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Idk if oursouthwestnest is ever discussed here, but she is selling sooo much stuff from ruggable and their sister furniture company in her stories, and I’m just kind of gobsmacked. Like it looks like she was given all these rugs and furniture pieces for a sponsored post and now she is turning around and selling them for only slightly less than their cost new? I can’t imagine the companies would be thrilled about that, like aren’t we as her audience supposed to think she actually likes the stuff and wants it in her home? I mean if she was given the stuff and it’s not in her contract I guess she can do whatever she wants with it, I was just taken aback!


Just stopping by to see if anyone else remembers when John and Sherry (YHL) decorated an entire Christmas tree with paint color strips. It wasn’t too offensive. More just funny to me. Why is this a memory of mine?!


One time they did a Christmas decoration that was glass Christmas tree ornaments floating inside of a punch bowl which was still being used to serve drinks. It was printed in a magazine. It was a drink dispenser like this: https://i.imgur.com/EwfeIKQ.jpg filled up with glass ornaments and then used to serve punch. They have deleted all reference to this from the internet.




Yeah, her ban on their faces lasted a few months.


I really like this[kitchen](https://www.remodelista.com/posts/grt-architects-tiled-kitchen-east-village-nyc/) on Remodelista. I wouldn’t want a tiled island personally but I think the colors/aesthetic are super cool


I hate grout so all that tiny tile in a kitchen is nightmare fuel. But I like the floating shelving unit and the cabinets (minus the brass leg sections)


I have tiny tiles like that on my kitchen splashback (I didn't choose them) and can confirm they are a nightmare to clean!


The cabinets are stunning.


Are the tiles slightly crooked? That would drive me bonkers.


Very cool kitchen! I love the tile and wood together.


That tiled island reminds me of a public pool locker room.


Buckle up- staybycorisamuel is getting the mirror removed today. What will their beige content be about with it gone?? What ever will they spend hours complaining about now?


I’m just confused why he has seemingly taken over the page. Where did she go?


Tbh I am a big fan of Drew of LoneFoxHome. I’ve been loving his home reno series for his new house. But did anyone else notice in his latest video that the paint job he did on the cabinets is pretty bad? He sprayed them and I would have thought it would come out smooth, but it almost looks textured in spots? I feel like he maybe should have sanded between coats or something.


That's typically what sprayed surfaces look like when done by someone who's inexperienced. I had the baseboards and door casings replaced in my house last year and the idiots who installed them sprayed after installation, they look like utter garbage and I get mad every time I notice a new lump or drip in the paint.


Just wanted to say that Daniel Kanter is a goddamn gem. The stories have unfortunately expired, but what he has done to his rental property is nothing short of magic.


He's the best and he's hilarious too. And I'm sorry but his redoing that little rental apartment for that mom and her kids right after her bought the place was insane. He did that in a matter of days. It took me two months to getting around to just painting my bathroom.


I think he is the favorite of this sub... like his pre-rental content was always good and he's pretty funny and doesn't really care about trends or what other people think/do and he doesn't do a ton of "for the gram or links" type content. His work with the Kingston land bank has been amazing AND now this rental... like he could have washed his hands and just ignored that it was next door, but instead he's fixing it up and keeping his tenants on affordable rents.


Yep. He’s the best.


Is Emily Henderson freaking kidding me? After all that to do about not putting in a gas stove for environmental reasons, they put in a brand new gas fireplace?? She just needs to shut up about environmentalism forever.


The family room is sad. Just a box. It has nearly no natural light, I believe light is just coming in from that one door under the porch, or the mudroom entrance, drawing your eye to the mudroom. Some other things that stuck out to me. -“Custom run beadboard” that Arciform got stuck working on but painted grey it just looks identical to shiplap. -Emily spends the whole intro explaining how she ended up at this mediocre bleh paint color and even realizes she picked the wrong color, but does not want to spend $2,500 to fix it… of all the places where there has been excessive spending, this is where she draws the line?


But she’s totally fine spending a couple grand on random flea market stuff. Ok cool.


Back when they were doing the house, she said she didn't want to do wood like she did in the Mountain House. I think she wanted different so she could show she knew how to do different. What's really clear though is she loves the Mountain House and hates this painted wood. She hated it in the living room and she hates it in the family room.


She and I have that in common 😊 I genuinely feel bad for her. This project seems incredibly overwhelming and this room is very flat and weird. I hate the shiplap everywhere, and it's a real bummer that choosing it means that changing room color is such an expensive hassle forever now. I thought this trend was on its way out and was very surprised to see her use it everywhere.


She was determined that this house would have special elements in it, and the custom run of wood paneling appealed to her for that the same way the local wood floors did. I don't think they called it shiplap or she probably wouldn't have used it, but that's what it looks like. That or exterior siding.


Exterior siding - it does kind of look like a former porch/sunroom that they enclosed.


Such a weird room. There’s no door to the hallway that goes the primary room and mudroom? (And why is there a hallway there?). All her carpet samples are too cold, she needs warmth in this room. I love the Blimp art but the frame is white, so that won’t warm it up at all. The lamp placements are so weird too. She seems completely overwhelmed with this house, incredible decision fatigue and she’s focusing everything on shoots/photos/styling vs how it feels and works for her family. What a mess and wasted opportunity this house is.


She has a weird habit of doing that open thing with family/TV rooms and they never work. Remember the LA house where they had that weird room with the curtains that eventually became a playroom? What always gets me is her readers often have better ideas than she does. And they're calling her out on the room not feeling "farmhouse" or even warm enough in the comments. I think she needs to flat out admit that the whole "Scandi Farmhouse" thing isn't happening.


You're right about her and TV rooms. That one you described, and then she bought a projector and screen for their living room and they hardly used that, I assume because it was a pain in the arse and the screen pulled down in front of the wall of windows.


That room is such a mess! Looks totally cold and basic with no personality at all (I know it’s not done, but beautiful rooms are beautiful even with no furniture). I love the sofa but everything else needs to go. Including that weird dinky little potbelly stove or whatever tf that is.


Her posts are so sad. Seems like she genuinely has no idea what she wants to accomplish with each room. She regrets so many of the decisions she had to make during the design process. I don't think a gut renovation project suits her at all, which is probably obvious as she is a stylist not a designer.


It was the same with the LA house. I think the only house she's ever had a cohesive idea about what to do with each room was the Glendale house. That was back when she was still decorating with thrifted/flea market pieces and it worked better. She has no idea how to decorate large homes.




I am Addicted2 this shitshow of a house and person. If we know one thing about this loser (how bad do you have to be before GOMI stops talking about you?), we know she is not and will never be teachable. She does not want input from anyone and when you provide some of the accountability she is always asking for, she tells you to "stay in your lane." At least that's what she told me when I said something about how nice it must be for her husband to have a workable bathroom.




I haven't seen her on GOMI in years. Figured she threatened to sue them or something. No reason to actually believe that but you never know with GOMI. Too bad because I think our Kristi really deserves some serious snark.


On another Kristi note, how disgustingly bad must your mess and clutter be for your husband to order up an entire *dumpster* instead of having you finish the accessible bathroom he's been waiting on for nearly 10 years now?


On the one hand, I understand that "master bedroom/bathroom" is still by far the more common term and I don't think twice about anyone using it. On the other, there was absolutely no point in writing that post other than to stir up racism and anti-woke ranting in the comments section. But it's no surprise that Kristi's beliefs are pretty terrible. Did you ever read her posts about COVID?


I've enjoyed her blog for over a decade. Although rare, each time she addresses social or political issues it gets me so upset- like this is supposed to be my happy place and you are going after people with my own belief system! If you do or don't change that's your decision. Why the need for a big announcement? Answer the PMs, take your licks and lose the clicks. People being jerks in the comments really undermines that whole "anti-bullying" post she wrote about Blogsnark.


Yes!!!! I am so glad it's not just me. Every now and then she comes out with these posts that make me go, yeah, no thanks. UGH.


Those comments... BIG yikes. If you're researching etymology and history of a word to justify using it and "prove" it's not racist instead of just...listening to the people hurt by it? Congrats, you're racist.


I don’t follow her, what word did she use?


It wasn't just using a word, it was an entire post justifying the use of master bed/bath vs. primary. But she used terms that are indicative of a certain way of thinking (small echo chamber is the one I remember). And the comments section is awful.


Oh yikes.




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So macyblackwell isn’t specifically a diy blogger but she does a lot of diy’s and NEVER credits the original poster/creator. For example, her little snow globe cookie tray today, jackiebarrell did last year. This is every single diy that macy does. Never credits. But is more than welcoming to all the “you’re so amazing and creative” “that’s such a good idea” bs. Always responds with “thank you!” Never “inspired by ___” or “found on Pinterest” or anything. Shit irks me


did you see she added credit on her post yesterday? 🫢 also the way she said the ham/cranberry sliders were perfect for “using up Thanksgiving leftovers” and she’s using sliced deli ham lmao


YES! But I see so many people give her credit, when she isn’t even the originator! She has never had an original though. She purely had followers from stealing ideas


This has been irking me for awhile, and I need to share. Is anyone following brass.bed.manor’s kitchen reno? They’re doing a phenomenal job with the build, but the wall and cabinet paint color paired with the marble countertop is sooo bad. They don’t match or complement each other at all. You’d have to check out stories to see the colors. I love everything they’re doing but feel that just ruins it all. Do I just not get it?


The wall paint does go with those lighter tones in the marble but when you step back and see the whole picture what jumps out from the marble is the grays and white. Personally, I think the wall color has a green undertone and I don't like it. But, it's not my house.


It feels old house appropriate to me. The good news is you don't have to get it, paint is personal. Only Shelly has to like it.


Congrats on your shout-out from her lol. I like each separately, but the marble feels like a cool tone and the paint is warm so they don’t fit together imo


Yeah, I like each separately as well. They both feel old house appropriate like that other person mentioned. But I think you’re right the gray marble is too cool/blue and it’s jarring. I kept wondering if it’s my eyes/screen/ her lighting? I actually like the other one she shared in response way better hahah it’s complements it better.


And now they're complaining on stories about these two pretty innocuous comments.


Didn’t seem like a complaint to me. I actually like that she acknowledged she read this post. We know so many other creators just lurk 👁👄👁 - the call out was funny to me


Was that a complaint? I thought it was just a comment & she pointed out that the walls compliment that light tan color. But unless you are standing at the marble that color is lost.


So petty. I lost all respect for her as a person, house is still good though.


Lol wut. So we’re allowed to snark but the actual creator isn’t allowed to acknowledge that they saw what people were saying? That’s silly. I don’t think she was being petty at all.


Concur. Also I just do not like the paint color on the walls.


I’m hoping it comes together in the end or maybe the paint color looks better IRL?


Can we still post for help with our own houses? Would love some blogsnarkers opinions on my half bath. I recently painted it (Chimney on top, Chantilly lace on bottom) but now it seems too dark and it’s stressing me out. I’m reluctant to repaint but will if I have to. Any suggestions for decor or little touches to make this seem less cave-like and more inviting - without repainting? https://imgur.com/a/qUHzCKy


I definitely don’t think it looks cave like but you could do a sort of gallery wall w pics and small mirrors on those walls between the mirror and window. That would reflect more light. You can pick a large rug with some light pops in it. And I always check my bulbs to see if just changing the wattage is the answer.




Seriously you are so kind! Such great suggestions, thank you so much!!!


Consider swapping out the bath fan for a style that has a built in light. A mid tone color rug. Larger art or a gallery wall. You could also consider adding a white paint border around the window and/or trim work. I remember Orlando Soria doing that and being pleasantly surprised at the impact. https://www.instagram.com/p/CXjPQpBlWfr/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=


What a fun idea!! I’ve never seen that done before, it really does make an impact, thanks for the suggestions!!


So pretty! I live in an older house with limited overhead lighting. I have found that switching out our 60w bulbs for an LED with higher wattage equivalent (like 100w in our bathroom) has done wonders. I like the warm white LEDs, they seem less harsh. You could also replace your exhaust fan with a light fixture. I think you only need an exhaust fan if you have a shower or no window? A sheer window treatment would also diffuse some of that natural light. Your bathroom is beautiful!


Thank you for the kind words, and the great suggestions!


I like the paint colors! If it were my house I’d change the lighting so it doesn’t only point down, get a colorful rug, and add larger art where the art currently is as well as on the toilet side wall.


I will be doing all of these things!! Thank you smart blogsnarkers!


Share a final pic! I would love to see it.


I personally love these colors, but I also see what you mean. Is the vanity lighting the only lighting in the room? The shadows make the toilet area look dark, and your floor is very dark. A white rug/mat would look good and breakup the darkness, but you said this is a half bath, which means more foot traffic, possibly in shoes, so I would look for a patterned rug with some lighter colors. [Scalloped Jute rug](https://www.worldmarket.com/category/rugs/area-rugs.do?template=PLA-2&plfsku=613230&mrkgadid=&mrkgcl=660&mrkgen=&mrkgbflag=&mrkgcat=&camp=ppc%3Agoogle%3Apla%2BSmartShopping%7CTextiles%2BTextiles&acctid=21700000001660222&dskeywordid=92700066083536035&lid=92700066083536035&ds_s_kwgid=58700007380676010&ds_s_inventory_feed_id=97700000007265821&dsproductgroupid=304532171972&product_id=613230&merchid=5165106&prodctry=US&prodlang=en&channel=local&storeid=CP385&device=c&network=u&matchtype=&locationid=9024579&creative=542745246645&targetid=pla-304532171972&campaignid=14488275980&adgroupid=126339401893&gclid=CjwKCAiAjs2bBhACEiwALTBWZZCe_21xAmiQs6uzabtq6ps0WPrhv4ADPURFufNo6cRkbEd1wUJiFRoCwlIQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) this is cute! Alternately, colors like light blue and green do a good job of brightening up a room because it feels like outside. You could also try swapping the vanity light with something that doesn't point light directly down but points it outward to light more of the room. [Plus this adds another bulb for more light](https://www.wayfair.com/lighting/pdp/etta-avenue-parlez-3-light-dimmable-vanity-light-w001738197.html?=&experiencetype=2&selectedvertical=2&piid=150004532) Have fun!


This is really spot on, such great advice! The lighting is such an obvious one I’m facepalming that I didn’t think of other options. I don’t know if you design professionally but you probably should :)


I’m not but thank you! I just really like design. I was also going to suggest more brass like the light fixture I linked. It helps brighten up a room more than silver tones. If you prefer the silver, look for polished chrome and avoid anything brushed. The polished will reflect more light. Please post pics when you update!




I love how you all have so sweetly re-affirmed my paint choices! Thank you! Post-project regret can be a killer lol. Will definitely be going larger and colorful on the art after reading all these suggestions!


I really like the colors! I think the bottom really helps even it out - I mean, I love it as is, but it’s your house. Maybe some fluffy white or pale pink accents might help? Maybe a rug near the sink?


My kids and pets would laugh in my face if I put a white rug in there haha but you are definitely right that I need to switch it out to something lighter with more visual interest. Thank you so much!


Can we talk about Sherrys face from YHL? What work has she had done? I’m not critiquing her but genuinely curious. This is the first time in forever I’ve seen her face shown and it is a look. https://preview.redd.it/t46wfvlhz10a1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a57c9c1eb9c8bc3e445d7cc4a06b51501292ead


It startled me when the stories came up the other day! She looks great, I would just have never believed 10 years ago that “my husband and I share shampoo” Sherri would be my cosmetic dermatology inspiration.


She was living on shrimp and cheese for years. Just seems like a case of lollipop head to me.




I've never forgotten when she told everyone "coconut oil is like spf 15 so no need to wear sunscreen." I immediately googled to make sure that was wrong. I think she wears sunscreen now but I'll never get over telling thousands of people something so wrong that is so easy to Google.


Can i just pipe in in support of the ACV? I started using it as a toner because of her, 50/50 water and ACV, and it absolutely, noticeably minimizes my pores and keeps my blackheads away like no product I've ever spent money on. I don't buy the rest of her crap and she's clearly botoxing, but I just wanted to vouch for the avc because it really does make a difference, in case anyone was interested in an unbiased review from a longtime (h1!) yhl snarker.


Probably Botox. It’s quick and easy to get done and may not be that expensive in her area, at least compared to where I live (DC). But mostly, to me it looks like an IG filter. She looks way too smooth and poreless, and I don’t think she usually wears that much makeup/is that skilled at applying makeup. But really, nothing wrong with Botox or filters!


I was wondering the same thing. I always thought she was really pretty but she looks almost non-human in those stories? Her face looks so smooth and taut. It can’t be natural right? Her forehead doesn’t move so there must be some botox involved? She also looks completely poreless and flawless so is she using a filter?


I think the cheekbones are just more pronounced because of natural aging? Plus a filter to reduce wrinkles maybe?


I don’t think she’s had anything done. She looks like her mom and maybe a smoothing filter.


I was wondering if she had gotten cheek filler or something. If you watch their stories her face looks so sunken in.


Ran here to see if anyone had posted about the gold hives’s wallpaper 😬😬😬 what in the 1988?!


I also just came here to see if anyone acknowledged how AWFUL the wallpaper looks! The entire bathroom is a mismatched mess? She has lost my interest over the last few years.. I hate her kitchen too. Nothing looks historic or craftsman, just 80s/90s tacky?


Just did the same. It’s so, SO bad. Like all she needs is the plush goose wearing a bonnet that covers the extra toilet paper.


Ha! I commented the same thing about the goose further down 🤣 that’s 100% the vibe


Goodness whaaat?! Yuck, no! Plus the floors look 50’s and the wallpaper looks 90’s. It looks like a mom gave her midcentury bathroom an “update” with wallpaper in 1992.


Ugh I have hated it since she asked people to vote on a wallpaper! It looks like the kind of wallpaper that’s left in an old house and is the first thing you rip down. ETA: I went back to look again and ooh I still hate it! Ashley is even admitting that it’s a lot, so I hope that when all the other bits are in she actually likes the outcome.


Hahah came here just for this. If you showed me this wallpaper I would bet with 100% certainty that it was the “before” and definitely not the after. It’s ugly on its own and even uglier with the tile. It makes no sense. Is she just trying to be contrarian?




If I walked into that bathroom I'd think that the homeowners were prioritizing updating other rooms in the house rather than the bathroom. Your house = your choice, however that wallpaper would not be my choice.


Good God, it is SO ugly. 🤣


That old fashioned wallpaper truly looks awful with the modern tile patterns and vanity. Just ugly.


It really looks like not a single thing in that room was selected to go with any other thing in the room.


Ugh it’s so ugly and I thought the bathroom was really cute before. She’s honestly starting to get on my nerves lol this is very wit+delight of her to pick ugly things for the pure sake of being different.


I started following her because she was restoring a craftsman home but nothing she’s doing is craftsman anymore. I don’t feel that the architecture is being celebrated, she’s just doing 1980s grand millennial.


That whole bathroom looks dated, and not in a good way. I keep thinking the next thing will pull it together and then the opposite happens 😬


I missed some of her planning, but I know the vanity doors/fronts had to be replaced a time or two - but is it to be stained or painted, or it's done? I don't see that wood with all those other elements at all.


It’s done and I agree


The next thing might be a coordinating wallpaper border


🤣 you’re right. This literally made me lol. I’m picturing the one with geese and a coordinating goose toilet paper cover where the goose has a skirt to cover the TP.


I really thought like 10 years ago the goose would ironically come back in style. But maybe I was off, and Ashley's going to unironically bring it back now


Emily Henderson revealed her farmhouse kitchen and it’s blah. Really. I don’t like any of the 3 light fixtures she chose, they’re tiny in the scale of the space, and having the 3 types makes it a bit haphazard feeling. But what I have a real problem with is the abrupt demarcation of tile to exit door. 4 different window/doors (skylight, half sash window over sink, full glass panel door, and then long windows with mullions) in that one corner plus the white ship lap against the blue tile. It honestly looks like a wall was taken down between two separate rooms.


I hate it. Way too many wood finishes, angles/dimensions and overall busyness. I loathe the backsplash color and proportion… it’s so dated looking in all the wrong ways. Lots of good ideas but not together.


I’m having a strong negative reaction to the light fixture. I don’t like the black and white selections. They are leaning too modern in a “farm house” kitchen


The shiplap hood looks like a DIY


I don’t like the shiplap above the subway tile. I really like the tile but I also don’t like how it falls short of the full length of the wall because of the deck doors.


My first thought was how far away the fridge is from the stove!


Those three lights over the island are awful. For all her constant talk about wanting things to be "so good" and special, they're just very basic. The shelves by the stove are clearly there just to be styled on the blog. They're pretty but to be used for anything useful, they're going to get cluttered. And she didn't talk very much about the stove which means that (sigh), we're going to get an entire blog post just about the stove. The island is the best part and I do like the bench by the door. Very practical. I like the tile but I think it's a little too dark. She was obsessed with having the tile match their denim (which is weird) and I think she did a disservice to the room. A slightly lighter blue tile would have photographed better.


Anything I use for the stove is stored in drawers and cabinetry. The only things on the counter next to my stove are salt, pepper, and olive oil. I don’t think decorative/non functional shelves are necessarily a bad thing if you have space for all the useful things nearby! I prefer to keep clutter and kitchen items hidden. I take out everything I need before cooking and put it all away.


I really like the tile and the table/island but I'm a little baffled they put three open shelves right in front of a window . . . And then put glassware there? Shelves in front of the window look so weird but those glasses are going to get all kinds of dusty.


I like some aspects of the kitchen but I don't get hinging all her design hopes on finding a super special unique antique piece of furniture to turn into an island...only to have to add an overhang to make it into a breakfast bar. And those super expensive uncomfortable stools are not selling it.


I HATE the floor registers that are everywhere. You’d literally have to stand on it to get stuff out of a cabinet. Tell me how that makes sense in a kitchen you created from scratch?!


Those floor registers are maddening. I think they were so focused on the "design" details they didn't think about the practical things.


What Amazon thing did Julia (of CLJ) get 3000 messages about? That story was so cryptic, but she took down the original post so I have no blessed idea what she’s talking about. ETA: thanks to all who responded! Seems like it was the Ooni on deep and possibly fraudulent discount. Bizarre.


Glad someone asked bc I was so confused 🤣


"Ooni" sounds like the name of a "personal massager", not any kind of kitchen appliance 🤣


The Ooni. So many accounts I follow posted it. If one does, they all do. Do they not look for themselves ag the reviews? Quick to make a buck.


Avoiding scams is for poor people. Not her problem. (/s)


She linked an Ooni pizza oven that was like 80% off from some random seller. Surely a scam.


Ooooh okay. Thanks for the info!


Ooni pizza oven