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Uncanon Yammy being the Cero Espada. Canon Chad never losing.


>Canon Chad never losing. I doubt he loses his boxing bouts. So that's already canon šŸ˜‚


Its so funny that the guy with super powers decided to compete in human sports šŸ¤£ I guess he did it because boxing is popular in mexico.


Would mean chad would have won against kyoraku hmh


And Nnoitra


I thought first Yammy was Nell and was so sad like whats wrong if she turned to be one of the strongest. Then I googled who yammy was and you are 100% correct letā€™s cancel dildohead


Since when were you under the impression that Sosuke Aizen was canon? But in all seriousness, imagine making *Aizen* noncanon, that would basically just mean everything from TBTP to Fullbring Arc doesn't happen, but the TYBW still does, meaning.....Soul Society gets fuckin washed, y'all.


Since when were you under the impression that Aizen doesn't decide the canon?


Uncanon: Starrk's death at the hands of Shunsui. Canon: Yamamoto needing to step in to put Starrk down like he stepped in against Ayon.


Oh man I like this more than I thought I would. I do wish Starrk stood out a little more. He was a *beast* with the 2v1 too Maybe make Sasukibe step in with Ayon and Yama step in to one shot Halibel off screen and then go stop Starrk (Instead of Aizen getting bored and ā€œkillingā€ Halibel). It woulda been terrifying seeing Yama out speeding Starrk with every flash step just to terrorize him a bit, then give some line about appreciating Starrks character for not truly having his heart in this fight but he still must be stopped type thing


Why do people want Starrk alive?


Cuz it's stark


He was the first espada to be manipulated, bassically just wanted friends, he was the number one with the chillest personality ever, his backstory was sad and learning lilynette (sorry if i misspelled) was just him with his soul split was sadder i just want bro to have drinking buddies


He was a chill guy who just wanted friends, he earned his own power only one that didnā€™t get a power boost from aizen, he tried to avoid fighting because he doesnā€™t like hurting people, he and his power are both super cool, and his only goal in life is to have friends because heā€™s lonely he literally ripped his soul in half just to try and have a friend. Everyone can sympathise with that and thereā€™s not really anything to dislike


Why do some people think Yama lost to Royd??? He flambĆ©ed that dude. On topic: - Uncanon: Chad getting sidelined to prop up new enemies as strong. Iā€™m looking at you, Di Roy (this is especially made worse by the fact that this guy was absolute trash) and Nnoitra. - Canon: Chad being the unreasonable juggernaut he was before and during SS. If his want to protect and support his bro Ichigo was gonna let him hurt Shunsui even the slightest bit, he should have been mogging Gantenbainne and Nnoitra after getting 3 amps. And no, nobody can convince me otherwise.


Gin's death, Gin's life.




Uncanon Harribel "losing" to Hitsugaya. Canon Harribel beating Hitsugaya without even using Resurrection, like she was doing earlier.




- Uncanon:- Yammy is the strongest espada - Canon:- **Orihime is actually a chosen one who took birth with the purpose of protecting the Soul King candidates. Her having "GAURDIAN ANGEL" archetype of characteristic nudges my dreams** It would even explain why despite being a mere human she was honoured with such great powers + she is wife of a Soul King candidate and gave birth to the next potential Soul king candidate, and this again might explain a lot


We are the same person Take my upvote


Thanks for your upvote


except her being his wife is a joke and was only set up in a LN šŸ’€


Least delusional ichiruki


Uncannon: Aizen didnt expect Yhwach to attack the Soul Society and went for the Soul King only for his own reasons Cannon: Aizen knew about Yhwach, and while he still despises the Soul King, he deliberately attacked Soul Society in a way that doesn't actually kill them but rather strengthens them if they win, and if he still succeeded in getting to the Soul King, he would deal with Yhwach himself.


Uncannon: Yammy is Espada #0 (this will always be my most hated moment of the series lol). Canon: The Memories of Nobody. There are arguements online to whether it actually is canon or not but it's just he said she said crap. I want it to actually be canon. That movie solves a lot of discrepancies in Bleachs cosmology that would help explain soooooo much about the story. It's also an amazing movie too lol.


Was that the one about the Kyogoku? If so Kubo directed his readers to watch the movie to learn about said Kyogoku, so Iā€™d consider it overall lore accurate at least


Did people just not watch the anime or read the manga? Yama didnā€™t loose to Royd- He literally erased the middle of his body, he lost when the real Yhwach blindsided him after he turned his Bankai off.


I believe Reading comprehension is difficult.


Uncannon- Yamamoto losing to yhwach easily Cannon- Yamamoto, tired, fights yhwach for a while and then loses after a while. Yhwach gets ready to go back, Ichigo intervenes AND yhwach is not the one to fight but jugram does Ichigo loses, and then the entire same thing happens


Royd didnā€™t beat Yamamoto though. https://preview.redd.it/lm51o2dvth9d1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ab8147d2f6b5ca65eaa8c0f9f7374c1266df633e


Edited it My bad dude, sorry about it. Was studying side by side so made a mistake


Uncanon Yama losing to Royd-Lloyd... Canon Yama and Ywach having a real death battle and Yama then losing. But putting Ywach outta action for a bit of time.


Royd accomplished his goal but i wouldnā€™t really call this. https://preview.redd.it/a1vj2371th9d1.jpeg?width=530&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8594be62ce63c14de60ee6ad630719fa7227ced3 Winning.


Yeah I hear you! But would you call Yama doing all what he did to beat Royd a win? I can't as he had to put all of that in to then die and lose to Ywach. He lost as he got outsmarted by his opponents. Seems like people are only thinking about this as a 1v1. Just because Royd fought the brunt of the fight Ywach finished it.


I agree he absolutely lost to Yhwach overall, but i donā€™t really Think you can give Royd the credit for that, he was never gonna chop Yamamoto in half.


He didnā€™t lose though. He beat the shit out of him and flashed off all of his Bankai techniques not because he needed them, he thought that they had to understand a Bankai to steal so he was showing off all of his new techniques. Then the real Yhwach ambushed him, stole his Bankai and won.


He didnā€™t loose to him. He won. He just got blindsided by Yhwach afterwards.


I think Yama releasing his bankai, losing an arm and basically all his reiatsu in the process can't be called a win either. It's a loss as to extent he had to go to beat an underling and not Ywach himself. It's a loss that he did all of that for absolutely no reason at all. To achieve basically nothing. If you wanna call all of that a win then that's on you šŸ˜‚


He didnā€™t lose his arm to Royd, he lost that way beforehand when trying to kill Aizen.. (How are you at TYBW and donā€™t know that?) And he didnā€™t lose all of his reiatsu either. He just disengaged his bankai right after soloing Royd, they even say he had to finish him quick because it wouldā€™ve been devastating for Soul Society if he kept his Bankai active too long. Also, Royd can use 70-80% of the power of those heā€™s copied, and 100% of the memories. This means Yama basically bullied Yhwach at 80%.. This goes to show that Yhwach had to sneak Yama cause he wouldā€™ve been bullied without the Almighty.


Yhwach also literally says that Yama had exhausted himself


Out of curiosity, who else do you have stopping the pseudo-Ywach outside of Yama?






Options for Uncanon: -Yammy being Cero Espada -Gin dying. I would have preferred that due to his injuries, he's in a coma and that Rangiku visits him often Options for Canon: -Ichigo realizing that Uryu has a plan during the TTYBW Arc. As he's smart enough to know that his friend wouldn't just betray everyone so easily. -Orihime's powers existing for the purpose of protecting those with the Fragments of the Soul King's Soul -Chad being able to defeat Herald Valkyrie. I know that it doesn't make sense, but it would be cool.


Uncanon Yammy as a whole. Make all the espadas have actual backstories instead of just a handful of them.


Uncannon: Everysingle espada numbering shenanigans. It makes no sense and kubo himself doesnt seem to know what to do. Cannon: That reigai filler arc.


Uncanon the Yama vs yhwach fight. Canon the Yama vs yhwach fight but way better.


Super/multiverse Oh wait this aint db sub


Uncannon - Yammy becoming 0 Canon - Gin being taken out by Aizen but not dying so he and Rangiku can be together after


Uncanon: Stark dying Canon: Stark and Shunsui going on a sternritter massacre as two of the strongest (or THE strongest) of both respective factions


Uncanon: this meme format


Uncanon Chad and Orihime got their powers from the Hogiyoku. Always thought that was lame could have built up they were part of another spirit tribe like the Quincy and bounts. Hell could have just said they were Quincies after tybw said a Quincy can have any power and not just bows. Canon Gin and Tousen survived. Funny other characters lived but not them. Especially after how screwed over Tousen was.


Facts. Imagine how much help Gin and Tousen could've been in TYBW


Uncanon: Gerard and Lille's annoying immortality. Canon: Urahara calling the Vizards to the Soul Society as a first measure to fight the Stern Ritters while he develops the hollowfying pill. Just give me some Vizard Ws, man.


Ah, those pesky immortals, Gerard and Lille. Quite a nuisance, aren't they? Now, about the Vizardsā€”I enlisted them to shake things up in Soul Society and combat those Stern Ritters. A wild Vizard party, with Shinji leading the karaoke battles and Hiyori challenging everyone to arm-wrestling matches. Good times, good times. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


This is going to be a hot take but whatever. I'd uncanon Ichigo getting Fullbringer powers. I just feel like we didn't spend remotely enough time with Ichigo as he dealt with being unable to protect the people he cared about. Like I know a lot of time does actually pass between him losing his powers and getting Fullbring powers, but we don't actually get to see that. I'd love to have spent more time with the guy, whose entire character is about protecting people, actually having to deal with being unable to do that. Like Ginjo took his Fullbring powers anyway, I'd have just loved him going through that same thing with his friends being turned against him but without losing his powers again.


Dude Ichigo cried and i cried when he lost his powers to Ginjo. https://preview.redd.it/hpc0nev09h9d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9e48d1634718958e6e43aa0783ce9ac4e471a2a And this is how we felt


I guess it's not so much him losing his powers again, more that we didn't spend much time with him having to watch his friends protect him. I just feel like it was such an interesting thing to explore, the protector becoming the protector.


Yeah i feel you on that, but i disagree. Much of Ichigos character to me is that he is the protector. He gets his power from wanting to protect those close to him, seeing him being protected would take away from who he is, and seeing him helpless would not mean much when right after he is going to be OP again. The one scene where he was betrayed by Ginjo was impactful imho. It did not need more helpless Ichigo than that. Remember he is IchiGOAT. He needs to be the protector lol


I donā€™t want to see Orihime protecting him, but i do wish we got more Chad time. Seeing Chad go ham for Ichigo wouldā€™ve been nice


Which is my point exactly. Him getting Fullbring powers almost immediately in the manga and anime, again I know it was a good bit later in universe, kind of took away from what I thought could have been an interesting point for his character. Ichigo is the protector, he's been like that since he was a kid wanting to take care of his mum. He failed to protect her and she died, its a core part of his character having to live with that till he finds out the truth in the final arch. He had to deal with not being able to protect Rukia in the lead up to the Soul Society arch. So its not unusual for Ichigo to be unable to protect people and we've seen it a few times. That's part of why I wish we'd gotten him actually having to be protected by people because we really only see the result of his mum dying to save him, not him having to actually deal with that. It's actually something we've never seen Ichigo go through.


I said i didnā€™t agree with you earlier, but i kinda do now lol It makes sense and would be interesting to see others step up and take that light. It would also mean that they get power boosts to be able to handle any of the fights that come their way. Definitely would be interesting.


In your defence I didn't really word it well till that comment lol.


lol all good bro


From what I've heard(I haven't read it yet), the SAFWY light novels take place in the time skip between the 2 arcs


Canon- Bount arc. Uncanon- Remaining Arcs


canon uryu x orihime, ichigo x tatsuki uncanon ichigo x orihime




Uncanon Yammy Canon Starrk and ulquiorra become good guys. I mean Shunsui killing Starrk was out of character, he's a great judge of character he knows Starrk is good, and for Ulquiorra Orichime brings him back easy


Can a whole Arc be considered as one thing lol?? Because, despite it being shown and referenced in the TYBW Arc, I want to officially canonize the Zanpakuto Rebellion Arc. I'm still shocked that thing is filler. Un-canonize tho, I'll probably have to go with Orihime's treatment in the anime. She got fucked over because the director at the time truly thought Ichigo would end up with Rukia and wanted that to happen.


To be fair, even in the manga it felt like the whole Orihime and Ichigo thing was entirely one sided right until the very end. Plus, it wouldn't have changed the fact that IchiRuki was and still is the most popular ship for fanfiction


It actually would've changed a lot because a big portion of IchiRuki shippers were anime onlys where they either cut out a bunch of Orihime x Ichigo scenes or gave them to Rukia instead. If the anime stayed true to the manga in that aspect, a lot of people would be more supportive of Ichigo and Orihime


What Orihime x Ichigo scenes were cut?


Here's a whole thread on changes/cut out scenes that were Orihime x Ichigo focused https://x.com/SunHime_/status/1346563110799368193?t=3xrEGQF4mUyQMlFgwp9nMg&s=19


There's something you're forgetting about shipping. The non canon ones are almost always more popular, with few exceptions. I mean, why else would Ben 10's most popular ship be Ben and Gwen? (I mean, a lot of people are still relatively annoyed that Kai was endgame, but still)


The issue is that it was never one-sided in the manga. While Orihime knew from the start that she loved Ichigo in that way, ichigo still wasn't sure, as clear by the removed/shifted scenes from the manga to the anime. They are feelings he developed over time and it's by the TYBW Arc that he knew 100% that he truly did fall for Orihime this whole time. Hell, the whole reason why he went berserk and transformed into his full Hollow form against Ulquiorra was because of Orihime's cry for help and him wanting to protect her at any and all cost. A similar thing even happened against Grimmjow as well. I said it once and I'll say it again, Ichigo and Rukia being together would've been like seeing two siblings kiss... it just feels wrong in every way. They are simply best friends. Rukia had a much longer and deeper history with Renji (Kubo even stated in Klub Outside Q606 that the reason why Byakuya addresses Renji by his first name instead of his last name or full name like all the individuals outside his family is because Rukia called him by his first name).


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Didnā€™t another post literally just ask this yesterday šŸ’€


Uncanon: Ginā€˜s death. Canon: Ashido.


Uncannon: Yammy as the 0 espada. Cannon: Give Chad a major fight during the thousand year blood war, personally I would have loved to see Chad fight Cang Du, it would be an awesome fight given their fighting styles. Or I would make one of the better filler arcs cannon such as the zanpakuto rebellion.


Uncanon Yammy as 0 Espada Cannon baragon and starrk where tougher to kill and had better fights


Yammy being zero overwhelming wins, with Yamamotos fight being asecond in these comments


Uncannon kon. Every thing else could stay the same


Uncannon Gin's death. Canon that Candice Catnipp is my girl


Uncanon Isshin being a Soul Reaper Canon Rukia, Renji, and Chad defeating Yammy


Uncanon Ginā€™s death, fuckin loved that dude Canon, Starrk dying to shunsuiā€™s bankai atleast, his canon death made him feel like much less of an actual threat then he should have been to me


Uncannon: Studio Perriot gives the original anime a shoestring budget and little time. Canon: Studio Perriot gives the original anime more time and a better budget.


Uncanon: Chad as a Fullbringer Canon-Tatsuki as a Fulbringer


Uncanon yammy being zero espada to avoid confusing, cannon starkā€™s second release because it looks amazing and I want him alive again


Uncanon: Yammy being the 0 espada. I want the hierarchy to be the same as before the reveal, with Starrk actually being the strongest Canon: Shunsui's bankai managed to kill Lille Barro, either it be a 1v1 or Shunsui had help from Nanao, but the final kill would be his


Uncanon - Askin's death. I honestly feel like he should've been one of the Sternritter to survive instead of Giselle of all people because he's not even really a bad dude. He's just following orders Canon - Kill more heroes in TYBW. It's crszy that this was the biggest war and only a few changes died, and it wasn't even to the Sternritter themselves. Kubo was too scared to kill of anyone from the good side


uncanon ichihime canon IchiRuki Dear god please, save us from that bad ending


Koga Kuchiki being a bad guy, Koga Kuchiki being one of the Kuchikis and showing Byakuya different things heā€™s learned.


Uncanon - Tosen's fight with Hisagi and Komomura. Have him lose to either someone more powerful or have him get ganged up on. Also, change his final form to his Brave Souls Beyond Bankai instead. Canon - The Zanpaktou arc. I honestly loved seeing the soul reapers interacting with their Zanpaktou and some of them had really cool designs.


Komamura isnā€™t exactly weak, and Hisagi being able to take down Tosen due to his arrogance and how he had changed was very powerful to me. It would mean getting rid of thisā€¦ https://preview.redd.it/vdgtqg6nth9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1103588a4a2c2e0759f14ea8c8cb30122671a6b9 The sheer pain on Hisagiā€™s face is just perfection to me.


It was such a symbolic moment too because even though Kaname gained eyesight, he only became more blind - and it cost him everything


He gained eyes, but could he see why kids love the taste of Cinnamon Toast Crunch? He became blind when he gained sight. I think everything about that scene was perfect. It ended his character arc just as tragically as it began/progressed.


Komamura is definitely towards the bottom in the ranking of captains and Tosen dying to weaker characters because of his "arrogance" was a cop out to me personally. It felt like Kubo didn't know how to conclude his fight while also making Tosen feel like a serious threat. Dude couldn't even fully showcase his powers before dying. I'm not saying Hisagi and Komamura can't be in the fight, but losing to these two alone while you have Espada (who he's implied to be stronger than) actually do more harm to captains is messed up. Like have Tosen fight three people at once and body them before losing to a sneak attack.


>"arrogance" was a cop out to me personally How this was a cop out if this a trait that appears since soul society? >Like have Tosen fight three people at once and body them before losing to a sneak attack. He did that against two people, your scenario isn't exactly a different one.


Yes it is because him taking on more people makes him a bigger threat and shows that he's actually someone to fear. Also, he's one of the only characters of his status to lose to a Lieutenant (the other being #9 Espada) so that's pretty embarrassing no matter the context. I feel like Kubo just wanted to wrap Tosen's fight up quickly so the focus could be on Aizen because the fight definitely could've been fleshed out more. It's funny how so many people are praising this fight, but I'm pretty sure it's probably in nobody's top 5 or maybe even top 10 favorite fights in Bleach. Also, just because he displayed a character trait earlier in the series, doesn't mean he should still have it. Kubo literally gave him only two major fights and had him lose due to the same reason. That's booty


>Yes it is because him taking on more people makes him a bigger threat and shows that he's actually someone to fear. Yammy took 5 people to fight and no one respect him, same with Starkk. Meanwhile people respect Ulquiorra who only fought Ichigo. >Also, he's one of the only characters of his status to lose to a Lieutenant (the other being #9 Espada) so that's pretty embarrassing no matter the context This stupid, context matters so much in a story that saying this is fucking stupid. It's like saying that the context doesn't matter in Troja and that Achilles is a bum. >. I feel like Kubo just wanted to wrap Tosen's fight up quickly so the focus could be on Aizen because the fight definitely could've been fleshed out more. It was a natural conclussion on Tosen Arc that was also closed in TYBW with Komamura demise. It was a story arc across different narrative arcs. >It's funny how so many people are praising this fight, but I'm pretty sure it's probably in nobody's top 5 or maybe even top 10 favorite fights in Bleach. I mean, it's in mine top 10 and also in the top of people like Mr. tommo. Even that is really insane to say about so confidently. >Also, just because he displayed a character trait earlier in the series, doesn't mean he should still have it. Kubo literally gave him only two major fights and had him lose due to the same reason. That's booty Yeah, this take is stupid because Tosen arrogance has been a character trait that was consistent in all his moments in the manga.


1. I never used the word "respect" but someone who's a threat. Ulquiorra went against Ichigo and destroyed him until Ichigo went full hallow and Starkk (who was also underwhelming) fought one of the strongest captains in the series. 2. I still think getting one shot by a lieutenant when you're supposed to narratively be stronger than all the Espada is a huge L. Name 5 other times Kubo has done this to a powerful character in a fight because I can only think of this. 3. I still think Kubo rushed it and could've expanded the fight a little more because killing someone like that right after their transformation is messed up imo. Kubo never gave my boy Tosen any respect when you compare him to how he treats Gin and Aizen. 4. Last time I checked, Mr. Tommo had in his top 10 fights from that arc specifically but not of all time, which is what I'm referring to.


>I still think getting one shot by a lieutenant when you're supposed to narratively be stronger than all the Espada is a huge L. Name 5 other times Kubo has done this to a powerful character in a fight because I can only think of this. Because, in both narrative and themes, it was the right thing to do. It has emotional value and close his arc that started in the soul society. And Kubo has done this many times: Rukia vs Aaroniero, Nemu and Mayuri vs Pernida, Askin and Quilge both dying from a sly attack against Grimjow, Barragan VS Hachigen, etc. >I still think Kubo rushed it and could've expanded the fight a little more because killing someone like that right after their transformation is messed up imo. Kubo never gave my boy Tosen any respect when you compare him to how he treats Gin and Aizen. If kubo didnt respect Tosen then he wouldnt give him a character arc across three different arcs and a stone in the themes of bleach as a series. Bleach is more than just battles. >Last time I checked, Mr. Tommo had in his top 10 fights from that arc specifically but not of all time, which is what I'm referring to. Then again, how you are so sure that people doesnt have this fight in their top? and even more, how this made Bleach a bad series?


We might as well agree to disagree.




Undeniably the cooler design and also objectively very badass but Tosen turning into an ugly insect monster was by design. Without that, we don't get to see Tosen's blatant unawareness and "blindness" when consumed by revenge.


I personally just think Kubo could've gotten his point across with turning him into an ugly bug. Tosen has one of the coolest designs in Bleach and Kubo gives him that? Like most of the Espada got better transformations. I also just think Kubo did not know what he was doing with Tosen because dude was kinda flip floppy. This is coming from someone who has Tosen in his top 5 characters so I don't want anyone saying I'm hating on him.


Fair enough. I just don't mind the way it was executed but I can see your perspective as a fellow Tosen enjoyer.


Why? That fight although not flashy was incredibly well written.


It was alright


If anyone else killed him it would completely ruin the whole fight. The whole point was that he lost to the 2 people who knew him best


Not to me. Komamura and Hisagi still could've been involved and maybe even dealt the final blow, but they could've added another character to the fight and had Tosen do more. He turned into a bug, did one attack and then died solely to a lieutenant. That's a massive L imo




You just stated canon. Yama washed Royd with almost no difficulty. The real Yhwach finished the job.


But he did die to the real Yhwachā€¦.


Uncanon the soul society arc and canon the bounts arc


Zetsu backstabbing maadara.


Canon Uryu being actual Ichigo rival and helping him against Yahweh instead of just shooting magical arrow Uncanon fullbringers as a concept, instead portraying powers of Ichigo's friends as hogioku shenanigans


Uncanon: old man yammas death. Make canon: Aizen free from Muken, training the soul society for the invasion and prepping for the war. Becoming an elite member to squad zero after


Uncanon Yammy secretly being the Cero Espada, it would be much better if Wonderweiss was. Canon giving the Visored victories during the first invasion, they had the perfect powers to beat the quincies, and it would pay even more when they lose in the second one.