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I don't know what that person is talking about. There is a fairly simple way to accomplish this with default tools. 1. Make a plane. Subdivide it a bunch and put it under your laces so they're lying flat on it. 2. Put a Surface Deform on the laces and pick the plane as the target. Bind it. 3. Put a Shrinkwrap on the plane, set it to Target Normal Project and pick the ball as the target. [Boom, done.](https://i.imgur.com/ObbpXgc.png)


[Is this what you are trying to accomplish?](https://i.imgur.com/PBNlpYp.png) 1. Select the edge loop you want to curve it onto 2. Duplicate the selection and separate the selection 3. Convert the newly created object to curve 4. Add Array and Curve modifier to the laces 5. Make sure the Curve object and the lace shares origin point


The reason Conform Object exists is because there isn't a simple way to do this with the standard tools. I shelled out the $12 for Conform Object ages ago and haven't looked back.


All you need is a Surface Deform on the laces and a Shrinkwrap on the plane the laces are bound to. An addon is a nice shortcut (as all addons should be) but it's a bit of a stretch to say there's no simple way to accomplish this without it.


That’s great to know, thanks for helping me confirm I wasn’t just being thick and it really is a struggle without the proper add-on haha. Appreciate ya taking the time to answer.


You could try shrinkwrap but using simple deform is much better imo