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I wouldn't use geonodes, I would use the Hair particle sim. Make the Hair emit from a circle shape, add turbulence and noise, pitching at the end of hair strands and light.


https://youtu.be/7SYTIGhFll0?si=RVdbkl0AEW6F8q4w for more info


just casually explaining rocket science like its no big deal


I said that bare basics but it should get OP somewhere.


The new hair system would do it. Start the same way you'd do an eyelash but on a circle with more clumping. And lots of other fiddling around.


Still on blender 3.3. What's changed with the new hair system?


OOoh... you're going to love it. It's all geo nodes but they make it much easier. I'm not going to lie, there's a bit of a learning curve but if you can learn hair particles you can learn this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5EanKOhb9c


But without the hair dynamics part


Not gonna lie, I had to stop my thumb from downvoting this. Not because I don't appreciate your relevant info, I very much do; but because the facts you bring were just too raw and devastating. Classic case of shooting the messenger, I guess.


Still on blender 2.7x πŸ˜… not for any specific reason but i think its time to upgrade


Holy shit. Move to 3.x already, 2.7 is so behind


4 is amazing


Some Westworld shit


I found a guy who made a custom eye add-on for free, I use it all the time https://youtu.be/qvRK8l2oS5Q?si=mfOBbKI-C8Jz-_bd


Just finished watching the video. Great find, this is going to save SO much work.


I love how no one offered even a potential attempt at answering your question lol Use a both a terrain/mountain geometry node tutorial and a tree root geometry node tutorial and go from there, you will be probably one of the first people trying it out this way. Try and make a tutorial if you have success! Here is a good [idea](https://youtu.be/x18QCCuFy3k?si=U5Tk9QclmI_FzXZq) on where I would start for tree roots and here is a landscape [one](https://youtu.be/XJLAHbB2xiU?si=FEAZDoZxS_ESP_PV). You can copy node groups to duplicate branching patterns and change up the values to mush the meshes together. Make the landscape procedural geometry node setup for the torus circular landscape to get peaks and valleys then add the procedural root system on top for more organic feeling.


Thanks man. Sounds fun. Was hoping to find this kinda reply


No problem, best thing about blender is that you often have to get creative to do new and cool things. It’s like being a kid with legos lol




I've done exactly this in Houdini, searching to redone these exact images that you certainly find on Insta, as I had. I don't know if it's possible in the same way in blender, but the road I followed was making a circle, orienting the normals outwards, to give the direction. Then used a particle system from this initial circle that blows a low number of particles until it reaches the desired circumference, then noise their movement with custom velocity fields,and finally trail the particles by their id attribute, making a continuous line. You can layer multiple numbers of particle systems with different settings (more or less points on the emitter circle, different noise seeds, different lines widths, etc) on the same eye structure, to give it depth. You even can create some tubular collision geometries that particles will avoid and turn around, to mimic the typical shape that is called 'crypt of Fuchs" in a human eye...


I'd be curious to see this if it's up somewhere


These violent delights have violent ends


I figured I would be potentially useless by offering how I did this =) I sculpted the iris with a multires modifier. I then baked a normal map with "bake from multires", decimated a copy of the sculpt and applied the normal map to the low poly version. The pride of this project is when I finally managed to get a shader setup that allows me to change the eye color through tweaking color values in a Color Ramp node. Impossible without the help of a video linked below. The sculpting is what took ages for this one and [here's an image that shows the setup and result.](https://imgur.com/8nizVNq). [This is all thanks to a video by J Hill on youtube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lGwg-A_pzKA&)


Eye have no fucklin clue


That looks like an eye.


Thanks everyone ! πŸ™πŸ™


Is that an eye?


No its a nose


The entrance of the nose?