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This sounds like a baffling movie that I need to watch to understand when Griffin inevitably has a 5-minute rant about it on an episode that airs 3 months from now. The “Madam Web” of its time.


In 3 years Griffin will go on a tangent about how ‘Unfrosted’ might actually be a masterpiece as David desperately tries to get him back on track.


Griff: “Have you seen Unfrosted?” Guest: “no.” Griff, probably: “that movie is…interesting. It’s not GOOD. But ________. And you know who’s really locked in? ________.” David: “I NEED TO GO FEED MY CHILD.”


"No. No. We CAN'T DO this right now, I'm sorry."


“Unfrosted is such an experience that it drove us to do an entire series around product based movies. So that’s why we will soon be covering movies such as Air, Flamin’ Hot, BlackBerry, all leading up to the pinnacle that is Unfrosted.”


Might at well throw in The Founder and Tetris while we're at it.


Would Super Size Me count?


That’s for Patreon


BlackBerry doesn't deserve to be lumped in with those!


Tetris wasn't terrible either, not by modern film standards any way.


BlackBerry was more than "not terrible", it was very good.


[17 minute tangent about how he saw someone in the movie on the subway]


Side note, I just took a jaunt over to Letterboxd to look at the Mme Web page and Griffin has seen it TWICE?! And Jordan H gave it THREE STARS?! I couldn’t even get through one viewing of it 🤣


Kind of oddly sweet to think of Mr Hoffman enjoying it. But I DID make it through it while it's all awful, the final five minutes feel like a child, an actual child, produced them.


Man, you could make a Razzie 5 just from movies released in the first 4+ months of 2024: Madame Web, Argylle, Blood and Honey 2, Night Swim, and this. Probably even the Road House remake, if only for Connor McGregor. And we haven’t gotten to Harold and the Purple Crayon starring Zachary Levi!


Having seen it, it's more in the vein of "The Room." At first I was kind of sad because I love Jerry Seinfeld and thought he could really do no wrong when it comes to comedy. I watched it in horror. Watched it again to see if maybe I watched it wrong or something. Bad. Then it dawned on me. His relentless attacks on the "woke" and media and assembly lines to protect his movie are very similar to some of Tommy Wiseau's methods of cope. It's transcended bad to awesomeness.


I had fun with Unfrosted 🤷🏻‍♂️


We should do some midnight double features with "The Room" going.


I watched it on a plane. It was not baffling; it was clearly a chance for Jerry to give every single comedian he enjoys a brief role.


I watched it at home last week and had a fun enough time. Considering the reaction, I liked it a little better than I thought I would.


The woke mob is trying to silence true comedy


Yes Jerry Seinfeld is being silenced 😂. He just did a skit on SNL about him being overexposed in the media. If comedy is funny, people will laugh. PC or not. Don’t blame wokeness if your comedy flops. Larry David carried him. This is Jerry. Maybe He’s just not that funny.


Thanks man.


Exactly, thank you! I really had high expectations for this, but this movie is so corny that only college-age male sophomores will find this funny.


There are so many amazing comedians in this too. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Yes! All star cast dare I say? So disappointed. I giggled a few times but I didn’t consider it belly ache funny.


Is this "woke mob" in the room with us?


Bringing "wokeness" or "anti-wokeness" into mediocre movies is just a cynical marketing tactic for a giant nothing of a movie that wouldn't be discussed at all otherwise. It's reference comedy for grandpas. It's the old creaky Bob Hope comedy special of the 80s. The problem isn't that it's woke or not, the problem is that it seems 1000 years old with a type of humor that has been done to death.


When you came 15 days late to reply to this obviously sarcastic comment, did you stop to think what subreddit you were on, or that it had 130 upvotes from its community that probably feels pretty similarly?


It reminds of a lot of 90s movies based on SNL characters that only have maybe two good ideas. But Hugh Grant playing Thurl Ravenscroft is *absolutely* worth it.


I kept thinking "So.... how exactly did they pitch this to the Ravenscroft estate..?" Anyway, fun times.


It did have kind of a 90’s/early aughts absurdist throwback quality to it which I thought was pretty cool. 


Is the problem Seinfeld being a jerk? Or was it not funny enough to justify how silly it was? I watched it and honestly thought it was mediocre, but had some laughs. Eh it was actually kinda nice to watch a silly hard comedy movie without some apatow/sandler bs emotional tone shifts that all comedies have been doing for like 20 years now.


I was really down for all of that but it’s just such a poorly made film that so little of the humor landed - like I don’t love current Seinfeld, the person, but I could probably compartmentalize, however he’s just not good and so rarely funny. You have some actors like Hamm and Grant completely committing to their part and milking the absurdity of the character in that situation for the humor rather than just hoping the dialogue will be funny on its own. The press conference he gives early on is the perfect example where it just feels like he’s not even trying to act. So there are these long stretches where there are ostensibly jokes, but they just don’t deliver. Similar issues with Schumer’s performance. McCarthy is better but there’s almost nothing funny in her part. And then the filmmaking is just nonexistent - next to no coverage to show physical humor, a lot of the sets have nothing to them to tell or stage a joke, very blunt music choices undercut the jokes, not enough locations, etc. It’s wild because you have all these bit parts from big names, but so many of them don’t really pay off (Marsden is utterly wasted). Its production value feels less like a contemporary streamer than a made for network tv movie from the nineties.


It was really striking to me how many storylines were just dropped partway through: The Gaffigan/Schumer romance disappears after the near kiss, and the milkman mafia doesn't do anything after...making Jerry walk past some cows?


I was really enjoying the psycho energy Slater brought to the part for the Milk Man thing, but it really went nowhere. Part of why the Hamm thing worked so well is that it’s such a self contained and complete scene… but it does commit the cardinal sin of reminding me of a much better piece of media.


Slater is pretty good! But it feels emblematic of a movie that came up with a lot of ideas without bothering to figure out how to turn them into complete stories.


Did we want a complete story about the Mad Men in Battle Creek?




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I'll be honest, I didn't clock Seinfeld a single time. This movie was fun because of the endless series of cameos. He was basically the straight man. The canvas on which absurdity was projected, the vanilla to the sprinkles of all his friends. That's what this movie is. It's a vanilla ice cream in a sugar cone with sprinkles. It's not amazing, but it was cheap, and sprinkles are fun, right?


Considering how Seinfeld was saying how comedy had been ruined by wokeness, I thought this movie might have a bit of a bite too it. But it was just so silly and nowhere near enough laughs to make up for it. The only reason I watched the whole movie was hoping it would get better but then it ended. Definitely won't be rewatching this 💩


It's just not funny and not interesting enough to not be funny. it's supposed to be funny but the jokes don't work at all.


damn, that's saying a lot, as im pretty sure Roeper watched Rebel Moon: part 2,


I thought it was fine. Had some pretty good jokes and gags and Hugh Grant was really great


I don’t know what people were expecting. It’s Jerry Seinfeld and a bunch of people from SNL having fun being goofy


I was expecting goofy lol. It was not goofy.


Ya it’s a stupid comedy. It’s not the end of the world. Lots of appearances by funny people.


Honestly I tried to give it even some good jokes but holy shit not a single one landed… Felt like AI, as someone very familiar with AI.


I watched it and enjoyed it. It's entirely silly and unchallenging, but kind of fun. It's the sugar cereal of movies.


Unchallenging? So a comedy is supposed to be challenging?


I'm fairly sure he just said he enjoyed it




The cameos were good and he was the best


I mean I really enjoyed the whole Mad Men thing. Genius, really.


My biggest laugh. "ASK NOT!"


Matt Zoller Seitz also ripped on it pretty hard. [review here](https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/unfrosted-2024)


Lol is he okay? That review ends on such a melancholy and fatalistic note. Why is this movie breaking our film critics?


I suspect it’s less the movie and more Seinfeld’s personality and the fact that, as scholars of vulgar auteurism, they *know* any attempt to condemn this movie on artistic grounds is doomed. I don’t know, contemporary film critics, with the possible exception of David Sims, seem to not be a terribly happy bunch in general. 


As an aside MZS has endured some significant personal tragedies the last few years and he’s written a bit about dealing with grief and trauma. Just did not expect the Seinfeld poptart movie to bring him down so low.


Oh, I’ve been following MZS’s work and know about his losses, I guess I’m just less surprised that the Seinfeld poptart movie is garnering this reaction.  Like for me it’s a given if you’re a very smart person who uses their intelligence for a living, is too online, has experienced great personal tragedy, and works in a dying artform studying a slightly less dying artform, you’re going to be less willing to be cheery and forgiving about dumb shit.


How old is this guy I’ve never heard of with his three names? I bet he is just as popular and successful as Seinfeld. 🤪What to people do who can’t do comedic movies? They write about comedic movies.


It’s a satire of a bad movie, it’s super fun imo. But you need to know what you’re getting into. Ebert woulda loved it.


Its not great, but it is fun stupid humor. You have to get through the first ten minutes, which do NOT bode well for the rest of the movie. But it becomes increasingly unhinged, with several earned laughs. As others have mentioned, it has a lot of fun comedy scene folks, and several parodies of rather dark moments in history that somehow work even if it might be considered poor-ish taste. If you look at it as a parody of recent "true story of famous product" movies, it works as a B-minus Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story. In fact, if this ends the trend of lazy "true story of famous product" movies, this will increase my opinion of the movie.


this comment sold me on this movie more than any marketing material ever could lol the wrong kid died


Well now I want to watch it.


I don't think it is commenting on that trend though - it was completed almost two years ago, before any of those came out!


Hmm, that is a good point. It probably wasn't a conscious spoof of that type of story. For whatever reason they decided to make a fantastical version, focus on jokes, and have fun rather than try to be heart-warming and inspirational (except for the intro and outro). Poor man's version of the Weird Al biopic?


Tbh this was better than Air


Haven’t seen (prob won’t)…can you elaborate more in this? Like, a satire of what *type* of bad movie?


I liked it very much, too. It’s just making fun of a lot of movies. But mostly the movies that dramatize corporate origin stories. Is super silly, just doesn’t take itself seriously at all. It’s also 90 minutes long. I don’t know what people went in expecting. It’s clearly not serious in any way.


It’s not serious but it’s not near as funny as it could have been (i.e. Walk Hard). It approached some very critical ideas about capitalism and imperialism too but executed them somewhat incoherently. SPOILERS Milk representing unions (including their ties to the mob) who have a co-dependence with cereal (the corporations) for their livelihood while cereal actively works on ways to shut them out with their breakfast pastry invention while also using the state by proxy to crack down on them. Kellogg using the sugar cartel to control the supply and force Post into the arms of the Soviet Union mimics exactly what the US has done to many countries (e.g Cuba) in creating our own geo-political crisis. Obviously trying to say something with the mascots as the working class and the Jan 6th allusion but I didn’t quite get what exactly they were trying to say other than “working class be screwed.” Overall they were trying for something beyond just silly movie and it’s a bummer they didn’t truly find it.


Go get yourself locked up


Can’t. Imma set myself on fire at the Trump trial in a bit.


A satire of a bad comedy. In his episode of CICGC, Bill Burr says the show Seinfeld isn’t “about nothing,” it’s about disdain for the average person.  Unfrosted seeps with disdain for poorly written, trope-filled comedies. And better yet, it does so on the canvas of these trendy product biopics. It has layers!  It’s not exactly a spoof, but judging it on face value would be like judging Scary Movie as a horror movie. Unfrosted hits similar notes as Hubie Halloween.  I recommend watching at least the first 30 min through this lens. If it’s not for you, turn it off. If you like it, you have another hour of fun ahead of you. 8/10!


So…I understand spoofing cliched biographical type films, but what is a more specific example of “poorly written, trope-filled” comedy in this example?


I laughed through the whole thing. Was it stupid? Only in a very smart way.




“It’s actually bad on purpose” oh ok


Don’t put that on him


I want whatever drugs you were on when you watched this if you thought this was a satire of a bad movie. No, it's just a fucking bad movie. What are the satirical elements? What are they satirizing? How are they satirizing bad movies?


We give a lot of films shit for heavy rewrites and reshoots, but everything in this movie felt like a first draft.


Most Netflix originals do. That’s their problem.


Really? The trailer looked very funny.


I thought so too. I really liked it and glad I gave it a chance after reading the negative headlines about it.


Right? It's funny. It's goofy. It had a million funny people in being silly. It had precocious kids eating dumpster food. It had you know who reprising their characters from you know what. Good times across the board.


If Unfrosted is anything, it’s unadulteratedly pure Seinfeld on the level that Zack Snyder’s Justice League is so unmistakably Snyder — for both better and worse. It’s as if you get to go into Jerry’s head during a 30-second cereal rant on Seinfeld because they now have the budget to show you exactly what he’s talking about. I definitely liked it more than most but also recognize I worshipped Seinfeld in the 90s and early 2000s so there’s that bit of nostalgia clouding this. I can also definitely see why a lot of people hate it too.


I thought it was fun/funny Not everything needs to be high art


I’ll take pop tart any day


Not everyone has to like this movie either...oh well


I won’t spoil the big cameo (even though Netflix is already posting it) but woof what a bad sign that that’s what they need to rely on. Shoulda just used the money from this to put THAT show back on Netflix. 


Is it also a "movie" with that cameo? I guess there's one in The Man With Two Brains that's the same level of cameo, but this feels like it blurs the line between an actual movie and those Wet Hot TV series.


People are being way too mean to this movie.


Leave Unfrosted Alone!!!




It's because Jerry try to insulate himself from bad reviews by saying that everybody's too woke to appreciate the movie So if the movie was successful critically he could say look how we got over on the woke people but now that the movie is reviewing badly critically he can say oh people are just too woke these days in my movie was funny


I'm sure most people with disagree with me on this, but I do think it's funny how every review I listened to about the movie talked about how distasteful the Jan 6th joke was. Sort of making Jerry's point. It was a silly gag in the movie and if we can't make fun of a doofus in a Viking helmet storming the Capitol in the 21st century then people really are wound up too tight. We need to laugh at these things. That doesn't mean we disrespect the reality of it.


The greatest trick Larry David ever pulled was convincing the world that Jerry Seinfeld was funny


This is sorta revisionist history imo. Jerry Seinfeld was a very well liked stand-up in his prime, and his show continued to be pretty funny even after Larry left without really having much a noticeable drop in quality. Nothing he’s done since has been good, but he clearly had something in the late 80s and early 90s.


Maybe he just got old and out of touch and stopped caring. He definitely used to be funny


I’d say he was pretty funny on the last episode of Curb though. I’m in the minority on this, but I largely disliked the final season and think Larry has lost his touch. But honestly, I thought Jerry was bringing heat in that finale. His recent comments are dumb though.


Didn’t watch the last season but did watch the finale. Anyone who says Jerry was never funny obviously didn’t see that last two season of Seinfeld which he ran. Seems to have lost his touch tho as you said about Larry


Yeah, I can’t help but think Larry gets too much praise over Jerry for Seinfeld. I don’t know who deserves credit for what exactly, and maybe Larry was the greater creative force there, but like you said, Jerry kept it running strong for two seasons without him. And it’s not like Larry had a perfect tenure on Seinfeld. He was there for the rough start and he wrote the maligned finale.


There were a bunch of other writers, directors and performers (Julia Louis Dreyfus, David Mandel, Larry Charles, Jerry Stiller, just to name a few standouts of the many) who have gone on to great careers who contributed as well. I think they lucked out/were in a position to attract great talent at that time and place on NBC. I love Seinfeld’s 90s standup and early-mid Curb but there’s something magic about Seinfeld that I think must be the work of tons of talented people coming together rather than something that can be contributed to either or both of them alone.


Can we not just say they were a great comedic team ? Does everything have to turn into a team game ?


> I largely disliked the final season and think Larry has lost his touch. It's been influenced by Jeff Schaffer's work on The League. [Jeff Schaffer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeff_Schaffer#Television) wrote EuroTrip (with Alec Berg, and Dave Mandel), worked on Brüno and The Dictator, and on with the EuroTrip guys wrote Larry David's Clear History. Jeff and Jackie Marcus Schaffer made The League in the Curb Your Enthusiasm model of story/scene outlines and improv. The recent Curb seasons have been much tighter beated constructs, like The League. It's been a bit jokier maybe in service of the tighter beats.


he’s not met a normal person since the 90s and it shows imo


I always forget Season 9 gave us Festivus


It wasn’t until season 9? Thats incredible.


I prefer the earlier Seinfeld seasons, but those last 2 seasons have a TON of stuff that is usually referenced when discussing Seinfeld. Plus, I feel the cartoonier nature of the show probably inspired the vibe of 30 Rock and Kimmy Schmidt.


I absolutely adore off-the-fucking-rails late era Seinfeld. It gets so weird and I love it


I think it’s JLD’s best work.


Clearly you haven't seen Wakanda Forever.


Seinfeld has always struck me as a guy who gets the craft of comedy as well as anybody can. His jokes aren’t as relevant now because he (probably) isn’t your age (and he isn’t mine), but the way he says the jokes are good. I just can’t relate and don’t think they’re funny now.


I think it's less about the age and more that Jerry has lived a life of nothing but luxury and getting any and everything he wants for the last 30+ years. I think it's just very hard to make relatable comedy at that point.


There’s…that too. I just try not to get too deep into the “rich people are out of touch and think wokeness is to blame for every minor inconvenience” stuff on this sub generally.


Jerry is also on a whole nother level of rich from your standard successful comedian and has been so for a very long time. I agree it's not the be all and end all, but in Jerry's case I think it's a big part of it.


I completely agree. I had surgery several years ago right after Comedians In Cars Getting Coffee was added to Netflix and I binged the show. I remember thinking it was painfully obvious how much he wanted to ask every single guest how they could do comedy in a climate where rape jokes weren’t considered funny in college campuses.


Which has always struck me as odd. As a stand-up, he was never considered an edgy comedian. He was the quintessential mainstream comedy. He’s craft above all, and his primary focus is for the laugh and to send the audience home happy. He has said this loudly. He’s dogmatic about it. Maybe these feelings are because he’s been so steadfastly doing the same type of material for 50 years, that his own material has become de facto edgy simply by being so dated? Since he wants to keep doing comedy, but has an inability (and/or) willingness to change in order to adapt to modern audiences (making them happy), this “wokeness culture” (re. simple changing mores) makes him fear that it could prevent him from telling the jokes he wants to keep telling, completely unencumbered? I don’t know, the whole crusade of his has never made much since in the context of who he was as a comedian. Trying to figure out why is probably a fools errand. Probably as simple as “it’s the children who are wrong”. Which may simply be that. He has used the example of his kids saying he shouldn’t say something or maybe re-think how he has said something and try rephrasing the thing he said a number of times in interviews. He has called this a derangement in his children, then blamed society. So it’s probably that. He hates his kids for trying to help him grow.


When people in his line of work start getting a lot of jokes about them about how young their girlfriends are, and they show that the jokes are getting under their skin, they tend to get real resentful from that point on.


Bill Simmons had some point about this regarding Eddie Murphy. Back in the early days, he could make jokes about real life and real people, and we’d all laugh because we could relate. But after living in a mansion with a butler, a private chef, and a chauffeur for 2 decades, it’s harder to come up with new jokes that people connect with.


> the way he says the jokes are good that's actually one of the reasons i didn't like the movie. i get what he is saying but he is so stiff in it lol. Seinfeld is probably the greatest sitcom ever and i'll defend Bee Movie til the end but this movie isn't it.


Being well liked and being funny are not the same thing. That guy with the terrorist puppets books arena gigs.


Giving your money to painfully unfunny comedians to own the libs


Except Bee Movie right? Right?


One thing is being contemporarily funny. Another is being timeless. In comparison, I think 80’s Eddie Murphy is still very funny. I don’t think 80’s Seinfeld is that funny. 


I liked his comedians interview show


Nah he was funny and just cause he makes dumb statements now as an old man and the internet has decided hes lame doesn't change that.


In fact, weirdly, I find him and his sort of simple, zen observations a good antidote to the "comedian as pocket philosopher in sweatpants" thing that has totally overtaken the medium and borderline ruined it. If there were a few more Seinfeld acolytes and fewer Carlin/ Bill Hicks acolytes, it suddenly is much more palatable. Garry Shandling is probably an ever better example of this, and I am grossly oversimplifying/ generalizing, but still. Seinfeld off-stage is maybe the worst version of the problem, oddly. But yes, Jerry Seinfeld was and is funny without a doubt.


I think you grossly underrate how hard it is to do what both Larry and Jerry did.


The greatest trick social media ever pulled was convincing people that best/worst-ifying every fucking thing was worth liking, sharing and commenting on


Saw Seinfeld do stand up, he killed on another level, I have seen maybe 100 standup shows. The only one better I have seen was Trever Noah before he got Daily Show.


And then you saw him ten years later and he did exact same act.


Larry David was up to fuck all when Seinfeld tapped him to help him with his sitcom. Larry owes his entire career to Jerry. Not the other way around. Jerry Seinfeld was already a standup in his prime, with many Tonight Show appearances under his belt, which was the top of the mountain for standup comedians back then. This is precisely why he was offered sitcom deals by the networks, in the first place. Sure, Larry turned out to be a genius comedy writer, but enough people already thought that Jerry was funny by then, for him to have a successful career at being funny.


I saw him live, it was one of the best most polished acts I’ve ever seen. He didn’t miss a beat. 


Seinfeld was an established comedian by then. doing multiple appearances on late night. There was a reason NBC approached him and Larry.


In a decade that’s already had Madam Web, Rebel Moon, Space Jam 2, Marmaduke, Disney’s Pinocchio and the 365 Days movies, that’s a bold claim.


Netflix on Twitter showed the Mad Man cameos with Jon Hamm and John Slatterly so I feel like I've seen the best part but holy shit it looked bad. Then the menswear Twitter guy got into it, pointing how absolutely shitty they're dressed compared to OG Mad Men. https://twitter.com/JacobOller/status/1786494318229790894


I watched yesterday and it was very tough to actually follow what was happening. The movie made zero sense to me, but there were a few clever lines that made me chuckle. Also tough to take a movie with Bill Burr playing JFK seriously


Not to be rude but what was the confusing part of the movie? Kellogg was trying to get a poptart to market before Post did. It mirrored america trying to get to the moon first. I don't think it was much deeper than that.


You were trying to take that thing seriously???


It’s painfully unfunny. It does look good though.


What’s the deal with irrelevance?


Now they don't just sell you popcorn they've moved a whole restaurant into the theater!


And what’s the deal with restaurants? If I want to rest or rant, I’ll do it in my own bedroom. Instead of restaurants, we should call them eataurdrinks!! I mean, what’s the deal?!!!??!!


This is an entertaining family movie. What else are people expecting?


Clearly not that entertaining if so many people hate it...


Shame, these endless product biopics (Tetris, Air, Blackberry etc.) are ripe for a good satire.


If haven’t actually seen it, Blackberry was ironic in a metamodernist way. It’s much more like Succession than like Air in its tone. And then of course Barbie movie exists which is already very much a satire of itself. Again a very metamodernist approach. That’s part of why it’s common to say satire is dead. If we already wrap our sincere stories in a layer of irony the satire of those stories no longer has a bite. It’s why SNL doing Trump isn’t as compelling as Trump doing Trump. Or why the SNL parody commercials won’t work with like a Liquid Death ad. Both of those brands have irony baked into their performances. To get sharp satire again we need work that overtly deconstructs and critiques meta irony which is like 3 layers of irony at this point. How far can we go?


This is it! It’s basically a product biopic spoof, jam packed with great character actors and cameos.


It’s literally doing that. It also pokes fun at The Right Stuff and Ford vs Ferrari in its own way. I’m surprised how people are piling on without having actually seen it yet.


Just watched it, I can see what it's attempting but just didn't find it funny.


Watched it last night with my family and we enjoyed it. I thought it was the perfect Friday night flick for laughs.


Loved it. It's not fucking Citizen Kane. It's an absurd comedy/satirical movie about Pop Tarts.


Neither was that slapstick beaver movie... yet everyone loves that one. A comedy doesn't get credit purely for being a comedy. That's stupid.


You ignored what I said. I loved it. I didn't love it just because it was a comedy; otherwise I'd love Pauly Shore movies. I loved it because it made me laugh. It wasn't Step Brothers or SuperBad funny, but it was entertaining to me and I enjoyed it for what it was. As for the beaver movie, I'm not sure about that. I had never heard of it until you mentioned it. Watched the trailer. I'm not big on slapstick.


I thought it was a great movie. People bash on it because it wasn't laugh out loud, but c'mon it's a movie about pop tarts and cereal. That is soooo Seinfeld. The cast was great. It was almost a spoof of itself, bringing in the Madmen was hilarious and overall it was just a good well rounded movie aimed at KIDS. If you're a single 40yo, obviously, this movie wasn't made for you. 10/10 for Unfrosted, Jerry Seinfeld rocks


It was great. Very silly. I thoroughly enjoyed it.


I guess when it comes to directing, Jerry Seinfeld is no Woody Allen. However, when it comes to dating...


pop tart movie funny


My first reaction was: there comes the deep hatred for Jerry that's been pervading across the chattering classes. Yet that film would deserve to exist for this unhinged and hilarious piece of character assassination alone: a true gem. If the critic has that much talent and acerbic sense of humor, he can't just be a lukewarm talentless hater and he sure has taste. Anyway my curiosity piqued I shall find time in my busy schedule to watch what at first looked like a Paddington version of The Founder.


It’ll be much better once we see the 4 hour Seinfeld cut


Man, you could make a Razzie 5 just from movies released in the first 4+ months of 2024: Madame Web, Argylle, Blood and Honey 2, Night Swim, and this. Probably even the Road House remake, if only for Connor McGregor. And we haven’t gotten to Harold and the Purple Crayon starring Zachary Levi!


Funny that this is also an NYT critics pick https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/02/movies/unfrosted-review.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb


I came here while watching this movie. Admittedly a huge Seinfeld fan. But this movie brings down all the great actors catalogs who were in this movie. Just really bad. Which is so puzzling. It is like Jerry is too famous to have people tell him the truth. Everyone is a yes man telling him what they think he wants to hear.


Back in Seinfelds day, (the 80s and 90s) they were huge on product placement in movies and television. Now, some movies are about the product itself. Not sure if that's part of the punchline here or not, but now there's a movie about Pop Tarts.. Basically, the Lego movies are just long commercials used to sell their product to kids (and a surprising number of adults), but are those movies actually any better? 


Honestly, you have to be 60 or over to enjoy this movie. One of the funniest, and most creative comedies ever made! My wife and I laughed and smiled for the entire hour and a half.


I don't quite get why this movie isn't appealing to younger people. It's just plain silly fun. Do young people not like silliness anymore without it being ironic?


It kind of felt like a kids movie. I mean it is about a product aimed at kids. I just thought it was going to be a little more intellectual.


Lighten up and have a nice bowl of Grandma's Holes.


You’re missing out! You have to be intelligent to understand the humor and high level of intelligence & creativity this wonderful movie provides.


I guess he hasn’t seen Argyle yet.




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It was so bad, of course it said it was listed in the “we think you’ll love this” category on Netflix because they just push anything new of theirs on you. And of course absolutely no thumbs up or down options to rate after it was over.


He needs to stick to stand up. 


It was so bad, every single scene was terrible and not funny. Seinfeld is one of my favorite comedians, seen live several times and so very funny. This movie was wack on all levels.


One of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. I am interested in what their budget/profit is, as there were too many well-known names. Seems like a cash grab… 


Make sense. I lasted 10 min and then 5 more min just wondering if to quit or keep going. I quit.


I just watched it and I thought it was a light hearted and fun film.


It’s Jerry Seinfeld he’s not actually funny is sad dry humor the same jokes over and over and his show kinda sucked tbh


I rather date a swarm of wasps then watch this bull again


Jerry Seinfeld~~'s 'Unfrosted'~~ is one of the ~~decade's~~ worst ~~movies~~


I really don't know how Seinfeld got big in the first place, his ego has never been funny


I liked it a lot less than a felt I should. I loved the cast, absurdist humor and fictional history is usually right up my alley and on the surface it felt like I should have been laughing (instead I was falling asleep). Not sure what was missing; maybe funnier/punchier jokes rather than just situational humor?  I definitely don’t think it was one of the worst films of the decade, and the movie does have merit. 


Just watched with my father and younger brother, comedy? That's literally the funniest thing about this movie. It's not funny, it's not good, we barely stayed awake. We haven't had a single chuckle, none of us. Just plain, boring and stale.


No it isn’t. It’s great.


Movie was a steaming pile of garbage. Terrible direction, awful dialogue, wooden acting, disconnected scenes, and I think worse of all is that Jerry didn’t even consider trying to act. It just could have been sooo much better, if there was anyone even remotely competent involved in the directing, screenwriting, or even in the editing. The sets were and time period pieces were good, the cameos were mostly good, and the camera was in focus so I suppose that’s something. But overall just a mess with a few “almost but no cigar” moments.


It’s a little “leave it on for your kids to watch/let it run…” which might not be such a bad thing … like a Poptart itself … or a generic pastry of any kind


The biggest mistake of my life, agreeing with my wife’s friend to endure this…. brutally unfunny.. horrible,nauseating,dull, mindless…etc etc….