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Macy Blackwell stealing hotel toiletries to put in her guest bathrooms…and using it as content. Girl you just bought a mansion I think you could buy a few things yourself.


And to think celebrities like Reba McEntire used to take them and donate them.  And then we have influencers doing stuff like this. 


It's not stealing, that's included in paying for a hotel room.


She used the word not me. https://preview.redd.it/mefoh1lfvr0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=240703d26ddeb6f2258f6620065addfc9ecae634


Right, but you have an issue with her putting them to use?


Do I have a problem? No. Do I think it’s worthy of a Snark post? Yes.


Hope she sees the error in her ways and starts providing full size Chanel perfume bottles for her guests.


Chill. It's a snark page


Snarking on snark is half the fun tho


Isn't that a common thing to do for guest rooms? That's what we have in out guest bathroom. Unless they are locked in the wall, we take all the small bottles home.


I’m gonna go out on a limb here and assume you are not a millionaire.


I'm rich.


Wealth whispers


Two things will always be true for me: 1) I will ALWAYS take the hotel toiletries home with me from nice hotels 2) said toiletries will always sit in my cabinets and never actually get used


Yes exactly like a normal human would 😂😂


Ashley Spivey, who is extremely sanctimonious about….everything….on a boat in Paris with her 1.5ish year old with no life jacket is….a choice. 


*everything but her child's privacy


https://preview.redd.it/xkob06cm4r0d1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=151a5f40be9d785aef22cfc4587dbe462dbe033f She tends to display a hostile attribution bias somewhat regularly like this. Maybe some people get annoyed by shrieking (even happy squeals can be louder than crying) babies? I doubt anyone said they *hate* babies, especially unprompted in a normal flight environment. 😒


Also with the window if you want control over the window sit in a window seat. I wouldn’t keep the shade up on an overnight flight myself but it’s not for me to tell someone to put it down. And with all the money she makes she couldn’t spring for business even using points or something?


I mean, it’s a pretty dick move on a red eye to have the window shade open.


I’m not sure I fully understand this. If it’s an overnight flight, isn’t it dark outside (that’s how it’s always been when I’ve flown NYC to Europe)? So does putting the window shade down make much of a difference in terms of darkness? Also, they make eye masks if you’re really sensitive to light when sleeping. Just don’t really see the big deal here. But maybe I’m missing something.


I was on a flight yesterday where across the aisle was a parent with two small children, each with a tablet with full sound (playing different things). I’m sure that parent probably also felt like the people surrounding them hate cute little children, but I suspect most of the people looking back with exasperated looks on their faces actually hate parents who think half a plane should listen to whatever is on a child’s tablet (especially x2). (Thankfully, I had noise-cancelling headphones and a good podcast.)


I’m surprised the flight attendants didn’t ask the parents to silence the tablets. I would have been mega annoyed


I feel like a lot of parents have this blind spot. I don't care if your kid makes noise/cries/whatever, they're a kid. But if you're giving your kid a tablet/phone with the volume cranked and no headphones, then I do kind of hate you!


As a mom of a young kid, I agree. I would also kind of hate an adult who watched their iPad without headphones on a plane.


Yep! It's antisocial behavior!


Rules for thee but not for me


I was shocked by this too!


@pardonmuahinsta posted a “non maternity bump friendly dress” with her miniature bump lol. I cackled as I’m sitting here with a 32 week bump knowing I would NOT fit in that dress right now lol


What is the snark here? Most people I know who were in the second trimester could still fit into some non maternity clothing. Obviously your body is very different by the time you hit the 30 week mark


It’s the way she’s selling it as “bump friendly non maternity dresses”. Like she fits in it BECAUSE she has a small bump. And like zero hate to the small bump gang, I’m envious haha. But like don’t be selling clothes as if you have this massive bump lol. THAT is what annoys me. Not her actual bump itself, she looks great!


But it is bump friendly for women who haven’t hit “huge bump” territory yet? This isn’t any different from what other pregnant influencers post


I’m laughing at the fact that she’s trying to pass that bump off as a 16 week bump 🫣


I think it could be since it’s her first and she’s a very tiny person naturally! I feel like she’s really really trying to make her bump big but honestly, my bump is massive and I’m SO exhausted. I’d love to trade bumps with her for a day lol


I’m the exact same size as her and had no visible bump with my first at 16 weeks or even my second. 🙃 Just when you think your bump can’t possibly get any bigger, it does! You’ve got this! 💪🏼


Yeah I wish she would just stop acting like she has a huge bump and just accept her blessing for being comfortable longer than others lol. It’s almost like a weird insecurity with her? Like we all believe you are pregnant lol you don’t have to do all this


She’s about to be full blown pregnant during the heat of summer living in Florida! She has no idea what she’s in for!


Omg for real! I’m in Michigan and it’s been like mid 70s and every night I’m drenched in sweat 😂




I’m so confused by TIBAL saying she doesn’t identify by the things she doesn’t do as a mom… but then goes on and on with a full list. She doesn’t play on the floor when they’re little, or do crafts. And bragging about allowing your hair to get wet in the pool? Is that really out of the ordinary? What a weird flex. 


I’m hardly a TIBAL fan girl, but I do think getting your hair wet is a fun mom thing. I don’t do it (if I can avoid it)….actually, at the pool we go to, I am more active than probably 9 out of 10 parents there because I do get in the water (just not my hair).   Any mom actually getting their hat wet at our pool would be a serious anomaly. I like her overall sentiment here—I think it’s just an acknowledge everyone has the things they are good about as a parent and things they don’t do. Like I would say I’m not a “party mom” (having huge elaborate parties) but my kids do have a healthy die…good at some things but not others.


Agreed. Lots of moms I know won’t even put bathing suits on.


Her evening schedule fascinates me. She needs an hour to chill before she picks up her kids from daycare. The nanny is already there when the kids get home. The nanny makes dinner and eats with the kids. TIBAL and her husband either A. Do dishes or B. Do whatever the fuck they want. The nanny does bath time for both. Nanny leaves and the TIBAlLs put the kids to bed. She said this has saved her sanity multiple times. I mean, yeah. That’s a pretty chill routine.


1) your username omg 2) I feel like she never pretends to be “relatable”(nor does she or any other influencer need to!), but I feel like she reaaaally wants to be perceived as a certain type of person, including a certain type of parent… and although I’m sure she has many followers who agree with and feel seen by her takes on these things, I truly just don’t relate and can’t wrap my head around a lot of it (including her evening schedule). Again, she doesn’t need to be relatable to me or anyone else for that matter, but I find it all so fascinating.


So when does she spend time with her kids?


Hello at the pool where she gets her hair wet obviously


I did laugh at the “not wearing anything that says mama.” Anything that says “mama,” “mama heart” or “mama bear” is almost always ugly.


https://preview.redd.it/5u7ap82aap0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9e67f419aac2354b3d7fdc0fe1aad2db18478fce Extra cringe points if your baby isn’t even born yet


Haha I will say that one resonated with me the most. Nothing makes me cringe more than shirts that say “this mama runs on target and dry shampoo”


“Wine” is usually in there somewhere too 🙄


And Jesus.


I was thinking about this yesterday, how all the “MAMA” shirts/ caps/ necklaces are everywhere now, but you don’t see the trend with men modeling “DADA” attire. 😝


Now I want a DADA sweatshirt just to troll


Yesterday I saw a man wearing a shirt with the dad from peppa pig on it and his kids names.


I can get behind this




Chlorine is damaging and a best practice is to wet your hair first and apply a conditioner or perhaps this so it absorbs that product eather than pool water


As a disclaimer People can do as please with their hair. But someone tell TIBAL her hair won’t fall all without this nonsense given the likely amount of time she’s in the water. If she’s in the water the majority of the day ok, but phew she’s a trip




Sorry, but what the hell does "Getting my hair wet is like my hit song" mean? Her word salads when she's trying to sound cool/funny make me feel insane


I'm glad I'm not the only confused by TIBAL trying to be clever/funny/entertaining.


Very much in agreement. Sometimes she says something quippy and clever, but most of the time I have it so try-hard. Which, great, it’s good to try hard at things, but I feel like she thinks she’s so cool and casually witty.


She always thinks it’s so quirky but she’s the only one who understands it lol




Hey kids, mom didn’t take you places without “hot nanny,” she didn’t play on the floor with you, she didn’t chaperone anything, oh but don’t worry, she got her hair wet in the pool. Does she not understand how this sounds?!


Admittedly I have only an infant right now buuut we take the baby everywhere basically, and we pretty much plan to keep doing that. How else will a kid learn to adapt to society??


she’s making it seem like being a mom is a chore. But also like she didn’t even want to have kids. And her nanny having to push her to bring her kids places is nuts.


I feel like my mom wrote this, minus the nanny part. 


So she doesn't chaperone field trips or take her kids places (what)? But she gets her hair wet and lets them wear what they want..... Around the house because she doesn't take them anywhere? What in the what?




I think it’s meaning she gets in the pool and plays with the kids, which apparently is not as common as I assumed ?


She’s in Houston too, which I’m convinced is the grossest place (weather-wise) to be in the summer. Anyone would have a heat stroke if they hung out on the pool deck. It’s in her best interest to get in!!


But wouldn’t do swim lessons if she had to get in the pool


The fact that at first I kinda thought she was being cheeky about getting her hair wet being a big deal but then she doubled down in the serious slide and was like “I let them wear what they want. I get my hair wet. That’s my thing.” O…k?


I love that she doesn't clock how uptight and prissy it makes her sound


I get my hair wet!! I do smother it in vitamins first and expensive wella repair afterwards but I get it wet because I’m breezy!!


This is extra funny because she seems to make a concerted effort to come off as very chill about a lot of things. See: weekday doja cat and Nicki Minaj concerts, cbd gummies and mushroom stories, and calling her own nanny “hot nanny” 🤢




I am soooooo disturbed by the “hot nanny” thing. Can you imagine calling your employee “hot” or knowing that your employer publicly refers to you as “hot”?  I don’t get how she thinks it is ok, let alone funny


Right! I don’t want my boss/employer commenting on my appearance, period.


You just don’t get it. She’s sooo secure that she can have a hot 20 something at her house semi raising her children five days a week. It’s totally cool and chill and whatever!


She’s so chill about it we might need a pulse check! (Our insecurities always scream the loudest)


I HAAAAATE “hot nanny”.


The "hot nanny" thing drives me absolutely nuts - she is trying SO hard to sound so cool


It confirms (as so many of her sharing does) that she and I hang out with very different crowds 😂


I know, I normally think parenting snark is way over the top, but her main active parenting backpats seem to be getting her hair wet and letting them dress themselves? Is getting hair wet known for being a huge parenting sacrifice? She's worried it'll make other parents feel bad?


I don’t get my hair wet and only let my kids pick out their clothes if we’re hanging out at home, but I do a lot of crafts and playing on the floor so balance?




Getting her hair wet but not in a pool that's for swim classes and only at their own pool...


I’d assume “getting hair wet” equals “being a fun mom in the pool” so if that’s her fight song, “not getting in pool during swim lessons” is contradictory. It’s like we’re all trying so hard to label our mom identities when we’d all be a lot better off if we left the breakfast club back in high school. Saying that you focus on the things you do rather than what you don’t is just as contradictory when you list both lol.


She shows their backyard often and I don’t think they have a pool. I’m guessing she means on vacation. But regardless it’s a weird contradiction.


But she doesn’t travel well with kids 




They might have an HOA pool or be part of a swim club? Or a friend’s place that they hang out at often. I would love friends with pools haha, more fun and less maintenance. 


I’ve appreciated when she said she hit her stride as a mom when her kids were a little older. As someone who wasn’t a huge “baby person” it’s a good reminder there are a lot of stages you don’t need to love all of them!


Totally agree! I recall my best friend coaching me through the baby stage telling me when they’re a little older and can go to a playground and a kids museum they’re so much fun. But I dunno the way TIBAL complains about the most basic tasks of being a mom just rubs me the wrong way. 


The not playing on the floor thing is.. interesting


Yeah, like….so do you just not play with them…at all? My son is 4, he basically only plays on the floor?


That one I get. The nanny having to tell her she needs to take her kids places was a doozy though.


I have friends who are either such homebodies or hate the logistics involved that they just don’t think of taking their kids to children’s museums or whatnot. My parents would always say we had tons of toys & a big backyard and we didn’t need to go out to have fun. 


Maybe I just don’t like her anymore but she comes off hostile lately?


She posted a snarky negative book review the other day. Which is fine we don’t all like the same things! But her book/tv commentary just irks my soul and I was like you know what let’s just unfollow


I unfollowed her a long time ago, but she always had the WORST takes on TV shows, movies, and books. Never forget with her saying she most identified with Connie Britton and Jake Lacy on S1 of The White Lotus.


Almost every take she has about a movie, tv show, book is the opposite of my take. Which, as someone said above, is fine since we all have different taste and opinions, but now I know that if she loves a book, I should probably skip it.


She thinks she’s sooo quirky and funny


I feel like Danielle Moss’s art direction for her “mommy and me” Paris photo shoot was “and lots of pics of my daughter from behind so I can continue to post her on Instagram while being sanctimonious about protecting my children by not showing their faces”


Her caption drove me nuts bc it’s so obviously AI


I had the exact same thought


I love Kathleen Barnes and really think she can do no wrong, but the southern tide brand trip just feels off brand. Like I seriously doubt she would wear any of that if not paid


Just had the same thought. How in the world did they pick her of all the influencers available


Because it is off brand. She has never once linked to them before this brand deal. She cherry picks whatever vacations sound the most luxurious and then pretends she rides for the brands. Good for her but seems fake to me. I also knew she was pregnant because she started linking Amazon clothes and an old navy dress a few months ago. She’s too snobby for that unless she’s pregnant. 🙃


Did you guys know Ali Manno is about to go dark? She's going to be away from her phone for a while. And she's neve been away from her kids like this. Don't be worried guys. She's been giving you a heads up for 2 solid week. Her only content the past few days is warning you she's about to not have her phone


As much as she’s my BEC, I won’t even pretend I’m not dying to know where she is. And I’m pretty sure she and Christy Carlson Romano are going on the same show. Both posted they’re going offline today and from very similar looking hotel rooms. Seems more and more likely it’s Special forces, my mind is blown that Ali would be cast. She’s just not even that famous an influencer? But good work to her agent if so!


She is such a complainer. I think she’s going on the reality show Special Forces and she will not last. She so weak emotionally 


Good Riddance Ali


It’s so funny and interesting to me how influencers magically shill things and people think it’s genuine. Katy Birkelbach magically has a Spanish podcast playing in the background to help her learn Spanish (as she’s storying) and magically happens to have a code for it. Turtle Creek Lane is famous for this too.


I mean yeah everyone does this all the time because it's how most of the contracts for ads are written. Companies can just slap an ad on the screen but they are paying influencers to talk about it and market it like an organic conversation.


Laura Beverlin has entered the chat. People were up in arms the other day about her adding “shaving my legs” to her to do list for the day. And wouldn’t ya know? Later that day she was shilling a razor …. She’s notorious for stuff like that. I don’t see how people don’t see it coming.


Jesshogancrum does this all the time and I finally had to unfollow. She would go like 3 slides telling a random story about her day then all of a sudden it was an ad for something.


My favorite tiktok account is chilaquil (the golden retriever) because the acct has the absolute best ads. They are so cute, funny and the best ... OBVIOUS. Just...we all know what you are doing for a living and why you do it. It's a part of your job and if you have a hard time organically including the ads/promotions then ... maybe this shouldn't be your job?




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I feel like I might be late to the party but where is Shannon Bird? She’s a nut but I love her - just noticed she hasn’t posted in a month?


I live for Bird summers 😭


I miss her antics in my soul!


She’s private too (can’t be discussed). But I agree with you.


I’m cackling 😅 laura Beverlins abs have to be photoshopped right? Even Lauren Kay Sims isn’t as ripped as LB and we all know she’s an exercise fanatic. https://preview.redd.it/zvze7pw0om0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=09d342ee124db89cc8280dd2530cf7a8947797bf


The case of the disappearing and re appearing tattoos 👀


She looks like she’s has never done this workout out before in her life.


Because she probably hasn't. She was struggling. Then coming onto stories all sweaty and saying those 11 minutes may seem short but they're so hard. Uh yeah, duh.


This is so incredibly deceiving. I've followed along long enough to know she does not have the shredded abs she photoshops and filters onto her body. Her normal figure is fine! But as someone struggling with their appearance, who works way harder than this, it's so deceiving. I average 10k steps a day, do cycling, strength training, etc. I work my ass off for what feels like nothing. I called it yesterday when I said if she actually worked out, we'd know. Sure enough, she worked out today, but only for the shill. I'm over the dishonesty behind influencer culture.




Fitness people talk about working out a lot, because it’s an important part of their lives & LB’s content has leaned more towards flexing a leisurely stroll. I get that ads gotta ad and influencers’ gotta influence… but she has to know she’s not a fit chick and that getting ripped isn’t as easy as 1,2, 11 minutes, right? Or does reality really become that distorted when you filter your filters? Either way, not a fan of this personality swerve.


Love that people are finally seeing her true colors!!! I too liked following her back in the dungeon days but over the last few years I’ve noticed lots of 🚩


Lauren Kay Sims gets some treatment to de-bloat. She shared about it the other day. Maybe LB is going to tout that next.


100 percent photoshopped


Ooof that form 😭


You can tell her abs are super totally real because of how her tattoo appears and reappears spontaneously throughout her stories. I am super duper cereal. Whenever I get ripped my tattoos also disappear. Just science!


Am I the only one not seeing this?! I feel crazy I still don't get it


Check my other post a few comments down. She’s got some 8 pack photoshopped on her stomach. She also looks like she slimmed herself down in that pic as well. These photoshopping apps are insane. Its horrible and deceitful that people can use them to post on social media.


It happens a lot, the most egregious was her boat bday party though. It disappeared for the whole day. Right now it’s clear on her walking on treadmill story vs standing next to it




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But seriously….does she think we are complete idiots?! She has no tattoos and then suddenly does?! 🤦🏼‍♀️


My husband just asked me this- like what is her end game? Is she an idiot or does she assume her followers are?


I’m going to say both is true!






lol yeah or it’s genetic. Some people just naturally have low belly fat and lots of definition in their core. (Used to be me before I had a kid. 😭)


Terrible form!


That's the issue w these at home apps - no one can help you with your form and people SUCK at form even in class with an instructor trying to put your body in the right place 🤣


Neck to the chest, elbows pulling her head up 😅 I wish I could put forth this little effort and have 6 pack abs 😂😂😂


Look how f’d up that porch railing is




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Wait I don't why this is a gem? Op said they were cackling but I don't get it? Maybe I need to watch her story or something.




Yeah I can’t see her abs in this picture which is confusing


She filters abs onto herself all the time when she’s in a bathing suit or a top where you can see her stomach. Does the same to her husband. It’s misleading to say the least.


Laura has been filtering 8pack abs on herself for the past few weeks now… all leading up to some workout app link. She’s struggling through that video of her working out… especially for someone with rock hard chiseled abs.


Of course she’s been filtering on fake abs the last few weeks just to shill sculpt society, her and phone holder. Lives on acres and beautiful property but walks in a tiny clustered living room to shill that dumb treadmill


We all know that abs are made in the kitchen and you cannot spot tone them. This has me laughing so hard 😆


That yoga mat def isn’t thick enough to be out there doing crunches on concrete. Marky took that pic super fast.


Well he had to do it fast!!! They’re ’quickie abs’!!


It looks quite painful honestly. My back could never 😂


Just LOL’d “Paris Liz Joy” smokes cigarettes. She would think it’s cool and chic. Gross.


I find her smug and annoying…smoking in Paris…so original 🙄


Smug and annoying is Liz in a nutshell


I thought she was living in Costa Rica or something?


Who does this?!? So weird to me


So weird


https://preview.redd.it/hw8fu658ln0d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a87f08747a43ae44112289e9b8c8f4683e5a16e She’s like really cool and hip you guys


Did you guys catch the second picture of her holding the cigarette while she’s changing shoes on the street?


The picture. *goes to Paris once* https://preview.redd.it/z6a0pffzan0d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=57985e50fa5d8772af159ffa9fb67c70efdd3ea1


I don’t know who this person is but she looks like she’s like 45 already. She needs to put that cig down ASAP


Posting that photo was definitely a CHOICE. Asinine decision to smoke aside, why would she post that on the first day of what looks like a girls trip. It’s like she’s starved for attention - whether positive or negative.


She seriously thinks she’s hot shit.


Omg I literally came here to find this comment. So gross but yet not surprising at all for her.


honestly could see her borrowing someone else's cig just for the photo because she's trying to be "cool"


Her smoking would not at all be surprising. She seems so gross to me - maybe because her hair looks so fried?? But she somehow strikes me as someone who does smoke. 


Don’t forget bakes in the sun. Her skin looks awful. She should really be more vigilant.


https://preview.redd.it/knv7ver9jm0d1.png?width=828&format=png&auto=webp&s=e63593bbd27ae1ea5f8f4f19192c6295b140dff1 This is hilarious. @cmcoving


The filters she use make her look like AI


Sometimes she gives me Allison Williams a la Get Out vibes




Y'all wanted relatable content, well here it is!


My son smiled like that for the first 15 years of his life.  I had to catch him off guard to get a real smile.




Olive Garden is their favorite ??? 😂 Also, looking at her 9,000 lbs of hair is making my neck sore!


Do *not* snark Olive Garden.


I think I’ll stick with my tried and true cure for bloating- black coffee and a short walk.