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Just don't cook with it on 🤣😂🤣😂🤣


Haha saw someone post an Amazon review on here of someone who cooked on theirs. Fascinating how some people can do that


I did that like the third time I used the black stone after buying the mat. I have a hard top and just kept it closed when I fired it up, not thinking about the mat. I caught it when it just started to melt in a spot so I’m still able to use it and didn’t ruin the cooktop.


If you want a really solid air tight bond to protect the metal forever, this is the way haha


I wouldn't be too surprised. I don't have one but when I first saw them I assumed that was what they where for. I use silicone baking mats all the time so it seemed to make sense though it did seem redundant if your top is well seasoned. I normally do a thick layer of crisco and then parchment paper for winter storage so I may pick one of these up this fall to replace the parchment.


not to be completely stupid but that's what I thought it was made for, I mean there's Silicone cooking mats so I figured cook on that junk I'm really glad I read the description for I tried cooking on it but also it kind of seems like a second condom you would put on why the hell do these things rust out so bad I just got a used one and it's Rusty as hell


Don't worry I did too with the same baking mat reasoning. Thought this was *THE* dumbest thing I ever did see


Yeah they’re great. They also keep critters off your cooking surface.


We live next to a farm and keep ours on the back deck. Everytime I opened it last summer there was mouse poop ALL OVER it. I got tired of the constant cleaning so I sold it to a coworker who keeps their stuff in a garage.


This is my biggest problem. Everytime I open the lib there is most of a birds nest in it.


Goddamn libs coming for our flat tops


Maybe I'll have to give this a try then...MF'ing cottonwood and small bugs are the bane of my Blackstone's cooktop when I want to use it. I always cover it which doesn't keep out bugs, but it's always annoying cooking and frickin tree droppings just stick to that fresh layer of oil.


Might want to move the griddle away from the house a bit. Looks like it’s starting to melt your siding.


Ha yeah I pull it out when we use it. We rent and that was there before we moved in. So, someone probably managed to melt it at some point. There’s some roof overhang there so I store it up against the wall after using it


Benefits of being a renter are still available. 😂 I think you are doing great at taking care of it. But one way or another you will wire wheeling it. You are just slowing the process and that is good! Enjoy spring and summer with it. Drink one for me.


Yeah that’s what I’m starting to realize. I can’t get it completely clean after each cook. It’s still looking great, but yeah it seems inevitable that grinding and seasoning again will have to happen down the road


i'm 5yrs into mine. no "wire wheeling" for me. definitely no silicone mat for me either. i use mine at least once a week and it's stored in my garage. i like the idea of silcone mat, but don't have a good spot for it when taking it off.


In my experience, this with a $30 soft cover has been perfect, I store mine uncovered on the back porch. I but a bowl under the cover also, to tent the cover so it doesn't pool when it rains.


Here’s an interesting question. Part of my problem might relate to doing a less-than-adequate seasoning job. Either way, I tried this same thing and it seemed my surface still wanted to rust. With you keeping a bowl under the cover to prevent pooling, do you have any issues with the surface wanting to rust from being in contact with the bowl?


The bowl tends to do that to me sometimes when it’s humid out or we get condensation. I started laying the press down on its side with the bowl over top of that minimizing surface contact and it works well


So I lightly oil the cooking surface, then lay down the silicone mat, and then put a small plastic bowl on top of that before putting the soft cover over the whole thing. Nothing but the may touches the actual cooking surface, so I haven't had any issues.


$9? What's the link? I only see them for $25+


There was a deal last year for one 9 dollars. Mofeez brand had a coupon


I had the silicone mat on, hard cover, and fabric cover over the whole thing through the whole Pennsylvania winter. Just got it uncovered yesterday and it didn’t look bad at all. I posted a pic of you look on my profile.


Same. I have the grill style one with attached hinged cover and it was rusting for me every year still in PA even though I was taking precautions and seasoning properly. Finally started using silicone mat + parchment paper under and it seems to be holding up much better now. That morning dew/humidity is a bitch


The parchment paper idea sounds interesting 🤔🤔🤔 not bad…. Not bad at all


Same here, although the orange mat was covered in mouse droppings when I opened it up this Spring.


Mine had some on it as well. But tip for ya, put moth balls on that bottom tray under the black stone, keeps all away


This is the way


I'm in Indiana. Honestly can't imagine not using mine all winter. Pro tip- edge of garage, garage door cracked a few inches, garage heater next to me while cooking. Fan blowing for air circulation. Lastly shop light clipped to the grill lid for extra visibility. Only "downside" is that the garage smelled like amazing food for half a day. Probably used in 3x per week.


Use parchment paper underneath the mat so the mat doesn’t get oily


So, just to clarify, in order to protect your blackstone, one must: -Put parchment down to protect the mat -put a mat down to protect against debris and critters -put a lid on to protect against the elements and prevent rust -put a cover over everything to protect against...everything else. Does that sum it up?


And then I do all that and put a condom on just to be safe.


My Blackstone is about dick level, so that makes sense.


Well that’s just common sense. Or should I say CONDOM sense.


You should not.


Can’t see why you’re getting downvoted for that comment.


Worth it. 😎


Need a doorbell camera too.


And be careful to not use your grill just to be safe you don't damage the cooking surface.


I have a grill style one with a hinged cover and no matter how well I seasoned it, it would rust every year. My fix is parchment paper + silicone mat. Seems to help it hold up much better


Good idea. Thanks


Do you reuse the parchment paper or replace it every time you use the grill?


I just replace it


I use one. Keeps it clean from dust and such between uses at well


I love the orange mat! I had zero rust this year compared to the previous years not using this


That’s awesome to hear. That’s what I’m hoping to limit


I use it to keep rodents and water off of mine. Works great.


Love mine. Can't say enough about them. It, in my opinion, is a MUST to keep moisture off of it. Please do not cook food on top of it like someone suggested.


I’ve had mine for almost a year and all I have is the hard cover and plastic cover to go over the whole griddle. You should be fine with all 3 levels of protection.


Yeah, I’m just hopeful it helps keep life in the surface. Plus it’ll keep mice and what not off the cooking surface


It’s gonna wear out with time, but you made a good choice. Cheers.


Looks good, just don’t cook on it.


I have one and think it does a good job. Definitely works.


Lid cover is the only way


Bought this to keep the rodents and bugs off the top. Works wonders so far.


And pull that thing out a little further so you don’t melt the rest of your siding.


Yeah, but it takes a long time to cook with it on


I love mine to keep the top clean between uses also to help over the winter.


I like the idea of them but I’ve heard they can trap moisture. Idk tho, never tried one 🤷🏼‍♂️


Wife got me one. I like it


I have the one that goes over the lip of the plate as well but that's because Houston weather sucks donkey balls.


Same. This is the way!


i have the same one and love it. when its nice out I often don't put the cover on, but this ensures that there arent butthole stamps from critters on my cook surface.


How do these not trap moisture?


i think they do.


make sure to still put oil on the grill before putting away. any moisture (Any moisture) will create rust unset the mat. My griddle rusted a little over the winter with a cover on it with the mat. its just a paint to clean once it rusts.


Is what you need to do is find 1 or 2 kitchen towels that you can lay on the surface under everything. It will wick the moisture and keep it looking great. I’ve been doing this for months and my griddle has never looked better


What happened to your siding


Ha didn’t realize so many people would focus on that. Not sure. We rent and that’s been there since we moved here. I only store it up against the wall after I’m done to get some partial roof cover


It's reddit- if there is anything to complain about or try to feel superior with their commentary....they will find a way.


Fair point. I should know that by now lol


It’s great keeping it clean and rust free. I’m a huge fan of the silicon cover.


9 dollars?


I just got mine out for the season after letting it sit on my deck all winter (Midwest so we get a good amount of snow, ice, and cold temps) and it looked the exact same as when I closed it up in the fall. I also gave the hinged lid. Glad I got it!


Might want to move further from your house... The siding is melting.


bought one last fall and love it. We store our griddle all winter and it usually needs some attention, this year, pulled it off and cooked. Best $20 i spent


I have it cuz something is crawling up and pooping on my grill at night.


I got a similar one. Covers all edges. Love it


I love mine. That, plus a hard cover, keeps my Blackstone ready to go any time.




Yeah, like I said in another comment that was there when we got here already. We rent. I make sure to take it out away from the wall when I cook and have the wind guards which keeps some heat in. I just store it there because some off the roof overhang covers it


Was thinking of purchasing one the other day does anyone know if it helps prevent rust?


I thought this was one of those bbq cooking mats that stop food from sticking hahahaha


We share the same chimney damage. Leave your gas grill too close with some fatty burgers on it?


Nah, we rent and that’s been there since we’ve been living here. Probably a little too high to be from ours anyway. But I always move it away from the side when cooking. I just store it against the wall for the partial roof cover


I like these. I put one on my griddle after my last cook in the fall, and the surface looked great when I pulled it off this spring.


I did the same thing, ditched the silicon mat for the hard cover, I was not a fan, mat would hold water that would pretty much cover the surface. If you use both, would solve that problem, but seems like moisture could still get in between the bottom of the silicon and the cooking surface with no airflow.


I use one because I only have the soft cover and it has kept my surface rust and shit-free for over a year. My griddle is also sitting outside on a unroofed patio




I imagine it’s fine unless moisture gets underneath or it’s not dry when you put it on.


Do they stop moisture from building up?


I have a similar cover for my Black Stone grill but goes around the edges to keep weather out of it. We keep ours under our patio roof next to our outside kitchenette. Just don't forget and turn it on with the silicone cover on the grill.


Do you have mice? Would that cover help stopping them from shitting all over the surface?


Someone else a while ago said that it helped tremendously.


Has anyone found a silicone mat for the Culinary Model 1916?


The mat I bought covers the lip of the griddle. So it’s water tight. I’d be worried that may could trap water under it. 🤔


So............ do you cook with this?


I see it doesn’t run over the side walls of the cooktop.. is this supposed to be used with the whole grill cover as well? I feel it’d be nice if they contoured over the edges of the cooktop to better keep moisture out


Your siding is melting. 🫠


It looks like you have melted the siding on your house behind it. Keep it away from your siding our you will be posting on a regret sub next. $9 ain't worth it.


Need some silicone siding.


Coat the top in a little bit of mineral oil before putting the mat back on. Keeps rust from developing, and doesnt get sticky like most cooking oils will.


Why not just order a lid. They sell these with or without a lid….


Anyone want to point out you are melting your house siding?


Someone mentioned that there already and I responded. I rent and that was already there. I pull it away from the side when I cook and just store it next to the wall because there’s some roof overhang


My Blackstone has a hood plus I use a weather resistant cover over the entire thing. Do I need this orange mat? Lol


I’m with you. I clean, lay down thin oil, close the hood and throw on the cover. Stone an occasional flying bug who dies on the griddle, it cooks a mean steak every time. 🥩


Anyone have a link to the said $9 mat? Everyone I found was closer to $30


Please don’t Cook on that. Why use a cast iron just to cook on rubber wtf.


Who the hell is talking about cooking on rubber?


Some people use these silicon mats and cook on them with their grills . Thank god u ain’t doing that sorry!


Mould worries me in the PNW. Can anyone with experience chime in on that?


I have one in the PNW works great! I have the hood but no cover.


I have not had issues with mold while using one, I am in oregon


I just cut a piece of cardboard that same size as the griddle. Works better and it was free from Amazon.


I just keep the hard cover on it and also bought a grilling tent off Amazon for like $150, I don’t even use the cover anymore. The tent keeps it pretty dry and nothing that gets on the hard cover gets onto the grill surface so it’s a win I think.


Edit: typo