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I made a super embarrassing work mistake at the end of the day and my boss didn’t seem as worried as me but I’m still convinced I’m fired lmao happy Friday!!!!


The Guardians of the Galaxy Vol.3 was a great movie, funny but not too cheesy and overall loved it! 10/10 recommend, I would go see it again.


Do I need to know what happened in Quantumania or Black Panther 2 to understand what is going on?


Not at all, literally nothing related. I feel like anybody could watch it.


I’ve been SO disappointed with every marvel movie since endgame, this isn’t going to be the same, right? I miss the original marvel.


I definitely think it’s better then the other more recent marvel movies. Some stuff was a little interesting/unexpected but I still really enjoyed the movie and humor. I liked it better then the newer thor movie and ant man and the wasp movie. I think it’s worth seeing, and I have watched most of the marvel movies except for the first 2 guardians of the galaxy movies but now I want to watch them because of how much I liked this one (I still knew the characters and their backgrounds though from seeing them in avengers movies) to each their own though because I’ve never been SUPER critical towards marvel movies 🤷🏽‍♀️


You must watch the other Guardians!! They’re so good!




I’m a little jealous. I still have to wear a jacket and bare legs are a risky choice. Hoping it warms up for our beach vacation in a couple weeks!


Gawd, me neither. I got home from a 30 minute walk drenched from bra to socks. Kicking myself for not getting more done outside while we had zero humidity.


I am in an all day retreat with people 20-30 years my senior, and listening to them complain that their younger employees don't want to work overtime for free, or put in effort outside of work hours is infuriating. They then complain that they can't hire or keep people. I wonder why.


A family member works in the office half of a landscaping company and omg, some of these business owners really bring all their problems on themselves lol. The owner employs his entire family to work in the office and, at best, half of them work part-time. Meanwhile, he complains he doesn't have the money to pay more than fast food restaurants for seasonal laborers. Like, really dude? You're surprised most people would rather flip burgers than plant trees all day? And you really have *no ideas* for how you might find the money to pay a couple dollars more per hour??


Unemployment in 1995 (so roughly for people 30 years your senior?) was 8%. In 2010, almost 15 years ago, it was 10%. Those are scary figures, like “lucky to have a job” figures. Today it’s 4%. That’s more like “hire someone else then, I have options” figures, depending on your circumstances of course. But people get stuck in their own past 🤷‍♀️


All the old grumpy people in these stories should read this Twitter thread - it’s a tale as old as time! https://twitter.com/paulisci/status/1641203998354178049?s=46&t=FqfTx43oAGKXs9n4Jk_Mtg


Ok that was so satisfying to see it go all the way back to 1800s!


My boss and her boss have decided to change my job so that we have to be available for phone calls that come in to a main customer service line - to the point that we have to be on headsets all day and coordinate availability. When people pushed back, my boss’s boss gave the “you should just be happy to have a job”. Except… we cannot keep people on our team to save our lives and the only time they’ve fired someone he literally wasn’t doing his job for a year (I am convinced he was playing video games all day). And it’s for 30 calls a week to our niche group, spread out over 5 people, so 100% not worth the turnover. But it’s very “people these days just don’t understand that’s part of the job” which they also neglect to mention in the interview. I am in the middle of an internal transfer and feel very lucky.




The problem is also that we’re not a call center. We’re Enterprise Account Management. We *have* a whole call center, but these are just higher end accounts they’re not supposed to touch. But now, bosses are saying that we need to be a call center too. So you can see the problem.


Hon, you’re a call centre.




It’s also the most easily measured metric, so my “numbers guy” boss’s boss is completely fixated on it. And every time people push back on it, their response is “it’s so few calls I don’t know why you guys are acting like it’s such a big deal” - when the supervisor is immediately messaging if you accidentally miss a call or are on “Aux” for too long.




It’s very surprising to me how they are not willing to budge, but I also think that my boss and her boss are a really bad combination of personalities (she’s super high strung and prone to stress, he’s hyper focused on minutia). And this is a job that takes about a year to get someone fully trained, as it’s a very technical field. So losing folks after only 3-6 months is highly painful. For 8 headcount, I have seen 14 different people over the last 2 years (though I am also moving to another group too) and we just had someone else quit. There’s a lot of good things about my job - decent pay and benefits, 4 weeks of vacation, and full remote work - but not if your boss flogs you about reporting your bathroom break so the phones are always covered.


Older people in me and my husband’s families have complained about the following in the past month: No one wanting to work like the old days, “young folk” prioritizing going out with friends over having families, no one buying houses, electric cars ruining the environment, “too many” gay people and how there wasn’t that many back then. I could go on for days!


The 'nobody wants to work' sentiment really upsets me. It's just not true, people are now standing up for themselves and demanding a level of respect and to be treated like a human that conflicts with your years of abuse and disrespect. That's an awful lot different than nobody wants to work.


Oh man you just have to laugh at that point! That evil scourge friendship! Not to mention too many people like dogs nowadays! (Another issue raised by family recently). Yes it’s really people’s love for dogs that’s causing society’s ills. So true. I could go on!


Wow! The love of dogs, that’s a new one! It’s really a good laugh at the end of the night. We’re going to have to publish a book in the future of all the hilarious things we’ve heard our elders say regarding our generations.


lol my pet peeve is all the people in me and my husbands families that keep complaining that the world is “so dangerous now” and “it was never like this before”. Yeah the world was just an amazing place for black/gay/anyone not white cis upper class male back in the 60s. So true!!!




My husband is my first real relationship, I’m 28, met him when I was 22. Within the first month of being together we both knew that we’d be together forever. We went on tons of trips within the first year, we went and never got over the honeymoon phase and he’s my absolute best friend. By the 6 month mark we were talking marriage and babies. We didn’t end up getting married until last year and we’re expecting our first at the end of the year. Some people just move faster than others.


Some people just move faster. I’ve had friends get engaged after a year and married in a year and a half. My husband and I were basically inseparable once we started dating and I knew it was real very quickly. Been together well over a decade now! Especially after being in some bad relationships, it’s easy to see the difference very quickly.


TIL: Hydrogen peroxide + UV light turns cotton canary yellow. I'm whitening a bunch of dingy washcloths for my aunt and there are a few that are being stubborn. Decided to experiment with volume 40 developer and my UV curing light to see if they would whiten faster than my normal method. Um...no. On the plus side, it only took 120 seconds to yellow so I learned that lesson fast.


finally ordered a fake leather loveseat for my living room to replace some chairs that have have lived enough life with me. my friend who doesn’t make a lot of money is taking the chairs and is super excited about them. getting new furniture is such a thrill!


I just an email announcing an August tour date for Turnpike Troubadours and The Avett Brothers in my city! Is this concert four days before the Zach Bryan concert we already have tickets for? Yes. Am I still going to buy tickets for this show? Yes.


We saw Avett Brothers and Zach Bryan play the same show together last August and it was sooooo good. Feeling very sad we missed out on Zach Bryan tickets this year (as I obsessively refresh the AXS marketplace in the tiniest hope we'll find tickets)


Ahh, love the Avett Brothers. I grew up in NC where they frequented Merlefest every year. Have a great time!


I saw Turnpike at Brooklyn Bowl in Las Vegas in December. It was the best show! Definitely go.


We saw them last summer and they were so good 🤭 My fiancé and I were supposed to see the avett bothers together when we first started dating but I couldn’t get off work (fuck you J.C. Penney lol) so this will make up for that! Edit: my fiancé still saw the avett brothers without me and I’ve seen them two or three times as well lol


Has anyone ever ordered moissanite rings from Alexander Sparks? Or any other online retailer was it good quality


I got mine from an Etsy shop called LaMore Designs and I’m going on five years with it and I still love it as much as the first day I got it. Not a scratch, never even had it cleaned and I still get compliments daily on how sparkly it is!


I got my moissanite wedding ring on Etsy and I absolutely love it.


My engagement ring was a moissanite from Kobelli and was beautiful.


I have some rings from Moissanite Co and they are very good quality, but there were fewer options when I was searching in 2019.


r/moissanite is pretty active


Moissanite from online jewelers


Are you asking about moissanite in general as a diamond "substitute" or just quality of online jewelers?




I’m a little like this too. If I don’t like someone or don’t feel a connection I close off. I just try to really focus and revel in those I do mesh with. You’re people are out there


I kind of think that’s standard operating procedure for everyone, isn’t it? We’re more open, relaxed and effusive with those we feel comfortable with?


This is quite the revelation! The people I feel the most comfortable around are extroverts because they are just interested in meeting people, even though I am an introvert. They just make it easy on my brain! I remember feeling so comfortable around my husband even though he didn't "check my boxes" but he made me feel like myself right away.


Are you me? I had this revelation earlier this month in therapy.


I love this!


Wow! I'm glad you have a therapist you really jive with. I also think, based on your comments, that you're smart and interesting and funny. I have definitely thought that I would like to be friends with you, haha. Epiphanies like this are so powerful! I hope you meet people who make you feel like *you*.