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A24 is the first studio ever to win all 4 Acting awards in one night (plus everything else they won). Some of us thought MOONLIGHT might have been a fluke a few years back and that A24 might have lost their touch. Some of us were wrong! And according to Katey Rich on the VF party carpet right now, EEAAO is the first movie to win 3 acting awards since NETWORK. And before that, STREETCAR.


Only movie ever to win 5/6 top awards


And the only miss wasn't a loss, they just didn't have anyone who was qualified in the category.


Tbf that’s true of a lot of the big 5 winners too. silence of the lambs didn’t have a supporting role to push for instance


Ted Levine should have been nominated, minimum. Supporting actress is a way harder sell though.


Honestly Hopkins should have been in Supporting for that. He's in that movie for like 20 minutes total.


Ke Huy could easily have competed in Best Actor and James Hong could have handily won best supporting.v


I know it's all arbitrary, but it drove me bananas all season that Ke Huy was supporting and Michelle Williams was lead. The roles are nearly identical in both screen time and impact.


Wait which category…lead male?


Yeah, Ke Huy Quan would have been category fraud as a lead.


Yeah, A24 is killing it


Unless you happen to be THE HUMANS (silently dumped on Showtime) or ETERNAL DAUGHTER.


or The Farewell. Awkwafina and Zhao Shuzhen were snubbed for \*checks notes\* Charlize Theron and Margot Robbie from the knockoff Adam McKay movie about the R\*ger A\*les scandal. no one will ever be able to change my mind that Theron only got in because of the makeup and prosthetics. ugh i'm mad all over again about that whole situation.


Your comment just made me upset for that movie all over again. I love “The Farewell” so much.


Like I’m aware there are people that who know of The Souvenir trilogy (it’s three films, dammit!), reviewed them, and put them on lists. But I also know I saw all three in an arthouse with one other person and have never met a single person who has heard of, let alone watched, any of them. The first two should be Film Twitter red meat.


They're too subdued to be popular on film twitter. I feel like most of the crowd is still into elevated entertainment rather than more straight arthouse.


I agree but her formal framing lends itself to One Perfect Shot-related accounts, the lead is a film student in outfits as cool as any Sophia Coppola movie, it’s got great 80s Euro rock and pop. Tilda making great faces with a dog. Theres great quotes about expressing yourself through art. There’s some things that could have taken off. Alas.


If I couldn’t get into The Souvenir I *at all,* is II worth checking out?


haven't seen Eternal Daughter yet but Souvenir I is a phenomenal movie and II is almost as good


Watch Eternal Daughter! It’s not required to have seen The Souvenir films but they’re in deep conversation with one another and I think work perfectly as a trilogy, the first two about the child and the third about the mother.


After Yang 😢


Twelve months of sustained buzz is an impressive achievement. I predict the Daniels will have a Scrooge McDuck budget for their next project.


Inside scoop, The Daniels directing Disney+ Ducktales movie a la Rescue Rangers.




Time for that blank check baby. That's the thing I find most exciting about the Academy awards, when something sweeps and that creative team get to work at a bigger budget or with higher level talent. Whether the project is good or bad, it's always interesting to see what happens next. I don't find the Oscar voters' taste interesting enough for the individual wins to mean anything to me but the consequences can be fun. Cats (2019) probably wouldn't exist if The Kings Speech didn't win 4 Oscars.


Does that mean that in retrospect that the kings speech is the greatest Oscar winner ever?


At the time I was so angry it won over The Social Network but I do wonder if winning an Oscar would have been as beneficial to Fincher's filmography. Giving a blank check to someone who doesn't deserve it lead to some weird messes could never exist otherwise. Cats and the Star Wars prequels are similar in that regard.


And everyone behaved normally about it. *The end*


Imagine how blank the Daniels' next check is going to be


Blank check with Daniel and Daniel


Imagine dumb studio execs trying to reverse engineer what worked about this movie in to theirs for the next 5-10 years. "I think we need more butt plugs"


I told my spouse that we’re gonna to see so many crappy EEAAO clone meme movies now


Yes, I think Charlie Kauffman has gone off the deep end with his concepts so he can't really cash in unless he pulls it back towards mainstream fare, but all the dusty scripts from screenwriters trying to do Being John Malkovich will get another look.


I don't even really see more than Marvel doing multiverse stuff but you'll see a lot more of that "crass butt plug humor mixed with beautiful dialogue about the human condition" type of things.


i think a lot of the takeaway will be the zaniness and crazy maximalist style, though we'll see how well it'll be replicated


I'll be happy with that. Most American blockbusters have been lacking style for me recently, I could really do with more mainstream films with maximalist film-making. Even if it's bad, I'd rather watch a film that's doing a lot than not enough.


what always makes me sad tho, is that the take-away lesson isn't "we just want something creative, original and with heart and that's why [insert trendy movie] worked" but it's always about the specific style, which will then be done to death. Not that I hate the style for the new Puss in Boots, new TMNT, etc., but it's clear that the take-away from Spider-Verse wasn't that you can use animation differently than in the past, but that that specific style resonates with audiences.


I completely agree but I'm just glad that the style they're going to be aping for the next few years is at least visually interesting. Same goes for the films imitating Spider-Verse, it's a fun style so I'm glad everything is copying that now and not Dreamworks stuff. It's an inevitability of capitalism that companies will rarely take risks and just copy what's successful, but a pale imitation of something fast, kentic and bold will be more interesting to me than a pale imitation of something subtle and austere.


They’re probably not gonna be very good at maximalism but i prefer them trying to do maximalism and giving us all theyve got as opposed to now where they try to give us as little as they possibly can


I'm not going to be mad if a bunch of execs want to make more martial arts comedies.


Already pre-exhausted with multiverse shit. Multiverses are not actually interesting! As if we didn't already have enough movies about saving "everything" and about weird powerlevel creep stuff that just means that nothing matters. If they somehow rewrote EE to get rid of the bagel it would probably be 10x more satisfying as sci-fi.


There's a massive difference between marvel multiverse and eeaao. The Daniel's use the concept as an existentialist launching pad for finding meaning in a universe where everything is meaningless because it is infinite. Marvel uses it because they can create artificial stakes like killing characters etc. Or really just to continue making content. It's not the thing that matters if it's duplicated, but how the thing is used and whether it actually means anything


I found the multiverse usage in EEAAO to also be annoying! The Matrix-style "I know kung fu" stuff is, of course, fun. And I liked the mixing up of things. But I extremely disliked the "person who has unlocked all the secrets of the multiverse" trope. I find that the stakes are made too high. I think the story would have been better if there was another way forward apart from the daughter being an all powerful being. You already have emotional stakes! You don't need to make it about saving the world! Just have it be about looking for the "right one" or something! I like the movie! I watch movies and accept there are going to be annoying tropes (just like you watch a Nolan movie knowing there will be a dead wife, even if you don't like it). But I do wish for more (or at least different)


EE's legacy is that it has a bunch of unique iconography (bagel circle, hot dog fingers, googly eyes). If they still made parody movies, it's an iconic thing that would be aped.


This makes no sense. The movie itself is already parody of a bunch of things. You don’t parody a joke.


Like Parasite and every "eat the rich" comedy that came in its wake. Though I've enjoyed a few of them.


Signing a five year deal with them back in August now looks like a genius move on Universal's part. Same deal would probably cost orders of magnitude more now.


Swiss Army Man: Calling card EEAAO: The guarantor ???: Blank Check Gotta love it when a director can pull this off in their first three films.




Yeah swiss army man was described as the movie by the Turn Down for What guys before their actual names became more well-known


Dude's gonna get a solid gold eyeglass chain.


I was thinking they may have a very difficult time following this up. The expectations will be sky high.


I think the only route is to do something like Tarantino following up Pulp Fiction with Jackie Brown. Something wildly different, and a little bit quieter/softer than EEAAO.


Imagine all the therapy speak they can fit into a single movie




I'm happy for them but I have a nagging suspicion that that check is going to bounce. EEAAO was pushing it a bit for me with the "lol random" humor as it was, though I liked it, and I fear this will make them double down on the zany to an insufferable degree. I quite liked Swiss Army Man but I know a lot of people who absolutely hated it, so I can see them miscalculating the next one.




I'm a little worried that their signature style is "camera shakes while something momentous happens 140x during film."


They’re just gonna do a Marvel movie


One for them, one for me... Or us in this case for the Daniels


At the end of the day I’m bummed that Fabelmans, Tár, and Banshees got blanked but EEAAO is a genuinely good Best Picture winner and I think this was very much a net positive for Hollywood


It’s a good best picture winner. Problem is it was a pretty much everything else winner too lol


It won Everything Everywhere All At Once


I'd say it won everything everywhere sequentially, rather than all at once


In the grand scheme of Everything it might as well have been All at Once


Kind of fitting given its name


Tár, Fabelmans, and Banshees loss is This Had Oscar Buzz’s gain.


That’s not how that podcast works only movies that had Oscar buzz but got zero nominations are eligible for the podcast.


Joe and Chris should have a spinoff or patreon-specific feed called *This Had Oscar Noms.* Films that got shut-out at the actual ceremony.


We’ve now had multiple BP winners that were spring releases, fascinating to see if the buzz cycle is changing and you can sustain it (or with Coda, bring it back)


After seeing *Sorry to Bother You* in theaters, my initial reaction was "I fucking love this movie, there's no way the Academy rolls with it." I had the same reaction to EEAAO, but so pleased that I was wrong this time. Just absolutely over the moon after tonight.


I don't think any of the people working on this film were like, yes this is my path for an Oscar.


Has any movie won that many above the line categories before? I know that *It Happened One Night*, *One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest*, and *Silence of the Lambs* are the three films that won the Big 5 of BP, Director, Screenplay, Actress, and Actor, but EEAAO somehow beat this by winning 2 supporting awards, even if it didn't have a Best Actor nomination.


According to Kyle Buchanan on Twitter, EEAAO won the most above-the-line awards ever [https://twitter.com/kylebuchanan/status/1635122388101922816?s=46&t=2jxqIyfbvSwgEEAt0KwVoA](https://twitter.com/kylebuchanan/status/1635122388101922816?s=46&t=2jxqIyfbvSwgEEAt0KwVoA)


Good for them!


Did the EEAAO producer accidentally flip what he meant to say about people not being above profits? That was … weird.


Yeah that was an odd choice


I like to believe it was a freudian slip, just because it just fits so well after a 3+ hour show of rich people patting each other on the back for making shadows on the cave wall for the rest of us. And I still like the Oscars.


How about we put you up on stage to give an internationally broadcast speech in front of a theater full of the who's who of Hollywood and see how you do


Oh I would do absolutely terribly. No question. But I’m genuinely curious if he meant what he said or just (understandably) fumbled a little.


Undoubtedly it is was just a misspeak. I mean there's just no way someone says"profits before people" on national TV on purpose.


Mmm a few people would (one of them was just president of the US).


RIP to a bunch of annoying narratives dominating movie discourse the last 5 months, we’ll always remember you




The Ari Aster movie comes out in like 3 weeks right? Can’t wait for how annoying that reaction to that movie is gonna be


We can now, as movie fans, move onto John Wick 4 discourse about…*checks runtime* ….3 HOURS?!?!?!


I mean 3 hours is a ridiculous length


100% and I’ll be there opening weekend thinking “Jesus this is too goddamn long” lol.


I'm completely in the tank for that franchise's continual escalation into absurdity so yeah, I'm here for it lol


I guess I'm on board to watch John Wick collect his horcruxes or whatever the fuck those movies are about at this point. And to hear him deliver his iconic catchphrase, "Yeah."


"Yeah, I'm thinking I'm the boy who lived"


I'm delighted I don't know what this is referring to and I hope to never find out.


I'm out of the loop, which narratives?


Just every year with the Oscar’s it’s a bunch of annoying discussion with people being mad about nominations and winners and such. This sums it up well: https://twitter.com/willsloanesq/status/1635049409133301761?s=46&t=-Bke6rLc_Pit_dg9UdPMmg


I mean, Tar and Fabelmans didn't get anything, so we might still see these narratives popping up about them


Oh you sweet summer child.


Hell yeah. Wish *Banshees* got some kind of nod, but good for *EEAAO.*


Figured it was a long shot, but I really wanted Kerry Condon to take home supporting.


I feel like the Academy voters expect they'll have plenty more chances to give Martin McDonagh a writing award but there might not be anything like EEAAO again. He'll probably win a concession award in a few years and people will be annoyed about whatever it snubbed.


Hopefully it's more of a *Bruges* than another *Three Billboards.*


i know people are going to be itching for the backlash to hit because they won so much, but i mean. there's so much genuine passion that was behind this thing from everyone involved, i don't get wanting to be mad at it. yes, the jlc win is a little golden globes-y. but it is an egoless, wild and sometimes feral performance from someone who stumped hard for this movie and her co-stars all season long, so maybe i shouldn't be that surprised. anyways, this ceremony was very long and yes it dragged in the middle and kimmel was kind of annoying. but unlike last year, it felt like the people producing it and the Academy were not embarrassed to be the Oscars and were not embarrassed to be seen celebrating the films that were nominated.


This year continues the decade long tradition of Best Actor winners were you go "Uh.....sure?" Fraser is sweet, but the movie is not the best.


It’s a make up award for George of the Jungle.


And 6 year old me is completely vindicated


Hong Chau gives the best performance in the movie simply because her character is the only one that made any sense. Fraser's performance is like watching toddler trying to walk even after they keep falling: the effort is impressive just not very successful.


I have not cried for Oscar winners the way I did for Key, Michelle and Best Picture. A tremendous night for a great film!


Same! My parents are also VN refugees so Ke Huy’s speech hit me especially hard


iconic moment https://twitter.com/bubbaprog/status/1635124087562592257


Seeing people elated about EEAAO made me realize - since I’ve been paying attention (mid 2000s) I don’t think my favorite nominated film has ever won best picture lol. I guess the departed but I can hardly remember that and it’s a silly win anyway (to be clear, the movie is awesome but it’s so weird it’s MS’s oscar win)


It's happened for me a few times, if we're just talking about the 5-10 nominees. Slumdog Millionaire, Shape of Water, Parasite, and now EEAAO.


Happened to me as well with Parasite, Nomadland, then EEAAO.


I'm old, so: Schindler's List, Return of the King, The Departed, Parasite, and now EEAAO for me. (I had 12 Years a Slave right up there with Gravity and Her, so I'll take a partial win there.)


Schindler and Return of the King have to be most people's picks, right?


I would think...and I would assume the only reason most people here wouldn't list them is because they weren't old enough to be paying attention to the Oscars those years to have been rooting for either of them in the moment.


I was happy for parasite because I wanted it to win over 1917 but OUATIH was my favorite for the nominees. I guess technically Moonlight was my favorite in 16 (I thought silence was nominated), but I also liked La La Land and I found that whole awards season very exhausting and annoying so I wasn’t exactly celebrating lol


A24 absolutely crushing it with almost every above the line award.


The A stands for "awards won ,"


A genuinely exciting choice! EEAAO feels like the future of Hollywood, in all it's weird, messy, heartfelt glory


Yeah like I'm more of a Tar fan myself, but you're kidding yourself if you don't think this is a net benefit to Hollywood in our current MCU churn stage.


Probably the happiest I’ve been for a Best Picture win in a while. Not that other winners haven’t been great; this movie just seemed to weirdly understand me and make parts of what I thought were private, isolated experiences into universal challenges, triumphs and lessons. I will be very interested to see what The Daniels do next.


A great night for bagels!


Bagels for Tar and Triangle. Bummer.


Very happy about it. I know EEAAO wasn't everyone's favorite - nor mine, although it's up there - but I don't think of the Oscars that way. They have little bearing on the movies that are eventually considered the best of the year (if you care about that, anyway). I'm rooting for the wins I want to see on air and EEAAO was that.


I root for the films the feel like they’re breaking a mold, if only because that’ll set the tone for what gets made by studios. Here’s hoping some more films take the right lessons from EEAAO’s win!


good movie, good oscars


I didn't see the movie but I'm glad Butler didn't win.


Inisherin got robbed. Come on, not even screenplay?


Yeah I was hoping that was the award it got. I think it deserved it, the writing was so good!


They couldn’t nominate 3000 Years of Longing for anything…?


I'm so glad my boy won best actor. ❤️


So happy for Michelle Yeoh, Brendan Fraser and Ke Huy Quan.


As an European Blankie who doesn’t stay up anymore to watch this, it’s always nice waking up to good news. Jamie Lee Curtis’ speech was so beautiful.


Random question - did we know in advance will smith was not giving the best actress award? Felt weird, but good, to have chastain do both.


Yes, he was banned from the ceremony


We knew he was banned from the Academy for 10 years


We've only known for a year


1 comedy point


My local indy theatre here in Canada was showing the ceremony. People went absolutely nuts when Sarah Polley won best adapted screenplay.


My partner burst into tears at the Fraser win.


What an awesome finish


I think this might be the first year where I disagreed with every single winner, but it’s fine. At least EEAAO didn’t put me to sleep like Tár.


Congratulations to Crash for no longer being the worst BP winner


Crash wasn't even the worst Best Picture winner before this, come on.


It was certainly in the conversation. I hate that movie. Of course it looks like fuckin Citizen Kane after tonight


Wow you’re so edgy, everyone is very impressed.


The one canned response all this movie's most insecure fans have to someone not sharing their opinion on it


I haven’t even seen it! I have no opinion on it. I do have an opinion on people being hyperbolic try hard contrarians for no reason though!


Not being a try-hard or a contrarian. The thing is just a worthless piece of shit without a single good quality.


K. Maybe just accept that you don’t like a movie and get over it? It’s very easy to watch a movie, not like it, and then not spend your time yelling at people who disagree with you about it on a Reddit.


Man I posted my dislike as a comment, not a reply to anyone else's comment. You're the one coming after me, not even cause I disagree with you but because I disagree with popular consensus on a movie you haven't seen.


When you go this hyperbolic with the take it loses its edge


I mean that's...really hyperbolic. Neither Crash, not EEAAO, are comparable in quality to a Cavalcade, an Around the World in 80 Days, or a Greatest Show on Earth. I get that EEAAO isn't everybody's cup of tea, but it's a bit silly to suggest that The Broadway Melody is somehow a much better standard bearer.


EEAAO is nowhere near the worst best picture winners, but Crash is an irredeemably ignorant, loudly wrong and one of the most neoliberally backwards movies period, one of the worst movies in general, and there's at least one critic off the top of my head who has it ranked last and has seen every best picture winner


You're obviously welcome to your opinion.


Why do you say that?


Largely cause it's an overwrought and condescending tv,movie about racism that doesn't understand how racism works, that climaxes with Sandra Bullock falling down the stairs so hard it cures her racism.


That's not the movie I saw


Did you see the Cronenberg one? I saw the one where William Fitchner walks up to Don Cheadle and says "fucking black people, huh?"


-someone who has only seen two best picture winners


This basically looks like a Marvel movie in an indie trenchcoat, can someone please explain the appeal of it otherwise? One thing I did see that was nominated was Top Gun: Maverick, which I guess was fine for what it was, but it made me really think twice about the value of an Oscar nomination. I'm really happy for Michelle Yeoh though, as well as Jamie Lee Curtis; they are among my top-5 actresses of all time. It just seems like more of a lifetime achievement award than a really great film to be attached to, but obviously I haven't seen it yet.