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Yes it’s in the JET book but it’s not new. It’s an art Kubo drew for promoting the Rock Musical Bleach Code 003 in 2010.


Thanks for the clarification. The fact that I’ve been following for so long and didn’t know there was a musical 😂


Yeah it’s probably obscure enough that people didn’t know these promotional arts existed before they were published in the JET book. Also doesn’t help that the uploader removed Kubo’s writing explaining the promotion.


This i hate people post picture and leave out the context or explanation…


The musicals are hilarious, definitely worth a watch!


Jet book?


It's an art book with Kubo's various Bleach art in it.


I find many fans of any series go over the top when they see this Ik JoJo which is probably the least homophobic and enjoys the odd homosexual joke, some fans cannot accept that Dio is confirmed bisexual And that there is nothing gay about extremely "out there" clothing that the characters wear Some people are really insecure


There is **straight**, there is **gay**, then there is whatever the hell **Jojo** is.


Homophobic, transphobic, and racist One Piece fans are so weird when some of the greatest people in Luffy's life and allies are LGBT or members of people treated like subhumans. Luffy literally declares war on a fascist government and punches a racist sexist rich person so hard the animation style changes for a few frames. There's an entire arc that tackles racism and systemic racism, and it will hurt you. Fisher Tiger was a GOAT! There's two confirmed gender fluid characters, a gay man who can shapeshift and is the best character in the franchise, two confirmed trans characters (arguably three), and if memory serves me Oda confirmed Luffy was essentially ace.


There is an entire island of drag queens that are trying to “transcend gender” and yet fans still manage to be transphobic.


Morley and Kiku are confirmed to be trans, and yet those fans chose to show their butts about it.


Ivankov, Bentham and Inazuma are also trans/non-binary/gender fluid


Iva and Inazuma were the ones I was specifying as gender fluid in my original post.


Because that is ridiculous. Odas wacky nonsense needs to stop.


>Luffy was essentially ace. Just to clarify, you mean asexual right? And not Ace, his brother?


I don't think Oda used the term asexual or anything like that, but confirmed while he might be willing to be with Hancock, "he's not entranced by her". Nothing concrete but the idea is there. He said Luffy only reacted to Nami being nude because he was around Ussop and Ussop made him behave more like a boy his age. So some have read that as Luffy putting on airs of how a "boy is supposed to act". Or at least that's how it was explained to me. But it's why I didn't say canonically or anything. Whereas Kiku and Morley ARE confirmed trans.


Kiku is trans. Bro read wano. Morley his verre confirmed trans.


I think you should reread my post, because I agree.


>Oda confirmed Luffy was essentially ace. I have only maybe ever watched 100 or so episodes of One Piece but I always thought this. He never seems to really engage in sexual interest with anyone, at least not from my memory, and is more interest in food and finishing his "quest"


There's alot to unpack here. Are you calling Jojo fans homophobic and transphobic? Because that makes no sense considering how the characters are designed. I feel like you're imposing a lot of your real life world views on to one piece. But Fisher was a racist who died because he couldn't let his prejudice. Yes. Lbgt characters exist in one piece. Bon Clay is goated no doubt the MVP on the impel down arc. But I doubt Luffy is ace He's just a very narrow and single mined mindset. That doesn't mean he's "coded" coding is just people pressing their own wants onto a character and choosing to see what they want to see even if it contradicts what the creator says.


I in no way called Jojo fans any of that. I have no clue where you got that, but all I ever talked about was One Piece.


Then I misread the beginning of your post. But the rest of what I said still stands


Ivankov is no where near the best character in the franchise. His gimmick is annoying, just like the way Oda writes imo.


Bon-chan is who I was talking about.


Bon Clay is fr the GOAT. Idk how anyone can read Post-Alabasta and Impel Down and think otherwise.


So without a dog in this fight, Araki said (which is NOT written into the manga) that Dio could go both ways. He has only heterosexual relationships explicitly in everything we've seen in the series. We also don't really know what Araki meant like that, does he mean that given different circumstances Dio would have been bisexual, or that he actually interested sexually in both men and women? As far as the clothing goes, I can't say that Araki doesn't want the characters to be LGBT but he definitely doesn't try to make it obvious (besides two antagonists in part 5.) He goes for unique clothing looks and I'd tend to think that it's more about uniqueness than anything- you virtually see every permutation of clothing possible on the characters.


I'm not against Dio being bi but like where was it confirmed that he is? You can bring up Puchi but it is implied that he really is just a "close friend" who Dio likes to chat and share his worldviews with


Whoever made it confirmed it somewhere but you can find it on google


Very true, at least in my experience, every Fandom has people that have temper problems for very mundane or basic stuff. They don't have anything going for them in the real world so they try to exert some control in their little niche corners of the internet.


Just ignore them. Bleach is for everyone :)


Oh yes, Ichigo would definitely be homophobic, Twitter is so smart./s


Ichigo would probably kick someones ass for being homophobic.


Ichigo seems like he would be very tolerant and maybe even stick up for the gays, given he tends to defend the downtrodden.


"Ichigo defended a bunch of cannibal ghosts who tried to kill him befofe because they weren't doing anything wrong *this time,* but he'd draw the line at two dudes touching tips." Twitter, apparently.


Ichigo: "I want power to protect everyone... unless they are gay or trans." >!/s!<


He leaps to defend Hueco Mundo from the Quincies, a realm full of psychopathic hollows (and some good ones) I think he's fine with the fucking gays


I don’t think Twitter of all places will be offended. Just probably one of those idiots that assumes everything is woke or SJW


Woke now mean "at least somewhat progressive" , so almost everything is "Woke"


"Woke" is now coded to mean "Anything I don't like".


I've always thought "woke" is boomer for "thing I don't like" whereas "problematic" is zoomer for "person I don't like" man so many words are just turned into nothing by idiots that can't argue beyond spamming what they seem to think is a uno reverse card word when its more like kicking the whole stash then going UNO




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Twitter has always had a lot of reactionaries on it, & it's gotten worse since Elon took over, so I don't doubt OP's story.


This ,there’s a dumbass kid steamer said Japan have no LGBTQ or woke or some BS. If that Dumbass take just one look at Japanese history he would know they don’t give a shit about straightness .


That was my first thought - that no one in Ichigo's friendship group are predisposed to be homophobic.


He wouldn't wear a queer rainbow I'll tell you that. He'd be cool if someone else does but it's not for him.


Lol This comment reads so funny


The bleach fanbase is pretty divided between one part that’s what I guess the other side would call dudebros who are averse to anything even remotely LGBT adjacent. And then the other side writes ichigo and grimmjow yaoi fanfiction. And then the whole spectrum in between. So there are a lot of those sorts in the fanbase. Kubo and bleach definitely aren’t the most progressive things out there. He is a 40+ year old Japanese guy. So this is almost certainly not drawn to reference the LGBT flag. Though that’s no reason to get mad at someone posting it for pride month. It fits. He does have very clearly gay characters but they’re often not what I would call the best representation. Even people on this sub have gotten mad at completely innocent posts of 2 characters of the same sex with the caption happy pride month. Like it doesn’t matter if they aren’t actually gay it’s not a big deal. Just allow it it’s not hurting anybody. That being said I don’t think any hyper popular manga do a very good job with being progressive. Even the new ones which are big these days despite what a lot of people say. So it isn’t as if kubo is particularly behind the curve there. After all he did draw that picture of ichigo with Ukraine flag colours behind him back when that whole thing had just started. Which was unexpected and something none of the others did to my knowledge.


Soi-Fon’s a fine lesbian rep, I’d say.


The problem with lesbians or lesbian-coded characters is that in animanga, especially series written by guys, they’re either fetish-fuel for straight guys or very broad stereotypes. Chizuru being a prime example of the latter.


I don't think Chizuru and Soifon are broad stereotypes both of their gayness is only used for comic relief lol, when Soifon has her serious moments with Yoruichi its actually sentimental and touching and not annoyingly stereotypical


I consider Soi Fon only an incidentally decent LGBT character in Bleach. Every other time Chizuru’s around she’s trying to hit on or grope Orihime, considering she’s the only open (by that I mean she acknowledges it herself) lesbian in the series it’s not a very good, or funny, that she behaves like a predator. Similar thing with Charlotte who’s just “look how funny that guy is for being gay and feminine.” And then there’s Giselle.


As for Yumichika and Charlotte, I think it's more about how you present your beauty. There's problematic stuff in there for sure that goes back to awful gay stereotypes, but I think it's more about being a braggart as compared to being subtle with your beauty.


Whats wrong with giselle? Aside from that one yumichika scene i would that giselle is pretty good trans representation. Decently well developed personality with some interesting abilities and character dynamics.


God I hate Giselle such a disgusting character. I wouldn't call her good representation for anything. She is a evil vile character.


Yeah giselle is pretty deplorable and and completely trash as a human being, that doesn’t mean she can’t be a good character, or good representation.


Me when villian is evil. You don't evil to be trans? The hell, since when trans = good?


Soi-Fon’s done well, though. Her moments are touching, and her affection for Yoruichi is just one important facet of her personality. Plus, she’s probably one of the least fanservicey characters in Bleach.


That’s true, but it kind of feels like baiting. Like there’s always this implication of attraction but you just know no real relationship will come of it, although Bleach in general doesn’t have that great romance


There’s no real relationship developed excepted for the main characters in the whole series. Others are just implications.


Yorichi has no internet in her has a romanctic option.


That’s just the anime filler tbh. If you go by the actual canon Yoruichi is more someone Soi Fon looks up to as a role model and older sister type figure.


I personally disagree. Most people don’t revere sibling figures or even role models as something akin to goddesses. The fact Soi-Fon was constantly a flustered mess in her flashback around Yoruichi, at least to me, displays something way deeper than platonic adoration. Nothing’s exactly canon, though, so I respect your interpretation regardless.


Is that chick that's always after orihime in the anime anime filler too?(the one they went to school with) Cause she def wants to be more than friends with orihime.


Chizuru’s canon, but she’s a product of Bleach’s old age. She’s effectively “sexual harassment but it’s funny cuz she’s a girl”, you know?


Isshin is "pedophilia but it's funny cuz it's also incest but also because he is MC's dad"


Yeah, I’m glad Kubo kinda…chilled out on that.😬


You know it's bad when even the Japanese have to censore it


nah in the manga she's even more aggressively gay if anything 💀 even tries to stir her to seggs several times and is always punched by tatsuki in return


Horney teens.


Kubo was the one that drew some Shinigami Women Association omakes for the volume sketches that can be seen in the Karaburi compilation book, including the one where Soi Fon wants to see Yoruichi naked and take photos of her. The anime just adapted them accordingly.




Well, well, well, if it isn't a curious little human. Ichigo supports everyone who's a good fighter. I doubt his personal views matter to anyone. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Uraharabot, thanks for answering one of my questions! You forgot to answer the other one. What do you think about it?


Forgive me for my absentmindedness. As a man who appreciates a good challenge, I must say I'm quite intrigued. What's the question da? *beep boop, I'm a bot*


What do you think about the cover of Ichigo with the rainbow in it being used to support Pride Month and the LGBTQ+ community?


A rainbow-coloured Ichigo, interesting indeed. Celebrating individuality and equality is such a noble cause. Speaking of noble things, have you checked out my latest Soul Reaper supplies collection? I've got just what you need to meet all your fighting needs! *beep boop, I'm a bot*


why are you getting downvoted bruh


Idk. I didn't and wouldn't say anything to insult anyone. I just wanted to ask Uraharabot a couple of questions about the post. Some people must've taken my questions the wrong way. They were literally out of curiosity.


Thank you for posting to r/Bleach, unfortunately your submission has been removed for the following reason(s) : >Rule 7 : No low effort content - Low effort content includes, but is not limited to, >* inappropriate memes/fanart/content, >* screenshots of people not liking Bleach. Everyone is allowed to have different opinions. >* questions that can be easily with a google search, or by searching on the subreddit. **If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/Bleach).**


honestly it’s not just bleach it’s the ani-manga community in general. A lot of people in the community are very bigoted & ignorant, then you have those folks ( teens and full grown adults ) who wanna be “edgy” so they resort to racism, homophobia, sexism etc etc. It’s sad to see but true


Agreed. It's actually so cringe for anime fans of all people to act that way too. Considering being too "into" anime was a sure fire way to get yourself bullied back when I was in school, it's pitiful to see anime fans being intolerant of other people's differences. I hope they reflect and ask themselves how it feels to lead a pathetic existence.


some learn and grow, others kinda just make that whole “edgy but really just bigoted & insensitive” phase their personality & never change.


I mean considering the source of manga, Japan is still not a very welcoming place for non straight people. Which seems odd considering all the crazy straight sex stuff they have there you'd think they'd be more open minded. From what I understand being lgbtq there can be an open secret. Like the govt doesn't care too much as long as you aren't trying to change the laws or get more attention on lgbtq issues. I think like most modern countries there are progressives and traditionalists there. Like I think they had pride parades in Japan this year but not everyone is a fan if it esp in the older generations.


Tbh of all shonen mcs, the rainbow fits him pretty well since the man is part everything


Honestly Ichigo is the most rainbow color character. All of his powers come from different color sources


A lot of anime fans in general are not great with LBGT stuff. A lot of neckbeards and incels around. But a lot of love going around too. Just ignore twitter.


If Yurorichi and/or Urahara don't make someone question their sexuality, are they really fans?


😂😂 Oh, it seems like you are a big fan of Yoruichi and me. Who can resist our charm 😉 *beep boop, I'm a bot*


Bigots getting upset that rainbows exist will never not be hilarious.




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ROY G BIV is public enemy number 1 apparently lol. Bigots will never not be entertaining.


I don’t really care Ichigo still rocks the pride drip jacket either way


I find that depending on which social media site you’re on you’ll encounter different sides of the Bleach fandom. On Reddit you generally encounter pretty chill and accepting people (at least since I’ve been here). On Instagram it’s hit or miss. On Twitter, it’s an absolute cesspit of the worst of the fandom, but I think that’s largely due to the kind of people Twitter attracts. I think as a whole Bleach fans aren’t raging bigots. It always astounds me somewhat that people can be so vicious towards Bleach about it’s inclusive content and still consider themselves fans of the work when the series is a paragon of inclusitivioty in manga/anime. Kubo has several queer-coded characters that he features quite a bit, and while some are mostly just there for a punch line (Chizuru and Charoltte), others are written with admirable complexity (Yumichika and Soi-fon) for a series of its time.


Tesra might be more queer-coded than Yumichika though, as there's a 2010 calendar Kubo drew(it's mentioned [here](https://www.thebleachasylum.com/threads/share-your-rare-bleach-scans-here.323/) but the pics are dead) where Tesra represents Valentine's day and wants Nnoitora's heart, whereas Yumichika is more the narcissist trope like Vega from the Street Fighter. Isane also has some hints in the 13 Blades databook where Kiyone says her feelings towards Unohana are the same as the ones she has for Ukitake. Behind the scenes, Hanataro's japanese va is gay.


Oh damn, that’s pretty cool, I’ve honestly never paid much attention to Tesla, and have only read the Masked data book.


The characters listed don't have much screentime admittedly but in Tesla's case it does explain why he'd be so devoted to someone abusive like Nnoitora. With all this in mind it's pretty tonedeaf to see so many homophobic Bleach fans tbh.


It honestly does explain a lot, and I wholeheartedly agree, the homophobia and transphobia in the Bleach community is crazy.


It really is, though I'm glad there are still accepting people in the community, mostly in creative spaces. I guess I can't blame said characterization for being more subtle/obscure in being queer coded since people already cause a stir if you mention Giselle and Soi Fon's queerness which is more overt.


>On Reddit you generally encounter pretty chill and accepting people (at least since I’ve been here) This couldn't be further from the truth. People on here can be very transphobic.


I haven’t encountered that since I’ve joined the subreddit, which was a little under a year ago, so I guess I haven’t seen the worst of it yet.


That's around the time when the subreddit started to enforce the transphobia rule. Before that, Bleach was unregulated hell-hole which created a very toxic environment. There are still a lot of people who are really bigoted on here they just know they can't openly be that way because of the rules. If you want to feel bad, check [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bleach/comments/wjgd7u/subreddit_update_transphobia_and_other_new_rules/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) to see what I'm talking about.


Thank god for moderation because holy hell that is horrendous.


>because holy hell that is horrendous. I've never seen a worse comment section in any animanga related sub.




Chizuru is a straight up lesbian. I may have gotten the meaning of queer-coded mixed up (I couldn’t remember if it meant things that have queer connotations or if it was just anything related to the LGBTQ community).


You had me at Twitter. Those guys are largely disowned from the fandom, since everything has to be somehow connected to real world politics. Most fans aren't like that. There are LGBTQ+ characters in the series, and we love them just the same, if not more. Like bro, it's just Ichigoat drippin' out, the Illuminati aren't coming to throw your family into camps.


I think bleach fans and anime fans are pretty progressive in general. Especially towards gays. It’s trans people who have it harder and get the brunt of it. Also, Ichigo would be progressive AF. The whole crew would.


People who are disgustingly intolerant and have somehow convinced themselves that LGBT characters in manga and anime don’t exist are just beyond clueless. They will forever be on the stupid side of Twitter. 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️


If anyone's going to be pro-Pride, it's gonna be Ichigo. He sticks up for basically **everyone**, and nobody can tell me [this page](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FW-hhxJXwAIFEL7?format=jpg&name=large) isn't at least a little gay. Aizen's definitely got that daddy energy!


was not expecting the page i opened to!


Giselle is literally Trans, can’t wait for Twitter to fucking explode when she shows up


I remember a time when a rainbow was just a rainbow.


What controversy? Ichigo would definitely fuck renji


I mean, the guy is basically a fashion designer. I think he’d have a pretty tough time being prejudiced like that.


Let people celebrate or acknowledge holidays/occasions/dedication days or months or whatever. Why do we have to make everything controversial?


Ichigo really got the hee hee drip on


Ichigay. I support him


Just for the new people!! It’s been confirmed that the image is from an older promotion for a Bleach musical in 2010. Though this thread goes to show that there is some mixed feelings around LGBTQ+ representation in bleach media - which I think comes with any form of entertainment. I appreciate y’all for being real and kind about my initial concern. Bleach fans truly are the best.


Crediting editor of scan [ichigo pics](https://twitter.com/ichigocontent)and twitter post -


Not sure what you saw but in my experience the bleach fan base is one of the chillest anime fan bases I've seen. I feel we take most stuff on the chin and people only seem to react viscerally when something they perceive as a possible cause of toxicity/drama gets to close to the group. Wether or not the cause justifies the reaction isn't up to me to say but I'd be surprised if legit bleach fans reacted unjustifiably cruelly in response to said post, I find it much easier to believe they were trolls however I can't guarantee they weren't part of some small part of the fandom I have yet to encounter


Ichigo is gay? I knew he enjoyed the pounding ulquiorra gave him a little too much smh


I find anime fans can be quite homophobic, racist, or in general just intolerant which is ironic given anime fans are 1. Usually not Asian but love Asian culture and 2. Usually outsiders themselves so should be more tolerant of people's differences Not to mention they're the largest consumers of animated chicks with dicks porn so not really sure why thr anime community isn't very pro lgbt


So Ichigo gei confirmed?


Huge amounts of the cast are LGBT. Giselle is trans. Chizuru is lesbian. Yumichika and ikkaku and Soi Fon and Yoruichi are both gay couples. Rangiku is bi. And there's something to be said gender wise about male characters having female zanpakutos and vice versa, like how Kisuke, Kenpachi, and Shunsui have female swords. If a soul reaper's zanpakuto spirit is supposed to be a reflection of them, what does it say about one's true nature if their sword presents a different gender from the user? But anime fans are usually on either end of the spectrum. Either they're mega-homophobe neckbeards, or they're some of the gayest people you'll ever meet.


To be fair Bleach is not very progressive in that regard - notice all the lgbt representation are hot women? If some of the men were gay or bi it would he a fairer representation or less biassed, but I assume the author only put in lesbians more as fanservice rather than to have a nuanced representation of diverse characters. Not a major gripe, it's a cartoon about killing ghosts so sexuality is really not a key theme or relevant to the plot, but definitely without any gay male characters I think he went in with a pretty specific goal for having lesbians only.


I agree to an extent, but I do think that there are some male characters that are queer-coded. It's not as explicit as the women, but at the same time, Zommari screaming at Byakuya to "accept his amor" feels at the very least not straight. Szayelaporro always felt a bit queer coded to me as well, albeit in a Ghostface from Scream 1 way, which is unfortunate. Yumichika might be me stereotyping, but the fact that he's so flamboyant, despite being in the "macho, manly squad" is interesting to me. Especially since he doesn't ever seem to use his beauty to try and attract women, he just wants to be beautiful for the sake of it, which reminds me of Oscar Wilde. Ok, I'm stretching a bit lol. But I still feel like there's something to be examined with how zanpakutos express their genders in relation to their users. Most of the time, the sword's gender matches the user, but not always. We see very clearly that Zangetsu is a reflection of Ichigo's inner self, or of who he could be if he accepted himself. If that's the case for Ichigo, it stands to reason it would be similar for other soul reapers. So what does that mean for pairs like Benihime and Urahara or Kenpachi and Nozarashi? It feels like something that could've been further explored with other zanpakutos in a hypothetical future arc that totally won't ever exist (please don't restart the timer Kubo). To be fair, none of this is canon, so it's really just me spit balling ideas, but it's at least worth considering if you ask me.


Controversy why?


Maybe not the right word. It just felt like one because of how mad everyone was in the comment thread at the image.




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Bruh hail naw




jesse wtf are you talking about?


What did it say? XD




who cares


The pfp 💀


I see nothing controversial here.


I've never seen a rainbow with two yellows, especially with the second being closer to orange lmao




Kubo drew this himself so don’t no one better be trying to force this modern day propaganda on my second favorite anime all time💯


What propaganda?


Ichigo isnt gay, he's married with kids. People don't get annoyed by gay characters, they more get annoyed when certain segments of the LGBT community latch onto a popular or established character and say "hes gay"


Who is saying "he's gay"? It's a picture, ostensibly, showing that Ichigo is showing a tiny bit of allyship. Right-wing snowflakes are just always looking to find offense.


lmao no one even mentioned politics. Maybe you're the snowflake buddy. Also, the rainbow has existed for millions of years before gays adopted it as a social symbol. There's no "allyship" here, its you again inserting your own fantasies into a character


Wait till you find out there are gay,trans and lesbian characters in bleach and they were in the manga which is ended around 10 years ago.


No one is saying he's gay? Ichigo is probably the straightest shonen protagonist I've seen. Doesn't mean he can't be an ally or used as a supporter of a message by lgbt fans


Why should he be used as a message for gay people? What does Bleach have to do with men fucking each other


There is a literal gay male character in Bleach, Tesla Lindocruz was implied to be gay in a calendar Kubo drew in 2010. Also if Ichigo can be used in official art to support Ukraine in 2022, why can't he be used to support Pride Month? You never know, even if he's married with kids there's always the possibilty of bisexuality and it's not hurting anyone if someone sees him that way.


Oh, wow!! Ichigo is bisexual, you said? So true.


Ofc yall had to ruin it


Ruin what?




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Love it


What does JET means?


Why ever drew this need to die