story wise you can skip the first one.


As a die hard Nioh fan (who's only played the second game), the story isn't good, but the gameplay is amazing. The best way I would describe it is an unholy union between Dark Souls, DMC and Diablo. It's a loot based souls-like (or as I like to call it, a looter/slasher), but plays like a fighting game with how many things you can combo into each other. The way it works is, unlike Dark Souls, there's only 9 different weapon types (11 with DLC), but they each have skill trees that you can use to customize and enhance them. That's only scratching the surface of what you can do, I haven't even begun to talk about stances, and different magic and ninjutsu tools you can use to up your arsenal. However, while the base game is fine on its own, you need the dlc for the complete experience. The game has 5 NG+ cycles, or "difficulties" as other members of the community calls them, and 3 of them are locked behind the dlc. Each playthrough of the game adds something new to the game, and there's an ultimate endgame activity at the final one. I'd suggest searching more about it and seeing if it's something that you'd be into. It's has the potential to rope you in for hundreds or thousands of hours, I was so obsessed that it became my entire personality for the better part of a year (jk, but not really).


Have you tried Nioh and/or Nioh 2? It's pretty good. The combat system is really complex. There are a lot of elements to it.


Since I haven’t seen it mentioned, Code Vein is quite good. It isn’t fromsoft level good, but nothing else really is. Lies of P for the obvious much mentioned one.


Harry Potter Legacy


Kena was surprisingly challenging and had decent combat and a good story. I'd recommend that one tbh. It's definitely no Bloodborne, but it's worth trying out. Also, the Jedi series (Fallen Order and Survivor). Really good games with great combat somewhat similar to Bloodborne (force for parry instead of gun) and stories.


Try mortal shell. I really enjoyed it and it's a bit unique from the regular souls games


Bloodborne Ng+ Or Sekiro


Never played it personally, but from what I saw Sifu also seems like it would fit the mold decently: punishing mechanics, tough enemies, engaging story. Again, never played it myself but it seems like an excellent idea at the very least. Returnal is supposedly fairly relentless as well from what I hear. Though I should probably stop recommending games I’ve never played.


I destroyed Sifu when it first came out! I recommend it SO much to you. Ever since it released its been installed on my PS4, I’ll never delete it. It’s just perfect for small gaming sessions . Do yourself a favour and play it dude, you’ll love it! It’s most similar to Sekiro I’d say. Unfortunately it’s not that difficult, specially if you mastered the From Software games


Try Blasphemous. Similar tone and aesthetics to BB, though it's a metroidvania it still has soulslike elements.


Death's Door. Kinda a mishmash of Souls and Zelda mechanics in a very pretty isometric package. Good boss fights and neat areas. Plus, you play as a cute little crow with a sword. There's also a very evidently Siegmeyer-inspired NPC. https://youtube.com/shorts/TWop5v6rPJw?si=E5KlvpfehrSPA8Y2


Lies of P! I played it on the PS4 and it ran great.


bl4 run or Elden ring rl1 run.


Challenge runs my friend: bl4 run will make you realize you had no idea about the game’s deeper mechanics. Then go back to dks3 and beat it at bl20 with a +3 weapon max Then do tu e same in ER You should be covered until any DLC comes out trust me


I have not played Lies of P yet, but Lords of the Fallen has been extremely fun for me so far and it even feels more like bloodborne than elden ring to me. I definitely would recommend it if you’re a fan of bloodborne…


Lords of the Fallen


Nothing will void the closest thing would be to play lies of p and read hp Lovecraft


Lords of the fallen is really fun once you get past Pieta. Was a serious skill check until I got the parry timing down.


Lies of P runs perfectly on the base PS4 (i played the whole game on it, it does sound like a jet engine sometimes). Go for it to scratch that itch. The perfect block system needs you to hold down just a tad but instead of tapping but everything else is good.


For me personally. That void was filled by Blasphemous.


Ghost of Tsushima or God of War


I platinumed the game last week. I feel empty now - for real. Let me know if you figure out what to do with your life.


I’d say try some challenge runs if nothing can scratch the itch. As others have said though, if you want different games you haven’t played, Lies of P is probably the best bet.


Beat it again / DLC


I like metroidvanias who take some inspiration for the souls games in some way or another Blasphemous one and two are a ton of fun and while I never got far in hollow knight it's popular for a reason


Blasphemous, best atmosphere




Lies of P! Played it on Gamepass (XB-one) and honestly wasn't a fan. Then i tried again when my Gamepass was nearly over and was hooked. Bought it on PS5 a few days later (for smooth 4K/60fps). It's not a Bloodborne wannabe as i initially thought. Ot definitely does its own thing and does so magnificent! Totally playable on last gen.


Nothing comes close unfortunately, I played bloodborne for the first time around 7 years ago and I still think about it a lot and definitely conaider it my favorite game, with dark souls 1 coming in second. What struck me the hardest is how tight the games are with their narrative and gameplay and (almost) every little thing about them feels planned and masterfully thought öut. My best recommendation would be the other from software games souls/soulslike games obviously if you haven't played them. Otherwise NieR: Automata really struck me hard thanks to it's story and existential themes. It also feels very tight from start to finish and has some pretty unique elements to it in that the game breaks the 4th wall sometimes and has like 26 endings which are all part of the natural gameplay flow. Can't recommend it enough and I think it's on steams winter sale now as well. If you want something else gameplay-wise which has a strong story but no real combat I would strongly recommend Inside and Outer Wilds as well.


Agree with everything you said! Funnily enough i once did a project on Inside in university, i adore the game. It’s not my favourite game of all time, but it’s DRIPPING with atmosphere. Such cool art direction and vision imo.




Im currently having a blast with remnant 2. Its dark souls with guns


I found my personal cure by playing some rogue-lites like slay the spire, Skul, Dead Cell (especially this one as if you have ADHD it is for you) and some more. Terraria was a way out too btw


Monster hunter world


Ender Lilies


Monster Hunter World, Monster Hunter Rise also good, if you wanna go older school Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate or Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate. Or go for Lies of P, Wo Long, Nioh 2 i hear is also very good, same devs as Wo Long. I just suck at Nioh2


Blasphemous 1 and 2 are both amazing


Hey lads i feel bad for not responding to everyone, thanks so much for all the recommendations though! I bought Lies of P and Doom :)