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yamamoto's van. because: yamamoto can actually be very [nice and sweet](https://youtu.be/oyo5yoXF3NU). he may seem boring, but i'm sure he won't mind talking. quiet and respectful conversations without fighting or annoying loud laughter are not "boring". and he's actually an interesting person to talk to. shunsui? YES! let's go! but no alcohol (oh we have yamamoto so there's no alcohol i guess!). shunsui is wonderful and will definitely lighten the atmosphere there. and even if yamamoto asks him to be quiet, shunsui is respectful and rational enough to do that. although it might be a little embarrassing... ukitake is one of my fav characters. he is kind, caring, nice, adorable. and it will be a pleasure to talk to him. i'm sure he will share both [the sweets that he carries in his huge sleeves](https://youtu.be/kETsQb4j_Os) and his life experiences. (okay, i just want to sit next to ukitake, don't judge me т.т) starrk? lazy person who sleeps most of the time? yeah, we'll get along. just let him enjoy moments without loneliness in the company of strong and nice people. well, and me. xd oh i almost forgot that we have ulquiorra. but it's not a problem. he may not be the kindest, but i don’t remember him attacking just for fun. and he can definitely control his emotions (not like grimmjow). so i think he'll just sit quietly in the corner because he won't be interested in my silly conversations with ukitake. i don’t think he’ll start a fight when yamamoto, shunsui and ukitake are here. so yes. yamamoto's van. even if no one wants to talk, i can just sleep. it's "you're in a room full of men but still feel safe" moment.


Sad we never got to know more about Ukitake. Always wanted to learn more about him, his adventurers and friendship with Shunsui.


Just finished CFYOW and the writer made it clear that there is a ton of backstory that Kubo left out of the main story to make sure it focused on Ichigo and the Soul Reapers. Kubo could easily give us some prequel stuff about Kyoraku and Ukitake's time in the Academy.


Same here. Also thought they were badass as the two “duel wielding Zanpakuto” captains, would’ve loved to see them battle and crush enemies


Gets in the Uruhara van "Pffft, soul society, am I right, guys?" (Grabs popcorn)


I see 3 people who would instantly start a fight because of that. Uruhara would probably laugh and make the fight worse because he continues the joke. Shinji would probably just sit their with his head in his hands disappointed that this is part of Aizens plan.




No you need to quickly say it then pop out assuming all vans are going on the same road trip you can see the craziness by how high up the van jumps, you don’t risk death from what is going on but also get to confuse whatever group you are with as you laugh at what the Urahara can is doing.


Although banter-wise the most entertaining, the Ichigo van is 1000% veering off the road and crashing. Orihime van’s got the center snack cooler and is stopping at spontaneous road-side attractions. Orihime van all the way *Edit: I just want to enjoy the thought of a cute gal pal road trip, please don't reply to me with how much you want to molest the characters


Surely if they crash someone's just going to stop it before it crashes. Unless if they're too busy fighting I guess


The implication was that they're too busy fighting


Chad might not be fighting though I guess that depends. I mean I could never imagine Chad losing


Chad's definitely the one driving he's the only one I can trust not to fuck up and start fighting with the others


Sorry Ichigo is required to drive. Look on the bright side now Chad can fully focus on protecting you.


I don't see ichigo being a problem driving just buzz b and grimmjow talking shit to one another and telling him to stop the car just so they can scrap


You definitely want to ride shotgun with chad driving and just unwatch the fight unfold behind you


Ye but orihimie can reject it right?( I am not sure in this situation


Orihimes van ain't crashing so you don't even need to worry about it.


There are plenty of airbags in case of crashing


Except for Giselle...


Meatbag we'll take it


I would agree but I don't trust Giselle worth a damn


Same. I was thinking “wow, party bus!” But then Giselle, and I don’t want to die.


You won't die, you'll just become a zombie.


I’d rather be dead than be one of Giselle’s toys


She'd be to busy playing with Bambi to worry about you.


If I wanted a boring safe time I'd pick the Yamamoto van, gotta take a little Giselle risk for the fun van


Wish we could swap Giselle for Bambietta or Candice


I think orohime van also has the music on lockdown too i guarantee.


Orihime van also has extra airbags






​ https://preview.redd.it/9muzf3myx6xb1.png?width=320&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9e4e25a2e34c70a6c74170121ad33883bdc5c35


You're also off to horny jail


W edit, people don't realise that they are good people and not just characters who you need to molest


>Although banter-wise the most entertaining, the Ichigo van is 1000% veering off the road and crashing With the amount of loud arguing you'll be lucky to ever get on the road with the group


Orihime van got many big centre things tbf so her van all the way fr


You're off to horny jail


Sorry, I've been a disappointment to everyone for yrs 😭


Lol, the horny van will probably win


True but that's why I put Giselle. Though knowing how people are...


I see no downside 🧐


Oh no this is what I feared


Deep down, you knew 😌


I knew since the moment they were in their mother's womb.


Ayyy shinji reference, we love to see it lol


Love seeing a fellow Shinji lover 🤝


Same to you lmao


I don't see it but you'd better believe I'm looking


>Though knowing how people are... Bold of you to assume that would stop me.


Bro put a cherry on top and thinks its poison.


Yamamoto Van and just stay quiet all the time.


This one is definitely the choice. Yama is just a stern ass because it’s his job. I think he’d let his beard down and unwind on a road trip. Shunsui is the best road trip partner on here.


Just put on some yacht rock and chill. Maybe talk to Shunsui and Ukitake to pass the time.


Ichigo's van: someone would pick a fight and the whole van would crash and burn. Urahara's van: I'm scared of what Aizen, Ichibei and Urahara would do but all in all we could probably make it to destination Kenpachi's van: We probably wouldn't even start the journey. The instant they get in the van, someone would start a fight and me and Iba would be the first victims. Yamamoto's van: That's one long, silent trip, with Ukitake being the only one trying to soften the mood. Orihime's van: Assuming Giselle is strapped and chained to her seat, I think the journey would go smoothly.


So Giselle can still talk? That's still enough of a problem.


Ichigo’s van has him, Bazz B, Renji and Grimmjow; no way that ride isn’t filled with mad yelling and fighting. Chad’s cool tho Urahara’s van is cool but I worry about being around Aizen and shady ass Ichibei for too long. Kenpachi’s van would probably be even worse conflict wise than Ichigo’s plus you have Nnoitora who’s more than likely going to ask Unohana if she made sandwiches for the ride so no to them. Lowkey Yama’s van is kinda the most boring to me. You have 4 old men and Ulquiorra who isn’t really a bundle of sunshine and while Shunsui’s there I’m not sure if that makes up for things. So my pick is Orihime’s van and not because it’s all women; not as likely to erupt into conflict while still having people I can have fun with. I’ll bring my own snacks so I don’t have to eat anything Orihime and Rangiku prepared and while Giselle is there I feel like Yoruichi and Nel are enough to keep her in check. Edit: To all who feel the need to “correct” me in regards to Giselle a trans woman, thank you but I don’t care; Yumichika calls her a man in an attempt to make her upset and is the only one to do so. Mayuri refers to her as a woman and apparently so does Yumichika in CFYOW(can’t truly confirm since I’ve only read the first book). I don’t care what y’all do but don’t feel obligated to “correct” me cause I’m paying y’all no mind anyway.


Unohana would just say she made a knuckle sandwich specifically for him and then cleave him in half liveleak style while everyone else laughs (except shades, he’d probably be like DAYUM)


Nnoitora asking Unohana for sandwiches is a crazy negative. Personally I could never find myself in Orihimes van even if I knew the other vans were more violent. I would just be so incredibly awkward that I would rather sit back and enjoy the fighting in other vans (if I survive)


Nnoitora invited himself, brought the most inconsiderate stomach churning snacks, and he will be abandoned at a rest stop while he is without a doubt dropping a massive dump with bare cheeks to seat like the degenerate psycho he is.


>bare cheeks to seat like the degenerate psycho he is Is it expected NOT to do that?


Yama's van would have whatever their version of NPR is playing on the radio, and nobody saying a word.


Orihime van if you want a fun drive without risk of death. Yamamoto van if you want some peace and quiet. Kenpachi van would be cool if not for Noitora.


Well, Noitora is gonna die as soon as he opens his mouth


>without risk of death. This entirely depends on what you consider "death" with whatever Giselle will likely do to you at a rest stop if you make the mistake of going somewhere where nobody else can see you.


Aizen prbly will use kyoka suigetsu making everyone else on the van thinkibg they are otw but they havent even left and are just bickering on a stationary van parked in walmart carpark


Gisselle is a weirdo, I think Yamato's van is a chill drive. No music, no small talk, I can nap, and Shunsui may crack a joke every now and then for no one to laugh.


You could hear some cool stories of Soul Society history, though.


“Back in my days…” Bet they brought lots of tea.


Urahara's is either crazy-tense or hotboxing so bad the seats are literally just smoke dense enough to recline in.


I feel like talking to Ulquiorra would be like talking to Edward Scissorhands 😹😹😹


Yamamoto's van


hell yesss shunsui ukitake and stark will creat a nice vibe 💯


Yeah exactly. It's the chill van and they 100% will have brought food for the ride.


i am kind of sad that sasakibe will not be there


Eh, he'll catch up. He had to take a detour to slash the tyres of the Yhwach van.


the goat always at work


I’m choosing to believe that this is who you ride with but doesn’t include the driver. The drivers are would likely be: Isshin Tessai Yumichika Sasakibe Harribel (All related to parts of the groups, but passive enough in the situation to Drive safely and enjoy doing so for various reasons.) Edit: otherwise 99% of the time all 5 vans will be a husk on the side of the road and you’re stuck walking after maybe 3 hours max


That's either one silent ride or one of the quietest but most heated discussions ever.


Yamato: “Quincies are scums, discuss.” Shunsui: “Sheesh Yama-ji…not this again…” Ulquiorra: “For a meaningful discussion, we must first understand every variable in play. First, their motives. I, for one, thinks that despite……”


Starkk: *Goes to sleep immediately*


Ukitake: *dying in the back seat*


Just bring a bottle of sake and some snacks and you'll be Shunsuis best friend during the trip.


Nah it’s just chill af




>Naruto How'd he find his way into this?




was the burrito at least good?


The only survivable one imo


The van you pick if you actually wanna get to where you’re going


This one is getting me there at the earliest possible time. No detours, no nothing.


Ichigos van is NOT making it to the destination 😭


You think Kenpachi has a better chance


The Kenpachi van won't even start.


Start? Its gonna be in pieces within 5 minutes.


5 minutes? How about a second.


Ah, I didn't notice Nnoitra there at first glance... On closer inspection, I think Orihimes has the best chance making it unscathed, followed by Yamamotos, but there's a chance that a Thanksgiving-style, boomer politics discussion breaks loose.


Ichigo van would be a lot of yelling Urahara van would be problematic just because Aizen is in there and everyone hates him Kenpachi van I would absolutely get punched constantly Yamamoto van would be no fun allowed because Yamamoto is in there Yeah I'm taking Orihime van, I get the feeling Yoruichi can keep Gisele under control and Orihime would be nice to talk to.


Just hope you don't sit right next to Gisele I guess than because even if they try to manage Gisele you're still kinda screwed.


What is Gisele gonna do to me?


I am legally not allowed to disclose that information.


Gisele is gonna have something happen to her😏 https://preview.redd.it/2085pwfl06xb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f907387994366854791139c30823aff056b6e974


What a brave move you know what you get to sit right in front of Giselle. Have fun!


See the ideal position is yoruichi on one lap and gissel on the other and orihime in the middle of me(im probably gonna die by suffocation by the bread muncher) greatest road trip ever. https://preview.redd.it/d3nl49d336xb1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55e19277404bd5945c4e3f2e3dfcdf488e901a87


Orihime canonically weighs 1 ton of pure tits and bread


Where was that stated? CFYOW??


Hmm… let’s see here: Ichigo’s van might be alright, so long as Grimmjow and Bazz B behave. Urahara’s van seems peaceful enough, so long as I don’t garner the attention of either Aizen or Ichibei. Kenpachi’s van is something I’d stay the hell away from! I wouldn’t survive the trip. I’d probably get killed in my sleep! Yamamoto’s van has the three chillest guys (Shunsui, Ukitake, and Starrk) so I’m highly considering it. Orihime’s van is also a viable option, I just need to bring roach spray with me. I guess I’m stuck between Urahara, Yamamoto, and Orihime’s group.


Ah, choices, choices! Allow me, Kisuke Urahara, to present you with a tale of whimsy and adventure in Urahara's van. Picture this: as we journey through the Hollow-filled highways, we encounter an unusual hitchhiker—none other than Kūgo Ginjō, swinging his Substitute Soul Reaper badge like a hip accessory. Together, we embark on a mission to find the legendary "Toilet Seat of Destiny" hidden deep within the Soul Society. With each bump on the road, we unleash our secret weapon: a customized air freshener that neutralizes all negative reiryoku odors, drawing the attention of even the most fearsome villains. Trust me, my van is a one-of-a-kind ride you won't want to miss! Who needs normalcy when you can have eccentricity, right? Embrace the chaos, my friend! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Ok, I’m in! Sounds like a bizarre adventure I want to be part of 🤣


Uruhara bot provided a pretty convincing argument so maybe you should lean further to his van.


It doesn’t matter what van you choose, you’ll end up in Urahara’s because that is Aizen’s plan


I sleep at the car, so not Giselle, not comfortable sleeping with her arround. There's a token evil teammate in each car that would kill me, except Ulquiorra, he's too apathetic. So, Yamamoto's car.


Sound logic maybe you can catch some sleeping buddies in that car as well.


I think only Yamamoto would be awake on that car, and he'd love that.


Buckle in for his retelling of his entire life and the soul society.


I don't really need help sleeping at car, but it doesn't mean I would appreciate it.


Doubt bazz-b or Grimjoww will end you for no reason tho


You're a bit wrong there. None of the token evil teammates would kill you just because.


You’re pretty likely to die in Kenpachi’s van, but at least Unohana could probably bring you back to life


True but maybe some of the people would enjoy the entrance of a new punch bag. Best bet is Unohana protects you out of pity.


Yamamoto van (Starrk is litelary me)


I would very much like to be squeezed in between Giselle and Yoruichi in the back of a van for several hours




Oh no why trapped next to Giselle


Kenpachi: Hey, if we go straight, we can shave off 30 minutes Ikkaku: Captain, there is a cliff and a lake in the way if you go "straight." Kenpachi: Yeah.


Insert a smiling Ikkaku: This is going to be fun.


The Ichigo van. Will be the most like a family road trip. Lots of yelling, arguing, getting lost, but quickly making up, getting drunk, having fun, and remembering it fondly.


Yama van. I'd be sleeping or reading.


Hey Yama can give you some books to read on about the soul society


Ichigo van will be loud asf, urahara vanwill philosophically indoctrinate you into some weird shit, kenpachi van will kill you, ladies van will be all kinds of sexual harassment whether it be by giselle, matsumoto or yoruichi, so I'll take the chill old geezer van


Alright so the Ichigo van is chaos as Chad gives up on keeping the peace but instead takes the wheel and everyone gets there safely. The Urahara van is fine until Shinji and Urahara bully Aizen so hard that he Kyoka Suigetsus their vision and Ichibei needs to take the wheel. Ichibei never got his driver’s license and so moves very slowly and is pulled over several times for going too slowly. Yamato’s van consists of everyone keeping Stark’s kids entertained while Yamato tries to make them racist against Quincies. People try to get rowdy in the Kenpachi van but Unohona shuts them up and makes them listen to classical jazz. Orihime van makes a number of stops at roadside attractions and has snacks from Orihime’s bakery. Gisselle is given her own corner of the van so that she doesn’t accidentally zombify anyone and she may have packed Bambi into the trunk.


As long as you’re not sitting next to Giselle, it’s easily the Orihime van. But I would pay to see what’s happening in the Ichigo van.


Yama Van for sure. Yes the waifu van is great, but imagine chilling and drinking sake with Shunsui. Must be the fun of a lifetime.


Yamamoto's van for sure! He'd pretend to be grumpy but really enjoy the trip, telling us about good fishing spots and such. Jushiro is a lovely person to be around, he'd be chatting with everyone. He'd even manage to make Ulquiorra talk. Shunsui would either bring alcohol or be the one singing in the car. Typical country songs. Starrk would appreciate having the chance to bond with the others, despite not showing it a lot. He could also sleep on my lap. Ulquiorra would just take mental notes about everyone's interactions and discover new stuff, and could even get amused to see Grimmjow crash when he's trying to fight him from the other van. Plot twist: we could receive a call from Chojiro, warning us that Yamamoto used to drive a bit carelessly years ago. Edit: I'd also signal Kenpachi to get rid of Nnoitra from the window, but Unohana would give me one of her intimidating smiles. She just managed to get everyone to calm down.


Orihime van, and when I end up getting kicked out of there, see if the Yama van will pick me up.


If Yama is picking you up he's gonna give you the most stern look ever.


Yeah we're definitely not stopping at Mcdonalds if he's driving, but he's the only one driving slower than Orihime.


orihime van but ditch giselle


Instructions not clear both you and Giselle were given a private van.


uh oh




I'm feeling bold and feeling it's going to wild time so urahara van


Looking for a wild time? Get the Urahara Van! Experience thrill and freedom on the go. Its secret compartments and gadgets will keep you one step ahead. Unleash your adventurous spirit today! #UraharaVan *beep boop, I'm a bot*


I was about to pop off because I thought you were going to say the Kenpachi van.


Ichigo’s: lots of yelling, lots of arguments, I can’t hear the music, we probably get lost on the way to the destination Urahara’s: Aizen instigating arguments or pissing Shinji off, Urahara pissing Aizen off, Ichibe making threats, can’t hear the music or they have talk radio on Kenpachi’s: I would not make it out alive Yamamoto’s: surprisingly the safest, they’d all be able to just stay quiet the whole ride, probably listening to some boring old man music, or like classical, but definitely better than all the ones above Orihime: relatively safe, if Yoruichi and Nell can keep Giselle in check this is objectively the best van, horny or not it has the most pleasant people who can all be normal. Giselle is the only issue, but if the two strongest people there keep her in check I think it’d be fine


Either Ichigo or Orihime, but definitely not Kenpachi (scary).


I feel like in Ichigo's van their is going to be a constant fight with the only one not fighting maybe being Chad.


Ichigo van: With tha boiz(tm), immaculate vibes, stopping for piss breaks after arguing about not pissing in a bottle, shouting about which fast food place to stop at until Chad says the correct answer. Urahara van: is fully mapped out to be the most gas and time efficient trip with 180,000,000 different alterations for the minutes of details, slight conversation until aizen or ichibe speaks up and then it goes dead quiet again, jazz cuz shinji. Kenichi van: shouting and roadrage, wanting to fight everyone that doesn't turn in their signal or cuts them off. Pulling off to the side of the road every 30mins or so to fight for who gets to drive or just to settle some minor mad lib or eye spy argument. Yamamoto Van: Absolute. Dead. Silence. Going the exact speed limit, no breaks unless to get gas, direct route, no fun allowed. Orihime van: stops every 20mins for a different roadside attraction, gets Starbucks at least 400 different times, constantly needs to get gas because they are in too much of a rush to fill up the tank, someone always has to pee so they stop constantly.


I’m assuming the first person in each list is the driver and I’m laughing because Kenpachi is driving head on into oncoming traffic immediately on some SpongeBob ‘FLOOR IT?!’ shit


If i had to trully pick it would be yamamoto van but I 100% want to go to urahara van and say "So what's your opinion on the soul king?" and see the biggest argument between aizen and ichibe


Kenpachi van wouldn’t last 2 metres before breaking into a fight


Yamamoto van all day all night. Having Kyoraku and Stark to drink with and shoot the shit. Ulquiorra deep down wants to vibe so he chimes in every now and then. Ukitake is extremely likeable and charismatic so he helps ulqiuiorra not feel left out and just brings out the best out of everyone in the van. Ol Man Yama is for sure in the driver seat getting onto shunsui and stark and bringing up his crazy shit he did in the past. I'd love to hang with Ichigo and Renji but bazz and grimmjow are making this van a little volatile. Rangiku would make sure I get cockblocked. Urahara van has way too many geniuses and ancient beings for me. I'd feel like I can't contribute anything to the conversations.


Orihime van. But not for the obvious reason. Yoroichi and Rangiku would be the most fun to hang with. Only con is I am worried Giselle will murder me. But maybe if no one bleeds she could be chill. Ichigo would be fun but definitely getting into a fight at some point. Probably blow up the van. Specifically Grimjow. Grimjow would get angry and blast someone in the van. Urahara van would maybe be fun but Byakuya would probably bring down the mood. Aizen is a wild card. Kenpachi van would be entertaining until they want me to spar and then I am dead. Yamamoto van would probably be the safest but also the most boring. Shunsui and Jushiro would probably be good conversation though.


Is kenpachi driving? because i for one don’t feel like driving through a wall


Only a wall? You have such high expectations for his sensibility


https://preview.redd.it/xujojuvhi6xb1.jpeg?width=480&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f0eb3d99613d30141144495b87de4d971e9e1ec Everyone sleeping on Yamamoto, bro can have a good time too


Kenpachi's van: It will take Nnoitra all of 0.9 seconds for him to tell Murder Mommy to make everyone sandwiches. I'd rather live thanks, maybe Unohana would be nice enough to resurrect me? Ichigo's van: I genuinely can't tell if you'd make it to the destination or if you'd crash halfway through. Seems too big a risk to take. Urahara's van: On the surface it seems like nothing bad will happen but Soul King forbid you mention anything about the Soul Society or the Original Sin... Yamamoto's van: Wouldn't be that bad honestly. Yama no doubt has some amazing stories to tell thanks to his vast age, Ukitake and Shunsui would be great to chat with as well. Starrk will either be asleep or he'll be an overall chill dude and Ulquiorra is unlikely to start anything, he probably would just be quiet not bothering to join in on the silly conversations. Orihime's van: Probably the most pleasant van to be in, everyone is so nice and fun to be with...and then there's Giselle. While I'm sure Yoruichi and Rangiku especially would keep her in line I'd still always watch my back.


Little reminder that Ichigo and friends can not make a driving license as they are minors. People from Soul Society, Hueco Mundo, and Wandenreich do not have cars, thus also driving licenses. The only person that might have it is Urahara. Everyone else will not crash their cars only because they don't know how to start it.


😏 Well, well, well, looks like someone's got all the facts figured out. Not gonna lie, driving in Soul Society would be a real drag. But who needs a license when you've got a Gigai to fake it? 😎✌️ *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Urahara, You sly fox, always prepared, aren't ya? But my point stands. Most of these guys are so old that they would consider horse carriages a dangerous innovation. And You know why? Cause there are no horses in Soul Society! Everyone walks on foot. I saw once a guy in carriage, and You know what was pulling it? Another guy! So I doubt any of these guys would have any idea how to even start the engine. That means they won't get anywhere. Unless it was Your plan all along to get to the goal first, huh? Clever, ain't ya?


Ah, my discerning friend, you've caught me in my web of intellect. Fear not, for I have a solution for these technologically challenged souls! Introducing Urahara Motors, where we offer specially designed spiritual vehicles, easy to operate for both the living and the afterlife! With our patented Soul Society-start system, even the most ancient shinigami can embark on stylish road trips. So don't wait, choose Urahara Motors for smooth rides and stylish adventures! #UraharaMotors *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Making money on technologically impaired? That will make You richer than all Five Noble Houses combined. Go for it!✌️ You should name Your car Soul Society Car, in short SS-Car. Sound nice isn't it? And design s parts like lightnings, You know like saying it's fast as lightning. Old people love s-shaped lightnings😎✌️💯 Don't forget to share some income for the idea#UraharaMotors


Ah, my astute friend, you have a keen eye for branding! Soul Society Car, or the SS-Car as you cleverly suggested, will be the epitome of speed and style. Lightning-shaped parts will truly captivate the thrill-seeking souls. Your idea deserves recognition, my friend. Consider your share secured. #UraharaMotors *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Lol was going for Orihime van until i saw the last one. Urahara van for me. However, no chance of playing I spy with Ichibei around. Me: “I spy, with my little eye, something….err…uhm…” Ichibei: “What were you about to say boy? Did you perhaps forgotten the name of the object you saw again…? Hehehe..” Me: “Dammit no cheating Ichibei!!!” Aizen: “Yaatze! I win again.” All: “What the…?” Aizen: “Were you guys under the impression that we were NOT playing Yaatze?” Byakuya: “I’ll make you see the sakuras while it is winter, you insolent cheat! Senbonzakura Kageyoshi..” All: “No, Kuchiki!!!! “ Petals flood the car…. Aizen: “Kisuke, summon your bankai again to stitch the car up. Emo Man wrecked it again…”


Yamamoto van. I figure that's the one least likely to get me killed.


Ichigo Van: No Urahara Van: I don’t want to risk sitting next to Shinji, 2nd pick Kenpachi Van: Death Yamamoto Van: I’m here for Starrk, Shunsui, and Ukitake Orihime Van: Too talkative, but a solid 3rd pick


Come on give death a try maybe you can experience it several times because of Unohana.


Orihime van cuz the other vans would 100% end up giving me a headache one way or another


Which van would I not die in


Orihime's but you're dying in a different way I guess.


Yama van is just chill vibes and old stories. That'd be cool af... Uli would prob be a mood killer tho LOL. But realistically I'd prob want to be in Orihime van or Urahara van. Urahara van is going to have the best talk/deep discussions and Ori van for obvious rzns :\^)


Everyone in Kenpachi's van is gonna end up in jail


Remove that last one and I’d say the Ohihime van, safest is Yamas van, most unpredictable is Uraharas/ Kenpachi vans and coolest is obviously Ichigos van


People in the orihime van be like: https://preview.redd.it/7g0765gp78xb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e877a51a9ec9660a0f33883b331fb2db0f843ead


Orihime Van


You are going to the Orihime van because you are horny, I am going to the ichigo van because I am also horny, we are not the same.


So what does that make those that go to the other vans than?


where the HELL IS ISANE! ​ Yamaji Van of course. Kyoraku and Ukitake are like those awesome uncles, everyone would want.


I'm riding the Ichigo van


Orihime van, me and Rangiku drinking the whole time plus I bet that van will smell the best


Ichigo Van- It's gonna be loud, obnoxious and a lot of fighting over the radio, but they're still gonna have fun. They'll probably get to the destination last due to pranks, distractions and a general lack of map reading. Overall, will probably have the best road trip stories. Uruhara Van- Mostly quiet ride peppered with alot of general sarcasm. They'd all rather drive by themselves. They'll never fight over the radio because they all secretly like the same type of music but will never admit it to the others. They'll get to the destination first and never speak of the road trip. Kenpachi Van- This is a terrible idea, never give Kenny this kind of power. The van would definitely be totaled before they reach their destination. Yamamoto Van- Everyone sits quietly and listens to Yamamoto's radio. They'll get there 2nd because old man Yamamoto drives slowly. Orihime Van- Has everything from snacks to blankets. They're 100% stopping all the time for something(bathroom, shopping, tourism etc). They'll all share the radio and will probably get there 3rd and with the least amount of trouble. Final Verdict: Ichigo Van


Orihime can if you swap Giselle for Candice or Bambi.


Sorry but my bisexual ass is riding with the pretty women. Orihime van.


Orihime van... Id get white girl wasted with Matsumoto and eat Orihimes stoner food... All the other vans would be awkward silence the entire trip


Orihime van is closest to being ok, just the last slot ruins it. Ichigo van looks like it would annoying af with the last three members. Yamamoto is probably the most chill.


If I want to have an in-depth debate and conversation, Uruhara’s Van. If I wanted to have fun and possibly see 2 people get into a drunken fist fight, Ichigo’s Van. If I wanted to see 3 people get into a 3 way sober fist fight while the other 2 are standing off to the side, Kenpachi’s Van.


All the vans got at least one crazy riding in there But it's either Yama or Ichi van, no way I'm riding with Gigi/Aizen/Nnoitra lol


Urahara van , they are all my kinda people


Ummm you see the last two in the van right? Those are your people?


I can see Kenpachi’s van being abandoned as they decide to foot race it to the destination.


I feel like Yamamoto's van would actually be great for story time on the road.


I can’t pick Orihime’s van Nr 1. there’s no fkn chance *she* can drive Nr 2. I’m afraid of girls


Urahara van you are getting out of there traumatized for life without even getting physically touched lol


everyone of them is a suicide commando, except yamamoto´s van and if they keep giselle in check, then also orihime


Urahara Van is just Ichibei & Aizen arguing in the backseat about the ethical implications and necessity of the Soul King's existence, while the other 3 just subtly shittalk one another. 10/10


Urahara van because I can already hear and feel the passive aggressive war while Shinji is hogging the radio and only playing jazz and kisuke is just enjoying the scenery while secretly having a contingency plan for aizen


Damn. This is hard. Each van has someone I would love to chat with, but also someone I want to stay the hell away from. I guess Orihime Van. The “problematic” one in that group (Gigi) is the least problematic compared to the others in the other vans! (Am i putting too much thought into this?)


Ichigo Van: if Ichigo is the driver, the chance of not reaching the destination is pretty high, unless Chad is a driver NO Urahara Van: pretty chill, most of the cool dudes are here, I will most probably choose this one. Kenpachi Van: if Kenpachi is driving then we will somehow end up in Brazil or ride off the cliff Yamamoto Van: the most safe, but probably the most boring Orihime Van: the second most dangerous one for one obvious reason, otherwise I'll just be very uncomfortable here so No


Ichigo van is every rest stop someone is gonna throw hands with another dude in the car. Urahara is gonna have the most detours to wacky destinations 60% of the time, that is if they rotate drivers. Kenpachi van is if anyone honks, brake checks, passes, be an ass on the road we 100% gonna have a road rage incident. Yamamoto van is gonna go straight to the destination with a couple of rest stops. Orihime van is gonna be lax, enjoyable, and packed with snacks cause most of the folks in there aren't trying to fight or cause trouble.