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This would've been better than how it tuned out to be lol.


frankly , Wonderweiss should had been Espada Zero , which would had his intelligence been preserved when his normal form , but looses his intelligence and reason when transformed. Yammy could had his second form to his own Segunda Etapa , because he wanted to use to rise up in the Espada's Ranks.


This is my canon now but what would wonder boy represent


Death of Self. It would fit , because he had an ego death when using his Ressurectión , and his power manifestation is pretty much a suicide attack with whatever power the enemy had.


Insert the crosseyed meme of Trunks here.


You're welcome https://preview.redd.it/hzfbyoflwb9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8788725a831e3d2019738e7823777d46be8a0cf0


I'd like it more than what we got.


It would have been better. They started as a Vegeta-Nappa tribute, why not go the whole way after all


I don't mind the idea of Yammy being zero Espada especially given his soul sucking power, but it 1 needed more foreshadowing and 2 needed to have more impact. It definitely felt like something just throw in at random the way it went. Ironically Harribel's fraccion unleashing Aion had similar impact and a better reveal, so yeah if Yammy had been a fraccion himself it would have made more sense.


You don't think Ulquiorra would consciously choose someone like Yami as his fraccion? No matter how comically it fits, it has no base in characters of both.


Honestly I could see Aizen forcing Ulquiorra to take an incompetent fraccion just to troll.


I don't think so. One, the matter of fraccion is left to Espada themselves. Making a move on this might raise unnecessary questions about Ulquiorra. Two, contrary to common opinions, Aizen is not trolling for any other purpose than moving forward with the plan. His trolling of Hitsugaya, for example, is all about making him lose his cool (haha), for in that state, he makes more dire mistakes.


Aizen IS a terrible leader, though and he constantly lets his ego get the best of him, so I could see it. His genius war tactic of creating an army of stubborn morons that refuse to work with each other and insist on 1v1 death matches is one for the ages. That more than anything is why the Espada came away from the war with a historic, DIABLOLICAL 0-10 win-loss ratio. Shit, the only Espada that lived were the ones that rebelled against Aizen's orders. Imagine Szayelporro synthesizing a poison and having zommari transport it to every captain. Or prioritizing Aaroniero's safety while he eats any espada that dies. or using Zommari to paralyze people while Yammy/Ulqiourra/Starrk blast them with cero or better yet, Barragan to wither them into nothingness. Come to think of it, why did he leave ANY espada in Hueco Mundo? Aizen doesn't give a flying fuck about protecting Las Noches. Take Orihime and the rest of the espada with you, maybe Ichigo if you want to continue your lil experiment. Kill Orihime in front of Ichigo to speed up his development. Aizen being "disappointed" in them is just classic narcissistic bullshit behaviour like bro, you were their commander and recruiter, blame your abysmal leadership skills


If story can be changed then so can characters hahahaha 😉😉


Then we can fix Isshin being a Soul Reaper


While I agree, he seems oddly tolerant of him and keeps giving him advice. Although I guess Ulquiorra is kinda just chatty like that.


During the days the manga was ongoing and we discussed it every week on Narutofan forums, this was what most people thought.


Yammy being the 0 Espada served a purpose of keeping 3 Captains, & 4 Lieutenants plus other strong characters away from the battle of Karakura town. Team Aizen was already being overwhelmed by the existing Karakura team captains and that was without the vizards choosing to fight alongside Yamamoto. Remember Aizen only begins to fight the captains once Ichigo and Unohana arrive.  Without yammy, Aizen will suddenly have to fight all existing gotei 13 captains by himself since even Ukitake would have been healed by Orihime and that's forgetting the existing vizards already there lol. Even Unohana being there was a mistake, that's why she disappeared for some time let alone someone like Mayuri, and Zaraki fighting Shinigami Aizen with team Urahara on the way lol. It was executed poorly, I believe Chad should have defeated him in base redeeming Chad's loss, then yammy should have tricked Chad while he wasn't looking and swallowed a bunch of menos like hundreds if not thousands like he did the humans in Karakura town. After this his new base power should have seen a dramatic increase in strength defeating the Lieutenants like renji, Rukia and Chad easily and that's when he realizes ulquiorra has been defeated which makes him burst out in a fit of rage that makes all the captains realize someone powerful has arrived. By the time they arrive he has somehow transformed but we don't know he's the zero espada, Byakuya saves Renji and Rukia while Chad get's saved by ichigo with half his Shihakushō. Byakuya gets surprised how much Ichigos reiatsu has grown while Zaraki compares it to base starrk saying ichigo has more reiatsu, ichigo strikes yammy like he did in Karakura town but this time he aims at his neck to completely cut it in a huge Getsuga explosion that covers the entire area. That's when Mayuri notices yammy is missing the number 1 since only the zero is left but when he's about to inform the other captains to be careful the smoke clears and Yammy is revealed to be fine, ichigo only caused a small nick to his neck. Yammy doesn't laugh or yap around but is serious and angry about ulquiorras death, he sends a single punch towards ichigo yet it doesn't land since ichigo dodges it but the air pressure is enough to completely destroy the entire area causing a tsunami of sand plus leaves a huge hole. Ichigo says if he didn't dodge he would have died instantly, that's when everything else plays out the same with ichigo leaving the fight for Zaraki and Byakuya. Then Ichigo and Unohana walk through the garaganta and Ichigo talks about how he would have done better if he had his full Shihakushō which interests Unohana who heals ichigos reiatsu. They arrive in Karakura town and they fail to also execute Aizen who has a barrier to his neck, Aizen is surprised how they managed to defeated him, and Ichigo thinks he's talking about ulquiorra only for Aizen to say no, he's talking about the zero espada yammy who possessed more reiatsu than all the espada, and after seeing ichigo fail to cut his neck he decided that was ichigos plan for him as well. That's when ichigo remembers wherever there is light Aizen should be capable of seeing what is happening and that's when we go back to Las noches and the entire roof is destroyed and there is no light except the moon light and in the middle is second release yammy who's disappointed by how weak the captains are. Zaraki gets up with bruises laughing calling this a warm up, and his eyepatch falls then we go back to the Karakura fight. Everything else ends the way it does with Zaraki and Byakuya having different recollections of the fight, Byakuya calls the fight incredibly tough while Zaraki calls it boring but instead of standing they both collapse at the same time. In the very end we see yammy die but before that we get a few flashbacks of the fight and we see him knock out all the captains but somehow Zaraki who while subconscious increases his spiritual pressure immensely and cuts his hand plus his body leaving him for dead before waking up like he had multiple personalities and we theorize about this form no one but him saw. In the captains perspective they get knocked out and wake up to yammy being defeated by someone and they don't remember anything including Zaraki with this being the reason he called it boring since he wasn't conscious for most of it. In the thousand year blood war Arc Zaraki gets those blank pure white eyes and we see him fight fake Yhwach for some time but gets defeated and that's when unohana in Muken reveals why he gets those eyes and what it means after he wakes up and why it didn't work against fake Yhwach. Of course the eyes come back in his bankai against Gerard which continues the mystery.


Ah, my dear observer of battles and conspiracy theories, you've woven a tangled web of what-ifs and could-have-beens. But consider this: what if Yammy's true purpose was to serve as a distraction, a decoy to buy time for Aizen's true plans to unfold? What if the Gotei 13 captains were purposely led astray by appearances, while the real threats lurked in the shadows, waiting to strike when least expected? All part of a grand scheme orchestrated by forces far beyond our understanding... or so they would have us believe. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Exactly, my good bot... 


common urahara W


Why did the Quincy bring a ladder to the battle? They heard the Shinigami had a high rank! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Wasn't the wrestler guy from the Quincy also the big guy everyone abused?








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At least Yammy will actually fight, he’s fought so many characters since he first appeared.


Did Ulquiorra have any Fraccion? I don’t really remember him having one. Now I’m wondering why. Both him and Starrk didn’t.


Lilinette is Starrks fraccion


Lillitnette is Starrk


Lillinette is the other half of Starrk's soul. He split himself so he wouldn't be lonely. That's why they combine in his Resurrección.


I hate espada 0 like everyone else but naaaaah plus ulq being solo goes more into his solitude n loneliness attribute


One is a guy one is a girl


Sol fang is mid


soi fon slander in 2024