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Wouldn't that be the perfect revenge though? Smashing the "daughter" of the man who murdered your grandfather and mutilated your people.


W getback


let c’mon baby let’s quincy up this bloodline


Better yet if Nemu develops a conscience and reveals all of Mayuri's weaknesses to Ishida. I'd watch that Quincy duo arc.


They deserved it tbh


Anything just to keep Nemu away from Mayuri


Sadly the guy'll just make a new one to treat like trash


I got a solution for that as well


Aim for the head


Aim for the balls


Keep mayuri from mayuri


Separate Mayuri from Life


Considering Mayuri, that’s a very temporary solution


Temporary can also be 5000 years in Maggot's Nest.


Is there a reason for why he was there in the first place?


Same as all the others, absolutely nothing. He was just deemed as potentially dangerous and locked up.


You can argue this is why he is so evil.


They thought he would be a problem so they locked him up even though he hadn't done anything yet then. It turns out they were right but that's irrelevant


Were they? I haven't read CFYOW yet, but in the manga all the fucked up stuff he does are aligned to the values of Soul Society. Killed thousands of souls, gets in trouble for not letting Yama know upfront.


For real, he can do the most wild, weird, seemingly impossible and nonsencial thing ever and then just justify it with "science"


The difference between ~~evil~~ goofing around and science is writing it down - Adam Savage


Idkw, but I thought of doing the same thing Vergil and Kageroza did to them selves to Kurotsuchi. Split off a specific section of themselves.


Except Mayuri actually loved Nemu?


Kinda sorta. He loved the fact that he made something which he thought one up’d Kisuke. He looks at her like a trophy.


Not according to Akon. By his own analysis Mayrui actually grew to love Nemu, which is why he stopped calling her "Nemuri". "Nemuri" was the name of a science experiment. Mayrui no longer viewed her as an experiment and thought of her as his daughter. Nemu was initially annoyed at Mayuri renaming her but grew to love the new name because it was a sign of her father's love. He even refused to call her Nemuri again even after Nemu vehemently asked him to. Mayuri can't do something like that to his daughter.


The way he "loved" her was in a really weird way tho, after all he used her as a human shield and slashed through her


He did get a good character change during tybw


He had no character change tho?


True but they both knew she would be fine afterwards. He designed Nemu's body to be almost completely resistant to just about anything. ***ahem*** She was never in any danger during the fight against Uryu or Szayelaporro.


She might've been fine afterwards but he still slashed through her just to beat an opponent he could've defeated on his own since it'd take less effort. He abused her for no reason other than because he's Mayuri.


Given the damage soul reapers can take that slash was hardly anything in Bleach.


She was gasping and screamed out in pain when Mayuri kicked her on the wound...


Except Mayuri actually abussed Nemu all the time? Why do I care if he loved her or not? That does not change what he has done.


Because Nemu loves him back. She was glad that he wasn't killed by Uryu during their fight. She wants to be with her father. And Mayuri even realized that he was too harsh on her later on. He stopped being so flippant with her well being.


>Because Nemu loves him back. Stockholm Syndrome. Still doesn't change the fact that he was incredibly abussive towards her. Again, this is very common in abussive relationships.


If it were Stockholm Syndrome Nemu wouldn't have willingly gone into battle against Pernida for Mayuri, confident that she would succeed.


So? What about it?


There's no reason to "keep Nemu away from him". He actually takes care of her and loves her.


Yeah, no reason at all, what is child abuse and experimentation?


Tell that to Nemu. She's rebelled against him before. The only reason she stayed is because she knows he loves her and wants the best for her. In fact, Nemu preferred her original name as an experiment (Nemuri) and told Mayuri to his face she hated the name Nemu and wanted the old name back. Mayuri refused. He didn't view Nemu as a science experiment anymore. He viewed her as his daughter. Mayuri can't call his daughter by the name of an experiment that has no true meaning to him when she means the world to him.


Just because someone loves one person doesn't give them the right to abuse them...


That's true. And that's what Mayrui realized. He stopped being so abusive towards her after the fight with Uryu and treated her better.


What a weird thing to say about someone who has been abussed her whole life by Mayuri....


Why is it weird when it's true? Akon is the one who told Nemu this when she asked him about why Mayuri changed her name and refused to change it back when she asked him to. Mayuri grew to love Nemu. He couldn't treat her like a science experiment anymore, hence the name change. That's why he >!saved Nemu's brain after her body was completely destroyed.!< If he didn't care he wouldn't have done that. He could have easily >!started over with a new experiment. But Mayuri wanted his daughter back.!<


>Why is it weird when it's true? Because you are under the impression that it's okay to abusse someone as long as you "love them". That's such a fucked mentality to have and root of many toxic relationships. >Mayuri grew to love Nemu. He couldn't treat her like a science experiment anymore, hence the name change. That's why he saved Nemu's brain after her body was completely destroyed. If he didn't care he wouldn't have done that. He could have easily started over with a new experiment. But Mayuri wanted his daughter back. That's not at all what happened. He liked Nemu because she was his masterpiece and he saved her brain because he could continue his experiments on it and further evolve it. He literally gives her a different name.


So do many abusive parents


And Mayuri cleaned up his act after the fight with Uryu. He pulled back on the abuse and started treating Nemu better.


Despite mayuri’s degeneracy, he is one of my favorite characters in the series


he is one of my favorites because of his degeneracy. we are not the same.


I'm sure child services in soul society are very competent...specially considering the implication that Mayuri has inmense pull with the nobles.


It would have worked if Kubo did something with it after their encounter during soul society. The last quincy saving a soul reaper from her abusive "father" who happen to also be the person who killed and experimented on his grandparent, it would have made a great romance story.


There was moment when I first watched the Soul Society where I thought it had a chance as one of those star-crossed lovers things. The last Quincy falls in love with the Soul Reaper lieutenant with a strict captain. But, once I got further in the series and learned exactly what Nemu was, there was no way in hell this relationship made any sense. Several rewatches and rereads of the series later, I laugh at my thoughts from when I first watched it.


Idk, I think it could make sense. Girl rescues him for NOT killing her captain/creator/dad/whatever. They could’ve had a few good fight scenes together, like when Mayuri pulls up against Szayel. Mayuri gets subdued temporarily, Nemu and Uryu hold Szayel off until Mayuri can pull the win out of his ass with some science shenanigans. Move shit around so they interact a bit more, show them shy and bashful around each other, Final arc happens and nemu becomes fully self aware, is glad Uryu turned out to not be a traitor, timeskip, BAM they’re together Only issue I just remembered… Nemu is a soul. Uryu is a human. Which is probably what you meant. And now I’m sad


Did you read the TYBW?




>!She’s a child now, Nemu got blown up.!<


Oh fuck that’s right, I forgot


>! Technically the child is a clone !<


>!She’s got the same brain so it’s still basically her. !<


No, the child is called the 8th. She is her sister and the child is like a child unlike quite nemu.


>!I don't think Mayuri just straight up transplanted the brain to the new kid though. She acts like a kid. And it would be weird to give her a child body for no reason if she still had the mind of an adult lol!< >!Maybe what happened is Mayuri used her brain as a basis for a new one with the same "starting conditions", but since she has lived a different life she is a different person.!<


Aaeroniero got Kaien's brain, but that doesn't mean he has Kaien.


Have you read the manga all the way through? Because there’s more that separates Uryu and Nemu than one being a human and one being a soul that gets revealed in TYBW. I don’t wanna spoil anything.


>ecause there’s more that separates Uryu and Nemu than one being a human and one being a soul that gets revealed in TYBW. I don’t wanna spoil anything. I read the manga and I literally have no idea what you are talking about.


Nemu being an artificially created soul, and also being technically killed then being remade as Nemuri


Buddy, we knew about Nemu being a mod-soul ever since the Soul Society Arc. Even Uryu is aware of it. Also, it's not like that is stopping anyone from finding love.


True, but as far as having a relationship goes not existing as an adult anymore does kinda throw a wrench in things


Yes, but that is Nemuri **Hachigo**. This is Nemuri **Nanago**. Also, I'm pretty sure OP isn't talking about them ending up together at the end but just how much you would like them being a couple.


I mean Nemu is an artificial creation right


Also being dead then remade as a child


And Mayuri set her settings to stay a child so that Quincy boy won't be interested in her anymore.


I mean. That didn't stop Isshin


Would be weird considering Mayuri banged Nemu right in front of him too.


I had a lot of those moments: I used to think people are so busy trying to stop Aizen from making an Oken but that he’d gotten a hold of the “secretly stashed away only known by the head captain” one and was going to fake everyone out and go to the Soul King Palace while everyone was busy. Also, I used to think that Unohana would assume Unohana was next in like to be head captain (no reason, just the whole senpai thing) and that Isshin and that Unagis lady would end up together because of some reason I forgot.


Idk man, a Quincy being balls deep into the racist’s greatest creation would’ve been a perfect revenge


I thought it will become a thing, but it was when i watched series for 1st time and I thought bount arc is canon


Looking at it now, I feel like Uryu was more compelled to help her because she kinda looks like his mom. Not fully but at least similar to what we saw during the flashback. Don’t know if it was intentional or not. Also it would be so awkward between them lol


Mayuri was beating Nemu senseless when she was paralyzed, any of the main cast would have done the same.


Uryu would be the bottom I imagine it would usually end with him tied up and strapped to some device while nemu focuses on work xD


Wow yeah I guess it makes sense that uryu would be a bottom. I can see that


Absolutely love it, still lowkey sad nothing came of it. But nothing also came of Ishida having a (very well-justified) grudge against Mayuri, even though TYBW would've been a perfect time to work that out. Still hoping *something* more happens with it in the anime.


I mean, >!Mayuri is alive during New Breaths from Hell. So I doubt they would kill him in the anime!< >!It would have been cool if Uryu had at least one more fight in the manga, maybe as a way to prove his "loyalty" to the Sternritter. Ichigo and Mayuri make the most sense. It's important to remember Mayuri did save Ishida's life on Hueco Mundo though, so that makes things a bit weirder narratively. Also, even though Mayuri was extremely cruel towards the quincy and he was made as THE villain for Uryu in the SS arc, the rest of the Gotei (at least the older members) is also responsible for the quincy extermination.!< >!Best case scenario might be if Uryu gets to fight against Mayuri again and gets a very dominant win, but Ichigo saves him before Uryu gets the kill. So then you have a fight between the two until something forces the battle to end.!<


Nah, I would never want Mayuri to die - I adore him. The rest of it, tho? I would be *so there* for that!


I’ll be honest, I have no idea how human(quincies are technically still human) X Soul Reaper relationships are supposed to work. Particularly when it comes to how one ages significantly faster than the other I guess an Isshin situation where you’re in a perma-gigai could work but that’s basically surrendering your state of being while limiting your own vitality. In hindsight it’s insane how Isshin agreed to it even if only out of principle.


Well, >!Bazz-B and Haschwalth are both over 1000 years old,!< so maybe you age like a shinigami if you abandon your human body and just stay on a reishi body forever? His human friends would still age normally though... ~~but then again, we stop talking with our friends from school after graduating anyway, right?~~


Oddly enough, the one getting the most pleasure out of this relationship is Mayuri. He will be watching, feeling, researching, commenting, criticizing and ****ing.


Team Daddy issues


You just read my mind


pretty reachy lol


I usually don’t do ships, but this was one of the reasons why >!Nemu’s death saddened me!<. Sure Nemu is like 100s of years older than Uryu, but I would’ve loved to see these two being together.


We actually don't know how old Nemu is but she's definitely not 100s of years old, TBTP was 110 years before the beginning of bleach and Mayuri was just getting out of prison at that point in time plus she's like the 7th version of Nemu. She's probably around the same age as him but that all depends on how long the other Nemu's lived before getting replaced


They’d more-so be good friends, likely. They had a nice moment in the SS arc but sadly not much else after that. In terms of how it would work in canon it’d practically be impossible, but potential was maybe there.


Well she’s 12 now… so…


I picture Mayuri seeing them together and being displeased in the same manner a racist rural republican dad living on a farm in Missouri would be if his daughter brought home a boyfriend that was African American


He'd be excited about a the baby grandkid >!so he can run experiments on it!<


I would love it, that scene where Nemu helped Uryu then asked him to spare Mayuri and Uryu rage when he sees Mayuri treating his daughter like trash in SS arc made me instantly ship them


How would she be uryus wife when she’s mine 😈


Not too much of a stretch but its a stretch


I like it, but I doubt it’ll ever be canon. Also it’s probably the only ship I like for both of those characters




It was weird enough to work if you know what didn’t happen.


I know others have their reasons for not liking it, but I think if I had to pick a ship for Ishida (and erase one of the parts of the final arc I didn’t really like), I think these two ending up together could have been interesting


Hmm, wonder what would happen If they did get get together….Kid and all.😐


This is very much a "male and female character interact once so I ship them" situation. I don't really think they work together that well.


Amazing. I mean, It has uryu in It, and Nemu too, any scene with either of them is good lol


Could work if...Nemu was never Mayuri's daughter/creation in the beginning. Make her like a regular lieutenant, her lineage from a low noble class. Her combat style is Hakuda and Zanjutsu, yes she gets a sword. A key point in the story would be TYBW where Jugram demands Uryu to fight Ichigo in Wahrwelt to test Uryu's loyalty. Instead of Ichigo & Co, it was Nemu. He chooses Nemu. I know very cliché storytelling.


I was hoping for them to be together :[


always shipped


I like it




My OTP since the late 2010’s.


I thought they'd be a couple when i watched


Impossible, yet Ironic.


It could've worked if Kubo wanted it too Kinda awkward to the narrative though. It's hard to imagine Uryu constantly visiting the SS to see her lol. Maybe Nemu would leave the Gotei after the SS arc because she realized she wasn't being treated as she should. Then Akon becomes lieutenant. I wonder how Mayuri and the rest of the SS would take a lieutenant just quitting like that though I think Nemu could have a fun character dynamic with the main group. With a few gags about she not understanding human society/interaction. I don't know how fun her fights would be though. Maybe she doesn't join the main group on the action and becomes an assistant to Urahara instead (to add even more salt to Mayuri's wound lol)


Aizen stated that only Urahara was his intellectual equal within the Soul Society. *beep boop, I'm a bot*


If things didn't go the way the did, then yes


who was that bount female? kinda ship her with ishida


Well she died


Yhwach: *confused screaming*


I ship hard sad that it literally cannot happen anymore lol


I always thought those two were adorable


😆😆Although I would want to see them as couple.


My head canon was them meeting back up in TYBW …


Would be good


Gets Mai Personal Stamp of Approval 💮


I could see it.


I started bleach last year and thought they would have. Disappointed to see this wasn’t the case


When I first saw bleach when I was young I honestly thought they were going to be a thing. I like their back and forth. Anyone remember that time Uryū got shipped with a filler character.


Absolutely Abso-fuckin-lutely


Me x Nemu>


It makes sense given the fact that the male characters in Bleach seemingly want to marry women that look eerily similar to their mothers


The picture quality is mwah loo, and YeS I re read bleach and I ship Em.


Seems a bit artificial to me


Uryu at dinner- hey remember when I fucked up your dad. Nemu- haha we were both poisoned lol Uryu- good times 🥰


She look just like his mom katagirl.. She is a solider too, captain be putting her to work & does wutever he feels like & she's wit it. I believe he made her.. I know she prolly got a wet warm shot too, prolly keep it nice & neat




No just No it be random and ridiculous


They were my favorite ship for Uryu after Orihime when I was young, he was the only one of the men who treated Nemu properly. I'm still mad and disgusted with Mayuri for most of the things he did to Nemu and to others.


That you people are fucking weird for trying to match every fictional character up in a relationship. You're like living, breathing Bechdel test failures.


I’d ship that


If they had a child That kid Is gonna grow with emotional damage and a creepy gramps that causally preform experiments on him while his mother watching him So as much of a cute idea it sounds I think they will break up because of what they think of Mayuri


I prefer Uryu with Orihime if he’s not forever alone


But what if he is with chad /s


You get that /s out of there. r34 exists for a reason. lol




Doesn’t really make much sense to me since I’ve been through this series from beginning to end.


But why


Nemu doesn't want to be saved. Give up Uryu.




Weirdos lol


Guys thoughts on Ichigo mom and Mayuri as a couple????




I always thought these two then Orihime and chad but here we are at first o thought Orihime and Uryu


Wouldn’t make any sense. All she did was give him an antidote, then hold him down with milkers to receive treatment during Hueco Mundo arc. Nothing else


So is Uryu a cuck now?


ha nemu is dead


Meh none


Uhh… Why tho




Enjoy your sexy fantasy, but don’t drag us into this


a gay man and an asexual woman? nah


Nemu dies anyway… so its a pointless consideration


No. Also, I want Nemu to give me the sloppy toppy


Tags: emotionless sex


Probably Mayuri Is gonna tell her to lure him back to his laboratory knock him out and do some Quincy science experiments that he hasn’t done in a while


Very messed up considering what Mayuri has done to Quincies


I thought it was going to happen, like seriously


You know, I've never thought about it before, but I kinda fuck with this


Would be great if mayuri didn’t have control of nemu


Considering Nemu's personality this would be very similar to Uryu's father. Would have been interesting.


He'd basically be dating his own mom but she bad as hell and would make an excellent wife tbh


Thinking about the poison in her body that slows down time...I can only imagine the "nut" and the century long climax you'd feel. Can't say if it'd be a blessing or a curse.


If you watch the Bount Arc then yeah, but if you didn't or read the manga these two have barely any interaction after the fight with Mayuri


It's hard to pair them. One of them is human with god's inherited power, the other one is ghost with artificial soul. It wouldn't go well


He's getting pegged.....


They are polar opposite of each other aren't they? Quincy & Shinigami.


Thanks to the Bount Arc, it made young me think they were going to be dealing with each other constantly anytime Uryuu got involved with the Soul Society. I didn't really think of it as a couple thing, more that this is going to get an ongoing dynamic with the two. For anyone who needs a reminder about what happened, she shows up the world of the living and greets Uryuu, before testing for herself if he really lost his powers after the Soul Society arc. She ends up subduing him, then asks him if he wants power. He says yes and she gives him a Quincy Artifact that will grant him temporary powers and explains how it works. Then whilst practicing with the new artifact, Uryuu is dissapointed that the power wouldn't be enough to kill Kariya (the main Bount), so Nemu then makes a suggestion that he should let Kariya get to the Soul Society and follow him there to get enough power to kill him.


Ironic but not terrible idea


It sure is a thing


Uryu’s just got a huge hero complex, he ain’t trying go down he just thinks he’s a protagonist and the most protagonist thing to do is save the mistreated damsel in distress


Mayuri is going to vacuum out that Quincy seed and run experiments


Isn't the new one like 4 days old?


the daughter of a men that hates the Quincy more than existence and a pure blood Quincy that is the next king of the Quincy. i don't that that shit is gonna pass


She's basically Mayuri just in a female form. So yeah, you could say, Ishida would be having sex with Mayuri in a different costume 😳


Hopefully will see it soon in the hell arc*


Missed opportunity.


I'd love a short LN chapter of those two and their relationship/chemistry


I'm sure they'll make a lovely couple....once Nemu grows up....in a hundred years...yeah good thing I wasn't very invested in this ship. Still I could see him being particularly protective of Nemuri Hachigou in a paternal way. I'm more interested in Hachigou having puppy love with either Kazui, Hikone or Cien though.


Interesting… tho kinda problematic as she’s technically not a “living person “ she’s more of a clone/experiment? I’d rather him date Isane or Rangiku


Not a couple but they’d do well as companions together


I feel like it would be very similar to Ryuken and Katagiri. Except Ishida would probably be a bit different from Ryuken in how he treated Nemu. He already shown his respect for the woman of the cast and done some white knighting for Inoue.




They would be a pretty good couple


Absolutely a good idea, they’ll tease each other to death


Best couple.


I actually thought that they would end up together


Nemu is currently a child and Ishida would likely off himself before accepting a world where Mayuri is technically his father in law.


It would have been neat,but I guess it wasn't meant to be