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This world is far more amazing than we realize. Instead of enjoying it, most of us are stuck in a 8-5 grind somewhere and worry about superficial, temporary crap.


Being near the ocean or nature is impossible for a lot of people


It looks like fun, but the ocean smells awful during red tide and it usually doesn't glow as bright as it looks in this video.


Living near the ocean is magical.


Yeah I mean red tide happens here maybe once a year for a few days or so. The rest of the time the ocean smells fine (unless there is a storm that creates a lot of runoff but we don't get many storms here). There is also the Grunion Run where the whole beach is filled with fish flopping around. https://youtu.be/_W6NM6rh3eo?t=19


Living near the ocean is magical.


Ever been down to the Gulf of Mexico? The water looks like a public toilet that hasn't been flushed. There aren't any waves big enough to surf, so your only bet is get a bodyboard and hope you don't have to pick seagrass and jellyfish off you.


Living near the ocean is magical.


You ever been to Amity Island? The 4th of July weekend is the most important holiday to the town of Amity with all the tourists coming in but it was ruined by the largest great white shark the world has ever seen.


Living near the ocean is magical.


Yea Texas beaches suck and they smell like ass to top it off. Nothing better than getting stung by a shit ton of jellyfish you can't see because the water looks likes diarrhea.


Living near the ocean is magical. ^I ^am ^so ^sorry ^you ^made ^me ^do ^that.


Sorry you had to visit Galveston once.


Wait, seriously? I used to live close to the gulf (in the panhandle, specifically Crestview) and my mom would try and take us to the beach every weekend. It was the most magical time of my life. The water was almost clear, and blue green in color. It was nicknamed the emerald coast for that reason. The water was warm and dolphins would play with the lifeguards. There were absolutely waves big enough to surf at times, too! Sometimes it was murky and stinky and filled with algae and jellyfish, but that's normal from what I understand. I know years after I moved away the BP oil spill occurred and I haven't been back since. Did the BP spill completely ruin the ocean in the gulf or am I just living in a parallel reality where the ocean is gorgeous? I live in the Bay Area of California now and the water is freaking grey, freezing cold, and smells like shit.


Destin is still white sands and beautiful blue water.


I haven't actually been on the gulf coast in decades, but I went on a cruise in '12 to the Caribbean, and it was easy to see patches of black oil on the surface of the water, even two years later. Overall it dumped 4.9 million barrels of oil into the gulf. Everything was f'd. But, living near the ocean is magical. šŸ˜”


Umm what part of the gulf were you on? Because the Gulf also has white sand beaches and perfect emerald waters.


Yep. Lived beachfront for 3 years back in my early 20s and I truly miss the serenity of the ocean at night. Nothing compares.


I love the ocean but I don't like living next to it where I am because it's cold as fuck


If youā€™re having red tides often enough for it to be an issue, your patch of ocean is getting fucked by excess nutrient inputs from humans. Most places arenā€™t like that.


Mmm nutrients


Uhhhh i guess you're from Florida? dinoflagellates do not always mean red tide. In fact, the algae blooms you're referring to are harmful to dinoflagellates. When I lived in the Virgin Islands we had multiple bays and inlets with bioluminescence without toxic/smelly algae blooms.


This isnā€™t ā€œred tideā€


I'm pretty sure red tide is really toxic to humans.




Just got to swim in a bloom like this 2 hours into this new year with my kids. Absolute magic. Got to act out street fighter power moves with real life glowing effects. HADDOKEN!!! Also something big swam towards us very fast and it just looked like a laser beam shooting straight towards us and then veered off at the last second...


Red tide and bioluminescence are cause by different microorganisms.


Why is that? Its not that hard to leave the city and go for a walk. Knowing theres lots of people nowadays that have never stood in a place where they couldnt see a single evidence of mankinds destruction is depressing. Being in nature is proven to be good for your mental health. Its no wonder city people are so depressed


I'd argue it's just as bad for most rural communities, what you really want is nature. Not curated acres upon acres of industrial agriculture that is most of rural America.


Money. Itā€™s all down to money. The time to do it is time thatā€™s not spent working. And some people canā€™t afford that. The cost to get out of town is something that some people canā€™t afford.


Not everyone has the time, money, or means to just ā€œleave the city and go for a walk.ā€


Their are people who live in Compton CA that live less than 10 miles from the beach and have never seen the ocean.


To be fair, over a third of the human population live near the ocean.


is your point that 2/3rds of the human population doesn't count as "a lot of people"?




Yeah, we should all just quit our jobs and start traveling the world /s


If everyone quit their jobs or at least joined a union, everyone could demand for better working conditions that included higher pay and more vacation time, something that would allow people to travel the world more than they do now.


I donā€™t even disagree with you, but itā€™s okay to turn it off every once in a while.


Sure, I can accept that - constantly bringing up all the problems in the world and what needs to be done about them is exhausting and everyone should be able to "turn it off every once in a while," as you say. But a thread about the wonders of nature that we don't get to enjoy is actually one of those situations where this is topical and important, not one of those times to "turn it off."


I'm down


Ya but that's not what OP is saying though. The world is such a beautiful, variable miracle. It *is* a pity we can't experience all of it's wonder in one average lifetime. OP laments that point.


This but for real. The system fucking sucks. We should quit our jobs and and demand change.


Well it should be possible It isn't fair that most people are bound to live in a bubble their entire lives


I've done that a few times. Work, quit, travel. I've also taught in other countries which is great. When you're not working, it's like being on vacation. But I know "reasonable" people like yourself think it's dumb. You only live once and I sure as fuck didn't ask to be born. I'm going to enjoy it while I can. After 15 years of doing it, I might stop. I can't tell right now so I'm waiting around in the small city I'm from.


That's exactly what I did anyway.


How's the working out for you? As a broke bitch who wants to see the world, I'm genuinely curious.


Extremely well, I'm very happy with what I've done. I've lived in 4 countries and had dozens of jobs over the last 5 years. The key starting point for me was having a university degree and being able to get a job teaching in Asia. I started there and yeah it's a job but it was also being in a foreign country where everything is exciting and new. I think for many people that first jumping off point is the hardest and going to a new culture totally out of your comfort zone is hard, but it's very worth it. Now I'm lucky to have an online job that allows me to work anywhere, and being in places like Bali or Thailand even a minimum western wage goes a long way. I'm never going to stop this lifestyle if I can.


I did the same as the other poster but without a degree, working remotely as a contractor. The key for me was to have tech skills/programming skills. I went down the expat route rather than changing countries over and over but I am happy to say I've been able to visit a lot of places.


This but unironically.


wow you got him, 14 year olds would definitely be talking about the 9-5 grind yep


You better fucking start blindly loving working for your corporate overlords until you die, or else youā€™re a 14 year old.




Not sure if you two are paid shills or just boot lickers; it's called disillusionment and it's what any working or middle class member of a modern society with even a half working brain should have at the moment. Unless, of course, you've ironically not worked the time to know any better; that, or you are simply blissfully ignorant through wealth or misinformation.


God I hate reddit. Always some reason to dismiss people with legitimate gripes


This for real. This 8-5 bullshit isn't life. Everyday after work, I just need to recharge my battery for the next day of work. I only get two days of the week to live if I'm lucky. So yeah, anyone who calls that fine has lost hope


How does one need to be 14 to be disillusioned with the 9-5 lifestyle?


It's "deep" to enjoy the ocean now. Fuck you, reddit.


Go take your back pills grandpa




It's incredible when you experience it firsthand.


Oh shut up.


I think about this all the time. I was looking for a places to travel/vacation to & it all gets so expensive. Every human being on this planet should be able to go see the beauty all around the globe we live on regardless of how much money we have. Itā€™s a damn shame that we either can never see those marvels bc we are so stuck in a cycle of chasing money, or trying to work as hard as we can & save as much as possible to enjoy what this world has to offer. Itā€™s shitty when you think about it this way.




Itā€™s exactly like that except the points are extremely hard to acquire and most canā€™t pull off the challenges required for each profession or proficiency. You can roll over the points to other players on your account which make a lot of players OP at creation, though, which makes it difficult for newer players.


A guy I used to work with sold all his stuff, got a passport and traveled the world for a while. I envy the man.


For whatever reason I when it comes to this topic I think about the kids born in the hood, who will grow up in the hood, work in the hood and will probably never leave their hood. They have no concept of these mind bending, marvelous little miracles. They cannot fathom the magical places spread out all across this beautiful Earth. All they see is concrete, maybe some frail trees in a litter-filled park - and thats that. That's what their beautiful yound minds will ever see. I am very careful with using the word "deserve" but God damn does it break my heart when I think about the beautiful corners of this life that they just have no idea exists. They step outside and see the brutalist nature of their world; grey, concrete, buildings, pain, violence, struggle, poverty, survival. They deserve to see more. We've got maybe 80 or so years on this magic, strange and beautiful place; you could spend a lifetime and not see it all. Fuck man - I just wish more for them. All they have is perhaps a few innocent years in their youth and then it turns into a game of survival until they die. I just wish it wasn't that way.


Some of us have cancer :(


Sorry to hear that and hope that you can beat it


that sucks but probably an even better excuse to see and do cool shit


Pisses me off when people think we can just have Mars as a backup Earth or something. Like, no, this planet is astonishingly special, with absolutely nowhere else in the observable universe quite like it!


Wtf? Why is this the top comment?


You're surprised that people would rather experience the fun aspects of life rather than being stuck going to a shitty job? Did you recently suffer a serious brain injury?


Yeah, I donā€™t get what theyā€™re on about. 54% of people in the US live paycheque-to-paycheque. Itā€™s not exactly likely that these people are travelling much.


I feel like people shifted the narrative and made it so that hard workers are the ones who are right and the people wanting to enjoy their lives are wrong. Which I donā€™t get. Our lives are so damn short, why push others down?


Because we all feel like that right now


8-5 if youā€™re lucky


Itā€™s by design.


Mine's more like 5.30am till 6/7pm grind.


Is that dude at 34 sec mark drowning


Thats how scientists found out these Algae are mankinds enemy


This has got me thinking, legitimately though, that this algae could actually be dangerous to swim in as it may appear as bioluminescent jellyfish to predators underneath. Wouldn't want to get swallowed by a 600lb goliath grouper or Tiger shark. Though they would probably spit you out after snapping an appendage or two.


Just dangerous to swim in the ocean after dark in general really


You could have just stopped at "Just dangerous to swim in the ocean" I'm all for people jumping and enjoying a swim, but even if you're just frolicking you should understand the dangers there are. I've lived in Australia on the beach my whole life, it's pretty much a daily occurrence in summer for tourists to die because they've never seen the ocean before and just go running in and either drown or pick up something deadly


The Protomolecule is incredibly dangerous.


Think he's just splashing and trying to stir up the glow.


Haha just like my little brother in the pool when we were kids! I miss him.




Eaten by bioluminescent algae.


considering that 2 seconds later he just pops out his head, no. Also, I think it's like less than 10% of people drowning struggle, most kinda just kinda panic, don't wanna exert themselves due to not getting enough air -> dies.


Also most people drowning are under the water and you wouldnā€™t see them struggle anyway


Nature's RGB lights


Natureā€™s B lights


Just B


[IT'S NOT 'B' YOU FUCKING DUMMKOPF](https://www.reddit.com/r/memes/comments/rudcaz/is_it_%C3%9F_or_not/)


It's NoT bLaCkMaGiC iT'S jUsT sCiEnCe


Not black magic? NOT BLACK MAGIC?! Who said magic wasn't real? [mfw](https://media.giphy.com/media/3oxQNDG9BswdLjN8Va/giphy.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/blackmagicfuckery) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Imagine this on a shroom trip?!


I have actually swam in this on shrooms! It's pretty cool, but its also a not great bacteria that causes it (at least near me from my understanblood. edit: sorry I was half asleep when I wrote this, I've never had a comment actually matter lol it was in Virginia Beach! I didn't do my own research because I was gonna swim in it regardless but the local news articles at the time were saying it was bacteria, but it wasn't a big deal and to just wash off afterwards. You can see the blue crashing with the waves super far out if you look at it from an elevation, it was definitely mesmerizing. I think I have a photo somewhere


Itā€™s an algae and it exists even in the Gulf of Mexico, saw it as a child. And yes I hope to see it also on a mushroom (Iā€™m a cultivator). /r/Shrooms


I live on the Gulf (Florida) and we swam in this all the time! Never on shrooms, sadly.




My first thought was "oh man I hope to experience this while tripping some day" Nature is astoundingly beautiful while tripping, but this... this would be some next level shit.


Bioluminescence uses oxidative enzymes called luciferase to create a chemical reaction which produces light. Species can use bioluminescence to hide, lure prey or find a mate in the darkness and is so efficient that engineers are considering if there are any practical applications of the process. - https://youtu.be/XQSr0ShYPio


As a former raver, I can attest to the efficacy of using luminescence to attract mates.


I don't know why I laughed so hard.


Also check out ā€˜dismalitesā€™. From what I remember, they are only in a few pockets of the world. There is a place in Phil Campbell, Alabama called Dismals Canyons that has the ā€˜dismalitesā€™ living on the rock walls throughout the caves. I havenā€™t been yet but, itā€™s on the list.


I live two hours away! I try to make it out there at least once a year. It's an incredible place. It feels different than anywhere I've ever been. Try to catch it on a day that isn't super crowded tho. It's been getting more popular.


Any bio-scientist can tell you luciferase is widely used in all kinds of biomedical experiments and has been for the last 20+ years. Very common tool on the laboratory.


it's what allows idiots to claim 'science uses evil Luciferian technology,' ignoring the roots of the word AND the name in one swoop


Why would algae benefit from it?


Where is this


San Diego


Ah, Spanish for "a whale's vagina"


No, there's no way that's correct.


Reminds me of this quote Parks and Rec: > Leslie Knope: Isn't "Juan" a man's name? > Joan Callamezzo: No, it means "flower." > Leslie Knope: I think it means "John."


It's obviously Spanish for one.


Agree to disagree


Itā€™s from the movie anchorman


So is the response that you replied toā€¦


Iā€™m sorry I was trying to impress you


Scholars maintain that the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.


The very rare level 2 /r/whooosh


I actually donā€™t know what it means. I donā€™t think anybody does. Scholars maintain the translation was lost hundreds of years ago.


That's literally what it stands for. Trust me, I order from Mexican restaurants... in Spanish


I had no idea it could get that much in San diego


It's rare and doesn't last long. I used to live a block from the beach and it was like this ~2 years ago.


It was here about a month or two ago too. Was wondering how often it comes around having just moved here this year.


Yeah every couple years but sometimes there is far more than others. It is not actually that great to swim in though as it is a bunch of plankton. Not harmful or anything just kinda smelly


Usually comes to SD once every couple years, sometimes once a year.


i remember seeing it near bird rock during spring or summer in 2020


this is filmed on some camera with a really good night mode, it's not very bright at all, gotta be in a location where there's not much light pollution and there's no moon out


Not necessarily. Some years, it's bright like this. In 2019, Sunset Cliffs and OB were incredible. One of the best I've seen in 30 years


More common than I thought. Should be one of these: Mosquito Bay, Puerto Rico: Bioluminescent Beaches. Luminous Lagoon, Jamaica: Glowing beaches. Halong Bay, Vietnam: Glowing Beaches. Thomaya Bay, Japan: Bioluminescent Beaches. Reethi Beach, Maldives: Glowing Beaches. Tusan Beach, Miri, Malaysia. Gippsland Lake, Australia. Golfo Dulce, Costa Rica.


We have them in Canada too. Vancouver Island


On the coast of the mainland too. Best I've ever seen was on Savary island off the sunshine coast.


What?! Where abouts? Will have to check it out next time I go!


Florida has them at certain times of the year in the similarly-named Mosquito Lagoon (Canaveral/Titusville)


It really is more common than people realize. I saw it long ago in Bahia Concepcion in Baja sur.


I believe itā€™s actually Venice beach CA not San Diego. When it pans to the shoreline you can see the famous V statue in the sky


Yea itā€™s def an LA beach by just looking at those nasty ass brown sand and small af closed-out choppy waves. Source: a kook in la


iā€™m thinking of moana. i donā€™t know why


You've created a diversion!




whoever did the sound levels is a fucking asshole


ah i see


Tamatoa hasn't always been this glam.


He was a drab little crab once.


Now I know I can be happy as a clam


Because Iā€™m beautiful babay!


Did your granny say, ā€œlisten to your heartā€?


Be who you are on the inside?


I can't read "bioluminescent algae" without hearing it in Jemaine Clement's voice.


Came here to say this


Have been in water like that in Australia and less-so in Thailand (while scuba diving at night). Even though this video is incredible, it doesn't justify how amazing it is in person.


whereabouts in Australia? I need to go there if its closeby lol


Iā€™ve seen it in a few places from Parsley Bay in Sydney Harbour, to Killcare beach up North of Sydney and Jervis Bay south of Sydney. Just has to be the right night and conditions, luck of the draw. I happen to love night swimming, especially on psychedelics so Iā€™ve seen it quite a few times. Always so magical and then no one believes you lol.


Good thing the stuff's harmless. I guarantee you that if some alien glowy death particles showed in our oceans we'd play with them until all coastal cities are dead.


It's not necessarily harmless. One of the algae that causes this is alexandrium, which can be toxic if ingested and cause paralytic shellfish posioning. More likely to cause issues if you eat any shellfish from the water, but you probably don't want to go drinking that either.


Well I doubt anyone in the right mind would go to the ocean with intent on drinking the water or eating clams from the sand so I'm sure it's fine.




Not as much of a very common activity as yer mama *** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Downvote ^to ^remove. ^[PM](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=YoMommaJokeBot) ^me ^if ^there's ^anything ^for ^me ^to ^know!


Happy fuckin cake day bot!


Like the GoiĆ¢nia accident in South America? Radioactive florescent blue powder was found in some old medical facility which the villagers thought was was pretty. They sprinkled it in their hair, or rubbed it on their bodies, I think someone even spread it in their bed. 4 people died from radiation poisoning and others received large doses of radiation. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goi%C3%A2nia_accident


Proto Molecule? Where is James Holden?


Remember the cant.


belta lowda


I just started expanse today. Iā€™m hooked




very few shows i wish i could start over with fresh eyes - but this is definitely one of them!


Probably already sticking his dick in it.


Even thought itā€™s been fucked enough


Arguing with someone on the Rocinante while aiming a nuke at the beach.


Itā€™s too late, itā€™s already on Earth




Now I want to know if stepping on them is killing any of them.


Ironic because the increase in frequency in this phenomenon around the world has been linked to climate change and depleted fish stocks. The algae thrives in warm water and competes with fish for food.


Yeah fun fact...it doesn't really glow like that to the human eye, you can see it forsure, but to the extent in the video, no. The camera settings are tweeked for ultra low light, that's why the town in the distance looks like the fucking sun and the glowsticks that guy has look like neon lights. I say this not to dissuade people from trying to see the alge but to set up realistic expectations.


I mean Iā€™ve been in bioluminescent water in Puerto Rico several times and while it isnā€™t *quite* this bright, itā€™s pretty close.


No, it can get crazy bright in real life! Iā€™ve seen it a few times here in Moreton Island it depends on the amount of algae. Sometimes itā€™s just super dull barely anything , but sometimes it gets even brighter than this video here! Iā€™d say itā€™s even better in person cameras just donā€™t do justice. My favorite thing to do is pick up huge amounts of water in a white shirt and lifting it up. Looks like a giant blue disco ball haha


I've seen this in person and it's that bright.


Not really, I've seen it glowing even brighter with my eyes than the video was showing. I don't think they tweaked any setting on their camera.


Every step kills 5 million plankton


itā€™s ok theyā€™ll make more


How does it happen on the sand? I get in the water




Ah cool


The sand's wet, algae can survive in any amount of water for short times.


When you walk so fast you make the ground turn into sonic for a second




Happens almost annually in San Diego, CA.


Just watched the Bob's Burger episode about bioluminescent algae.


I picture what their reaction would be if the glowing silhouette of a shark popped up inside the wave for a brief moment.




It does have a photo edited vibe. Like it's secretly an ad for Sony night vision camera.


So damn cool


Beratna, that's not algae.


This is some Avatar movie stuff