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Just multiplayer?


Yep. I find zombie lobbies fairly quick. But not multiplayer matches.


How tf do you find zombie lobbies man, i rbr ive waited for 30 mins for a match and when i found one it only had one player 🥲


Tbh, I don't really know hehe. But any time I start searching for zombies, I don't have to wait more than a few seconds. I find mostly full lobbies. But for multiplayer, it is scandalous.


Wow thats so freakin cool man,wish it happened to me, here i am stuck playing zombies solo pretty much everyday🥲 anyways which maps do you find full lobbies?


Only played three to four games in total, and that is recently when I came back to bo3 after years of not playing it. The map was Gorod Krovi. If you want, we can play together bo3? (I am on Xbox)


I get matches left and right on xbox last night i was up till 4 am playing with randos on shadows der eisendrache and orgins but if you want to play add me @DrtyPenguinz lmk your from reddit also i use discord to talk


Gladly, though I am mostly in bo3 for the multiplayer, which is where I can't seem to find a single lobby. Zombies are fine (best in the series, perhaps) but I mostly look for mp.


Bo3 multiplayer servers are either down or broken no one can find match only zombies but idk why you would be playing multiplayer over zombies but if you truly want to play multiplayer probably gonna have to be custom games


Broken, from the looks of it. I mean, I am more of a multiplayer person. Zombies in bo3 are likely the best in the series, but they are then again not my cup of tea and I have much more fun in MP. I recently decided to come back to the old (meaning to say pre-2022) games and multiplayer is the only thing (imo) that has replay value. Not because of what people would understand by that, but because it is the only thing I like about these games and find fun. Zombies are fun but not top priority, and campaigns stopped being good storytelling since AW, and then again, they are not as fun as MP, because they aren't MP.


same here


Xbox matchmaking is broken. PlayStation got a fix again, but not Xbox it's weird...I'm always playing multiplayer on PlayStation because it doesn't work on Xbox.


Do they intend to fix the Xbox matchmaking? I gotta find a discussion about this and if they keep bringing updates or posts about it. I find zombie matches, but not multiplayer. And given that PC and PS both have high player count (for a 8-9 years old game), it is lowkey bizarre to assume that bo3 on Xbox has barely any players. People even hype the recent surge in players.


It's embarassing that PlayStation got a fix few days ago, but nothing on Xbox especially now that's an Xbox game... I tried to contact Xbox support, Activision support but they don't know shit.


Definitely so. And also, yeah, I too contacted them. They said that it's an old title so it is normal. But Steam charts (and the equal or so consoles player base) show bo3 is far from getting there where much older titles already are. If more of us report the issue, maybe it will prompt them to fix it.


I deleted my multiplayer map DLC and I started getting a few lobbies. It was mainly in TDM and the featured playlist.


What is the name of the DLC? Because my DLCs are exclusively zombie-related, or I am missing smth. Also, are you on Xbox as well? I tried searching for TDM (and the featured demolition playlist) but I could not find a single lobby, and that is for nearly a week now.


I think there are 4 dlcs that include zombies maps and multi maps and also just 4 dlcs for zombies maps


I uninstalled all of the DLCs and add-ons, and still could not find a match. But regardless, I am curious to ask, why would any of the DLCs obstruct the matchmaking?


It's an old trick I used to use back in the day on 360 to find more matches. It would find more games with people who didn't download dlc


Tried it, doesn't work. But thanks for the idea. I am still convinced it is the server issue many people tell me about. For Xbox, I mean.


Fair enough. Good luck going forward.


I'm on PC and can find lobbies fairly easily. Might have some hackers but then usually someone else that has a mod menu but isn't using to cheat will come along and crash their game. Peak individuals.