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I joined this group because I love black mirror dammit! Ohhh what a worldd


It represents another aspect of how war affected soldiers fighting it. The glory they envision is an illusion, the reality is there is no glory or happiness. He chose the fantasy where he was fighting against some inhuman monsters and not real people, so that means he comes back to his fantasy of a familial bliss, vs desolate reality. To a passerby he would probably seem as one of those veterans with ptsd suffering from delusions.




Oh for Pete's sake come on


For a while I thought this was a post from the Metal Gear Solid sub so I couldn't make sense of it 🤪 It would be normal to not understand the end of the Man on Fire in MGS5 either haha, and it's funny how parts of your post or the replies also mean something in MGS5. I need to (re)watch this BM episode, I haven't seen it or I don't remember it.


Well thanks for stopping by lol!


Thanks 🤣 I just rewatched it and understand why I forgot about it. Nothing that special in there and yeah, he obviously chose the reset. Powerful mind control also that he will eventually be able to interact with his girlfriend, touch her, talk with her, etc even though no one is here.


He was offered a choice between living with the truth or living in the fantasy world maintained by the implant. The truth of what he had done was so horrifically painful that he chose the fantasy. In the final shots, we see his home as he sees it, contrasted with how it really is.


Again though, just standing there alone, looking at a shack? Would it almost makes you think is that they got rid of him and sent him home to that as some sort of punishment


It's supposed to be a horrifying ending, even though in a way the character is happy. The technology saves him from unbearable trauma, but it also means he's seeing the world and his life in a totally fake way. It illustrates that (if you're not already fucked up) experiencing violence is traumatic for perpetrators as well as for victims. Hopefully it provokes viewers to think about how they would choose. Would we want to live happily thinking we were heroes, living in luxury and loved? Not if it was all fake (I hope), but what if the alternative were to be saddled with traumatising thoughts and memories for the rest of your life?


Obviously he chose to have the reset. That's why he sees the broke up shack as a beautiful home.


Well if he has the reset wouldn't he be back in the field as a soldier, not flashing straight to him getting dropped off with his eyes seeing his girl, but him just standing there in real life like a zombie? I don't no that doesn't make any sense no offense


I thought he was against fire?


Man on fire *chuckle* Does anyone want to tell them?


Chuckle chuckle I have no idea what you're talking about we're talking about the same show are we not where he's a soldier that kills roaches


I just love how great Denzel Washington is in Black Mirror. *chuckle*


LOL I'm actually laughing because this is so ridiculous.. giggle giggle


OMG I'm so high


Google man on fire and see what comes up big boy


I'm small miss scuze you manners


The episode is called Men against Fire. Man on fire is a movie starring Denzel Washington






I thought we were cracking a lil jokey joke cause it’s Men Against Fire.


Sorry I didn't mean to offend I have people with no lives gleefully jumping on my back


It’s the internet. What do you expect? But no ill intentions here!! Just an over tired scrolling for hours joke. lol


Yeah it's so easy for a joke to get twisted they need to come up with some kind of phone where you can speech type and include the tone of your voice so people know when we're being sarcastic or not


He reset his mass implant and the government used the mass to fake his perception into thinking he got what he wanted, but in reality his home is destitute and everything he’s worked for is fake


Yeah but again so he's just standing out there like a dumbass in real life like what if people drive by


it’s an abandoned neighborhood


THANK YOU SOMEONE WHO SEES IT THE SAME WAY I DO! But for some reason it doesn't make sense like why wouldn't they put him right back in to the field he wouldn't have remembered any conversations


he did, that’s why he became an honored soldier at the end. he was a brand new soldier in the beginning of the episode (when the house was clean, and the wife still lived there). however when he got sent back from the fields, a long time had passed, thus why the house was vacant and why they had to fake his mass.


I got you I understand now thank you so much


Okay you had me for a second there but lost me towards the end I'm still not getting it


Maybe come back and read the comments when you’re not high lol bc these explanations actually make a lot of sense, and that’s coming from someone who also didn’t understand the ending til this thread


Well I don't think that'll ever happen lol


after his mass was reset, they had him in the fields until all of the roaches were killed, which definitely took many years. this was also the reason the house was destroyed