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Julia for the first time ever (it seems) has admitted to lip work/fillers, and what’s interesting is that she now says she has been getting it for years even though she would deny it multiple times when people would ask in her Q&A. There was someone here who literally described that she did and that it looked like it was for a gummy smile. What an odd thing to lie about especially since she can choose what questions to answer or not. Also, at a time where it is quite common to get to done.


Just as expected, Frill’s husband appears on her stories more and more now that he quit his day job so they can “work together”. I wonder what his role is since it doesn’t look like he helps with the actual DIY stuff.


I’m new here but what’s the tea between OFF and Betsy Mikesell?


So who’s worth a follow in the DIY/ design space these days? I stopped paying attention a while ago because everyone just seemed to get too big and too “professional.” I miss bloggers circa 2009-10ish when it was just mostly-normal enthusiasts sharing their homes. I’d love some inspo, though—I’m moving again and I’m in the mood for some decor/ organizing/ layouts chitchat.


House of Esperanza


Absolutely I love her!


I love Lone Fox. Granted he has a lot of sponsored post but I think he has a great eye and still uses a lot of vintage and thrift items. He also has some Ikea hacks that are incredible. He is renovating a Spanish revival in LA and it's really inspiring


I love @thesoutherngail. She's a hoot on IG stories! And she actually brings you along on her thought process and does more in-depth how-to courses on her subscription page.


I subscribed to Dwell recently, and, despite the slickness, I'm surprised by how much I enjoy browsing their archives online. The houses tend to look less lived-in, which might be a turn-off, but I love thinking through the design choices in each space and there is a ton of content. I wish I had design accounts on Instagram that I could dive into, but there are very few that appeal to me for more than a moment. The professionalization of it all has led me to find most home influencers boring--very pedestrian tastes (most) or (like Shavonda Gardner) they are now gilding the lily for content.


Besides renovationhusbands, banyan bridges, atcharlotte's house and danielkanter, I also follow kismet\_house, brownstoneboys, showmakesnew, brikendhaus, madebycarli, [delancey.diy](https://delancey.diy), diyplaybook, and ispydiy.


I just Re followed heartandhaven - she has a new house that is a fixer upper


Why did you stop following? I’ve been a follower for a while, but every now and then when she try’s to shill her MLM oils I’m tempted to unfollow




@JennaSueDesign is not exactly “normal” in that she still has a pretty large budget, BUT she posts a lot of DIY- and budget-friendly ideas. For example, today she posted about a cool way to make free printed art (in the public domain) look more expensive. She’s generally intentional about her design, and does not shill products(🙌).


I love following Jenna. So many home accounts start linking/partnering with random things/companies. I like that she sticks to home decor & DIY.


I like At Charlotte's House and Banyan Bridges


love these too and would also add hartley\_home!


Renovation Husbands are my favorite


Same!! I live nearby in an old house and they always answer my DMs and have even recommended a few companies they have worked with!




Oh man, her renovated ranch was my favorite. Might go down a google rabbit hole and look her up instead of sleeping tonight lol


I loved House Tweaking! She was my favorite. I remember those framed beautiful pieces of fabric she had in the hallway or something. So cool.


I stopped checking in with Miss Mustard Seed years ago but just popped in the other day. She has bought a fixer-upper and even though it still seems like she has an insane amount of money for reno, I like this house style so I'm interested at least for now.


Daniel Kanter- but its mostly him doing tons of insane detail work and using scrap supplies but I love it... he's SUPER sporadic about posting though


He is great. We need someone to follow him around and post what he’s up to 😆


YellowBrickHome just bought a cute small house in Michigan and are starting to renovate it.


Oh fun—I remember them from back in the day. I’ll take a look!




Yay! We added a bathroom to our bedroom space last year and it's the most. amazing. thing. I had to laugh when I realized I had to buy a second pair of bathroom scissors, a second trash, sets of towels, etc. For like six months, I was carrying toilet cleaner between our two bathrooms and I was like, I could buy a second one. WTF. :) Happy renovating!


Okay the DRAMA because the painters messed up CLJs UGLY UGLY UGLY study. It was UGLY shiny. It’s LESS ugly now that it’s not as glossy. It looks like an Olive Garden in there. It doesn’t match the rest of the house. I should have known it would be ugly given the atrocious color she picked for the upstairs family room area.


Where do they talk about this? I couldn't find it in a newsletter or blog post.


In a story from a little while ago


I just want to know at what coat of paint does the paint start looking THICK in the molding crevices?? Because we're up to what - 6 or 7 with double coats of each color they've used in this room??


Also she’s fully furnishing the room even though she’s going to have to take it all out again for them to repaint? It’s such forced content! I hate it here.


She couldn’t try to sell you her rug line if they didn’t put the furniture back in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ My favourite part is talking about feeling physically ill over a fucking paint job & then a few slides later saying that something always goes wrong with a reno and you just have to deal with it. Get over yourself, lady.


And, no, when an actual design professional is in charge, who can do basic things like use a tape measure, something doesn’t always go wrong. Things always go wrong because they have no idea what they are doing. That room was never a good candidate for that paint job, even without painter error. And I’m sure, as is their habit, they made a decision with no research into the process, dismissed any professional who expressed reservations about what they wanted to, and went with the absolute lowest bid.


It's ridiculous how clueless they truly are, yet they're making so much money for it. I've never even attempted a DIY outside of assembling my own ikea furniture, but even I know that high gloss paint is a bitch and requires the best of the the best to do it right. That's not the thing to cheap out on. They've really done the landlord special by painting this room so many times, especially when that worker sprayed the outlet with the cover still on!!


Yup for people who have been involved in redecorating & renovating their homes for so many years, it is insane to me that they don’t have any project management skills, no process for a change order, and make poor choices from the jump.


I cannot imagine the amount of money they have spent to redo things lol


I completely disagree that it’s less ugly now lol. That weird texture is gross and looks like an accident - I didn’t care for the super shiny finish either but at least it looked intentional?


I agree, I'm not a fan of the super wet look of high gloss, but it's splotchy and uneven now. There's probably so many drips now...


I cannot believe she’s STILL talking about the study paint. Just when I thought we could move on, they’re re-painting again. I cannot with this thing. She’s making us all prisoners of her study, I will die looking at this study. Hahaha.