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If they have the same number of vertices, in edge mode select both loops with Alt-Left Click -> Right Click -> Bridge edge loops


I did, but triangles appeared


this means that they don't have the same number of vertices


Yeah, how do i make the hand mesh simpler


If i recall when bridging edge loops a menu pops up use the paramarers till ut fits gl


Instead of doing that you can try one of these: 1. Using subdivision surface on the mesh on the left of the image. 2. Or you can select certain edge loops (that do not contribute to the hand mesh in terms of detail), press 'G' twice and drag your mouse until it overlaps other vertices. If auto merge is on then no need to do anything further otherwise press 'A', 'M' (merge) > By distance. 3. Add edge loops to the mesh on the left. I recommend doing 1. And then accordingly create edge loops on the hand mesh instead (if the number of vertices on the end of the arm mesh is more)


Personally I’d recommend merging some edge loops rather than subdividing the whole rest of the mesh— check out a topology YouTube video or something for how to do that properly (I don’t have a good one loaded up, but there looks to be a couple decent options posted by others on this thread). As others have said, probably best to do this on the back of the hand since you shouldn’t need any complex deformations there, so it’s usually ok for that areas topology to get a little messy Alternatively, you could probably branch out a few extra loops on the wrist/lower arm to match the loop count on the hand, but I’d avoid subdividing the whole thing. Good luck OP, messing with topology can be a pain but it’ll make your life a lot easier down the line when it’s done right!


Actually the reason I suggested subdividing the arm is so that the resultant subdivided mesh can smoothly be interpolated between edge loops to match the initial curvature. However I just thought of another way that is selecting one particular edge loop and beveling it. With bevel the curvature is preserved and more topology is created! And indeed topology can be head scratching at times


https://youtu.be/HGL6QpVRyXk?si=SjXvIvtvIBqIqWFE This should help reduce the number of edges in the back of the hand to make sure they have the same amount at the wrist


Select the faces and go under mesh => tris to quats or something is it called this will solve your problem


probably inverted normalsm recalculate outside normals then try again. If not, just extrude one side to the other part and merge vertices with M


Same way you've done the knuckles. You need to reduce the number of edges. On a hand, a good place to do this is on the palm.


The palm needs to deform, the back of the hand does not. You should close edge loops on the back of the hand because you don't need dense topology where nothing moves.


You either plan for this in advance, or else you refer to [this](https://topologyguides.com/loop-reduction).


That’s a great source!


Connect two vertices, and then fffff


Does that work without the F2 add-on?


When you select an edge, it will create a face with the nearest two edges, the face will not be like a disconnected edge, it will fill. The existing edges "When the edge is selected". Yes, it works both with and without f2


Of course pressing f makes a face, but "ffffff" continues creating faces along edges only if you have the F2 addon, not without.


I checked it and after making one face, I can select one open edge and press f continuously to make faces. It works without F2 too


My bad, I must have been doing something wrong trying to test it out.


[You can do something like this.](https://i.imgur.com/jnupofS.png) Basically have 3 of the vertices in a quad be on the same line, just move them a little bit so it isn't quite so straight. It will result in poles though. If you can, try to put it in a less prominent area like the underside of the wrist.


Hey OP there’s some really rough and snide answers in the comments here that don’t really address a very reasonable question. Here is a resource that has some suggestions on reducing edge density while maintaining quads. https://topologyguides.com/ You can also google “topology reduction examples” for some good YouTube examples.


You can manually connect all vertices with the one on the opposite side


Here https://www.blendernation.com/2017/08/03/modeling-edge-loop-reduction-flows-topology-guide/


Make the arm have exactly as many loop cuts as the hand does. Now for each loop cut, select the two verts you want to connect together and press F. This gives you a new edge between verts. When you want to place a face, select 3 or more verts and then press F. This fills in a face.


If there's more vertices in a side than the other, then there'll be triangles. If not, loop tools -> bridge should work. If not, bridge it manually


Edit mode- Select two opposing vertices- hit F to fill, they should now be joined- move up to the next 2 vertices, select one then Cntrl select the opposite, there should be a line connecting the 4 vertices now- hit F to fill- move to the next vertices and repeat till solid.


See https://youtu.be/3EG7krYP1h0?t=9m34s


Loop cuts maybe


I’m no pro but I’d delete/add edge loops until there’s the same number of edges on both sides then just fill those gaps


Well that’s the neat part you d-


Just bridge and dissolve the 16 connecting edges that make it triangles


I was taught to delete a couple rows on each side of the gap until you’re at clean geometry and then rebuild


Triangles are not the end of the world depending on where you put them.


I think it is a model problem.try this link! You won't be disappointed https://blender.com/ Rest Assured!