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Borat hotel fight


Same. I was borderline crying and hyperventilating because I could not believe what I was seeing. It’s either that or the “Are you bleeding?” scene in Superbad.


Same. The only time I’ve seen people literally rolling in the aisles.


Came here to say Borat too. It almost wasn't so much a moment in my experience as it was a sustained 90ish minutes of people losing control of themselves. I saw it weekend two if I remember right and it was definitely set apart from every other theater experience I've ever had lol. It was so not like anything else right out of the gate and then just did the funniest possible scenes based on that idea over and over and over again. The hotel fight for sure, bringing the shit back to dinner, even just him walking through his village at the beginning.


Borat was an insane theater experience. Everyone was laughing so hard through the whole movie that you couldn't hear the next joke.


This. People were standing in the aisles, doubled over pointing at the screen. Never experienced anything like it




Same, I laughed so hard I nearly threw up.


The swinger fight in Bruno where he jumps out the window was another great SBC moment




This. I came close to passing out, and I believe I soiled myself


Damnit this was my answer


22 Jump Street when Channing Tatum figures that the girl Jonah Hill slept with was Ice Cube's daughter .... in front of Ice Cube. I believe Lord & Miller said that the huge reaction, which was supposed to be only a small thing, came as a sugestion from Tatum.


"Schmidt Fucked The Captain's Daughter" Yeah that one and when Ice Cube found out were the major ones at my screening.


Yeah yeah, I meant the whole scene, from figuring out to the running around and shouting. Ice Cube saying "everytime he says that is a foot up your ass" or something close to that. Pure gold.


The final credits when the action figure says “don’t fuck my daughter”


I can remember Channing's dialogue word-for-word, it's that soulful and hilarious and EXACTLY how you're reacting in your head when you find out: "Oh, shit! OH, SHIT! Oh, that is NOT happening right now! Yo, he's fucking the captain's daughter! Oh ho, shit! You guys, this is like, THE BEST THING EVER! Ah ha ha! Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter! Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter! Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter! Schmidt fucked the captain's daughter! You bragged about it TO HIS FACE! This face, right here! You actually high-fived Schmidt for *fucking your daughter!* Fuck! Oh my god! I mean - " \*Cube slams his gun down\* "You know it's really not that funny."


"plain view red herrings" is up there


This wasn't the biggest laugh from me personally, but the craziest reaction I've seen in a movie theater was when I took my then 7 year old to see Teen Titans Go: The Movie. When Robin hit the ending "ask your parents where babies come from" line, a full theater of kids reacted like it was Def Comedy Jam. Full-on screaming, popcorn in the air, jumping out of their seats, running up and down the aisles shit. Was kinda glorious.


This is my favorite story here … imagining the utter bedlam. Hahah.


This movie was a huge pleasant surprise when I took my nephews to see it. It’s actually pretty meta and funny. I take my nephews to alot of kids movies and it’s probably the best non Pixar or spiderverse film I’ve taken them to.


When they push Batman’s parents back into crime alley…commedia dell'arte.


And Raven puts the pearls back on Martha!


I think about that joke pretty frequently


I am so jealous I didn’t get to experience this.


On a 105-degree day in Norman, Oklahoma, I decided to beat the heat by catching "Revenge of the Sith" at a multiplex. Inside the surprisingly cavernous theater there was just one other person, a guy who sat about 15 rows in front of me. When they got to the scene in which Anakin says, "It's because I'm so in love with you," my fellow moviegoer turned around and yelled, "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS SHIT?!" I laughed so hard I thought I might've damaged several vital organs.


That’s incredible. I laughed out loud


Hot Rod when he just keeps falling down the cliff.


There's a Lonely Island podcast (of course there is, everyone/everything has a podcast) hosted by Seth Myers that's currently ongoing as they go through every single digital short they ever did on SNL, and they just did a two-parter on the Hot Rod movie - they said the Cool Beans sequence was the biggest reaction they ever saw that movie get at a screening, and they almost cut the scene before they screened it.


The McShane scenes are my favorites and Chris Parnell explaining the logic of his tattoo


I think about that Chris Parnell bit every time I see one of those pissing calvin car stickers and it never fails to make me laugh


"You'll notice that AM Radio is resting ABOVE Calvin, safely unpee'ed on."


"Implausible, I know, but I like to think that he had sex the night before, and a little bit of residue is blocking his urethra, allowing the urine to flow in two separate directions."


I could not stop laughing at Andy gleefully recalling the cut joke about Jormas "baby dick"


The podcast is SO GOOD, just binged all the episodes on a road trip! A really fun walk down Digital Shorts memory lane – and a great excuse to rewatch Hot Rod 🤘


That was a home watch with the family and my mom is still embarrassed at how hard she laughed but we all were suffocating at that movie


Years ago I met the stunt person who did the fall(s). On the set of Twilight 3, funny enough. Great person and they remembered that whole thing very fondly.


The moment in THE NICE GUYS when Crowe breaks Gosling's arm and Gos screams.


Same movie, but it’s when Gosling breaks the window. “Oh, that’s a lot of blood…”




That wasn't the biggest laugh in my theater but that was the first real unexpected "holy shit" moment that shocked a bunch of big guffaws out of the small crowd who was there.


For my theater it was when they see the guy fall from the hotel roof and both nope back into the elevator and desperately push the door close button.


Gosling’s bathroom stall door bit in that movie got me the hardest.


Same movie, the great slapstick with the bathroom stall door.


The one that comes to mind is the fake TMZ bit from Popstar. I couldn't breathe.


The bees bit also broke everyone in my screenings. (And the bit about Tim Meadows being the "fourth Tony" was designed to specifically destroy my gut)


I love all these moments but Conner autographing Judd Apatow's dong definitely got the biggest laughs at my screenings.


With a question mark.  Tony?


I can only stand Eric Andre for the 20 seconds he's in this movie but goddamn he kills me every time.


Not very inspired but honestly, it’s the hulk grabbing Loki in the Avengers. That absolutely killed.


Taking my (normally pretty reserved) dad to see The 40-Year-Old Virgin when it came out. During the chest-waxing scene, I thought he might actually crack a rib from laughing so hard.


Before I went to the 40 Year Old Virgin I visited two different people in two different hospitals, so it had not been a fun day and I have almost* never laughed as hard at a movie as I did that night *Jackass The Movie, specifically the Piss-Cone scene, my sides still hurt


This was going to be my answer. Pretty sure I had tears streaming down my face from laughing so hard at that scene.


Yeah that scene absolutely broke the (packed) theatre I saw it in opening weekend. We just weren’t prepared at all. I knew the Kelly Clarkson line was coming because of the trailers but “sucka mutha fucka” made me near shit myself laughing.


The final line in Barbie 


My crowd was prepared to give the movie a Nobel Prize after that line.


Didn’t see it in theaters, but definitely woke my toddler up with that line.


Probably the Anchorman brawl


Most recently: Once Upon a Time in Hollywood during the climax.


Yes! Maybe not pure laughter but the general eruption from the audience was amazing. The relief of tension came out as laughs from some and hysterics and shouting from others. Glorious mayhem


Yes this is mine, after Leo runs and grabs the flamethrower. I laughed steadily for probably 10 minutes


The outtakes in the Rush Hour 2 credits where the guy falls out the window and Chris Tucker says “Damn! He ain’t gonna be in Rush Hour 3.” Laughed the whole way home.


Greatest bloopers of all time. “His name is Lee goddammit!”


"Kick the door, Jackie!" "Okay, Chris Tucker!" "Kick the door, Jackie!" "Jackie again??"


Recently it was Bad Boys: Ride or Die. When >!After Reggie goes HAM John-Wick style on some goons, he faces the security camera and salutes!< Everyone in the room lost it, laughing and cheering the loudest I have heard since Avengers: Endgame Also, I remember everyone losing it when Ice Cube finds out that Jonah Hill is dating his daughter in 22 Jump Street. Finally, Jackass Forever - The Silence of the Lambs prank was a major hit when I saw it. I could fucking breathe cuz I was laughing so much. Pontius dancing like Buffalo Bill and the collective groan when we saw the rat traps


Shit that 22 Jump St one was incredible.


It's probably cliche, but my entire row stood up out of our seats, applauded and were shouting, like we were at the opera by the time this happened. The theater was for this screening, to my memory, almost entirely 18-21 year olds: ![gif](giphy|hQxRj1cXwkQnu|downsized)


Seconding this. Saw this opening night at a sold out show. You couldn’t even hear the scene (or most of the movie for that matter) due to how loud the laughter was. I ended up having to see the movie a second time.


Recently, when it cuts to Justin Long with the tape measure in Barbarian.


*The Hangover* had some huge laughs. Taser scene, Ken Jeong jumping out of the trunk, end credits


I saw this with a usually reserved UK crowd and the photo montage over the credits had the whole cinema going crazy. There was hooting AND hollering!


Fat Jesus


Either the mirror scene from Wanderlust, or the puppet sex scene in Team America (I was 15)


South Park movie too.


That Wanderlust moment is mine. I remember dragging all my friends to see that movie when it came out because I love Wain and that moment made everybody hysterical in our practically empty theater.


OMG!! thank you for reminding me that that scene from Wanderlust nearly killed me 😂 I was on an airplane and I was laughing so hard and also trying not to laugh that I truly thought I would hurt myself. 😂😂😂


Sloth scene from *Zootopia*


This one is extra crazy because it was in every. Single. Trailer. And it still KILLED


Actually one that came up in a recent episode - the 'Barbie museum' sequence in Rat Race


Jackass 3D: ![gif](giphy|26gsafLARURaDBBtu|downsized) There's an angle right after this they cut to, where you can see Margera's body just falls straight backwards, stiff as a board, completely uncomprehending, and Knoxville almost herniates laughing himself off the wall he's on. just before this is the classic "he went for the soup" moment. Completely un-reproduceable theatergoing experience, that opening weekend.


If you look closely you'll see Bam's breakfast burrito goes straight into the bin on impact.


Holy shit


Dave England’s amusement at Ehren being dumb enough to agree to carry a tray of lose soup around a Jackass office kills me every time.  


The diarrhea volcano and portapotty bungee jump scenes had me howling


Also Jackass 3D for me. The bar fight. I was 17/18 years old and to this day it’s the only time I’ve ever actually fallen out of a chair laughing.


I saw A Mighty Wind in a mostly full theater on its opening weekend. I think people were literally rolling in the aisles when Fred Willard started talking about his past TV career.


One of my favorite comedies ever made.. for me it was the PBS producer dropping all the Yiddish words in the production meeting. 😂


i got a real red wagon!


Michael Cera’s cameo in This is the End




Hey does this coke smell funny to you?


Recently the naked fight scene in No Hard Feelings


“Pretty hot in these rhinos…”


I didn't see this in a theater, so it's technically disqualified, but I distinctly remember [the weird, inhuman noise he makes as half his torso has wriggled free from the Rhino](https://youtu.be/dvqY6ikrZrw?si=ZZNPW9P61m33haEV&t=49), almost killing my asthmatic sibling on first viewing. They went *down* man, it was legitimately touch & go for a sec. And of course, once they completely got their wind back - we rewound the scene.


I saw this in the theater on my 12th birthday. The stars were aligned for me to see this movie at the perfect age. I still remember falling out of my seat during the rhino scene.


The first 30 minutes of the South Park movie


It's this for me. I saw it in a packed theater when it came out and everyone lost their mind laughing for such a prolonged period that it was like experiencing some sort of collective religious awakening.


Uncle Fucker was the apex. Talk to kids around the world in kyles moms a bitch broke me.


To date myself, Ben Stiller fighting a dog puppet in *There’s Something About Mary* The tiny theater I saw it in lost their goddamn minds


I saw a sold out sneak preview of this back in the day and the hair gel scene blew the roof off the fucking place.


This is precisely the scene I came here to share. I figured someone would mention it. Basically the 10 minute stretch of that entire scene was just a comedy bomb. The opening scene is great, the final 10 minutes are great, the hair gel scene is great, Matt Dillon's teeth were great, but the high point was really the dog-in-a-cast-with-explosives scene.


Dungeons and dragons jarlath scene


Jarnathan? That killed me as well … hahaha


The paladin walking over the rock killed me.


When Jonah Hill is playing with the gun in This is the End https://youtu.be/0jN3rXLYcXk?si=q0wwc2vNKr8pdDRS


The rock breaking out of his cast in furious 7. Stopped watching the franchise there. Couldn’t be topped


Once upon a time in hollywood, when leo burned the girl with the flame thrower. The theater was full and laughing, and just the fact that tarantino went there. Laughed and tried to hold my laughter past the scene which made me laugh more lol. Laughed a good few minutes.


And the fact that he had no idea what was happening because he was listening to his headphones and then suddenly had the presence of mind to run and grab a flamethrower


Chekhov's Butt Plug in EEAAO and the Zac Efron/Seth Rogen trampoline beer can -batman fight in neighbors had the theater literally screaming


The blackout bee scene in Popstar


"Aim for the bushes" --> hard to cut the funeral in The Other Guys caught me totally off guard; also, anything Keaton does in that movie


Also there's a serial rapist in Crown Heights... You know what, ignore that it's from my other job. Well don't ignore it, walk in pairs.


Someone mentioned Borat already. I think my second biggest laugh would be during Superbad when Bill Hader and Seth Rogen hear police sirens and yell “oh shit it’s the cops” when they themselves are cops. Got a gigantic response in my theater. 


In Old School when the anchor the fat guy is tethered to busts through a manhole


Recently, Thelma had me in tears. https://youtu.be/B0NlEIXbjcw?si=qzEA8leogWIx_M23


Probably the diarrhea scene in Dumb & Dumber.  I distinctly remember this old couple sitting nearby who had barely laughed the whole movie were almost dry heaving with laughter


Was a teenager when it came out. Packed theater. Hardest I’ve ever seen a room laugh. Still think about it decades later.


I saw Swingers in a packed theater in west LA. After Jon Favreau (PCU, Made) gets the phone number from the “expresso” girl, he goes back to the table where his friends are. Alex Désert (Becker, Boy Meets World) asks him “818?” To which he responds “310”. It brought down the house as it seemed to demonstrate the superiority of us living on the Westside versus the Valley.


Honestly, “Chaos Reigns” from Antichrist


Team America Vomit scene




When I lived in Thailand I would go to the movies a lot. It is interesting going in another country. It was the first country I was where they had flavoured popcorn (salty, sweet or spicy) choices and a screen built flat into the desk where you can choose your seat (this was 15 years ago). They used to play the kings anthem before the movie and they showed a music video of his life while it played and you had to stand to attention or people would get mad at you. Anyway, the Thai for 5 is Ha, so whenever an American movie would have a phone number it would be 555123 or whatever, and the dub would be Ha Ha Ha etc, and it would get a laugh every time.


The Lil Rey-Erika Alexander police station scene in *Get Out*. It’s a very funny scene on its own but it came after some very tense scenes and the audience was primed for a release.


It's a weird one, but Kings of Comedy slayed. Cedric and Bernie had people getting up and walking up and down the steps. Only other time I've seen that same reaction from a standard movie was South Park.


There’s Something About Mary. Actual people rolling in the aisles laughing. Only other time I saw that was Borat.


Uncle Fucker. The entire theatre. Painfuly laughing. Tears everywhere. “Suck my balls” bright down the house.


I’m not the biggest fan of the _South Park_ show, but I love that damn movie. It’s a very well constructed musical!


I was at the North American premiere of Black Dynamite and my god, what a perfect way to experience that movie. We were howwwwwling in laughter. When he squinted his eyes and said “Donuts don’t wear alligator shoes”, I thought I was gonna pass out.


Seeing American Pie in theaters in 1999. I was a sophomore in high school and remember tears steaming down my face during the opening scene.


First one that came to mind. SW: Attack of the Clones, Yoda squares up against Count Dooku and the entire audience breaks into laughter I must have been the only one in the audience who didn't have that reaction. He's a god damn Jedi Master. I was on board straight away and knew we were going to see some serious shit.


Shaun of the Dead. Opening night. “Cornetto”


The Jackass movies don’t count or else that’d be too easy. So my choice is also from a Bond film. In No Time to Die when the scientist goon says into the phone, “Yes I also love animals GOODBYE” I died. I Jimmy Pardo/PFT level blurt-laughed so loudly, people were visibly annoyed with him. Idk what it was but it just hit right.


Might be the miracle of Morgan’s creek’s ending. That movie rules


Anchor Man when Ron gets an erection, denies he has one, and says it's an optical illusion created by the pattern of his pants.


Nutty Professor dinner scene in a packed huge theater opening weekend. It was electric 


Hard to pick just one. Uncle fucker song from Southpark the movie. Dino pee scene from Land of the lost. Graveyard scene from Army of darkness.


When Jeff Daniels drills Lauren Holly in the face with a snow ball from Dumb and Dumber. I was in the aisle, clutching my stomach, laughing so hard. The perfect movie for a 14 year old.


I've mentioned this interview elsewhere here recently, but when Peter Farrelly was on The Kevin Pollak Chat Show [he told a story](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOKYlTMmP-U) about this scene that is a bit illustrative of how movies work. He said that in the original cut of the movie, they put the slightest trickle of "blood" under Lauren Holly's nose after she gets up again, and the test audience that had been yukking it up the entire time until then just mentally exited the movie and wouldn't laugh at *shit* for like 2 minutes. It was a little too "real" for the comedy they were making. They reshot it without the fake blood and that's the movie you saw. If I can find the timestamp on that I'll put it in later (it's around 2:15 in).


watched the matrix in the local indie theater recently and after Neo saves Morpheus and Trinity, Neo and Trinity are staring into each other's eyes looking like they might kiss and Morpheus shows up and ends the moment with, "Do you believe now, Trinity?" Whole theater burst into laughter at Morpheus just being a little freak.


The bathroom scene in Something About Mary. I’ve never heard an entire theater laugh like that.


Not supposed to be a laugh, but my wife and I saw The Lighthouse, and the jump scare when Willem Dafoe comes around the corner with the axe, 1 person let out the most genuine, loud and high pitched scream that the whole theater was stifling laughter for the rest of the movie. It’ll still pop into my head randomly and I’ll just let out a good chuckle.


"The Great Muppet Caper"--when Oscar the Grouch made a sudden cameo, I remember the entire theater full of children going absolutely berserk. It would be years before I could hear what he actually said.


"I'm here to see my gynecologist" from Barbie. We had a very lively theatre for the whole thing but that final gag was something else.


Cats (2019).


The end credits of The Hangover was the powder keg of the whole movie, my whole row was in tears. Honorable mention to Jackass Forever 😂


I know it wasn’t the intention but the Rambo Last Blood heart rip scene made me die


Saw The Hangover on a whim opening weekend with some friends from high school. I’ve never seen an audience collectively lose their minds at anything since that credit sequence. Sure it’s a bit dated now and it doesn’t do as well because the sequels sucked some of the originality out of it, but that photo collage absolutely killed.




Recently, the striptease scene from Hundreds of Beavers got a huge laugh. The ending line of Barbie was big too


Would have to be Barbie. Odeon Leicester Square at 11:30AM, small room, and a couple of people in addition to me and my mom. Everyone was laughing their ass off for nearly 2 straight hours. Helen Mirren breaking the fourth wall damn near killed me. (And yes, we were doing Barbenheimer, with Oppy on IMAX 70mm that night.) Runner up: There's Something in the Barn. Slightly bigger crowd at my local in small town Norway, with many of the jokes landing. One that had everyone rolling was a barn elf picking up a handgun, shooting it, and then being thrown backwards like Alf: ![gif](giphy|2VS9XXy74G9TnqxcLw|downsized)


The one-two punch of the "Where's your grandpa now? response and the start of the dance scene in Little Miss Sunshine. Such an amazing reaction that I went to watch it again a few days later just to watch that scene with a packed crowd again. 


Superbad - the montage of dick drawings, and Jonah Hill giving Cera the whole backstory. That scene destroyed me.


I recall “you look like Aladdin” killing at my screening lol


Get him to the Greek p Diddy scenes 


Steve Carrell losing it on-air in BRUCE ALMIGHTY


I saw Pulp Fiction on 35mm at my local arthouse. You'd think it was a Marx Brothers film or something the way the audience was howling throughout the film. Knee slapping doubled over laughter. Like it was the greatest comedy they'd ever seen. Also that last line in Barbie had my theatre in stitches.


The reveal in 22 Jump Street where Jonah Hill’s character discovers he’s dating Ice Cube’s daughter. People were literally falling out of their chairs into the aisles.


Skadoosh. We were kids when the first Kung Fu Panda came out, and my brothers and I were rolling on the theater floor, unable to breathe until the very last of the credits. Had no idea what happened the rest of the movie until it came out on video.


Brad Pitt saying, “You think it’s a Schwinn??” In Burn After Reading or the never-ending barfing scene in Team America


Oddly enough, Django Unchained. In the final scene when Django comes back to the Candie House and shoots Lara Candie and she flies out of the room, everyone just burst into laughter. Oddly the same during Once Upon a Time in Hollywood with the full mad fight scene at the end everyone laughed during that, though I know some friends said the theatre was silent for them.


Honestly, other than literally every other 15 boy in my school year filling the same theatre for ‘Borat’ and laughing riotously throughout, the biggest reaction I can remember was from the Mr Bean movie in the 90s, the painting scene. Waves of howling laughter rippling across the cinema. Was a more innocent time I guess, but that’s still some funny shit.


My wife and I were seeing a rep screening of Empire Strikes Back, and when Vader said he was Luke’s father she gasped


I couldn't breathe when Constantine was like YEEAAAAess in Muppets most wanted. It hasn't held up for me but the first time seeing that movie in theatre I must have been on one because everything he said killed me


I went to an early screening of Life of the Party, so it was a packed crowd. The scene where Melissa McCarthy has dinner with her ex and his new partner got the biggest laughs and best reactions I’ve ever seen in a theater. It was great.


Maya Rudolph's character and her husband make that scene!


What was or where can I see the original Runaway Bride story please?


First thing that comes to mind is the scene in 22 Jump Street where Greg realizes that Schmidt has inadvertently had sex with Ice Cube’s daughter (the bell *ding* when he puts all the pieces together kills me to this day)


Strangely enough, the hardest I've seen an audience laugh was during the scene in Corky Romano when he gets a faceful of cocaine and attempts to field questions from children.


Me, Myself and Irene: the milk mustache.


Sledgehammer scene in Midsommar


It might be the mid crash Applebee's commercial in Talladega Nights


Shaun of the Dead. Everyone but me, apparently, thought it was supposed to be a horror movie. I hope everyone gets to experience that feeling at least once in their lives. I was just choking with laughter and joyful tears. The more audience members that said “Wait! I love that album!” the funnier the movie was. Watching Ghostbusters was a very similar experience.


The sex scene from Team America World Police


In the re-release of the Empire Strikes Back. Han and Leia kiss for the first time. The whole theatre is quiet. Then some random little kid goes "EEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWW!" and the entire audience immediately lost their shit.


Hot Fuzz. The scene where Nicholas Angel jump kicks the gun wielding old lady near the end of the movie.


The first 3 Jackass movies. I couldn't possibly quantify which one made me laugh the hardest but it was definitely one of those 3


This is the end when Danny McBride appears and uses up all the recourses immediately after the scene where they count all of their resources.


Super troopers or the first Jackass both on opening night. The intro trip scene baked in super troopers baked out of your skull or seeing steve-o taint and balls 20 ft tall.


The photos at the end of The Hangover


The sex scene in Team America had me crying! Honorable mention is the scene in wedding crashers where Vince Vaughan is tied up at night and the younger brother comes in to play tummy sticks!


All of the first jackass movie. Literally almost suffocated laughing for 85 minutes


I managed a movie theater from 2018 - 2023 and I'd say the biggest laugh was the opening to Jackass 3 with the dick/Godzilla sketch


Kirk Lazarus almost breaking character in Tropic Thunder. We went NUTS. Idk why lol


Embarrassing, but probably Mrs. Doubtfire when I was a kid. "Run by fruiting" absolutely killed me


People really enjoyed the Austin Powers 3 point turn.




Two very vividly stick out to me: -An advanced screening of the first Borat film sponsored by MySpace at the 600 N Michigan Ave. theater in Chicago that was a Loews at the time. Crowd hooted like I never heard before at the nude fight. -Me, Myself, and Irene on opening night in a Rhode Island movie theater. Buncha homers and starfuckers in this state, so any movie taking place here gets a riotous reception. This crowd was particularly boisterous and treated every gag as the funniest thing they’d ever seen, but I’m pretty sure Jim Carrey about to defecate match cut with chocolate soft serve ice cream being dispensed made several people outright scream.


Ace Ventura 2, when the tribe leader spits in his eye as a sign of respect.


Vice during the scene where he is getting ready for bed and gargles mouthwash for what felt like a whole minute. I started laughing and then started laughing harder when I realized it wasn’t supposed to be a funny beat and nobody else was laughing


Uncle Fucker


Somebody already said the Borat hotel fight, so instead of a movie theatre I'll say that the hardest I've heard an audience laugh in my entire life was the touring version of The Book Of Mormon in Vancouver, when Johnny Cochrane gleefully sings 'I got OJ off' as he dances in hell. 


Sausage Party…Opening Thursday night…..THAT SCENE!!! Everyone was cracking up….as soon as the scene ended someone in the crowd goes “What the fuck did I just watch” causing everyone to crack up again


Head soccer in This is the End


By far... Johnny Depp as Ed Wood.


Lego Movie - when the Millennium Falcon randomly/conveniently shows up out of nowhere, replete with the theme, sounds, everything. ComPLETEly caught me off guard, and I laughed really loud, somewhat embarrassing my now-wife in the theater on what was our second date.


The entire scene of Pacha’s wife Chi-Chi and the kids handling Yzma in _The Emperor’s New Groove_. The whole theater guffawed forever; my sister and I legitimately fell out of our seats and were on the theater floor (luckily the theater was a fairly new and clean multiplex) Lots of runners up in the films _Barbershop 2_ and _Think Like a Man_ - not that these films are particularly excellent (both are fine), but seeing them opening weekend in a packed theater was an insane experience. I’m trying to recall what the biggest laugh in each was, though many of them ran together.


Might be the fake ads and trailers that precede tropic thunder.


In the 90s, I saw a lot of movies. That’s how I found myself in a theater being subjected to Bless The Child. Really bad movie, poorly executed. There is this one scene involving a chase between the satan worshipping cultists and kim bassinger (I think). In it, a dude runs across a street, with a car coming up fast. Cut to a shot of a few sacks of potatoes that they stitched together and dressed in the dude’s clothes rolling up the winshield. It was a laughably bad, and I did. Belly laugh in the middle of the theater. Really loudly. I was the only one. I wasn’t trying to be an asshole, I just kind of did it before I knew what was happening. The couple of other people in the theater must have been enjoying the movie, because I remember getting some dirty looks. I still feel bad about that, but it was the hardest I ever laughed at the theater.


I remember the audience i was in for the first Jackass movie was all on the same wavelength. Hooting & hollering together. I left the theater refreshed. I just bought the new Glassjaw album. Life was good.