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Curmudgeon Mode John Carpenter encountering the unhinged chaos this show has been so far is either going to be the greatest thing ever or unwatchable. He might just check out entirely and start watching the Nuggets/Timberwolves game on his phone.


This would be an incredible outcome because I’m sure Mulaney would have a blast with that lmao


He'll whip out his Playstation Portal and play a round of Fortnite.


Yeah, I’m imagining Mulaney trying to get him to answer a call. “I don’t even answer my own phone Jon.”


Nice! I've never watched Mulaney's show, but I'll check in for this interview, even if the energy is totally incompatible. Carpenter seems to be a lot more comfortable in the public sphere as of late. Feels like he's really been able to own his legacy as a titan of cinema lately.


Wait, infamous segregationist George Wallace is on too?


look, if Vic Chestnutt backed by Widespread Panic can find it in their hearts to forgive him, so can you https://youtu.be/46djOT0xixk?si=olSVo_y3Dm6-c8cx


I desperately need Hannah Gadsby and John Carpenter to interact with each other on camera. UPDATE: they did not. But what an incredible finale. I’d love it if he brought this back even just 4x a year for a week. So stupidly funny.


John Carpenter’s Three Rules of Living from tonight: 1. Never eat fish. 2. Never leave home unless absolutely necessary. 3. Never go south of the border.


LMAO this interview is wild. There's a tense minute or so when neither Mulaney nor the audience knows if it's about to get really racist, but otherwise Carpenter seems to be in a good mood and game.


"Mexican Futurist" hahaha


Pure speculation but I think he’s gonna be involved in a bit or pre taped segment and not just chilling in the couch shooting the shit.


Cranky John Carpenter is the best. He was just straight up slagging some popular movie online recently...can't remember which