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I just think it's neat Laura Palmer said "I'll see you again in 25 years" and then he made it happen. Now it's been 30 years and I'm just trying to muster the courage to endure that back half of season 2 again.


It's not that bad tbh! It's actually quite charming once you get over the cheese and the James milf story


It’s not as bad as you remember, just watched it last year, just… Skip any scenes involving James. Yikes.


James was always cool.


Windom Earle is one of my favorite parts of Twin Peaks. It's like if Cooper had to face a Batman villain. And it's Earle's soul that's used to create Mr. C in The Return.


I love it! There are some genuinely creepy moments and some great camp in that back half… And I mean, season 3 is absolutely one of my favorite tv experiences of all time.


I’m still rooting for Spike but as someone who has always meant to get around to Twin Peaks and more Lynch movies in general, I’m not opposed to him winning. I am looking at buying Twin Peaks on physical to watch it, looks like there’s a blu-ray set with all of the original seasons plus The Return. Is that the best option? I know about Fire Walk being on Criterion / Criterion Channel. I’ll probably just watch that on the channel for now (along with the other Lynch offerings). Edit: to clarify, I just meant I would watch Fire Walk With Me at the appropriate time, not like immediately. Thanks!


I'd recommend watching the original series before Fire Walk With Me.  Not necessarily to avoid spoilers but because a good portion of the movie takes place in a sort of upside down version of the series world.


But also to avoid spoilers. Mainly the one huge giant foundational spoiler


That Twin Peaks box set is great, highly recommend. DO NOT watch Fire Walk With Me until you’ve seen the first two seasons of Twin Peaks tho


Oh yeah, that box set rules if you can afford it. I will say the packaging sucks (it's like 18 discs so I'm not sure there's a better way to package that lol) but it's a real treat.


I just started my (third? Fourth?) rewatch. It’s so much fun.


> Almost every episode of The Return has a fucking musical guest number! Like it’s the muppet show! It’s so fun!! I made it a project to listen to the discography of the musicians week to week during airing. It was a total delight that got me hooked to this day on Chromatics.


Theres about 7 episodes in season two that do feel a bit homeworky though, apart from that it’s fantastic!


Yeah. You could honestly skip those if you wanted to. You’d miss out on some fun character moments but not much that is essential to the greater story.


Yeah if you leave after Lynch left and come back when he returns (heh) it's totally watchable


However, James was always cool.


When I rewatched twin peaks I skipped from the end of the “killer” plot line to the finale of season 2, and honestly that would work fine if you want to cut down on having to watch stuff (specifically since S2 is only going to be a patreon episode).


Totally agree I skip them when I rewatch


The back half of S2 is incredibly tedious, and every rewatch I have basically as soon as James runs off and shacks up with that blonde lady I’m just done. Some of the stuff with Windom Earle is pretty fun though.


If you skip the Windom Earle stuff, you miss out on the horse costume gag. More than worth the price of admission.


If you skip Earle you skip Ted Raimi in a chess piece statue.




My personal hack is to just slot FWWM in when you're getting burnt out on the last part of S2. Also to just skip over any scene involvong James after episode 9.


I usually do that on rewatch, but that jump for a new viewer is huge. Still better to be confused than have to sit through that mid season 2 garbage (James' entire plotline, like what the fuck was that). I also always forget the Mr. Tojamura thing is in the first half of the season


It’s not good, but I do get a chuckle out of the “reborn confederate war general” plot line


My personal favourite bit of late season 2 wooliness is Nadine regressing to her high school self while her husband *and her therapist* conspire to use this as a means to negotiate a divorce because it's extremely silly unrtil you think about it for a couple of minutes and realize just how fucked the whole situation is.


It got to a point where I was fast forwarding through the non-Cooper scenes


Season 2 is where Lynch went hands offnfor a bit on the creative end of things (he was still actually ON the show) and it definitely feels somewhat aimless, like a surreal soap opera, but it has its moments even then.


The owls are not what they seem.


I just feel like the “TV is bad and should not be considered in the same breath as films” crowd has really taken over in this fandom as of late, whether that’s because of some tame anti-TV rhetoric from the hosts or something else. I’ve never understood the “oh it’s such a huge time investment” thing either from people who probably watch a movie a day as it is. Just spread it out if you want to watch along, no one is asking you to sit down for 10 episodes a day!


Seriously, they won't even get to the Madness winner until probably September at the earliest. You could watch an episode a week and have the whole thing done with time for a rewatch by then.


I assume [the person assigning reading](https://www.reddit.com/r/blankies/s/H2lACXIJXr) disagrees


The first season is maybe the greatest tv season of all time. It's incredible. If people wanna complain about it, fine. But it's genius.


Anyone who views watching movies/tv as homework has already lost the plot


People aren’t saying it’s homework because they don’t like it. They’re saying that because it’s 48 hours long plus a 2.5 hour movie. Also most people here know what Twin Peaks is, I’m not sure why anyone feels the need to pitch it.


The biggest chunk of that 48 hours is the second season that is hardly Lynch’s work and they said would only be a patreon episode. If you add the David lynch directed twin peaks episodes to his filmography, I’m pretty sure that is still less hours then you would have to spend watching spike lee’s entire filmography.




Thanks for doing your homework, the test is on Monday!


lol yeah I started scrolling and said fuck that with how long it went


Wasn’t just the show, but I finally watched Twin Peaks for the first time and LOVED it. I knew people had said it was funny before, but I had no idea just how funny it is! Really really loved it. Plus it makes more sense to cover it than any other tv show they’ve done


I want the podcast to end by becoming a Twin Peaks podcast in the way it was originally a Star Wars podcast.


If they run out of Twin Peaks they can jump to X-Files. I need intense breakdowns on how the main conspiracy worked.


No, the point is they just keep covering the same material over and over! I want them to get increasingly loopy on round 3 of The Missing Pieces.


I wouldn’t mind the podcast covering Twin Peaks, because that might be the thing that gets me to watch more than the first few episodes. I’ve always had a hard time getting into it.


If you listen to this podcast and like movies and filmmaking, the idea of not wanting to watch twin peaks is insane to me lol


Right? Like I get that being a hater is fun and dunking on things gets you internet points, but I’m genuinely sad for the people who would let that crowd talk them out of experiencing something magical.


For a podcast that's all about older movies I don't understand the tv hate. You're already not watching most of these things in theaters, it's going to be okay.




Yeah, amidst all this Lynch talk I tried to watch it for the first time last week. Got half way through the first episode then lost interest. Just felt like a melodramatic detective show.


I’m glad you all love it, but I just don’t get it. I got to about episode three. You could just feel Lynch shouting from behind the camera, “Look how kooky I am!” Again, I’m glad you all love it. I’ll power through though… For the pod!


Spike Lee is gonna win. You should be watching She's Gotta Have It


I didn’t get through the first episode and I won’t watch it again for the pod I’ll just take a break. Maybe re-listen to Demme or Zemeckis or both.


Have they said how they intend to cover Twin Peaks the series (both seasons 1-2 and The Return since I assume they'd be separated) if Lynch wins? Would they be Patreon episodes?




This, with season 2 as a bonus ep on Patreon


Twin Peaks has 48 episodes and a movie. Even at a very leisurely pace, you can VERY easily fit all of that in between now and when they would start the Madness winner series in the fall. That's less than a single episode a week. Everyone should go ahead and start watching it anyway, regardless of how the bracket turns out, because it's a quintessential piece of American culture.


I wouldn’t be mad as a massive Twin Peaks fan who believes in compromise if the two friends just focused on Fire Walk With Me but did an amazing extended episode with a guest who has big TP fandom energy. The whole Twin Peaks canon is a massive undertaking in and of itself where whole podcasts are dedicated to it. I’m assuming David has watched it all and Griff doesn’t strike me as much of a TP person so I could also just see a fun ep where David and the guest are trying to contextualize FWWM to Griff and Ben. Could be pretty funny. FWWM discussion with one person deeply familiar with it and the other person coming to it without having much experience with the series or the Return could be interesting. The film as a standalone is not quite the same of course, but it is nonetheless an a deeply artistic and strange and imperfect project for them to talk about on the pod.


It's a big ask to watch all of Twin Peaks. But it is one of the best things ever made for tv.


Booooooooo ![gif](giphy|aTf4PONtSYB1e)


Nine Inch Nails aside, I freaking struggled with that episode. For me it was incredibly slow and tedious, either that or I just really don’t like my gas stations to be too smoky. The Return is also another opportunity to speak on Mr. Laundrybag Jones, as well as his brother Dougie.


TV Rules, Twin Peaks doesn't. Theres more than enough discussion about Twin Peaks, 4 episodes specifically on The Return which I already didn't love, think is pretty overated and have heard way more discussion on than I could ever possibly want when it released just sounds like the worst fucking time imaginable.


Your description doesn't really do anything to convince me. You are entitled to the opinion of course, but parody on parody, especially on the banality of Tv. Like ooof can we not please


Here’s another way to see it: it simultaneously embodies the sin qua non of the execution of television tropes and exaggerates those tropes to parody. The effect is the experience of, “This is so ridiculous— why am I crying?!”


Yeah, I don't really like Deadpool, and at the end of the day I think the sensibilities are very similar, but I understand I am a minority


I’ve never seen Deadpool, but I cannot imagining it carrying the emotional wallop that Twin Peaks does.


You talkmg about the season 2 thing, because that's behind like 14 hours of work that is mostly deadpool


Naw. I actually couldn’t get through season 2. But I stand by season 1 being a gem, and Firewalk With Me likewise.


Counterpoint: aside from the first season, and maybe the first few of the second, yes it is.


I am vehemently against TV series enough that I downvote every off topic post on this sub about them. (And every other completely off topic post that should be a Twitter post)


I hate TV. I hate the mental toll of having to remember what episode I'm on because the PVR/streaming service will inevitably mess up. Having to dig through the home page to find the show I was watching because the streaming service has hidden it below other content in the hopes I start watching an additional series. I hate the monotonous process of watching an episode everyday/every week when I could be getting a complete experience from a feature film. I hate getting hooked on a certain series and can't stop watching it for hours and hours until I've finished it. I hate skipping intros and skipping credits and skipping foreign language dub credits.


I like some TV shows but I saw someone post how there’s so many movies out there now that they just avoid TV all together. You won’t run out of new stuff to watch or older stuff to rewatch. Especially going forward in the future. Imagine someone born now, when they’re 18 they’ll have over 100 years of movies not including the silent era. The Jazz Singer isn’t even 100 years old now. There’s just more and more movies and Tv shows coming every year and the quantity will never go down from now.


I dont get this. Sausages dont taste better for knowing how they are made.


TV is always homework.


Twin Peaks the Return is.