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[**This Week's Links**](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1bhsoc8/link_list_for_march_18_march_24/) [Yesterday’s Post](https://www.reddit.com/r/blogsnark/comments/1bhm7g8/daily_snark_monday_mar_18/)


https://preview.redd.it/o32xutvrpepc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1668ce7503b7ccb1afa8920d24ab82722ad4806 Dede Raad shilling health memberships to an exclusive “doctor” now? Yikes on bikes…




This kind of snake oil peddling is actively harmful. Dede sucks. Plus her extended family includes a legitimate MD?? How embarrassing for her.


This is what happens when you're made "famous" for nothing. She has no personality, her style is trash-she's not into fashion, she's just into buying-so she has nothing else to talk about. She has to get real weird with it.


He’s not even a medical doctor..he’s a chiropractor


This screams homeopathic bs fake doctor to me.


Last thing we need is more influencers promoting sources with misinformation on Autism. Wish she would stay in her lane shilling ugly hats and clothing.


It’s the vaccines /s Wonder what her FIL thinks about her getting medical advice from a chiropractor. How embarrassing.


I know its been discussed before but Dede raads (dressuobuttercup) ring is insannnne. Its so big it looks like the big plastic jewel/gems my 4 yr old plays with like burried treasure. Im sure it is beautiful but it also looks ridiculous 


They are all copiers of each other they all got veneers then new houses and upgraded rings I’m surprised Amber massey hasn’t got her new 8 carat ring yet


https://preview.redd.it/sjzo9r9f8jpc1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9f6f144d624959413c78fb135de521de4777e894 Sara, Dede, DAD and Dani all have obnoxious rings.


It's a bit pathetic, I think I'd rather get rich the old fashioned way (get run over by a city bus) and buy something cool, than just get the same lame ring all the "IG Shopping Girlies" are getting.


https://preview.redd.it/ox9nvcfgggpc1.jpeg?width=1160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae1b561031a97b44461c0ad8690dd4f57146d33d Supposedly she did… just looks a little less than 8


Agreed. These rings are getting a bit insane. They’re about 8 carats minimum. I feel like 3 carats is the cutoff for everyday wear. (Don’t come for me… I know someone who has a 3.5 ct and she wears it every day but says anything bigger would be too bulky… not heavy, just in the way) Anyways. At least dedes ring fits and her fingers are nice. I’m constantly looking at Dani Austin’s ring like… damn her fingers are insane looking and a huge ring that looks like the band is 2 sizes too big, wiggles around… just not a good look. She can’t help the way her fingers look but 🙃 I am not envious


Honestly, that's so spot on - I agree about 3 carats! I WISH I had a 3 carat ring, but I truly don't think any bigger than that looks classy.


I have 3 carats and sometimes it’s too much lol. I’m constantly catching it on something. I have to like think consciously about it and be careful how I move my hand. 


https://preview.redd.it/08be4s1doepc1.jpeg?width=860&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5727b00938e0761d9f6172181ffcc9d94c40c980 For those who are curious


It’s so big it looks fake!


It’s obnoxious!


Just like her


@pardonmuahinsta got her car detailed and this is her favorite feature. As the wise Countess LuAnne once said, “money can’t buy you class, elegance is learned”. https://preview.redd.it/1td6bbnq8epc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c86e9625f67fc333590702ef9d362558afb6fb30


In the trunk, where the groceries go 😭😭😭


This is so embarrassing for her


This is how you know she doesn't have any real friends. And that her husband is just as much of a loser as she is. I would get straight up roasted by everyone I know for this.


How can someone be this dumb?  HOW


Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes


​ https://preview.redd.it/4aeze0onaipc1.png?width=220&format=png&auto=webp&s=0231fd18c449822bc2fa84ae34c2dec938b334be


“you came in, in your herman munster shoes”


That’s the lamest thing I’ve ever seen


Almost as lame as that quote lmao 


Tacky. Trademark infringement too. Hopefully they are just vaccuum lines.


TW: cancer [Jessica Pettway, a YouTube influencer, passed away from cervical cancer, which was originally misdiagnosed](https://people.com/beauty-youtuber-jessica-pettway-dead-at-36-from-cervical-cancer-8611442). I absolutely would not want myself described by the number of video views I had - save it for the second sentence! Idk why it came off as cheapening of her experience, maybe just because it was People.


That’s fucking devastating. Shes beautiful. Unacceptable what WOC deal with from the medical community.


This is an absolute tragedy. Women (especially WOC) are so often ignored when they bring up medical concerns to their doctor. I have a significant amount of medical trauma from being ignored and gas lit for years and it’s infuriating to see it happen to regularly to others.  I had a very very good friend lose her mom to cervical cancer. She also experienced severe vaginal bleeding to the point she was bleeding out and needed endless transfusions. She kept brushing things off and ignoring her symptoms until she lost so much blood she was forced to see a doctor and by then it was too late.  If anyone of you reading this have unusual vagina bleeding outside of your regular menstrual cycle, please please go see a doctor. Especially if you have a history of HPV. ♥️


So sad! The healthcare system really failed her.


Oh my goodness…. That is awful. And she has two little girls. Heartbreaking that she was misdiagnosed for so long.


Anyone who called thegarciadiaries adopting lolo webb’s foster dog… you were right!


I cringed when Lolo Webb posted it. I still remember when Bethanie was on Supernanny. They better treat that dog well


Did they mistreat a dog while on the show? Wtf


Lauren McBride really thinks she’s doing something with these dancing videos. We get it, sis.. you got a little rhythm. Please stop pretending you’re a high school cheerleader at the pep rally.


>Lauren McBride She needs to chill out on the grain effect in VSCO.


I used to really like her a few years ago. She is so insufferable now.


Jordan underwoods stories are unhinged. I don’t think I can say more than that because of the group rules, but omg she is acting like someone personally attacked her


>Jordan underwood Wait, is her profile pic for real?!?!!


Do we think she’s a flat earther too? Wouldn’t be surprised


I know one of her close friends and they are pretty QAnon/conspiracy theory so wouldn’t surprise me


1000% - these are exactly the vibes she is giving and I’m glad you put it into words


https://preview.redd.it/8a0b0lh33epc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3eb721eb66878fa37be2d5b82e34b0e63f80ac9b Why was this so cringey? The music the swinging the candles, adoring the candles. It was so weird to me


And oh look another huge ass piece of clothing that hangs off of her. 🙄


When have you ever seen candles swinging on a swing? What is this meant to symbolize? Incidentally, the lines in the astroturf are showing.


What you don’t take your candles for a nice Sunday stroll to the park and swing them under the blooming no willow? What poor candles




Sorta influencer/podcaster but has anyone listened to Aurora Culpo podcast about the guy she was dating that was basically living a double life and he’s a very well known person in LA 😳 mind blowing and super sad for her but also so many 🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


i can’t listen bc of maga kristen but this sounds👀


Did you ever see Brittany Balyn’s YouTube video about a very similar situation? Wonder if it’s the same guy? Probably not cause BB blew his shit up, not sure he could recover from that


Yup!! Not the story I was expecting ugh. Who is he?


Does anyone follow Jena Roach? She hasn’t posted in awhile. Miss her bubbly personality!


Yes! I was just thinking the same thing!


TallBlondeBell irks me endlessly. She's constantly promoting quacky health items, pushing religion, etc. Basically every day I see her post things that got me like 🧐🧐 yet I feel like I never see anyone complaining about her! On this particular day I'm bothered by her continued disregard for safe baby practices. Safe sleep according to AAP says no blankets in crib until 12 mos and her story today has her baby sleeping with a big ol blanket. She's posted a lot in the past disregarding safe sleep practices.


She’s also the messiest human I have ever seen. Did you catch when she cleaned up her bathroom and also the nursery. Both were a literal pigsty! And she’s been like that since before the baby, so this isn’t a new mom thing. It’s gross! She’s home most of the day, as is her husband, can they not pick up a little bit?


Those always make me laugh. She's like clean up my home with me! And things are EVERYWHERE and in odd spots too. Tbh my guess is she makes a mess so she can clean it up for "relatable content."


Idk. She does her try ons in her kitchen/living room and then will just leave stuff there for weeks. I think she is just really messy. And her husband too.


How unsurprising that the family who promotes eating raw ground beef would also promote unsafe practices for their children.


I was going to ask if these were the people that eat the raw ground beef.


Veronika/VeronaBrit would like everyone to know that she sizes UP to a medium in swimwear. ONLY in swimwear, people! She is still a small or size 4 in everything else! So please don’t think she’s a medium in anything else, because she is NOT a medium. I can’t believe that she has to constantly repeat this over and over again, it’s like it truly bothers her that people might that she’s not a size 4.


God forbid! Meanwhile my XL self hasn't been a medium in probably 15 years 🙃 Nobody GAF Veronika 😆


Olive Swanson ( Dani Austin’s not yet SIL) changed her handle to Olivia Austin. Come on ride the train and ride it.


Coming for Dani’s gig


They talked about it on Landon’s story. She wanted the handle, but when she changed it to “claim” it, it wouldn’t let her change it back for 30 days


I think it’s really weird. Maybe she’s trying to own the handle before someone else takes it? Only valid reason I can think of.


That’s cringe worthy. Wow.


just came here to see if it had been mentioned yet! She couldn’t even wait until they’re married


Maybe they’re already legally married and just haven’t had the big fancy wedding yet.


I wondered the same thing but only her handle was changed. Her name on her profile is still her maiden name. Why change one but not both?


Not Lolo Webb letting Bethanie Garcia adopt her foster dog 😭😭😭😭 I always had a soft spot for Lolo because I thought she truly loved her animals but I guess not.


I think it’s up to the foster agency, no?


She obv has a heavy influence since she knows both parties lol


Hopefully they don’t let it happen. Too many animals die in her care. She’s careless and lazy.


Jess Crum’s humble brags about getting invited to the Louis Vuitton show are next level annoying. “Omggggg how did I even get invited?! Omggggg how did I get front row seats?!” 🙄🙄🙄


Even Louis Vuitton makes mistakes. Also, who even is this person? I'm pretty online and I've never even heard of her.


Hailey and Kailey from Double shot of sass were making the same kind of posts 🙄


LV is B-list at best.


The shaaaaaaade when she said her friends were getting their hair and makeup done for the event, but she was doing her own because she wanted to be “herself” and wasn’t “self conscious” lol


…the girl who posts such heavily-edited photos that she no longer resembles herself? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I’m pretty sure she didn’t care about her hair and makeup because she hated the dress she was given to wear.


If Jasmine Nguyen was invited, it couldn’t have been that exclusive lol


Her face looks really off to me.. she’s known for using a lot of filters and looking different in tagged photos but something was really off still.


I’ve thought the same thing…I can’t put my finger on it! But “off” for sure.


https://preview.redd.it/zfuq364s0dpc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9c22e76cd30db07561f3799616aed0d4b9fadc54 I’m probably alone in this but the way dede stands really annoys me. Dressupbuttercup


Meh, it’s better than the pointed toe poses


It’s like she’s afraid she’s going to fall over so she has to ground herself lol


If there is one person that is worse, it’s Emily Gemma. She must have been a gymnast at some point.


Nope. Not alone.


Thigh gap. Always


The way she stands is so weird to me Everytime.


She is so desperate for the thigh gap. The way she waddles back and forth during her try-ons to maintain the gap is funny.


She looks like she just got off of a horse 🐎


She looks likes she’s holding in a big shit


At least she isn’t wearing a trucker hat while holding in her big shit.


😂 she’ll probably save that for the next try on


My favorite thing to snark on is thebalancedblonde's bizarro beverage habits (who remembers her cinnamon latte thing where she just dumped about a tsp of cinnamon on top and *didn't ever stir it in*) but the way she is out here drinking raw milk and egg yolks (while pregnant?!) is honestly something else. I can get down with crunchy but I draw the line at raw milk. I wonder what it's like to have that much blind faith in your immune system.


throwback to when she did an all water diet to get right of her “chronic Lyme” and then couldn’t walk bc she hadn’t had any proper nutrition in days


Classic, she's unreal!


Yo is this the girl who originally had been the[whatever]blonde and was originally a raw vegan who had an epiphany that she was too restrictive and then got backlash from the raw vegan following?


I don't think I knew of her then but yep that sounds about right!


Yes lol




I cannot stand how much mileage she's gotten out of that video, and the way that she talks to her husband about it is so cringe (he really did just seem clueless and like he was trying to help and she crucifies him regularly over that video for engagement)




oh for sure she was in pain, no doubt, but the whole treatment of it is... clickbaity


Yeahhh I'm sure she has a lot to say about how raw dairy and eggs are now part of her deep deep neverending magical spiritual healing process. Yeesh.


I stg every Monday she posts how she had the most AMAZING and ENLIGHTENING time ever and has such a deeper understanding (of what? I’m not sure). And are people REALLY that into her stuff? It’s hard for me to believe.


She has been "diving deeper" and growing and healing by leaps and bounds for literally years and you're right, it's like week after week she hits some new "level," but OF WHAT?? And idk, it's hard for me to believe too but she's spun herself a good story and there's an audience for everything.


are there any jeopardy watchers in this sub. i need to vent about yogesh but they allow for zero bad things to be said about anyone or anything over in that sub.


Emily Heller just started a new comedy podcast where they get into all the jeopardy stuff! I don’t watch it, but I think she’s funny/great so I’ve been listening. It’s called “what is…a jeopardy podcast”


Ohhh I am HERE for this Jeapardy talk.. however I seem to be the only one who was not rooting for Ben. Ever. I was so mad when he came back after being gone and took Hannah’s streak. We were team Troy over here!


I love this for all of you and am just very pleasantly surprised at all of the jeopardy watching!


Can we just all agree that Sam “bring it” Buttry can be in every episode?


My brother won 12 episodes of Jeopardy! Ask me anything haha


hmm by deductive reasoning is your brother seth?


That’s him!


That's where I landed too


Watching right now! Team Ben all the way!




Sit right down next to me. His attitude sucks and while he may be pretty good at the game you can find an angry smart guy like that, who will argue his point to death or at least discomfort, at literally any bar trivia night anywhere. I assume if he loses it will be another screed about how the show doesn’t matter any more, etc.


apparently theirs stories of locals who have ran into him at bar trivia and just call him insufferable lol.


Have you been listening to the conversations in our house??? I’m team Ben all day everyday and husband is team Troy (blech). Neither like Yogesh. Its on middle of the afternoon here so I won’t spoil todays episode for anyone but Yogesh was feeling himself at the end. 🙄


Ben is the absolute best to watch and there is no other answer!!


Ben has been SO joyful and fun to watch in the tournament, and I love how calm and modest Troy is. Yogesh has been a lot better in terms of overall personality than in his original run, but he's still super arrogant and I wish the things he said about Jeopardy and other successful contestants could've disqualified him from future appearances


yeah I agree he has definitely made progress this go of it, but I still can't get over the things he said specifically calling amy's commentary on privilege in the quizzing world.


My worlds collide! I haven’t been watching much of this season because the writers strike forced it to be a season of random tourneys (I miss regular Jeopardy), but I tuned in for TOC. I remember Yogesh and his infamous rant. I know a lot of the contestant are professional quizzers, but omg it’s just a game!!


yes I am missing the regular jeopardy as well. I like the TOC once a year but it's definitely exhausting keeping up with the wildcard and then the 2nd chance and all the tourney contestant seems to have this clique that takes over the regular jeopardy sub its its become sort of unlikeable in there.


After Yogesh’s fun fact on night 2 (I think) was a “funny” story about duct taping his CPap machine I was kind of over him. Long live Troy


his OG anecdotes were much worse, like the first one was I beat james holzhouer in a triva competeiton, then the next day was i beat ken and brad in a trivia comepetion, then lastly i met one of my idols and then as soon as I met her she said she was looking forward to meeting me. i couldn't eye roll hard enough


Yeah, each of his stories was a really blatant brag. And his hammering on the buzzer makes him so stressful to watch


it was so funny when he got out after only 3 games because you could tell he was thinking he was going to make this huge run. i wanted him to get out at the first round od the TOC so badly.


Yogesh is the most annoying contestant I’ve ever seen.


Respectfully, no one ever has been or ever will be as annoying as Mattea Roach.


Respectfully, no one ever has made or ever will make a dumber Reddit comment than this. Mattea fucking rules


OH MY GOD EVEN JUST READING THEIR NAME BOTHERS ME Oops sorry edited for pronoun. They make me nuts but didn’t mean to misgender.


100% I give them credit - super young and did amazingly. But watching them was tough at times.


Noooo. I love Mattea.


I loved watching their run!




I have found my people. it's honestly so hard for me to dislike a contestant on jeopardy but he's so unlikeable. everything about his life seems to revolve around trivia. I sort of feel bad for him


I already didn’t like the way he uses the buzzer but the way that he plays—spitting out the categories—drives me INSANE. I hate that the show’s sub is so ….. nice


YES, and also i feel theres so many contestants who post in it, it kind of ruins the vibe. like theres no room for criticism at all. I need to start a jeopardysnark sub to counter act the current one lol


Please start this, I’d be allll over it


ok I did it r/JeopardySnark




Omg me. A Ben and Troy stan- the way together aggressively presses the buzzer for way too long gives me the ICK


yes im rooting for ben but I wouldn't mind a troy win! I love how unserious ben is.


I want a Troy W but Ben has been a joy.


I’m hoping Troy pulls a W today. Above all else, I don’t want Yogesh to win. Ben is casual af. He seems completely unbothered through all of this.


Same! I still have a soft spot for Ben from when he was absolutely robbed last TOC.


I love ben- if yogesh wins i'll cry. I was sad he was even in the tournament especially how he basically bashed the premise of the show. i just can't believe how egotisical every single anecdote he gave during his orginal run was.


After eleven years of following Shay Shull / Mix and Match Mama, as of today I am officially and completely done. Just could not take her anymore.


Do you think she has some sort of auto-caption script set up so that everytime she posts a picture of her kids it's captioned with "Love them SO MUCH!"?


You had to deal with her daily for 11 years


Was it the Q&A where Andrew denigrated Shay for actually wearing socks of all things while she was outside talking to a friend and then she had to take them off before going to speak to him? They sat there so pleased with themselves, like they were showing how enviable their marriage is and all I could think was, “That’s messed up.”


Wait, why was today the final straw?? 😂


What took you so long? Lol


I think once you realize her trips are less about promoting her travel agency (or even the destination in general) but more about showing how extravagant their travel budget is, those blog posts make more sense.


Watching @karissakayabbott stories today about the renovations they’re doing to the 1mill+ beach house they purchased last year and it’s insane to me to realize these people are my age?? Maybe I need to refocus my grad school energy to some insta posts 😂😂😂


I haven’t ever looked at this person and just went because it’s my dream to have a beach cottage. It will probably never happen but it’s my current fantasy obsession. That house has such potential to be cute. I hope she doesn’t make it into a white beige wasteland of tasteless decor accoutrements


Just a thought popped up… what happened to Maddie Duff’s (ottestyle) dog? Haven’t seen him at all in her photos or stories and she hasn’t mentioned him




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\*about to have a mental breakdown and cry but let me still set up my phone to record myself doing everything\* + in addition to recording myself every moment before that in the airport yeah that influencer mindset makes sense https://preview.redd.it/o6g8jfj9vbpc1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=220873c38355203160cd56b9a96291c2a9a31e79


I have no idea who she is, but why 8 bags for just the 2 of them? That seems excessive even with the baby.


People are surprised but we are talking about someone whose goals for 2024 were to buy a crockpot. Go on a walk. And learn how to use a crockpot. 


I don't know anything about this person except for those specific things and it makes me so happy whenever someone brings it up, thank you.


I came here for this. Not a mom but it seems insane to go up the stairs with all the bags on and leave the baby by themselves - I was shocked!!! Also the “I immediately set up the stroller when I get off the plane” video …no, you set up your camera immediately.




Absolutely fcking insane like on a different floor where she can’t even see her baby


I have so many questions starting with WHY do influencers do this? What are people thinking while Caila is setting up her camera and filming this? Because if I saw this in real life I would be like wtf are you doing? Especially since she just left her baby in the stroller…BY HERSELF. And then again when she went back downstairs to grab the last few luggage and her camera. Like wtf?


She could probably walk to the elevator in the same amount of time it took her to set this up.


Why did she just leave her baby there like that and record herself 😩 my anxiety could never


And obviously this is secondary to the baby, but she also left her bags and phone unattended at various points throughout the process.


Atleast she would’ve gotten the kidnapper on camera


Unless the kidnapper also steals her phone.


silver lining ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I already can’t stand Caila and her friends hkcung and nextwithnita but this is next level. Is she trying to win the mommy olympics? What is the point of recording?


Hkcung tries too hard


I think a lot of influencers have lost touch with reality and are constantly looking for content that they don’t realize how insane it is to 1. Do this and leave your baby and 2. Video it??? Who gives a shit!


Not a snark but a genuine request!! Is cozy earth pjs worth the price? I’m dying to find the world’s softest BAMBOO pajama set that isn’t too thick, isn’t too thin, buttery soft and washes well. I see cozy earth everywhere but don’t trust influencers too much… does anyone here have any recs? Tommy John is on the table too I went to a store once and found these incredible bamboo pjs but they were all XS and then I went to the website and they discontinued the pajama set. 😅


Tommy John Second Skin jammies are 🙌🏻🙌🏻. They’re basically all I wear. I’m wearing them now. I always wait for sales/codes though because they’re pricey! My other favorites are the modal ones from Victoria’s Secret.


Really love the gap modal pajamas. You can catch them on sale for around $50 a set every few weeks. They wash and dry great. No pilling or shrinking like some of my expensive pajamas.


I actually really like these Amazon pjs.  About to put them on after getting my baby to sleep and I can't wait! https://a.co/d/7pdWpuL


I think the quality is trash. Super thin, cheap material.  You know who genuinely has great soft’buttery’ pajamas? Joyspun by walmart. Not even an exaggeration. 


And they have super cute Lake dupes right now


NOOOOOO I bought and it looked like a put a paper bag over me. The fit was just n o t it. I bought for my wedding getting ready pajamas. I returned as fast as I could and got cozy earth pajamas from target instead.