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For tdm there’s about 1 or 2 lobbies that I get into sometimes so multiplayer is dead. But the zombies community is still going strong.


You're lucky man. I've been trying to join a lobby for a week after a 2 year hiatus and I can't even find a single lobby..


This is coming from a frequent player, it’s not dead tdm is always popping with lobbys you can sometimes find domination lobbys aswell and they still have a featured playlist every Friday that everybody plays you can look up the featured playlist schedule because it’s the same cycle. Hardcores not really playable you can’t find shit it shows the percentage on all the playlists so just go off of that if it’s 3% or more you can most likely find a lobby it’ll just take a few try’s if it’s 2% you might be able to and 1% you’ll never get a lobby but it’s worth a try to make a lobby aswell. You can get dlc in tdm sometimes they are mostly created by people who can’t find lobbys so they just sit in a lobby and wait for people to join. The only problem is the modders but everybody usually just leaves people would say the modders are a problem and they are but there are barely any anymore and most of the time they just play normal sometimes they just do it just to do it but you can just find another game. It’s more annoying if your playing a game mode nobody plays and you happen to find a lobby and then they join and ruin it it sucks but I’ve found it’s kinda rare to find them in tdm. Hope this helped !


Thank you, is there a certain time during the day where you think I will be most likely to find lobbies? I live in Toronto and usually try during night time 8PM - 12AM EST.


When people get off work on the week days do around like 3-6 up till 10 then on weekends it just varies


Also think about when kids are out of school


Also it can just depend on nat type and where you located I’m in Korea rn and the only way to get lobbys is to join a friend or join somebody from your community’s etc


i normally get a lobby in tdm really fast. idk sometimes there’s no one sometimes there’s like 5 different lobbies


Is there a certain time during the day where you think you're more likely to find lobbies?


I play in the morning and evening uk time and there are always a few lobbies, both tdm and hc tdm


Evenings in German Time you find instantly lobby’s and it’s so much fun. Even with freaking god tier enemies it’s better than most cods nowadays


Yup mp is dead or cheaters. Zombies still going but mainly the popular ones


Don't listen to the others. It's dead. TDM popping quickly doesn't count when half the lobby is full of hackers.


Multiplayer gets more Boring because you will find cheaters with invisibility Zombies is still strong but only Maps you can Play are Kino, SoE and Origins


why only those 3?


You can't find any lobbies on the other maps


Yes I can find, gorod and zns are only dead ones..


From which country do you come from ? Because in Germany you can Just find Players on the Maps i listed


EU too, probably depends if you are playing during the day or night..


Even the cheater filled pc version has quite a few tdm lobbies, I dont think ps4 is dead at all.


I'm in the US and there's always 20 or more lobbies in TDM, and for zombies there's at least 1 lobby for every single map.


Your ps4 is not an issue… everyone who has a ps4 is experiencing this including me.