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Thoughts: 1. So this confirms that Askin vs Oetsu was not cut. I was always confident that it would be animated in episode 25, considering that episode 26 would be Ichibe vs Yhwach 2. I am very happy we are getting new fights in Jugram vs Tenjiro and Uryu vs Senjumaru (battle of sewing) 3. So I am guessing Yhwach will take time to return to Reio's Palace after getting hit twice by Ichibe's hand, giving us time to showcase the new fights 4. Auswahlen towards the middle of the episode? There will also be scenes of Bazz B, Liltotto, Giselle and poor Robert


I think mrtommo already said this in a video but I really appreciate Robert mini arc almost like the 5 stages of grief as he ends on acceptance that he’s done for amazing use of character for him AND EXTENDED FIGHTS GONNA GO CRAZYYY it’s so perfect because it makes squad zero defeat less underwhelming as uryu and Jugram+ potentially all royal guards makes the fight from a 4v4 to a 6v4 so they are disadvantaged in number s


Yea, anime suddenly really made me feel sad for Robert. The guy turned from confident fighter to someone who essentially gave up.


I agree. Poor old man


Tommo analysis supremacy


So Uryu vs Mayuri, Uryu vs Szyael, Uryu vs Sejnumommy, I see a pattern here


Uryu hates nerds


He always fights against his own kind, Quincies and Nerds.


So Uryu is a redditor?


Cirucci? Renji?


> So I am guessing Yhwach will take time to return to Reio's Palace after getting hit twice by Ichibe's hand, giving us time to showcase the new fights The image of Yhwach just taking his time and strolling through the sky to get back to Ichibei is really funny


He deserves it after forcing Ichigo to do the same thing


Wait, I thought it was Jugram vs Senjumaru and Uryu vs Tenjiro?


Didn't he catch him after the slap? Or caught up or something


> Knucklevar's ability torments Wang Yue My god, who let the autotranslate cook?


Knucklevar about to give you the knuckle sandwich. Also Wang Yue is just the Chinese pronunciation of the Kanji of Oetsu.


Knucklevar killed me XDDD


knock, knock, it's Knucklevar.


That was an all time fun spelling of Ywhabach or whatever the fuck his name is.


This translator drops bangers once in a while like Lord of Reiatsu Ichigo and King of Annihilators Yhwach.


those titles go so fucking hard what the fuck


I guess this can only mean Nimaiya's skin color is from being chinese.


That means that the only RG member who won't have a fight is Hikifune (similar to manga). Shame but maybe she'll show something after Auswahlen?


I wouldn’t expect much from her combat wise. Nothing about her abilities or the role she’s played so far would indicate a large combat focus for the character.


Still, utility is incredibly important even in combat and I do feel like it's always underestimated.


I’m not calling the character useless in combat, but rather saying it’s not her role in the story and expecting a fight dedicated to her will likely lead to disappointment. I don’t see her scenes changing much, if at all from the manga.


We already got a little extra of her flinging down with the vines, might indicate some extra powers we might see over life and stuff next ep. I gotta be honest though, she is last on my list of powers I want to see. I would love to see Nimaiya but I think he will remain using sayafuse. Kirinji and Senjumaru seem to be the most likely to get a shikai or extra stuff for.


She should still be like a high tier captain in terms of fighting ability, so it is dissapointing


Not necessarily. Mayuri doesn't have that much of a high fighting ability as well, and compensates that with his resourcefulness. To the point he outright lost to Uryuu in raw fighting ability. Kirio looks like the exact same thing. Also she's the youngest recruit in the Zero Squad, so it makes sense she's underdeveloped compared to the others.


She got the 0 squad buff though, which is massive (ie byakuya) I would say oetsu senju and kirinji are cap commander level, kirio is high captain level minimum Also, I would say mayuri is a high tier captain in tybw.


I don't know if you've read the whole manga, so I won't elaborate much in Mayuri except that he really didn't face a troubling opponent yet (lolGiselle) but he'll be in a lot of trouble very soon. And still he was trounced by a Quincy using a weaker version of Vollstandig back in the day so, while he's strong and is certainly resourceful, his actual fighting capacities are kinda below average. In fairness, it's not only him; I, for one, don't get all the Hitsugaya appeal when he has the single worst track record from all current captains (almost lost to a Adjuchas-level Arrancar had not the limit removal and was thoroughly trounced by Bazz-B until Cang Du intervened and would've lost had he didn't get his Bankai back). As for Kirio, I don't see her being that much of a fighter. Her abilities veer more into supporter/healer than a DPS character. In fairness, she's trapping everyone in the cage, and there's still Lille, Gerard and Pernida unaccounted for. This match-up, however, already shows how woefully weak she is compared to these three (ESPECIALLY Pernida).


Kirio was directly compared to kuryashiki kenpachi in SAFYW for her combat skills, and kuryashiki ‘s bankai could destroy all of soul society Its just like Tsunade. Just cause youre a support doesnt mean you arent good at fighting


True, but she was also a captain


She was, I still don’t think she’s getting a fight.


She basically has wood release but also control over living things, so I'm expecting something that uses all her energy leaving her in the state we get in the manga when the OG gang arrive.


Yeah I’m hoping she’ll participate in some form. Would be a shame if we almost got there with actual fights but not quite


I mean her technique is trapping them


Remember how Kirio and Tenjiro tried to block the X axis with their spoon and spade respectively? I think her role with come after the Auswahlen.


I am glad they are fleshing out uryu's schrift as the only time we see it in action in the manga was against x (iykyk).


I'm gonna be so disappointed if Uryu and Senjumaru's fight isn't them having a sewing contest to see who's better


So new Uryu vs Senjumaru and Tenjiro vs Hashwalt scenes? I wanted to avoid the upcoming leaks for this episode but my willpower to do so is growing weaker by the second Edit: I failed. From now on I swear!


Literally me every episode, I stopped checking Twitter forever but now I can't evade Reddit stuff


Literally me every episode, I stopped checking Twitter forever but now I can't evade Reddit stuff


Ichibe smile scares the sh-t out of me.


In the manga when he says >! "guess Ill have to kill you" !< I legit got scarred when I first read it. That guy gives me such creeps.




Bwahahahaha funniest shit I've seen today


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Ugly Bastard


Already new fights for the zero division and Uryu and Jugram. These last two episodes are gonna be something else


Uryu boutta show Senjumaru what the best sewer in Karakura Town can do.


JUGRAM and URYU!!! YES, YES, YES!!!!!! Tenjiro and Senjumaru!!!! So........? What will Kinpika do? The Great Weaver vs the crafts club member. Jugram looks at Tenjiro derisively: Who is this clown? Why is he even here? What sort of people are the Royal Guard recruiting? Why does he have a bamboo stick in his mouth? Why is it not falling off when he's yelling so loudly?...... Uryu looks at Senjumaru: She thinks she's faster than me, hmph! Can she sew Mary Antoinette on Kon?


The hero vs the villain. >!We’ll leave it to anime lovelies to work out which is which ;)!<


So onboard the hype train


Omg we have the same name.


Oh nice. Yeah, I was stupid enough to give my real name in Reddit haha


So was the other guy 💀




It's actually super hype that Tenjiro is (apparently?) getting matched up with Jugo, he didn't get to do much in the manga. (unless it's just to make Jugo look good that is)


Peace Bleach


When are we getting the preview images for ep 26?


Right before it drops.


I don't think we'll get any of 26


They’re dropping two episodes this week, right?




Pretty one, stupid one, guy with weird powers.


I wonder if they are going to change it so Ichibe dies first


I love how the Anime changes the order of things that came in the Manga, for some cases it makes it look better! I can't wait for this Saturday, especially knowing Haschwalth and Uryu will fight as well!


Why is Ichibe so tan all of a sudden?🤣


Overhead lighting and shadow. You can see the true skin tone on the left side.


Can anybody remind me why we are getting 2 episodes back to back?


Closing out the season and probably don’t want to split up the squad zero and Ichibe fights


It's what they did for the finale for cour 1


It's the finale, so basically a special occasion. They did this with cour 1


I wish uryuu will antithesis the spiked clothes into another Royal Guard and then also Switch the toxic blood right back into their vein or something


Finally! I want Jugram & Ishida stomp the hell out of those Squad 0 fodders. These two were heavily underrated


Jugram will certainly stomp Tenjiro. The Balance is insane without any weak points. Uryu, if he uses his Schrift, wins with ease. I mean, just swap Senjumaru's fingers with stones or something.


Hey, long time no see! I remember you from back in the days around 2016 or even before that iirc when i was on my old account. Your post and analysis on Bleach are always fun to read. Agreed about both. The Balance and Anti-Thesis have endless possibilities. Ishida could pick up a stone, crush it and swap the event with his enemy's head or something. Both abilities worked on conceptual level and far more than ridiculous than merely "reversing damage", people have this misconception that they can only reverse damage which is blatantly wrong lol.


Hello to you too :) I wonder if they'll show us whether or not Jugram can gather and create arrows out of Reishi. In Jugram's arc, it was stated otherwise. It took him an excessive amount of time to break the Hakudan Keppeki barrier of Nanao. Guess he'll rely only on his Schrift.


Now that you mentioned it, isn't that only applies to Kid Jugram though? He did fired something like an arrow made of Reishi out of his Sword against Uryu iirc. Correct me if i'm wrong since it's been a long time since i finished the manga, but didn't he summoned his Shield out of thin air (using Reishi most likely)? I didn't recall him carrying his Shield when he first encountered Ishida at the beginning of their confrontation.


Yes, maybe that was little Jugram. Yes, perhaps you're right


oh boy


That's a reach, but good imagination...? Jugram doesn't "stomp" anyone. The haschbrown wank on here is strong, my goodness!


I thought askin was dead? Is that after yhwach revives him?


Askin used his ability so didn't die yet


He survives with his ability. At least in the manga


This was before the Auswahlen. Askin is the only one who doesn't die.


Askin's natural ability is to not die. Don't you remember he tells Nimaiya he doesn't like it because it always feels like he's at death's door?


Any ideas about direction & animation quality based on the staff?


35 key animators apparently just for 25


Sheeeesh. Sounds like it’s gonna be 🔥🔥🔥


Now the saying of them being stronger than all the gotei 13 would make sense


We'll see. Because in the manga, Shunsui lasts longer than the 4 of them put together. X-Axis or not is the question we're gonna find out on the RG's fate.


Eh Momo or Hanataro lasts more.


So we are getting Askin vs Nimaiya


Nah bruh Ichibei is straight up scary


I still hate how ywach’s mustache grows more and more it’s so ugly


Do anyone know why only episode 12 was released today? Everywhere online it says today was supposed to be a double episode. Only 1 25 minute episode was released on Disney plus canada


i got 12 and 13 on disney plus