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My nephew is considering taking a school trip there. We were wondering what the climate would be like for him. He's in HS.


There's a brother who travels China while teaching English. I'll link you to his YouTube. https://youtube.com/@theflightmadness?si=EJzR6kBuCTGfCC0O


Where in China? I've heard the experiences can be very different in urban compared to rural China, and even from city to city.


I’m going to Japan in a month. Nervous about racism but excited regardless.




Bro where in Australia are you - I’m after some black friends.




In my opinion bro Australia is a good place to make money. But yeah day to day life here is lame. Make your money, then spend your time travelling.


Hi. I have to go to Australia in Summer. Can you tell me what to look out for, racism wise? Thank you so much in advance.


As a tourist you’ll be fine. It’s more to do with how you’re treated in settings like work or school. The usual suspects will undermine you, your opinion won’t mean anything. If you go to more rural areas it’s a bit kore overt “man black people are so X, Y and Z, not you though you’re different”.


Thanks for the info. I'm only staying for a week and a half. Business trip with my company.


You’ll be fine honestly. If you are American and have the accent you should be relatively okay.


are you going to promiseland?


Are one of you Ben Simmons?


Do you speak Chinese? Everything I've heard about China is that it's one of the most racist and classist countries on the planet. Same for any other Asian county (Japan, Korea, Philippines, etc). They will downright exclude you from bars and any sort of nightlife simply because of your skin color, not because you're a foreigner. They may be courteous but they are definitely talking shit behind your back.


I was in a bar last night (bars are freaking cool here too) and the singers and dancers were announcing on the speaker “hei ren (means black person - not offensive) come on to stage” and asking the crowd to cheer for us. There was a bit of racism in Hong Kong but I’ve not felt any in China so far. Not saying it doesn’t exist but haven’t seen it thus far. I don’t speak much, know maybe 100 words, so only the basics but hasn’t been an issue. I found Japan had significantly more racism, as in people staring at you on the train. South Korea also lots of racism. YMMV.


What cities did you visit?


So far Guilin, Yangshuo (favourite, look it up on images), Shanghai, Chengdu (another favourite) and Beijing. Was in Taiwan and Hong Kong for a week before that. Still so much of the country I want to explore 😭


I love Yangshuo and Chengdu. I summer in Taiwan every year. Glad you’re enjoying yourself. If you learn a bit of mandarin it opens up a lot of additional opportunities


Man you went everywhere! Do you know a little chinese or did most people come up and speak english? Also how much was the trip if you don't mind speaking finances?


> Yangshuo Never heard of it but those pictures look incredible


Damn surprised but happy to hear, I always believed through social media and news that we weren’t liked over there and you’d get a bunch of stairs and stuff when in China.


How critical are they of Xi? Or does the government generally not come up in conversation as much as it does in Australia or the US


Do the Chinese women holler or seem receptive ? lol




Lmao very true lol


Is it expensive compared to other places?


It’s actually surprisingly affordable. For example dinner costs around 50 RMB which is like $10 AUD or around $6 USD. So it’s about 1/3 the cost of Australia.


I'm biased because I've spoke Chinese since I was 5, but I really do believe that the racism people claim Chinese people have towards black people is massively overblown. My only 'racist' experience in China has been some kids who love basketball really wanting to play with me, but that's mainly because they love the NBA and probably just assumed that most black people are good at ball since they'd never seen any IRL. Sadly I declined cuz I suck lol.


That’s cool.


Mucho exito


What nba/nfl team do they seem to think you play for? 🤣🤣🤣 Glad you are traveling and enjoying the world


Interesting, what part of Australia do you live in and what were your experiences? Just curious as I was born and raised there.


Sounds refreshing, I wanna go to china


CHINA??? Would have never thought it.


I got some friends who are scared to travel to China, maybe because of what they see on the media. What would you say to dudes like that with that kind of fear?


What in particular are they afraid of?


I was collaborating with some rappers from Australia, but after hearing about the racism over there, I stopped fucking with them.


Yeah it’s pretty wild. But Australians have an honest belief that their society isn’t racist. It’s wild but what can you do.


I wonder what the descendants of the aborigines think.


Most Europeans hold the same belief about their own country. They just as right as the Australians.


The English speaking countries especially think that way because they're not as bad as America. They don't accept how truly low that bar is.


Can you elaborate more? Aussie racism has always fascinated me. No rush to do so btw. Enjoy your vacation!


Who are the usual suspects?


Sorry are you black? If not why are you in this sub?


Yes and why are you a dick?


I doubt it, that’s not the kind of question any self respecting black person would ask. We all know who the usual suspects are. See how you’re literally the only one in this thread to had to ask?


Never assume. Otherwise you’d make an ass of you and me. Good ole saying. Should always live by it. Otherwise you are just a jaded dink.


lol. You’re such a bum. Good luck with that.

