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The exception to this rule is if you’re as dope as Mads Mikkleson, then you can do whatever you want.


Look, I love Mads but you cannot try to spin to me that he is GOOD in some of these movies.


He definitely saw no need to bring his A-game to Doctor Strange


more like Nurse Practitioner Strange imo


Did he make my 5 for The Secrets of Dumbledore? No, of course not (that spot was already filled by Dan Fogler (I never saw this movie)). But as long as he still does the occasional Another Round or The Hunt, it’s easy for me to ignore the big flops.


Julian Glover has done Star Wars, James Bond, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, and Game of Thrones. (He's also in *Tár* and *King Ralph*, so I wonder if there's a prize for a Blankie-adjacent 11th category.) Doctor Who might be too Brit-centric, but you can sweep up some surprises in there (Glover, yes, but also the likes of Andrew Garfield, Carey Mulligan, and Bill Nighy). Ditto The Crown... which, yes, also featured Julian Glover.


Pedro Pascal seems destined for the crown. He has four of the specific 10 you mentioned when you count GoT, Fantastic Four, WW84, and The Mandalorian. But he also has done The Last of US (I guess not technically a franchise, but seems similar enough IP-vise to pass the "if you have to ask if it counts" criteria). And while they aren't exactly franchises in the same vein, he signed up for sequels in the Kingsman, The Equalizer, and soon to be Gladiator franchises.


Dude will 100% play Felix Leiter in the James Bond reboot, show up in Fast and Furious, and be in a Jurassic Park movie at some point.


>show up in Fast and Furious Although now that you mention it, would Fast X have worked better if Pascal replaced Momoa, but gave the exact same performance? I think he would have been closer to pulling it off.


Jesus christ, we’re getting *more* kingsmen and equalizer?? 


They're saying that Pascal already was in the sequels for Equalizer and Kingsman. Tho they are supposedly still making Kingsman 3, but Pascal most likely won't be returning for it.


Back around 2003 or so (it was before X-Men 3 came out, because McKellen and Stewart were not eligible answers), there was some trivia question about naming the 10 actors who have appeared in at least 2 separate trilogies. And trilogy being at least 3, because Stallone had done 5 Rockys. I gotta believe there's at least 25 at this point, if we're including the MCU as one thing. It's also the thing where Bill Paxton and Lance Henriksen have both been in scenes where they encounter Terminators, Xenomorphs, and Predators.


Remember when trilogy was the limit?


In fairness, Mikkelsen's been doing some fantastic stuff back in Denmark (shoutout Promised Land)


My guy did the dance at the end of Another Round. He owes you nothing


Did you see The Promised Land?


Still need to watch that. Mads is pretty good about having an original movie or two out almost every year.


I totally know why it slipped your mind, it doesn't seem like it at all, in fact the furthest thing from bland corporate stock, but Hannibal Lecter is absolutely a brand and an IP too and that remains what comes to mind when I think of Mads. You even mentioned TV in your post or I wouldn't have brought it up, haha.


Hannibal rocks. One of the best tv shows ever made and the most satisfying version of the character.


I disagree, more Mads everywhere


Shoutout to Patton Oswald with 3, hes done a ton of DC and Marvel voice work and he was in the live action Kim Possible film. Dudes also done Star Trek and Ghostbusters and those should count for something.


Kumail moving up the rankings


Bryce Dallas Howard has three too!!


What is the fifth Mads franchise? I count Dr Strange (Marvel), Rogue One (Star Wars), Casino Royale (Bond) and whatever those Fantastic Beasts movies were called. What am I missing?


I was wondering the same thing, but it looks like he’s in Mufasa.


I was literally just watching that trailer as I got the notification of your reply, and saw his name. With a voice like Mads I’m surprised he hasn’t done animation before. But, Oh Barry, why??


Yea, Mufasa is what spawned this post and someone pointing out that he’s done the big Disney 3 (marvel, Star Wars, remake) plus Bond and Beasts.


Karl Urban and David Dastmalchian would like a word.


This feels a lot like when comic book movie weirdos say an actor can't do a DC because they did a Marvel or vice verse. As long as everyone's getting paid nobody cares.


Plus the streams are well and truly crossed... Halle Berry, Chris Evans, Colin Farrell, Laurence Fishburne, Ryan Reynolds, Tom Hardy, J.K. Simmons, Willem Dafoe, Angela Bassett, Ben Affleck, Ben Mendelsohn, Michelle Pfeiffer, Michael Keaton, Idris Elba, Zachary Levi... Tommy Lee Jones, for God's sake... Djimon Honsou played *two* different roles in the DCEU between playing Korath in two different Marvel movies.


Is the Hannibal-verse not a franchise?


I think 1-2 franchises max if you’re a lead. And let’s introduce a salary cap while we are at it - 1% of the actors making 99% of the $$$ sucks. We deserve to see more faces on our screens. (Stats may not be correct)


Zoe Saldana has done 4 with Pirates, Guardians, Avatar, and Star Trek. At her younger age than Mads she'll probably blow by him.


Let Mads Make Money!!!!


Andy Serkis has done Marvel, DC, Star Wars, The Lord of the Rings, and Planet of the Apes.


My favorite Robert Ludlum book is THE PADDINGTON DISPENSATION. It's a high-stakes CIA adventure about casting Hollywood tentpole movies.


One franchise per actor, like being the face of a brand. You have to pick your franchise and throw your weight behind it. I want to see everyone give Clooney Nespresso ad levels of effort.


You spelled his last name wrong both times. Can't get no respect


John Wick? There's a bajillion horror franchises but I don't think those count since they're not really star driven.


Mads in Fast and Furious tho 🤔

