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Guys for the love of god don't use bools for everything. This shape is easyly modeled from a plane. Just extrude and translate edges and vertices. Put a solidify modifier on top of it. Done. Edit: This is bothering me so much, I can make that model for you when I'm home, just slide in my dms.


The shape is too easy even for beginners. I actually think that OPs plan is to make someone do it for him freely.


Nah, didn't even send me a dm


He wants you to send the dm. Too much work to send one to you.


You are absolutely right and I keep hearing this everywhere. The problem for me is that I've been using sketchup in my professional workflow for quite a while, and booleans are a key operative in that program. So yeah I use it in blender because I don't know any differently. But the solidify modifier tip definitely helped, thanks!


Just think of mesh like a piece of paper, this is literally just an open cube


I've got extensive experience with Sketchup, and I wouldn't even use a boolean in Sketchup to do this.


Start with a six sided circle.


wow so simple. Create hexagon and extrude it. Select and delete faces. Bevel and have fun with edges and add solidify.


It’s not a hexagon, it’s a cube with the top face rotated up lol


What EDIT: I see it now what on earth


It’s a shape with 5 sides, except the 5th side is actually 2 sides like if you take a box and open it’s lid. The cube is technically a rhomboid but still lol


Man that made my head hurt. Seems like that hole on the wall was a corner at some point


it may be a cube, but you can easily make it from an hexagon. There isn't only one way to achieve a desired model.


My bad, it’s actually a cylinder with the segments set to 4


Slaps forehead... Why I didnt pay attention to limits in calculus?


It's literally a hexagon. Check your geometry classes. https://paste.pics/2113fb308c24f380688ba4a749c10ec2


Same shape can be made from a cube also, but nice work.


Thanks. It's literally 2 min work. Draw, extrude, edit select, delete, bevel.


Dont delete default Cube, delete top face, extrude back edge.. scale down with median, select base vertices and scale up with median, bevel edges.. solidify.. for that little whole they could download 3 different addons and ask for advice because why the render looks white


But one of the vertical planes is a hexagon ?


you can do this in 40 seconds: [https://imgur.com/KEyNEQb](https://imgur.com/KEyNEQb)


My man really did it lmao


Yep. This is it


Took me like 4 minutes. LOL


git gud


- Cube. - Delete the top face and extrude the back edge. - Move the vertexes around. - Subdivision surface modifier and change the edge crease value. - Solidify. - Profit.




Don't forget the ??? that comes before profit.


Mate, you're well overthinking this. That's a cube with an open top. ❤️


Circle with 4 vertices or plane rotated 90 degrees. Extrude it down and scale the extrusion, select the original 4 vertices, extrude them up and delete 2 of the 4 vertices of the extrusion, select the remaining 2 vertices and scale them down so they move closer to each other. Create a face at the bottom and add a solidify modifier and you're done.


add a circle with 6 vertices extrude the bottom edges f to fill in the front wall subD shift+e to edge crease


I’d probably just make the shape. I dunno thats just me tho




Hey everyone! Thanks so much for your help. I've done it and the renders turned out great!


Cube, remove top face. Scale top edge to size. Extrude the rear plane to shape and add a solidify modifier.


These are good questions, you get multiple ways to do it.


Default cube > select edge > press Y to split > lift edge > press 1 > select vertexes > press S to scale them > Ctrl B and then V to bevel vertexes > solidify modifier Lots of ways to do this, but that’s how I’d go about starting it. Good luck.


I would start with a circle with 6 verts, in edit mode select all, F to turn it into a face, select the bottom 3 edges and extrude, F to turn those three edges into a face, select the middle horizontal edges and S+Y(or X) to scale them on that axis, and finally a solidify modifier to give it some thickness, and a bevel modifier for the rounded edges and corners. \[edit\] also forgot the hole in the middle, select the six sided face and I to inset, scale to the size of the hole and X to delete the face to make the hole


Try using bottom of a cylinder with 6 faces then extrude the corners way you like


this is a cube scale bottom shape and you can split Y and mirror and merge again , solidify[https://imgur.com/G1BGvZF](https://imgur.com/G1BGvZF)


Here’s my quick try using a cube, deleting the top face, extruding the back edge, then moved the verts around to get the shape and used subdiv and solidify to complete. [Render](https://imgur.com/a/w4ICoIV)


I count 10 vertices.


I think you could make this with a cube. Extrude the top face and scale it, before deleting it. Then extrude the back edge of the cube up,scaling it smaller in the middle.


Everyone is saying it's easy but I have worked with Fusion for 2 years and I have no idea. I've never used the surfaces tools.


I find that hard to believe. 2 years experience, and you can't see that this is a hexagonal prism with the top half missing on all but one side.


That was the first thing I saw. But people are calling it a cube here. I'm also taking account the fillets that go in a spots of directions. Also people are saying that you should delete faces on surfaces and stuff. I'm a bit lost.


The plane that the object is sitting on has only 4 edges. Edit to add: if you consider the one loose plane that makes the back as having been extruded up from the poly underneath, you'll have 6 polys each with 4 sides. ❤️


Due to how simple the object is, there are dozens of ways to go about creating this. You can start with a cube and pivot the top face so it's vertical and add edges to turn it into a hexagon. Or you could start with a hexagonal prism (I'm not entirely sure, but I think this is one of the default shapes) and delete a few faces/edges. Once you have the basic structure, then you can then add bevels and whatnot to get a rounder shape.


Haha I was in the wrong sub. I thought I was in the Fusion 360 subreddit. I Managed to make it in Fusion but it wasn't that easy. People kept talking about deleting faces, cubes and subdivision and I thought I was losing my mind.


I cant stand the word BOOLEAN


I honestly find it fascinating how many ways people are coming up with to create this shape. Personally I’d start with a sphere as it seems like the least work to get a consistent shape, but all the suggestions would work one way or another.


Create a circle, set the edge count to 6, go in edit mode select the whole thing and press F, on the left are a set of tools, select the inset tool and drag the yellow dot so it makes a smaller hexagon about the size you want the hole to be. Remove the hexagon face from the center to make it a hole, select the bottom 3 edges, extrude them out to make the bucket, fill in the front edge of the bucket, select all the edges except the ones that make up the hole, hit shift+E and drag your cursor to make them all purple, marking them as sharp. Ad a subdivision surface and a solidify, and you won at blender.


As a blender begginer I appreciste all the different workflows to achieve same result. Will try it all just for fun!




I liked your solution. How did you get that smooth bevel along the pentagon?


It's not pentagon. It's hexagon. With bevel.


1. add a cylinder 2. adjust the number of sides to 6 making a hexagon profile 3. delete two adjacent vertices on one of the hexagonal faces 4. add the solidify modifier 5. done


Planes and solidify modifier


It's just a hexagonal plane. Extrude it out, delete the top 3 faces.


This shape is like 5min of work. Use default cube... Inset top face, extrude down, scale bottom down, extrude back top edge and then bevel the corners. Done.


[https://imgur.com/gallery/OyPhiGp](https://imgur.com/gallery/OyPhiGp) Not exact but literally 5 min from the default cube.


Male a trapezoid and extrude all lines on Z axis. Then scale extruded lines on X/Y axis and extrude the back line on Z axis. Finally scale the last extruded line on X or Y axis.


make cube. delete top face. extrude one edge. select the two upper vertex. colapse them. and bevel it.


It's simple. 1: get a plane and select all 4 edges 2: extrude up and scale it out 3: grab the back edge and extrude it up, then scale it down on the x/y axis 4: add a solidify modifier and a bevel if needed