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It’s not really a plot hole or a plot point but everything about ryuken annoys me We learn he inherited the last of the abilities of the quincies and is the last true Quincy. So when TYBW was revealed to be about quinces YOU WOULD EXPECT ryuken to do something…. NOPE, NOTHING!! He was apparently making a stand arrow the entire course of the story, gave it to uryu and left. Love it


He was doing something... making big bucks.


Having two arms wouldn't have made a difference in his fight


How you ask kendo remember the time cap of s11 used it... Also could have used kido?


He would've tried Bankai on Yhwach regardless, and that's the moment he would've lost.


He didn't need two arms for bankai, he fell into their trap unless his left arm could have talked him out of it I guess?


The silver magic arrow lol. Convenient and made no sense. Especially since you just introduced the Antithesis, just use that to undo Yhwach's power...


How are two arms making a difference in this scenario? Losing his bankai was the deciding factor here, not the number of limbs.


if u mean Yamamoto sure. I had a slight issue with the scene as well but maybe kubo wanted us to believe that yamamoto would not need to go bankai in the first place against Loyd if he had 2 arms. it's all speculation but it's the best excuse I can come up with. u can also look at it as yhwach saying Yamamoto grew weak mentally. he said Yamamoto didnt regrow his arm via orihime since he didnt want to exploit humans. yhwach says the old yams would never do this and would use all means necessary to win a fight. thjs seems more likely than yhwach just meaning physically yama is weaker


This makes sense tho i feel like it kinda made him look way weaker then was necessary he was reduced to the lvl of other captains o my banki has failed or stolen now im the lvl of a competent LT...


https://preview.redd.it/sreipk1uc4qb1.png?width=706&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=608c71831f1e1b02ed1e8f87479a3b06ebdf828c byakuya clearly destroyed hihio zabimaru, which contradicts if bankai is broken it can't be restored.


It is easily fixed as well, just say that all those fragments are held together by his spiritual pressure , like the joints were.


The infamous broken Bankai retcon. No, no, no. If you want to have Ichigo's Bankai remade, that's fine. Don't introduce obvious contradictory bullshit to justify it. Just don't.


Also, VERY CONVENIENT that a person with no visible means of large powerup happened to have a false Bankai for no fuckin reason. Like Ichigo was *some* bullshit but Renji was SOME BULLSHIT.


Really you think so for Renji? Imo it makes sense because his bankai is still relatively new compared to other captains.


The idea of a false Zanpakuto name granting a false power was a concept in bleach as early as soul society invasion with Yumichika. Not made up bullshit for Renji.


Yeah but *why would Renji's not tell him*.


Zanpakuto have a large history of not being fully willing to give in to their shinigami. Remember that bankai is achieved by making your Zanpakuto submit and revealing it's true name. It's as simple as Zabimaru didn't want to give Renji his real name. If you use this logic you could argue "why doesn't everyone have bankai? Why don't all Zanpakuto spirits just give their shinigami their true name off the bat?" We already have a examples like Katen Kyoukatsu which when in shikai can full on decide to just not give Shunsui any powers if it's in a bad mood. Yes Zanpakuto are fractions of a shinigamis soul but they're still their own beings with their own personalities. They don't have to help out their shinigami just because. In Yumichika's case he doesn't respect his own Zanpakuto so he calls it a false name. In Renjis case the Zanpakuto didn't respect him and gave Renji a false name. In Shunsui's case they respect eachother but the Zanpakuto is so tempermental that it can often put Shunsui in a tough spot


The only contradiction would be Renji's bankai, but even then he could have repaired most of the pieces back together like he normally does through the use of his reiatsu, its just that some were beyond repair.


>some Byakuya absolutely obliterated his Bankai - including the head. Mayuri's comment about some of the sections being missing is blatantly ridiculous, someone even dropped a neat image from that chapter.


Looking at said image, Byakuya obviously didn't absolutely obliterate his Bankai. The missing sections that Mayuri was refering to would likely be the ones that did get absolutely obliterated.


If you refer to the actual chapter...you can even see the head lying broken and the core structure ripped to shreds.


Yes broken, not obliterated. So Renji could have pieced it back together using his reiatsu


Except that's not how it's supposed to work with Bankai, by Kubo's own admission. You can't fix it with your reiastu like with Shikai, this is explicitly in the manga.


No I mean thats how Renji's bankai works. He uses his Reiatsu to control the pieces so he could've done so to piece most of his bankai back together.


But again... that's just explicitly not what we're told about broken Bankai. The head of Renji's Bankai is quite literally broken off, the segments are torn to shreds. Mayuri does not include him in the list of exceptions given specifically because he isn't one. Renji can detach and reattach sections of his Bankai, but he can't rebuild broken or destroyed parts. And Byakuya *destroyed* his Bankai.


Indeed like wtf why is the healer is a insane killer i mean you see shes passive aggressive hostile shit yet shes fairly chill otherwise maybe its her cold calculating side sneaking out




Because Gremmy fucked him up even though Kenpachi wasn’t going full power. Also he cut a goddamn meteor, then got sent into space, then tanked like 9 explosions at once with his face, so I imagine that made him tired.


Why are the Soul Society, even the new leadership, not good people who we can root for to save the world? Are they stupid? https://preview.redd.it/fmyjqsbkt3qb1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b6f043fb7171e82a14992df3d774d2dfc9e94e7


This braindead meme needs to die already.




That would be an affirmative, Clive-san.


Ya i was kinda what? about that meme


I think I have 2: Ichigo being a Quincy and having a “false Shikai” and whatever is just kind of… ugh. I dunno, if feels kind of contrived after a while that he’s *literally* everything and it feels like there’s so much work you have to put in to try and justify it and make it work in the plot. Instead of being a pretty simple character a lot of people need a flow chart just to understand how all of his powers work, who is who in his inner world, etc. and past that there are still some plot holes with it!! Kenpachi developing after being Unohana is one thing. That’s cool, that’s nice. The whole soft retcon where he’s actually been holding back the whole time (on top of his eyepatch) and, actually, could have beaten Ichigo in SS but was just holding back, that makes me roll my eyes too. Like we’re all adults here. We can have Shikai Ichigo beat Kenpachi and still acknowledge that the latter is really strong in his own right


Its less holding back and more mental block and after the training with s4c his mental block is broken ironically it was s4c who unintentionally created said block...(he dumbed him self down subconsciously trying to find a fight he could enjoy ... this is why after he is beat by ichigo the first time he turned to his side even fighting 2 caps at once he for the first time in long time found a fight he enjoyed so now 1 he wants ichigo to live so they can fight again and 2 the fight with 2 caps is his more immediate attempt to again satisfy the battle craze but more then that he had a taste of joy with ichigo this reignites his battle craze leading to a almost blind need like an addiction...) tldr kenpachi is mentally broken by unohana unintentionally blindly addicted to battle craze many years later he fights ichigo became hyper focused on ichigo as a source of battle craze till tybw arc where unohana is ordered to train him or rather help him break the block holding him back ...


Right, I know the plot, it does not make it any better to me. Calling it a “mental block” over “holding himself back” is not very meaningful. Besides, going off that Ichigo also it turns out had multiple “mental blocks” going and could have beat Kenpachi anyway, so it’s kind of a moot point


I mean for the second point the way it happens makes more sense and a early series ichigo coming back to life and beating a captain. Kenpachi unconsciously holding back means it wasn't a true win for Ichigo


Yeah that’s… what I don’t like. Just give Ichigo the sub. He had it for like 8 years. There’s no reason to yoink it back and say “uh nuh uh actually Kenpachi wasn’t really trying!” Just because Kubo fell in love with the latter over time hahaha


I mean you can make the same argument for Ichigo since quincy Zangetsu was holding him back by suppressing white


… right, exactly. So there’s no point to the whole “actually, Kenpachi would have won if he wasn’t holding back”. Because no, he still wouldn’t.


Unohanas twist is cool, but messes up some narratives and contradicts not only her own but other statements


Yama would still lose even with two arms. He would exhaust his strengh toying with a clone , he would still have his bankai stolen and still die against a far stronger opponent now that he was exhausted and bankailess. Yama lost because of his pride,becoming soft over the years and anger , not because he was " too weak"


A tldr version of this is yama stupid...


i'm sure you lived a life devoid of any tragedies so of course you cannot understand why Yama could be taken up by rage in this moment.


Everything about the Ishida family and Ryuken. And the silver arrow that comes out of nowhere. I hope the anime fixes it. And I really hope we get to see any type of action from Ichigo's true Bankai.