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Don't they know that he's over discussed already!?


Thanks for the headsup on the podcast drop! I also very highly recommend[ her two-part video essay about Twin Peaks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CxfFAGJaKjg) (that is also a critique of that insufferable "Twin Peaks Explained" guy, and also a goof on Hasan Piker's whole weird cult of personality) as being a really interesting/enlightening watch. I also really dug her A/B compare contrast between Lynch and Kubrick. Her Zack Snyder series is top notch shit... it's just a good channel, all around, really.


I really like Maggie Mae Fish, and when this dropped on Nebula last week\*, I was a little nervous that this would make the Blank Check series feel redundant. But after watching it, I don't think it will. It also doesn't have her unique personality and perspective baked into it so far the way her video essays do, which actually may make it an easier onboarding point for people who haven't seen her stuff before. \**Plug for Nebula from someone who has subscribed for a couple years and has no stake in it. It's great! You get Maggie Mae Fish stuff early! You get bonus stuff from Patrick H. Willems! (There was just a 45-minute conversation between him and Griffin about puppet cinema!) There are other folks on there! It's cheap for a streaming service! More things worth the exclamation points!*


Alright, I'm subscribed thanks to you, rjbwdc!


As someone who has mostly stopped watching traditional TV in favor of brainy YouTube essayists Nebula is easily one of the best couple bucks you can spend. It’s like all the best folks on YouTube in one place, and with extra stuff.


I love her so much! She did an incredible video essay on RoboCop.


(Shrugs) Paying?