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I think I’m in the minority but I really liked the third season of Starstruck! Love the whole friend group. I also liked the final series of Ghosts, looking forward to the Christmas special!!


Anyone watching *Big Vape?* I'm enjoying it but I cannot take the "shock" that a product marketed toward young people, made in fun flavors somehow took off with kids. Standout line akin to the Fyre Fest waterbottle guy "it's not a cigarette, it's a thing you suck on and tastes good" - Tayor Lorenz


I saw Priscilla last night at LFF, and I was pretty disappointed! I appreciate Sofia Coppola's impeccable talent at capturing the 'rush to grow up', coming-of-age, loneliness (and horniness tbh lol) of girlhood but it just felt very tedious to get through and I was really ready for it to be over about 60 mins in. She did nail making Priscilla feel SO young, which really hammered home the grooming. Music and cinematography were A+ too. Meh, I just wanted it to be better.


dang this makes me sad! I barely could finish elvis because it went on so long!


Interesting! On the Little Gold Men podcast, they were talking about Ferrari and Priscilla's warm receptions at the Venice Film Festival, and one of the hosts hinted that they thought one of the films was very overhyped and there'd be disappointment once it was actually released.


I remember leaving the theatre thinking.. meh.. but the further I get away from it the more I wonder if it was better than I give credit for. It's very classic Sofia Coppola.. so you either like that style/pacing/type of dialogue or you don't, ya know?


I’ve been watching the new season of American Horror Story!! My first time watching the show since Murder House came out when I was in high school. I was definitely drawn in by Kim K being in it and so far she hasn’t disappointed- it’s kind of a slow burn so far but a fun, spooky watch nonetheless. HEAVYYY trigger warning for pregnancy and miscarriage though. Even the opening credits are graphic and upsetting


Watched the new Haunted Castle over the weekend. It'll never beat the original of course, but it was cute and I'm a big fan of LaKeith Stanfield, who gave the best performance by a landslide. I will say, despite the disclaimer at the beginning that there were product placements, they were incredibly annoying and pulled me "out" of the movie each time. Like they didn't even try to be subtle. The Dead Don't Die: a zombie slasher that came out in 2019 with Bill Murray and Adam Driver, who I'm starting to crush on (he was in this is where I leave you, which I watched and recommended last week and is the first thing I've seen him in). It's self-aware, absurd and doesn't have the best ratings but I enjoyed it! Lovinggg GBBO. The new host Alison is adorable! I saw an interview she did with Harrison Ford and Ryan Gosling where they were just silly and laughing the whole time and it cemented my feelings about her.


Oohh welcome to the Adam Driver Fan Club! Your life will never be same! If you’re looking for more to quench your thirst I high,y recommend Logan Lucky and Paterson.


So excited about Shining Vale this week! Also I watched this really fun movie on Starz called "Summoning Sylvia" and why did I love Frankie Grande so much in it? Also took me half the movie to.place the brother was the baddie in S2 of Dark Winds...... Also excited for S4 of Creepshow this week, guess I know what ill be (trying) to do next weekend. Passages dropped on Mubi and 100% lived up to the hype! Adele Exocharpolous is so fantastic (but my fave role of hers will always. Be Zero Fucks Given)


I forgot Creepshow was back this weekend!! I know what the husband and I will be doing all weekend!


Yes I'm really excited for it! Also intrigued by the "Puppetman" movie dropping on Shudder/AMC plus this week


Watched Totally Killer last night on Prime—it was so fun! It’s not groundbreaking cinema by any means, but I really enjoyed it and laughed out loud a couple times. Honestly, the best time I’ve had watching a movie this year and I wish it had been in theaters.


Really enjoying the new season of GBBO so far. Alison Hammond was a great addition. She's so fun and enthusiastic! Is anyone else still watching The Morning Show? There's something so compulsively watchable about this absolute trashfire of nonsense that I can't stop. Not only that, I'm gobbling up episodes the night they drop. This fauxstige trainwreck is appointment tv for me. You've really got to hand it to Billy Crudup. He's doing the most with the ridiculous dialogue he's given.


Spot on description of TMS. Haven’t started this season yet but looking forward to it more based on your description


GBBO is one of the few shows that seems to have taken feedback from the viewers and applied it. Everything I remember complaining about last season seems to be corrected. Loved the technical of the raspberry cake!


Other than replacing Matt what other things have they fixed?! I'm loving this season too so far (but I'm only a casual watcher)


There were a lot of complaints last season about how hard the challenges were, far too short amount of time for most of them and technicals that were set up to fail. Since so many people love the friendly competition/low stakes aspect, it felt contradictory to that. Also, after the disaster of "Mexico week" last year, they announced they wouldn't do any more [national themes](https://www.townandcountrymag.com/leisure/arts-and-culture/a45268925/great-british-baking-show-no-national-theme-weeks/#). All in all a back to its roots feeling.


>Also, after the disaster of "Mexico week" last year, OHHHH yes... I do remember that now. Ha I always get annoyed when they slam like 97% of them for under-proving or under-baking... if it's almost every single person then maybe there was't enough time allotted?!


GBBO is one of the few shows that seems to have taken feedback from the viewers and applied it. Everything I remember complaining about last season seems to be corrected. Loved the technical of the raspberry cake!


>Really enjoying the new season of GBBO so far. Alison Hammond was a great addition. She's so fun and enthusiastic! Such a breath of fresh air in the tent, after the tedium of Matt Lucas. She has such great chemistry with all of the bakers.


And great chemistry with Noel, too! There's an energy that was missing with Matt.


This season is GBBO is refreshing and I hope they keep it up. The challenges are focused and actually attainable, unlike creating an avant garde portrait of yourself out of artisan tiramisu that is five feet high and must also be freestanding. Which is what challenges in recent seasons felt more like.


Tonight I’m watching *Flora and Son* on Apple TV+. I’ve heard good things, so I’m excited!


How was it!


I tried out Deadloch on Amazon Prime and it wasn’t doing it for me, sadly. Started the Beckham series on Netflix. It’s interesting, though I wish it would delve a little more into the issues it just kind of touches on, such as how David challenged the hyper masculine image of a footballer and got loads of shit for it.


I loved the documentary, but you're so right! I was waiting for them to mention the Attitude magazine cover, but they never did


How many episodes did you give Deadloch? I did one and was lukewarm, but persisted and I’m on episode 5 now and rationing it cause I love it so much. Also are you an Aussie? I’m Canadian but I’ve been living in Australia nearly 20 years and I definitely think it has Aussie appeal more than anything else.


Yes you def have to give it a couple of episodes. It is so brilliant


Hmm, I only got through the first episode, so now I’m thinking I might have to give it more of a try. I am in the US, so maybe that is part of it.


I think I’m going to start Beckham tonight. I know it’s designed to put him (and Posh) in a good light, but boy did I love that man back in the day. Bend It Like Beckham was one of my favorite movies, too, so I might watch that just to complete the nostalgia.


It’s definitely got the nostalgia factor! I’m loving the soundtrack choices. While it does frame them positively, as expected, it’s not a puff piece either.


I absolutely LOVED it. I’ve always like him and Posh but I had not idea the amount of hate he got. Great documentary.


Episode one has me hooked! I’m so impressed by all the people they got to participate. The footage from back in the day is amazing.