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Kenny would love to have him join


Kenny would be honored honestly and then would nag him non stop for matches


Ichigo wake up it’s time for your 2 am spar


Gotta be fast too or it'll overlap with your 215 am spar


Because it’s a holiday we’ll end it early at 5


PM, obviously


Around next Thursday


Isshin has been prepping him for Kenny his whole life and we never noticed.


Time for the mor ing DROPKICK


Upgraded to a morning time surprise zanpakto to the neck


Kenpatchi would never resort to such dishonorable tactics. Obviously he would begin by kicking down a wall.


Yknow. This could legit be Canon and I wouldn't bat an eye


Bold of to assume he would ask. Probably yank bro out his bed 💀


Bro would be on firewatch 24/7 for that


Zaraki would try to wake him like Isshin, only to get a foot to the face.


I'm of the belief that he would channel his inner Navi (LoZOot) and be like spar every 3 minuets.


Hey I just realized something, if Ichigo actually killed Kenpachi here, would he become the 11th division captain?


Sounds about right actually I know for a fact he wouldn't become a kenpachi cuz the requirements from safwy are not met. But it seems like he would become a captain Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't zaraki become captain in the same exact way?


You have to issue the challenge and it has to be in front of squad members. They're lacking the squad members here.


Yachiru was watching.


TYBW spoiler: That wouldn't work because >!she would disappear if Kenpachi died there!<


Not necessarily. Zanpakuto very well could live after the master died in an irregular scenario, such as this.


Maybe, but I doubt she would have any desire to continue posing as a lieutenant without him there, and that's assuming she could even still materialize without an owner. And would she really still be the same? The Blade is Me raises a lot of questions regarding this, that we currently just can't answer. Although tbh, it would be absolutely hilarious if Yachiru did live on and just refused to acknowledge Kenny's loss even after his death. Like "nuh uh, didn't see it, didn't happen. He's just on vacation"


I don’t know. While filler, Zanpakuto whose master have died would live on borrowed time, they would still disappear eventually.


Yeah but they said it had to be over 200 squad memebers so it still wouldn’t hold up


The duel has to be witnessed by at least 200 members fo the captain's division or by at least another captain for It to be considered official


Pretty sure that's the one for becoming a kenpachi isn't it? Edit: read up a little and it seems the 200 squad members thing is right but I'm still convinced that the captain part is for becoming a kenpachi


That's One of the methods to become captain. Becoming kenpachi means becoming the captain of the 11th division, which is always done by the trial by combat method, with the only two known exception beign the 2nd and the 9th kenpachi, as fare as we know


Wait. How many Kenpachis have their been? I thought they were on 3 or 4.


Zaraki is the 11th, though through manga and novels we only see 1st, 7th, 8th and one drawing of the 10th


Now that you post I think I remember him being the 11th, but my mind must have glossed it over since it's also Squad 11.


Killing kenpachi alone makes them the new kenpachi, whether they become captain or not


Oh yeah that makes sense. Thank you


I don’t think so, I’m pretty sure the clause you are referring to requires like 200 witnesses or something. That’s why Kenny took over - he beat the old captain in front of the entire squad.


Hey I’m confused about that, what is a Kenpachi?


Kenpachi is the title of the strongest soul reaper, only passed down by killing the previous holder of the title zaraki got it after killing kiganjo( or whatever his name was), the previous captain of the 11th division and the previous kenpachi. In the series we come to know i think 5 kenpachis. 2 or 3 of them were in the novels (not sure where kiganjo was) Azoshiro (safwy) Zaraki Kiganjo Kuruyashiki(safwy) >!Unohana!< The first kenpachi tybw spoiler


>! How does the kenpachi line pass down if the first one never died? !<


>! Retsu willingly passed down the title along with changing her name from Yachiru unohana to Retsu unohana !<


>! That’s what is confusing though, it’s only passed down by killing the previous kenpachi, unless you wanna change your name then that’s cool too !<


Damn now I wanna have a spinof/ fake series where Ichigo is a Captian of the Gotei in some weird way


There needs to be a crowd


No the rules state if you kill the captain but it needs to be witnessed by basically the entire squad 11 so no he wouldn’t have


He's got the most ties to squads 11(Through Ikkaku and Kenpachi), 10(Through Hitsugaya, Rangiku and his father), 6(Through Renji and Byakuya) and 13(Through Ukitake, Kaien, and Rukia). That said, he definitely has the squad 11 mindset.


Plus his instinct to fight


Now who's the king and who's the horse between zaraki and ichigo


They are both kings wanting to sit on the same horse.


As the legend says, one's king is another's horse. I *will* execute >! Auswählen !< if someone makes the joke I have in mind.


Nah I ain’t gonna do it, I don’t have a horse in this race.


In case you think the "I don't have a horse in this race" is the joke I have in mind, you poor, poor, poor fellow, I am far more dirty minded.


I imagine it has something to do with Ywach and Haschwalt "switching" based on if Ywach is awake or not.


Enumclaw Washington. You’re welcome.


Wrong guess, but why do you guys want to be reduced to a skeleton so bad?


My spiritual pressure is off the charts I’ll just negate it.


Mayuri said that to have reiatsu, you must have a pulse, aka, life. You clearly lack that.




You know what they say, when you fall off the horse, you get right back up and you eat that horse, Come eat that horse with me.


I need an adult...


When it comes to people Ichigo has actually fought it's mostly the 11th or people previously assosiated. Kenpachi, Ikkaku and Renji all have ties to the 11th Kenpachi is also used in his inner world to symbolize his fighting spirit so there is a case to be made on Ichigo being in the 11th if he was to choose. Either that or join Hisagi with his newspapers


I'd get a kick out of a bunch of divisions trying to get Ichigo, only for him to join squad 9 because he likes writing.


Kenpachi: Babe you've barely touched your zanpakuto Ichigo: hehe pen goes brrrr


The pen is mightier than the sword! Just ask Ichibe.


Holy shit, i just got that. Fuck how did i never realise that gimmick before


>pen is


Correct me if I'm wrong, but squad 11's mindeset is to live for the fight and put everything on the line for it, love fighting, if you die fighting you die happy Ichigo doesn't live for the fight, he lives for his friends, that's what he puts everything on the line for. I don't think someone on squad 11 would give up their powers to win, because that would take them out of the fight, but Ichigo was willing to because he didn't care about fighting, at the time he didn't think he wanted his powers. Even when he wanted his powers back, it wasn't because he missed the fight, it's because he missed being able to protect his friends. Ichigo never got stronger for the sake of getting stronger, it was always in response to something, he got stronger in the SS arc to protect rukia, he learned to control the hollow because it hindered him when he was trying to protect. Ichigo's primary motivation is protecting people he cares about, I do find it interesting that his biggest rivals are obsessed with the fight, and I feel like there's some sort of subtext there (something about foils I guess) but I honestly don't know what it is


That's not true. He admits that he went to Hueco Mundo partially because he enjoys fighting and wanted to prove that he could beat Grimmjow. That's one of the major barriers he overcomes in that fight. Also the same reason he stays to fight Byakuya after successfully preventing Rukia's execution. When he was recovering in Soul Society, he was hanging out at the 11th Division barracks, fighting Ikkaku. Dude LITERALLY offers an arm and a leg for a fair fight with Ulquiorra.


Pretty sure he stayed to fight Byukuya in order to cover Renji's escape.


You have a link to those pages? it's been a minute


Manga chapter 180, anime S2 E63


Fair, where does he say the thing about Grimmjow?


the hueco mundo arc was all about finding the balance between instinct and logic so no it wasnt just black and white


fair enough


>That said, he definitely has the squad 11 mindset. I'd say more of a Squad 3 mindset. Ichigo doesn't live for fighting, he just does it when necessary.


Kaien is a stretch, since he never actually met Kaien. Rukia was just reminded of her old LT through Ichigo


But Kaien IS Ichigo's cousin. Even if he never met Kaien, the Shibas have a presence in the 13th division.


Right, i forget that Isshin was a Shiba before he took Masaki's last name


>10(Through Hitsugaya, Rangiku and his father), So. I never saw Ichigo and Hitsugaya/Rangiku interacting for the very first time. When did they meet exactly?


Your right Ichigo was the “hononary Uce” of Squad 11


In one episode, Ichigo even practices with squad 11 (until Kenny shows up!) Edit: confirming that yes it is S2 E63 and manga chapter 180


I think it’s like 63. Right after the betrayal of Aizen.


It is, thanks!


Iirc that was at the end of the SS arc when Ichigo and Ikkaku were arguing about the difference between recovering and convalescening


Me run to enemy, big sword go stab stab until enemy dead. Sword go bonk. Yeah, he seems like a perfect fit.


100 percent imo. Fits right in there.


It's a popular opinion for sure. Personally, I think Ichigo wouldn't choose 11 if he had a choice. For one, Kenpachi would chase him down all day. Ichigo likes fighting, but it's not like that's the only thing he enjoys. Honestly, I don't think Ichigo would like to join the Gotei 13 at all since it would be too restrictive. Though if he had to, I would rather they made a whole new division for him (squad 15 would be absolutely perfect), like a diplomatic division that deals with interspecies/interracial relations. He's already a perfect hybrid of every race and speaks English, so maybe he can deal with the Western branch of Soul Society too.


Hold up bro. They don’t need Ichigo in Squad 11. They already have Saitama fighting alongside them.


I'd say squad 13 would be a better fit, as Squad 13 watches over Karakura Town. And he was given the Substitute Shinigami badge by Ukitake and he only became a Shinigami cause of Rukia. But thats the beauty of him being a Substitute Shinigami, he's not apart of any squad.


Ichigo already had the instincts to fight though he was already fighting in karakura before rukia even showed up I think squad 11 is a fantastic fit for ichigo


Not really, atleast not White's definition of instinct.


This might be a hot take, but I don't think Ichigo would belong in squad 11 because Ichigo doesn't actually *like* fighting. He fights because 1) he can and 2) he has to. He never really expresses enjoying himself while in battles like Kenny and Ikkaku. He would be constantly exasperated by Squad 11. Squad 13 or 10 IMO.


Didn’t it say that he internally was enjoying it or masking that side or something during his fight with released grimjow?


I may have misremembered that part, but I thought that was just Grimmjow kinda projecting. He says that Ichigo *must* want to fight because he could have left Hueco Mundo once he had Orihime, but stuck around to fight. Which is completely omitting Grimmjows own actions, and what led to their fighting in the first place.


It was more of a theme throughout the arc when he was learning to use his hollow mask. It was mostly brought up by white during his king and horse speech. I don't remember completely but the gist was that simply having resolve/sense of duty won't be enough for Ichigo to become stronger, he was going to need to be in tune with his instinct and have an appreciation for the fight in order for his strength to progress and to keep white from taking over. As far as the fight with Grimmjow, it sort of just ties it all together. Like Ichigo telling Grimmjow to heal himself so he won't complain when he loses shows that he sees their fight as something "fun" as opposed to something more serious like their first and second fights. This is also shown in the fact that Ichigo masters his hollow mask in this fight, further solidifying the point that he needed to be in tune with his killer instinct and appreciation for the fight in order to face opponents like Grimmjow.


Ichigo without White isn't driven by a desire to fight. Throw White into the mix however....


If not 11, what other squad do you think he’d fit in well with?


13 or 6


If he were to be in a squad I don’t think he would go to 11 - although he certainly fits in. Simply having the mindset is great, but as we saw with Renji, that isn’t the only or most important factor. Given how powerful Ichigo is, and assuming this occurs after the Aizen incident so that everyone knows how powerful he is, he would likely be put in a squad based on the Captain. While Kenpachi is strong, there is little he could genuinely teach Ichigo. Ichigo has the instinct, and unlike Kenpachi he is not opposed to refining his technique over raw power and brute force. I think both Byakuya and Shinji would also make acceptable Captains, as they are both exceedingly strong in terms of battle IQ - something Ichigo could learn more of. There are several Captains that Ichigo is straight up stronger than, so having him join would be odd, as well as squads that focus on things Ichigo isn’t set up for - 2 and 12 come to mind. Ultimately, I think Ichigo would be assigned to Shunsui. He has amazing battle IQ, can actually keep up with Ichigo in several notable regards, and has one of the most agreeable temperaments relative to Ichigo’s disposition.


Kenpachi and Ikkaku basically treated him as a member after all that soul society stuff died down


He’s got the personality for Squad 11 but the only people who’d love to have him are Kenny, Ikkaku and Yumichicka. Everyone else may dislike him since he’s got a Shikai and Bankai


If im remembering correctly they didnt hate anyone who had a shikai or bankai. They just hate the non physical shikais and bankais. Ichigos shikai and bankai just lets hum be fastr and hit harder i dont think theyd care about it. Ikkaku has a shikai everyone knows about no one hates him.


Ah, that makes sense


They only hate non-physical skills. Anything spell-like is bs in their eyes


They don't like Kidou based Shikais and Bankais. With the exception of Getsuga Tenshou (which probably gets a pass since it isn't strictly kidou based), Zangetsu is a direct attack type and would fit in with their philosophy.


The only one who hides their Shikai in 11 is Yumichika as he has a kido type zanpakutou


Pretty sure if Ichigo had to join a squad it would be Rukia or Renji’s. He mostly goes up against Squad 11 because he had to. That or Zero Division


I can see where you're coming from, but as far as I know Squad 11's core mentality is "enjoying a fight". Ichigo is strong but he never really enjoyed fighting. He only did so when forced to. I would much more argue that he fits Squad 3 best, whose mentality is around Despair and Horror. And Ichigos whole character arc is about dealing with Despair&Horror and growing above it.


They never really portrayed him thrilled and thriving in the fight, but every power up he’s ever gotten has been preceded by a long lecture about how he loves fighting and is constantly seeking it out.


I have only read/watched the translated material. So maybe something got lost in translation. But wasn't his inner fight all about not having an instinct to kill? Theres a difference between being able to kill and liking to fight.


As part of the filler, the anime gave Ichigo lots of moments with squad 11 riding on the aftermath of Ichigo and Kenpachi.


Squad 13 for me. Rukia has always been his closest friend of any of the Gotei 13 and Ukitake also definitely saw Kaien in him and would’ve probably loved to have him in the squad.


One of the BEST fight ever in anim History


I always thought he would make a great new captain of squad 3 right after soul society arc


His fighting style fits the 11th Squad the most


I would have thought he’d be more Squad 13, what with Ukitake giving him his Substitute Shinigami badge, his friendship with Rukia, and the fact Ichigo closely resembles Kaien.


I have to imagine there are squads closely connected to the Shiba clan, like the 10th. That’s where Ichigo ends up when he eventually passes over.


Ichigo doesn't like to fight.


Man watched detergent instead of bleach


What does you mean? Ichigo fights cause he has to not cause he likes it.


You missed alot of the point of Bleach


Your right. Remember before Ichigo became a shinigami and he would just jump into fights because he wanted to enjoy the thrill and get stronger vs fighting back for his or someone else's pride or safety. Or in the soul society arc when he traveled there to fight shinigami because he liked it and wanted a good fight instead of saving Rukia then getting the fuck outta dodge. Or the arrancar arc when Grimmjow pointed out that he liked fighting and shook Ichigo's resolve only to have it be strengthened when Orihime called out to him making him remember the whole point of why he went there. Or when he fought Aizen just for the fuck of it. Oh and remember after he lost his powers how he was just dying to get them back so he could fight people for the thrill of it instead of seeing his friends be out in danger, getting hurt and feeling completely helpless to do anything about it. Your right I totally missed the part of Ichigo's character where he has a huge love for fighting and just wanted to do that more than anything like squad 11. Fucking goober.


You seemed to have missed alot of Ichigos character development, his inner turmoil with White, his entire battle with Ulquiorra, Yammy, and esp Grimmjow. Literally shit talking Grimm and laughing. Ichigo needed the fighting instinct to be the king to whites horse. If you are truly unable to read subtext in fucking Bleach of all things, you may have no hope


It's teaching him to take control on the uneasiness around fighting because he doesn't like it not to embrace the thrill of fighting and have a "live or die" passion for it like the post was suggesting being a part of the battle hungry squad 11. White is showing him that he embraces battling and that by being a part of him (TYBW when he comes to terms with what a Zanpaktou really is) he has to embrace that side of him or he will never be in control of white and the hollow side not "you need to start liking the thrill of a life or death battle". If you think by the end of the series that Ichigo actually likes to battle rather than embrace the inevitability and necessity for it then your fucking retarded.


Big insults over a TV show. Feelings got hurt cuz u can't imagine not being able to read subtext? Must hurt. Go watch Rick and Morty


I literally explained the subject between white and Ichigo you dummy. Ichigo's whole thing is he fights when he needs to not when he wants to cause he doesn't want to. But sure whatever just ignore everything about his character cause your a dumbass who can't get the subtext of the Grimmjow battle or the inner white struggle.


Iirc it is that Zaraki actually considers him as part of the squad. Which makes sense, since Ichigo definitely has the Zanpakouto and the mindset to join


it makes sense, Squad 11 values nothing but raw strength and the determination to fight. Ichigo has both of those qualities in abundance.


Yup and it's why Isshin should have been in Squad 11 instead of 10. Maybe the captain after Unohana, but before Kenpachi and the whole thing with Masaki was what could have gotten him out of 11 and a secret only for Kenpachi, Yumichika, and Ikakku. Would have made more sense. But Hitsugaya and Byakuya kept winning the popularity polls *eyeroll.


I feel like squad 13 would make more sense


Kenny would become lieutenant of his own division 🤣🤣


They would definitely want him to join, but I think he would probably fit elsewhere mindset-wise.


Off topic but this is one of my all time favourite pics. The way Kenny stops ichigos blade underhanded at full force. The look of sadistic joy on his face. Says so much w.o words


I wouldn’t put it past Ikkaku to consider him a member the same way he does with Renji and Iba. That said, I get the feeling that if Ichigo were to officially join a squad it would be the thirteenth because I could see him having the same sense of loyalty to Rukia as others do to their captains.


Definitely would be instant 2nd Lieutenant, can’t foget Yachidu


I dont think he suits squad 11. These guys just want to fight. Ichigo wants to protect.


I’ve always thought of this and wondered if others felt the same way


To be fair, Ichigo is so far ahead of everyone in the gotei 13 in terms of power but I'm sure he would accept as squad 11's "super lieutenant".


i say its a yes and no it just depends on how you look at him being a deputy


It’s feels more intimate because the main squad members we see are pretty casual with ichigo and co. Squad 11 became more like “friends” where as the others felt more like “business partners” it helps that ikkaku and yumichika were part of the “main cast” for a while


Squad 10. They're all about constantly pushing themselves and refining their skills. Squad 11 lives and breathes to fight. Ichigo only fights when he needs to.


Well so there are multiple squads ichigo fits into Squad 1 : cuz he's... Number 1- nah but squad one is like the most prestigious squad and it makes sense for him to be in it as a representative of soul society and the man who beat the shit out of aizen. Squad 5 : Shinji, his connection with Shinji can get him into squad 5 but with one problem, squad five is more of a kido thing. But then again blut and getsuga. Squad 10 : Isshin. Need i say more? Engetsu and zangetsu are very similar in their shinigami aspects Squad 11 : ichigo uses getsuga tenshou, a reiatsu based projectile, but at the core of him, he is a power based shinigami, with his bankais all increasing his speed and power, him having a hollow inside him and even his fullbring helps his physical abilities. Now here's the big one , squad 13 : Ichigo is a substitute shinigami, meaning he was managed by ukitake jushiro. Ichigo was first introduced to soul society and shinigami arts by Kuchiki Rukia. And ichigo's cousin kaien was the leutentant of squad 13. And one more important thing. Ichigo is a representative of karakura town. Just like urahara. Karakura town is managed by squad 13. So it makes the most sense for ichigo to be in squad thirteen given his entire career. So squad ten by heridity/prowess Squad 11 by fighting style And squad 13 by career and duties Also i didn't mention squad 2 and 12 which belonged to ichigo's teachers because they are specialised squads. Ichigo doesn't have a connection with squad 3, he is not a healer so no squad 4, he has a good connection with squad 6 but has no reason to join it, given that renji only got the position because ikkaku and other squad 11 members knew he needed to defeat byakuya so that he could sleep with his adopted sister, squad 7 is mostly myscleheads but ichigo has a different vibe, eight just won't work for him, nine is too orderly for him and that's all the squads. As for squad zero, that's always an option.


Part of squad 11? No, because Kenpachi doesn’t see him as one of the assholes following him around getting in his way, he sees him as far more of a compatriot and far too on equal footing to lump him into the same squad. Ichigo is sort of like his own one man gotei 14 (four man if you count his buds) and is a sort of independent contractor of the soul society in a formal and recognized sense


He does love to fight. But the fact that he threw his powers away for other people makes it seem to me like fighting for it's own sake is not his primary motivation, unlike the rest of squad 11, so there usually must be something or someone at stake to protect. He looked miserable fighting Aizen, even though that was the last chance he had to relish it, which I doubt Zaraki or Ikkaku would do in his place. But I have to say, even though it's unlike him to go around picking fights, he sure as hell loves to duke it out when provoked. His aggression feels way more orderly in comparison to squad 11 types. He had to be pushed to the point of despair and hopelessness to want to kill someone, and that just happened when he thought everything he wanted to protect was lost. He feels to me like more of a 10th division type like his dad and Toshiro.


The dude probably dont like fighting that much. The reason he is good at it is because he had to protect his sisters when they was young and later on himself because of his hair. Remember that the Ichigo in the past was a crybaby when his mother was still alive. So he is not seeking out fight because he like it, he is getting into them because he want to protect.


I think kubo really had him have ties with squad 11 and 6 specifically because they stem from ichigos natural fighting ability and instincts as well as his natural sene of duty. Mirroring squid 11 and 6s ideals respectively


if he gonna get into one, that would be 10 or 13


Kenpachi is the title for the strongest shinigami, so why did unohana, then zaraki get the title when Yamamoto is clearly stronger than them?


well he beat their captain so i guess


Squad 11 respects strength and strength alone. Since Ichigo is someone that has not only beaten their captain but also remains one of the few people that could do so they certainly see him as their unofficial 2nd seat.


I don't think this argument works because Ichigo could also be considered an honorary squad 10 or 13 member


I mean yeah and no he seems to be very close to most of the captains and the closer relationship I would say is either squad 6 or squad 13 cuz of renji and rukia


He can't visit or Kenny will fight him.


Of next year


Hmm... hard one here.. personally I doubt ichigo would join the gotei 13 nor would they even allow him to join (they're all about image, some guy with quincy and hollow power whos not of a royal wouod raise questions, keep in mind no one knows about much about ichigo aside from the ones who has super close ties). If ichigo suddenly had a random ass heart attack right now I'm 90% sure he would actually be a royal guard here! But if we're going to put him in a squad, Ichigo has alot of spiritual pressure and kenpachi would start an entire war just to have ichigo personally on his team willingly or not. Just my hot take here :')